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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11715664 No.11715664 [Reply] [Original]

Best coin to invest 100$ today and take profits out in few days?

>> No.11715671

faggot coin
just roll up the bill and put it up your ass

>> No.11715683

Maybe you like it but I dont so fuck off retard

>> No.11715696

bch short

>> No.11715701

for retarded questions answered by similar retards go to plebbit. If you expect anything else than /biz/raelis calling you faggot you didn't do your research

>> No.11715723

Go fuck your gay boys you pussy hater bitch shitty asshole

>> No.11715781


>> No.11715792

I'll tell ya

But lets not and say we did.

>> No.11715816

I tell you are faggot, lets meet im gunna crush your head with giant red red metal dildo

>> No.11715864

bitconnect, you fucking brainlet

>> No.11715886
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some of u goys are alright. long Bitcoin SV.

>> No.11716361

>$100 per coin

>no thanks

maybe if i was very rich i would do that but I doubt its going up much. Might go to 200 and wowowe i made $100. Not even worth transferring btc to an exchange for such a small profit

>> No.11716422


jeezus how much would you expect to make on your $100?

100% return is not too fucking shabby.

>> No.11716522

I could probably invest $500 at the most but i don't want to sell my other shitcoins at a loss because i've been hodling them all year. I've never used polinex before, how do I aquire the usdc token so i can buy bch-sv?