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File: 637 KB, 4168x4167, SNOW_BLOSSOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11710858 No.11710858 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11710902

ok there bitchtit, how would you diverse your portfolio if it were to consist of snowblossom and/or chainlink. this decides the purity of the shill.

>> No.11710918

I'm all in on SNOW. I bought early too. I haven't held Chainlink in almost a year.

>> No.11710925

whend u buy in?

>> No.11710927

Kek, I'm 80% Link and just consolidated the remaining 20% consisting of shitcoins into Snowblossom. I'm going 100% Link if it ever goes to 5k sats again though.

>> No.11710928

Around 10k sats

>> No.11710975

nice, roughly the same for me but i still got some fanny packs. whatd u get into snow at?
volume at 10k sats was like .6 btc though nah? am i correct to think that there was minimal market accumulation up until nao, even though nao its minimal in the grand scheme? the miners however have 1 mil of these fuckers. concept is definitely cool though

i got like 240 snows at 28k sats. am kind of tripping right now. it looks like it might breakout again based on sell orders but then again that could be manipulated by the miners. am highly considering putting all fanny packs into snow/link and doing what you did>>11710927

>> No.11710991

ive just been fucked so many times before by shitcoins that i nao have ptsd to this fomo feeling

>> No.11711752
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We're all going to make it Snowbros

Ground floor of / our coin /

>> No.11711769
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>> No.11711837

Kek comp sci anon has been debunked. Several errors in that copy pasta although it does appear he put 5 minutes of research into Snowblossom, should have done more he would have secured his future.

Some people just can't be helped.

>> No.11711840

the problem is these memes are so cringeworthy its problematic. they clearly doing arise from the good of heart. logo has same light green shade as internet node token. might as well be a chink scam

>> No.11711858

>comp sci anon has been debunked
no. at least not in the thread it was posted in

>> No.11712134
File: 117 KB, 540x732, Screenshot_2018-11-11-20-52-37-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11712147

This thread smells like P O O

>> No.11712181

its because it is. the concept is cool but will never get implemented. the plot twist is that the exchange itself will exit scam. exchange wallet holds 970k SNOW out of the 1.1 mil circulating.
give it a few weeks and, "oops" someone found vulnerability in exchange. but since no required kyc, then 0% of even hoping your gonan get something back. boom .gone

>> No.11712213

The level of misinformation in these fud posts is staggering. The exchange wallet does not hold that amount. You can check each wallet on the rich list.


>> No.11712248
File: 31 KB, 177x165, happy dollars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appreciate the input. I still believe the project is technically sound - just not very practicable.

So let's say I want to be the fastest miner in the Snow world. I want to alleviate the artificial I/O bottleneck by allowing as much parallel access to the file as possible. In the theoretical optimum case you chunk every 16 Byte onto its own HDD, allowing you full random access to the whole file at constant hardware-bound latency.

At this point you are bottlenecked by that latency, so you set out for better hardware. Obviously RAM is a lot faster than any hard drive. RAM is also available at massive quanitites in server hardware (TB are not really a wall to climb, AWS currently runs on 16TB RAM machines)

Since the algorithm devolves into literally just basic PoW when the whole file fits in memory, at this point you're just rebuilding nakamoto consensus with a strange ass memory lower-bound.

Idk, still seems... weird. Feel free to keep me updated with counterpositions from discord lol

>> No.11712276

Compsci anon here. Looked at this shitcoin, and found it wanting.

Here's what it does (from the technical spec)

>Hash normal block header things (prev block hash, transaction merkle root, utxo merkle root, timestamp), call that 'context'
>Repeat 6 times:
>Use the current 'context hash' to pick index into snow field, read that 16 byte chunk
>Combine the data from the snow field and current context to make new context
>Final context hash is block hash (checked against target).

The idea is that the "snow field" is a fucking supermassive high-entropy file that takes a long time to scroll through, hence the "IO-based PoW" claim.

There's also regular difficulty-PoW in there somewhere, so you still need to crack hashes, just that there's some weird file-scrolling in between too.

Technically this is probably (?) fine, although I don't really get why it would matter. You already run PoW. You already need computing hardware. Why do I need hard drives too? Anyway, the file size grows exponentially as function of difficulty and will be hundreds of TB big once this attracts any miner interest.

Would not touch/10

>> No.11712339

I'm afraid this argument supercedes my technical knowledge. Compsci anon's post was brought forward in the Discord by a different user. I do believe however that the devs are highly competent and can deliver solutions for these hypothetical issues. I'm glad to see people are coming up with questions.

>> No.11712381

Sorry, meant>>11712276

>> No.11712388

Compsci anon here. Looked at this shitcoin, and found it wanting.

Here's what it does (from the technical spec)

>Hash normal block header things (prev block hash, transaction merkle root, utxo merkle root, timestamp), call that 'context'
>Repeat 6 times:
>Use the current 'context hash' to pick index into snow field, read that 16 byte chunk
>Combine the data from the snow field and current context to make new context
>Final context hash is block hash (checked against target).

The idea is that the "snow field" is a fucking supermassive high-entropy file that takes a long time to scroll through, hence the "IO-based PoW" claim.

There's also regular difficulty-PoW in there somewhere, so you still need to crack hashes, just that there's some weird file-scrolling in between too.

