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11714891 No.11714891 [Reply] [Original]

i'm 100% convinced now that Dave Kleinman is 100% involved in being Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi Nakamoto is either a 1-person, 2-person, or 3-person team.

1-person team = Dave Kleinman. Dave Kleinman wrote the whitepaper and coded it himself, with the help of Hal Finney, but Hal does not know who Satoshi is. Jeff Garzik said bitcoin code was good but eccentric, not from a classically trained programmer.
Craig Wright has nothing to do with Bitcoin whitepaper, but he knows Dave Kleinman is Satoshi because they were business friends.

2-person team = Dave Kleinman and Craig Wright. Craig Wright as Satoshi and Dave Kleinman as coder. Hal Finney helped out but was not part of Satoshi Nakamoto team.

3-person team = Dave Kleinman, Craig Wright and Hal Finney. Craig Wright as Satoshi, and Dave Kleinman and Hal FInney as coders.

Fuck man. Knowing that Craig Wright could very well be Satoshi Nakamoto, what will this do to the price of BTC? I know that "BTCSV" price would go through the roof! guess 1/1/2020 is the day of reckoning.

>> No.11714901

Finally cracked it, and with zero evidence to back it up. Must be exciting for you

>> No.11714904

I am not satoshi. Ask me anything.

>> No.11714925

Both Dave and Hal dead. Smh medicine need to step up its game

>> No.11714942



>> No.11714961

when are you goona move a single cone

>> No.11714962

They all worked on it together.
Likely with the help of Nick and others.

>> No.11714967

hey guise its me satoshi nakamoto over here

>> No.11715016

>he doesn't know that Sir Gay is Satoshi
might as well just off yourself by now.

>> No.11715054

Better not tell you now.

>> No.11715057

i used to think it was Nick Szabo as Satoshi and Hal Finney as his right hand man coder.
but now after digging deeper into this rabbit hole, i think it's 100% Dave Kleinman as Satoshi Nakamoto.

Dave wrote the bitcoin whitepaper (and perhaps his business buddy Craig Wright edited it).

Dave also coded the eccentric first version of bitcoin (and Hal Finney helped him cleaned up and fixed shitload of bugs)

Dave Kleinman is Satoshi Nakamoto, and he is dead. Craig Wright knows this and that is why he is so confidently masquerading as Satoshi.

If Craig had a hand in editing the whitepaper (specifically the part about "in favor of big blocks") then can he be considered "part of the Satoshi Nakamoto" team? If Dave was Satoshi and either he wrote the part about in favor of big blocks or he allowed Craig to edit it then probably means he's in favor of big blocks. THIS IS MASSIVELY IMPORTANT.

This means that Craig Wright's Satoshi's Vision was correct about big blocks, and that "BCHSV" is the true Bitcoin and not the current BTC. If this is the case then BTC could go to 0. Scary thought. Imma gonna go git me some "BCHSV" as soon as it's available other than poloniex.

>> No.11715067



>> No.11715138


>Craig Wright knows this and that is why he is so confidently masquerading as Satoshi.

and him being a sociopath would make a video like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVtOkE5vHbY

>> No.11715154
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>> No.11715502

"It is also notable that Kleiman was hospitalised in late 2010. Gavin Andresen became lead developer of Bitcoin in December 2010 and Satoshi then disappeared."

satoshi's last post on bitcointalk was in december 2010.

>> No.11715508

I always stay out of these threads, but fuck it... Why doesn't Craig just prove he is Satoshi and let that be the end of the story

>> No.11715516

there were at least two, probably 3 or more people who posted under the satoshi message board handle. if you closely examine all the posts, you can clearly distinguish seperate writing styles over time. he even said things that contradicted himself, because one team member would post something before consulting with the others

>> No.11715553

Why are you ignoring the possibility of a team with Dave in it where Craig is just some asshole who knew Dave was involved?
Oh thats right, it's because youre a retarded paid shill

>> No.11715557

imagine holding keys worth of billions
you wouldn't touch it until it's seriously really necessary

>> No.11715579

Dave and Craig are both Satoshi.
Just watch this video guys!

