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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11711493 No.11711493 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11711518

>have probably the hardest test on my career tomorrow that will define my entire psyche for the rest of my career and probably is the inflection point of my life where it could go with an upward trend to victory and good wages or through complete misery out of depression
>be shitposting about links

we all gonna make it

>> No.11711536

Thanks wagie, means a lot knowing you support me. Joke! As if it be grateful for you, you're replaceable.

>> No.11711539

>he doesn’t get Veterans Day off

>> No.11711546

Then don't go.

>> No.11711547

Also how does it feel knowing you work for me? Must feel pretty bad wagie. *dabs*

>> No.11711563

>get double time and a half for veterans day
sorry sweaty <3

>> No.11711662



>> No.11711718


>> No.11711757



>> No.11711801

If you only knew...

>> No.11711834


>> No.11711849

>tfw at work getting high on my lunch break

don’t even give a fuck if customers notice

>> No.11711876

>work 45 hour weeks (7-5)
>only make 50k/year
>boring desk job, all my work is done by 10am
>sit and watch the clock until 5
>fight the urge to get up and leave town every day
>85k in student loan debt
>no gf
>lost all my money on imaginary monies

how JUST'd am i? is there any hope?

>> No.11711891
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I got one pinky up my nose and the other hand on my dick. Gonna go back to work tomorrow and do fuck all. We're all gonna make it frens

>> No.11712170
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it's Veterans Day, I get the day off

>> No.11712203


Based gubmint jobs

>> No.11712238

I work 50 hours a week and made 20,000 last year fuck you

>> No.11712275

ok i feel less bad now. do you have a mountain of debt too? i'd rather only make 20k with no debt than 50k with a lifetime of it

>> No.11712323

I'm so fucking jealous of office job wagies. At least you don't have to shovel dirt 10 hours a day surrounded by disgusting beaners who can't speak a word of English. I never have any fucking clue what any of those bastards are trying to tell me when they talk to me AAAAAAAAHHGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11712428


What's happening tomorrow?

>> No.11712453

I have veterans day off, feels good to work at a bank, we get all the holidays, my favorite is Columbus day because no one else ever has that off.

>> No.11712459

if you can't beat them join them (and then subvert them via hyper applied white supremacy)

>> No.11712470


i buy 100k linkies

>> No.11712488

he doesnt live wit his mom like you do lmfaoooo virgin alert

>> No.11712499
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this is me bro. except instead of 85k student debt its 20k crypto debt and instead of watching the clock i watch youtube. Could be way worse. Last century farm laborers were literal slaves to their feudal lords. Now its just us enslaved to our own minds.

>> No.11712654

Just find a job you don't hate.
Spent a decade fucking around changing jobs every 6 months because I hated each and every one of them, eventually ended up in age care, liked it so I became a nurse, I only work 3 days a week, make 50k a year and i don't dread going to work, it's fucking sweet.

>> No.11712659

hope you're using your spare time to get your own business running then

>> No.11712661

>dude just love what you do!
i don’t like anything besides sitting at home alone.

>> No.11712678

So find something you can do from home to make money.

>> No.11712684

easier said than done

>> No.11712691

I liked that a lot too, but I needed money to eat and live. it's not super easy to find something you like as I said in my previous post, it took 10 fucking years and about 25 jobs before I found something I didn't hate.

>> No.11712706

i just want to be a millionaire so i can open my own restaurant and be the executive chef...it’s all i want brehs

>> No.11712743

and i dont wanna take the trash to the curb!!