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File: 37 KB, 570x480, nChain_BitcoinSV_small2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11713673 No.11713673 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11713681

i'm tired of this shit

>> No.11713685
File: 11 KB, 246x205, 1537169794361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm tired of this shit

>> No.11714046

Check dat volume tho

>> No.11714089

Are you going to use it?

>> No.11714151


>> No.11714177
File: 72 KB, 323x323, 14912983719237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11714186


>> No.11714191

Use what you fucking spastic?

>> No.11714209

S2X. same shit. :-) Gonna laugh my ass off.

>> No.11714213

Alright, you're just a speculator.

>> No.11714349

abc down, sv up

>> No.11714555

Who cares? They're both shitcoins.

>> No.11715177


What is the expected price if SV wins?

>> No.11715257

i don't know but I bought it at 102 dollars

>> No.11715276

I make money on shitcoins

>> No.11715283

sell before fork and withdraw to cold storage

you don't want your coins in poloniex when it forks, it's more risky

>> No.11715288

>Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision
this name screams scam, this will probably be p&d constantly, like bcash

>> No.11715295

I'm waiting to 120$ again to sell all. 25% profits.
if it goes to 103$ imma sell aswell at 1%

>> No.11715313

or trade into USDC before fork

>> No.11715324

its fucking free I love to trade it there

I think 120$ BCHSV is the top and it's time to short it

What yo say frens?

>> No.11715330

Those coins will not be valid in the SV chain. CSW has already said that all split coins will be blacklisted and rewarded to the miners

>> No.11715336

all in tether before wednesday and an XRP reserve guyz

>> No.11715379

Another fake Bitcoin, I bet you have a fake Rolex as well.

>> No.11715480

i bet your mum has fake tits

>> No.11715492
File: 1.35 MB, 1676x992, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake Bitcoin
actually it's btc fake coin

>> No.11715543

Oh, my bad. Is that why Bakkt is taking physical delivery of BTC? Maybe that’s why Fidelity Investments is taking physical delivery of BTC?

>> No.11715573

Is your counsel house comfy AF?

>> No.11715585

not as comfy as resting my head on your mum's tits

>> No.11715586
File: 238 KB, 696x391, 1539085260689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck banks and kikes
>we need banks and wallstreet jews to pump our bags

>> No.11715606

The BCH split is entertaining because it brings the BCH faction's hypocrisies to bear.

"forking is governance!" – enjoy your fork
"only hash power matters" – so you'll support SV if it wins then?
"big blocks at all costs" – so you'll support SV (128 mb) over ABC (32 m

>> No.11715621
File: 46 KB, 465x407, EDA69B65-5153-42E8-9505-0C621169603A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now that CSW has been finally disavowed by even Bcashers, I'd love to hear more about the Tulip trust and how he's going to kill Bitcoin in 2020! A lot of "credible" HF/VCs told me this in earnest while pumping Bcash. I wonder what they believe now?
One thing that is consistent about the BCH crew is the submission to corporatism. Lots of talk about Bitmain "bailing out" the ABC side of the fork with a reallocation of hashpower. This is considered to be a good thing.

>> No.11715623

How are you supposed to withdraw bchsv to cold storage before it’s actually forked?

>> No.11715667


this kills the SVlets and ABCels

>> No.11715686

Its honestly depressing to know there are people like you in this world with such little shame.

>> No.11715719


>> No.11715760


>> No.11715835

They got BTFO.

>> No.11715935
File: 54 KB, 1129x679, bchsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO trace of ABC will be allowed to exist.

There is no capitulation and allowing ABC back. There is death. There is a software that is to be considered dishonest and cancer and will only be orphaned - no matter what rules they want to hide in

>> No.11716608

SV isn't a split it's what BCH will be after the upgrade, he's only going to blacklist coins sent from DSV nodes/addresses

>> No.11717306

trips of truth
who would fucking buy these shit coins

>> No.11717515

Nothing hypocritical about that

> "forking is governance!" – enjoy your fork
And they're changing the consensus rules with a fork, which others are free not to go with if they so choose, however stupid that choice may be.

> "only hash power matters" – so you'll support SV if it wins then?
"Win" doesn't mean anything in this context. If ABC and SV split, and they both are hashed by different sets of miners, now there's two forks. Let's say that SV attacks the ABC chain by dropping its own hashpower to do so. Firstly, that's pretty stupid as they're lowering their own defenses and reducing their own rewards to act as a thorn in the side of a potential competitor, and secondly, ABC will simply defend against those attacks. It's worth 4x SV already on the futures market, it will be able to defend its chain, assuming otherwise is simply wrong. And *lastly* even if all the large interests holding tons of BCH and holding tons of mining equipment also for some reason decide not to defend the chain, it takes one set of allies within the community to setup keyed mining where only blocks issued by a set of authorized keys are accepted as legitimate. Then all the unkeyed hashpower in the world will not be able to attack the chain, end of story.
No matter which way you look at it, SV can't prevent ABC from running their own chain, they can only compete.

> "big blocks at all costs" – so you'll support SV (128 mb) over ABC (32 m
That's exactly why CTOR is being added, costs are being taken into account. To improve the ability to process large blocks.
You've got two space missions scheduled, and the guy who is planning his space mission around a 747 is telling you he can take four times the payload of the guy planning it with a hydrazine rocket that works out of the atmosphere. Is the first mission better because the payload is four times larger, even though without a propulsion method that works outside the atmosphere it's guaranteed to fail?