>> No.11715632
File: 84 KB, 610x473, pc1-610x473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello, you are currently what's known in the industry as a "clueless brainlet faggot".

Satoshi has already basically been proven to be Gavin without a shadow of a doubt because he has the exact same syntactic patterns as the white paper.

There's so many posts suddenly cropping up about how people other than Gavin are Satoshi since this study came out that I can only imagine that stupid fucking Gavin is paying retards to spread disinfo.

Anyway, you're full of shit. Bye.

>> No.11715634

there's no way Craig Wright is Satoshi himself or the leader of Satoshi Nakamoto group. A loud mouth like him would never have been able to keep a secret for so long. Satoshi has to be Dave Kleinman or he's the leader and Craig either knows Dave Kleinman is Satoshi or he's a part of the group, but not the leader. Craig was not the satoshi on bitcointalk.org, Dave Kleinman was.

>> No.11715654

it's possible that Gavin could have peer-reviewed the whitepaper and made edits to it, but the leader of the Satoshi Nakamoto small group is Dave Kleinman.

whitepaper first version was immaculate, definitely had to be peer-reviewed.

>> No.11715684


>I counter your concrete evidence with my baseless fantasy idea

Never gonna make it

>> No.11716144

>Satoshi Nakamoto is either a 1-person, 2-person, or 3-person team.
or 4, or 5, or 6, definitely not 7, possibly 8, definitely not 9, very likely 10. do you realize how big of a dumbfuck you are? ... a genuinely stupid person

>> No.11716234


OK I've looked into this and here is what I reckon happened.

Craig Wright wanted to make Bitcoin but didn't get much further than shitposting to people he knew about it. Basically an ideas guy. Kleiman then started to work on the system as Wright had by then probably secured a loan to pay for the work, which is why he was in financial trouble so much. Drawing upon the expertise and work of Nick Szabo, Kleiman drafted up most of the Bitcoin system but by then Gavin Andresen had also started to contribute to the project and volunteered to write it up into a white paper and continued to post under the Satoshi name in forums. The Satoshi name was originally used by Wright, Gavin and Kleiman in the mailing lists and emails, and during this early time Wright and Kleiman started mining as much BTC as they could, and had a legal agreement made between Wright, Gavin and Kleiman to split the funds. Kleiman died which caused some legal drama for Wright over the custody of their mined coins.

>> No.11716266

jesus you delusional make-believing fantasy fiction retards are too stupid to be on the internet. just end it already

>> No.11716316


minister you, satoshi-san

>> No.11716433

i think somehow Hal Finney has to be in it from the start, that is why the name Satoshi Nakamoto was chosen. I just think it's too coincidental for someone to have just randomly chosen the name Satoshi Nakamoto without ever communicating with Hal Finney, who happens to have a neighbor by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto.

I think the leader of the group was Dave Kleinman. He was in communication with Hal Finney before they decided on the name Satoshi Nakamoto. The bitcoin whitepaper was written by Dave Kleinman and privately peer-reviewed small group of people, perhaps including Hal, Craig, and Gavin. Dave then released the bitcoin paper under the moniker satoshi.

>> No.11716541
File: 32 KB, 728x546, CORRECT COCKATIEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you are right, I would like to retract all insults, you are most venerated poster on biz

minister you, fPmWQrSe

>> No.11716567
File: 269 KB, 457x423, 1526570743483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw based satoshi btfo all the shitcoins on the market

>> No.11716580

Btw its not kleinman its kleiman

>> No.11716801

OH...............NOW YOU GUYS ALL BELIEVE, FUCK YOU ALL. I've been saying Craig was Satoshi from day one. He just acts like an asshole in the beginning because since he was outed he wanted to be disguised "out in the open." He is the real Satoshi and all will realize after this drama is completed. Gavin knows, he wouldn't risk his whole reputation in computer science if it wasn't real.

>> No.11716860

the way Kleiman died and the details of the scene including the bullet hole through his mattress always made me wonder wtf happened with him

>> No.11716914

Craig could very be collaborating with Dave on the bitcoin whitepaper, but i think the satoshi posting in bitcointalk.org was Dave.

