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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11715593 No.11715593 [Reply] [Original]

Look biz, after v2 when VM and Push Button Deployable Blockchains come out along with smart bridges, ark will pick up use cases and in turn partnerships, experiencing exponential growth.

Be patient, ark's tech really is incredible stuff and the reason why its still dropping is because the current crypto market is predominantly fuelled by hype and not technology/project fundamentals.

However, in the long run, perhaps a few years down the line or maybe even sooner, all the projects that were fuelled mainly by hype and truthfully are just vapourware/poor projects technologically will become extinct, and coins with good communities, solid fundamentals and a hardworking team will still be around, providing the framework of the cryptoworld. Can you imagine in a year or two time where any person/business/coorporation wants to make their own blockchain and instead of making it from scratch i.e on ethereum they can just make one in literally less that a fucking hour with the click of a button? Couple this up with any future bull runs where many people will once again want to create new blockchain projects/new coins and projects popping up everyday? This literally could be the next ethereum like coin for the next/future bullruns.

From an investment point of view this coin incredibly ticks all the boxes too, with around 100 million circulating supply and less that a $100 million market cap (similar to ETH), allowing room for good return on investment, and making it easier for this coin to achieve a high monetary value rather than other tokens with higher supplies nearing 1 billion.

Ark has always been a project that will 'hype' when it has something to 'hype' about. They are building a solid base and framework first with undeniably impressive tech...the ALL IN ONE BLOCKCHAIN SOLUTION. Trust me anons, screen cap this, turn it into a copypasta, arkies will have made it one day.

>> No.11715734

Aergo will be the leading dPoS

>> No.11715766

Centralized, failing scam shitcoin is what it is
Get out while you still can
You have been warned

>> No.11715770
File: 155 KB, 602x800, 4C78865D-0D5B-4C48-94A4-20C876D879F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bark for Ark!!!!

>> No.11715772

DPoS is garbage if your Block producers are unnamed entities or insert_shit_tier_college undergrads.

Do they even have trustworthy block producers?

>> No.11715914

Is it that bad?

>> No.11716004

>push button (shit tier) blockchains.
>shit tier

>> No.11716530

To say it’s centraized is pretty laughable.

It’s been hovering between 10k-12k sats for a couple months now.

Still a great project, they just need to release the big pieces of their road map so the FUD spewers can see the glory of Ark