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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11716132 No.11716132 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched the big short and it was kinda okay.

>> No.11716141

Quick capture the specimen! We need her for our research!


>> No.11716143

The China hustle

>> No.11716160

margin call my nigger

>> No.11716161

I like the margin call and Wall Street 1.

>> No.11716188

It's more about tech than markets, but has anybody seen the AMC orignal series Halt and Catch Fire?

>> No.11716283

american psycho
wolf of wall street

>> No.11716297

Big Short?

>> No.11716314

>Rachel Cook
>She kills the Yellow girl

>> No.11717230

>It's more about tech than markets, but has anybody seen the AMC orignal series Halt and Catch Fire?
I did and I think it’s great. I’m old enough to remember those days and to me anyway, it really captures the spirit of pcs and then internet in th 90s. Yeah, it’s a tv show, so definitely poetic license taken but I thought it was great. Kind of amazing how they were able to write engaging story arcs even though you kind of know what is going to happen in the end. I.e. you know you that yahoo and then google are going to win. Also, thought the characters and their interaction were pretty great too.

Very underrated show imho and highly recommended for anyone who wants to know about tech business

>> No.11717299

I watched like three episodes of it and I was super excited to watch it before I started.

> poetic license

That's what's ruined it. It could have been such great show and the way they recreated the atmoshpere and everything in it is absolutely awesome.

But they overdid too much with the stories that have no business being there.

Still, anons, give that show a try, it's similar to what's happening in crypto right now too.

>> No.11717326
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Whites are the master race - confirmed.

>> No.11717333

The China Hustle

>> No.11717440
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if you have the patience for a silent film watch this

>> No.11717772

It wasn't perfect, Cameron was a bit over the top, but overall I thought it was very good. I'm fascinated by that setting as well. Do you know of any good documentaries or even movies/series about that scene? I can't get enough.

>> No.11718011

Boiler room
Wizard of lies

>> No.11718062

The Simpsons movie

>> No.11718662

Boiler Room

>> No.11719296

The Big Short is nice

>> No.11720147

Glengarry Glen Ross
Betting on Zero
Sour Grapes

>> No.11720215

Somewho I liked the movie Rogue Trader

>> No.11720309

>Do you know of any good documentaries or even movies/series about that scene?
So, none that are as good as halt and catch fire.
There was a movie — can’t remember name of it but Anthony Michael Hall played bill gates and Noah Wylie played Steve Jobs. That was ok. Kind of showed some of the drama behind Jobs/Gates rivalry.

Not EXACTLY on the same subject but the documentary “King of Kong” was kind of interesting about rise of coin op video games that was KIND of from the same era.

Also, can’t remember the name of it but there was a interesting recent feature documentary about rise of internet, but it was more focused on 60s and 70s. Sorry I can’t be more help. I’d be interested if other anons had suggestions as well.

Probably an obvious point but SO MANY of the movies even vaguely on this topic are WAY over the top like “Hackers” and shit that are just goofy hollywood plots about scrappy underdogs taking on evil overlords. What was interesting about Halt and CAtch Fire to me was, as we noted, the intersection of BUSINESS.

ACtually just thought of another — there was an interesting documentary on the rise and fall of Atari. On mobile and can’t remember the name of that — but highly recommended.

>> No.11720331

Atari one is Called Atari: Game Over

>> No.11720339

me too

>> No.11720347

we're unironically living a movie right now
assuming you bought LINK