If Craig was posting as satoshi in bitcointalk.org then i think he wouldn't have been able to keep his vulger mouth shut.

And I think when people think of Satoshi Nakamoto they're thinking of the person behind the satoshi monikr in bitcointalk.org, and that's Dave

I think if it is discovered that Craig Wright played a big part in the bitcoin whitepaper then BCHSV would moon violently

But what if Craig Wright only had minor parts in the bitcoin whitepaper, would he still be considered as part of the Satoshi Nakamoto group with Dave as leader? Would BCHSV still be the true bitcoin?

>> No.11716935

>Kleiman died
someone mentioned that bitcoin mooned bigtime in April 2013 when Kleiman died, they must thought that 1M bitcoin was taken out of the supply

>> No.11716951


Craig is Satoshi in the same way that Steve Jobs was "Apple".

Basically an ideas guy and showboating loud mouth without any real talent who took out a loan to get the real Satoshi, Dave, to do the actual work for him, along with some collaboration from Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, Gavin etc

So yes Craig is Satoshi in a limited and fundamentally meaningless sense.

>> No.11716969


>> No.11716978

i can buy this theory.

>> No.11716991

If CSW was satoshi, he would have flippened real BTC by now. He may have been involved in the project, but too much talk not enough proof is a sure sign that there *is no proof*.

Hal Finney, Dave Kleinman, Nick Sczabo or some combination are all much more believable.

>> No.11717010
File: 71 KB, 634x636, 1539861386096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this immediately

>> No.11717013

It was a 3 person team (the 3 guys you mentioned). But Nick Szabo and Adam Back have feedback on the white paper.

>> No.11717050

this, at most.

>> No.11717145

People just don't seem to trust Craig, impression of him is that of a con-artist, in it just for the money.

If it turns out that Bitcoin was concocted by Craig and Dave then I think it would not be good news for Bitcoin(and its forks). Blockchain technology will still be good and praised but Bitcoin would crash as people see it as a pyramid scheme concocted by money grubbing, power hungry con-artist like Craig to reward the early miners.

>> No.11717202

>i think he wouldn't have been able to keep his vulger mouth shut.

"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you"


>> No.11717237

this seems pretty civil compared to a lot of shit he spewed in twitter.

>> No.11717518

> gavin wrote the whitepaper
Gavin didn't start working with satoshi until 2010. You newfags make me sick

>> No.11717548

fascinating vid

calvin seems to be pretty confident in knowing who satoshi is.

>> No.11717571

Nick was involved in some way.
There was a post on dreadit that examined
the way that Craig , Hal, Dave, and Nick
spoke on boards & in public.

Nick's sentences contain a ton of information in them and they kind of run on. Craig attacks people with information and has a ton of words that emphasize emotion.

Nick's also written papers before and Hal taught at Cal Tech. Since the white paper is basically an Academic Paper explaining what Bitcoin is , the idea to publish it let alone write it came from them.

>> No.11717619

i used to think Nick was Satoshi himself, but now i'm not so sure. Nick is for small block size, but whitepaper is for big blockers.

Craig writes academic papers too. I think Dave and Craig co-wrote the whitepaper and several people including, Hal, possibly Nick peer-reviewed

>> No.11717642

>calvin seems to be pretty confident
absolutely confident, read his body language. he is certain. watch any video with CSW speaking and read his body language. I have seen videos where he purposely zooms his camera into his face so anyone paying attention can read him. 100% confident.

>> No.11717686

there's a tinge of british spelling in the whitepaper too, and craig is an aussie

>> No.11717809

Dave Kleinman was a IT guy at the police LMAAOO. Why do people think he was SN?

>> No.11717833

Are you fucking dumb? Satoshi was szabo, Hal, and wei.

>> No.11717882

dude's a fucking genius. the original bitcoin code was buggy and eccentric, "not done by classically trained programmer" - jeff garzik

satoshi stopped posting in bitcointalk in december 2010, kleiman put himself in VA hospital in december 2010

>> No.11717935

Whitepaper isn’t for big blockers did you just read an edited version on bitcoincash dot com?