Technically this is probably (?) fine, although I don't really get why it would matter. You already run PoW. You already need computing hardware. Why do I need hard drives too? Anyway, the file size grows exponentially as function of difficulty and will be hundreds of TB big once this attracts any miner interest.

Would not touch/10

>> No.11712423

well you know what they say right? someones gotta lose for others to gain. enjoy bagholding this shit till it exit scams and eventually has all of its history erased (coinmarketcap, qtrade, 80 user reddit and 20 post bitcointalk). shouldnt take much

>> No.11712432

>mfw people larp as me

>> No.11712518

Compsci anon here. Looked at this shitcoin, and found it wanting.

Here's what it does (from the technical spec)

>Hash normal block header things (prev block hash, transaction merkle root, utxo merkle root, timestamp), call that 'context'
>Repeat 6 times:
>Use the current 'context hash' to pick index into snow field, read that 16 byte chunk
>Combine the data from the snow field and current context to make new context
>Final context hash is block hash (checked against target).

The idea is that the "snow field" is a fucking supermassive high-entropy file that takes a long time to scroll through, hence the "IO-based PoW" claim.

There's also regular difficulty-PoW in there somewhere, so you still need to crack hashes, just that there's some weird file-scrolling in between too.

Technically this is probably (?) fine, although I don't really get why it would matter. You already run PoW. You already need computing hardware. Why do I need hard drives too? Anyway, the file size grows exponentially as function of difficulty and will be hundreds of TB big once this attracts any miner interest.

Would not touch/10

>> No.11712597

this coin had an unfair distribution... some people were able to control almost all of the supply by using gpu Radeon Pro SSGs. they mined it for cents and you are buying it for dollars

>> No.11712673

this. thats when the desperate buyer hanging on for dear life thinking this is his last hope goes, " muh no liquidity to dump on current exchange ". do you have a rebutle anon?

>> No.11713078

Not sure what you are on about. It's know that miners were operating at massive losses in the beginning. It's also known that funds have invested in data centers which are mining this right now. What's important is they don't have an advantage over regular people.

>> No.11713119

Not sure why you keep mentioning regular proof of work. I don't believe any significant amount of hashing is going on for the PoW compared to the reads. Thanks for the fud though, if you are compsci anon, you have inadvertently fooled dozens of laymen anons by using technical words.

If the IOPS problem is solved. The solver will gain more money than there is in all of crypto. SNOW is a bet that this problem is unsolvable. As long as it's unsolved. We have decentralized digital P2P cash in accordance with the Satoshi white paper. Bitcoin is the way it is now because Satoshi didn't forsee the ASIC advantage.

Snowblossom is the Phoenix reborn. Snowblossom is Bitcoin.

>> No.11713136

Yes, they will dump it on TradeOgre, after the android wallet is released. This has so much more that they can pump it up with before the big dump.

>> No.11713332

>Not sure why you keep mentioning regular proof of work.


>1) take block
>2) increment nonce
>3) hash = h(block + nonce)
>4) if hash < difficulty then new block; end;
>5) goto 2)


>1) take block
>2) increment nonce
>3) hash = h(block)
> repeat 6 times {
> find 16B chunk in file at offset(hash)
> hash = h(hash + chunk)
> }
>4) if hash < difficulty then new block; end;
>5) goto 2)

If the loop is effectively free because accessing the file is constant cost, then all workload flows into hashing things, aka literally PoW

>> No.11713566

I think you missed the point.
Cool math though

>> No.11713593

If that wasn't your point, I really don't know what the hell is.

Right now the file is how big? I think I read 1GB somewhere, although it doesn't really matter anyway. It fits into everyone's RAM atm, hence there /is/ no IO-bound in place, since no IO has to happen for you to read it.

That means all you do is solve hashes and access memory. That's what bitcoin does too.

Things only start to matter once the file doesn't fit into everyone's RAM, which as I illustrated before is a moot point as there exists hardware with more RAM than the average joe has diskspace.

Anyway good luck with your coin, you're probably going to need it

>> No.11713941
File: 57 KB, 1190x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11714013

>buy $8000 second hand server
>dominate SNOW mining yourself because you're the only person in the world who doesn't have to play the retarded I/O bottleneck game
I don't know who gave you idiots the idea that 1 TB is somehow a lot of data.


Here's your ticket to free "money". go buy it, if you think this is somehow a sound project.

>> No.11714322

>Spends $8000
> Doesn't get an advantage

You get what we mean by ASIC resistant right?
That's the point..

>> No.11714347

>The whole system relies on the file being unable to fit in memory as whole
>can fit in memory as whole
kek stay stupid

>> No.11714423

Spend a shitload to fit memory.
Still no considerable advantage.

>> No.11714487

Telling you to stay stupid was not a request to keep me updated about it

>> No.11715017

it doesnt work like that. you would think fitting the file in memory would be faster -actually it slows down the hash rate.

the mining software is retarded.

i had a 156GB ram server and still this cocksucker miner kept reading off disk. by default it loads about 12GB and never more than that.

its designed to keep reading from disk and keep you poor.

maybe devs have a backdoor to miner and letting others get fucked with the shitty release they put out.

stay away from this garbage.