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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11712108 No.11712108 [Reply] [Original]

>Join conference call
>Hello who just joined?
>Hi, its Karl from Business Transformation & Implementation Strategy
>Hi Karl, you're on the line with Deb & Frank from Digital Implementations & Apps, Joe from Digital Transformation, Todd from Midwest Regional Operations, an-
>*beep boop*
>Hello who just joined?
>Hello did someone just join?
>-ah! Sorry, I had my phone on mute. This is Steve from Implementation Analytics, Enterprise Intelligence & Data Science Infrastructure Solutions
>Hi Steve, you're on the line with Karl from Business Transformation & Implementation Strategy, Deb & Frank from Digital Implementations & Apps, Joe fr-
>*beep boop*
>Hello? Who just joined?

>> No.11712116

>Here is your new laptop bro, we got all the latest tools preinstalled

>> No.11712137

>Our team leads for the Inter-Regional Business Intelligence group have decided to post-pone the weekly meeting as we have been instructed to halt work on the regional framework placemats by corporate.

>We will let send an invite once the green light is given to continue.


>> No.11712149

>We're not trying to boil the ocean here.
>Lets put this on the backburner
>This wasn't on my radar, but it is now, thank you for bringing that up
>Todd do you have the numbers for last quarters write offs?
>Actually, lets hop on a quick call to discuss the latest AR reports

>> No.11712161

>Hi Jon, welcome to the team. we know you will be drinking from the firehose this week with all the new information youll be getting regarding the development plans, however youll understand that we need to attack year end goals on all fronts. the steering committee is going to meet soon and we need to be ready before they do.

>> No.11712172

Honestly though slack is fucking great for business.

>> No.11712183

> Hello, this is Steve from the intrabusiness Ombuds team.
> I just had a few announcements I wanted to cover from our last roundtable.
> ((Dogs Barking))
> ((Steve's voice pixilates))
> S.s.s.steve... are you there?
> Steve we're not hearing you.
> Steve can you call back in?
> Can someone text Steve?

>> No.11712197

Wagecucking sounds like hell. Not only the effort but putting up with all that idiocy must be mind numbing.

>> No.11712225

LMAO. this shit happened so many times to my project manager in the past.

>> No.11712229

If you use it right sure. Instead either you get everything in one giant channel, or thirty granular channels and even though they still got some overlapping topics

>> No.11712235

this is all too real and infuriating

>> No.11712240

Just fucking on point. Jesus

>> No.11712429
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>hey boss can I talk to you about my last payche-
>hey Anon can this wait until next Wednesday afternoon I'm a bit busy? -putting on sunglasses on his way out the door-

>> No.11712462

>Once we get the raw vendor files, we'll pass them on to Karl and extract insights from the data
>Karl is a real data rockstar, our inhouse guru
>We'll do a deep dive and slice the data through our key market segments

>> No.11712497

At this point you should blast the guy out the window and hope he lands on Kukrl

>> No.11712534


High-level, this thread is in my marketing budget.

>> No.11712563


I haven't seen this type of threads in a while. MOAR!

>> No.11712614
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Glad I'll never work in an office.

>> No.11712697

> ((Sound of Toilet Flushing))
> ((Dogs Barking))
> "Mom, have you seen my rash cream?"
> I just want to remind everyone to mute if you're not talking.
> To Mute it's star 6. Star 6! Everybody please dial star 6 if you're not currently speaking.
> Ok Jim please continue with your forecast.
> ((pause))
> ((pause))
> Jim are you still there?
> (pause))
> Jim?
> ((pause))
> Hello?.... Can you hear me now?
> Sorry I was muted.

>> No.11712727

>Alright gang great meeting!
How do you guys ever get anything done.

>> No.11712736

They don't.

>> No.11712810

what jobs are these in? There's none of these meetings in mine you either do it well and receive a "that'll do" or get absolutely ass blasted

>> No.11712845

This is one of the most accurate things I've ever seen on /biz/

>> No.11713654

>were currently looking through the dump files right now, it'll take some time.
>beep beep, hey this is John, can someone give me an update on our situation?
>the team is taking a dump right now

>> No.11713695

>Ah, no, we still use SVN.
>Been meaning to make the move to git but just haven't had the time, haha
>Don't worry it's really similar here let me just install TortoiseSVN

>> No.11713739

Holy shit I hate them all

>> No.11713772


>> No.11713799

>Hey Anon we uphold the highest coding standards here, glad you could join us
>for column in row
>for value in column
>for letter in value
>letter = letter + ‘ ‘