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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11710816 No.11710816 [Reply] [Original]


I got 2k Q bros for signing up. According to them, Q to USD will be 1:1. What's the worst that can happen? I get nothing out of free.99 Qs?

>> No.11710832

it's probably a scam and if it isn't the objective is still to form a pyramid where the top makes a lot of money and the bottom thinks they will but wont.

the whole "only on invite" thing is what gives it away. they start forming a pyramid and you can't even join without being someones refferal.

>> No.11710892

Well they argue it's not a pyramid because you don't put down any money. It's really just nothingness. But I think, from a fundamental standpoint, if the paypal guy can go "hey look, I have millions of people socially connected into this platform, we can now get an investor to fund some sort application out of this." I just joined for the memes. It isn't wise to give out your name and email address, and it probably is some kind of data mining social experiment, but I had some friends joking about it so I was sure, whatever.

>> No.11710962

obviously it's a data mining effort to make a big list of gullible fucks that fall for get quick rich schemes for future scams and projects to get these people to buy shit.

if you sign up for this you are a retard.

>> No.11711004

But if I don't get involved with any additional schemes and some how get value out of what I just did, it's not really a big deal. It's not hard to get my name and email address.

>> No.11711043

dude you wont get any value out of it and people like you who think they will are the fucking gullible tards that they are looking for! congradulations! you got played while you thought you outsmarted them!

they get much more than just your name and email.

did you visit over VPN ? no ? they have your location, did you surf in a browser that doesn't save cookies? no ? they just got more info about what sites you visit and if there are any partnered marketing cookies on there they'll get even more info about you!

you have no idea how much information you gave away cause you are the gullible retard they were looking for.

now go sign up some more of your friends that are also gullible retards so they can map and process that data too and get even richer!

>> No.11711117

Do you have a cell phone? Do you have a smart phone? Are you linked to google? Good job retard, you have no idea how much location information you have given away. Google sells your information to the government. Good job retard.

>> No.11711136

I know this you stupid fucking retard, but you don't when you buy into this initiative ~loser site

> oh it can't hurt they aren't asking any money!

the absolute state of your retard ass.

>> No.11711149

I'm personally involved with this project, all you need to know is no, it's not bullshit. will 1 Q = 1 usd? well it's meant to be a post-fiat infrastructure, but yes they will one day be worth that much, presumably more. PayPal CFO is on the team but you probably already knew that.

>> No.11711151

Look, I'm sorry you are no-Qer, but it's not too late. I appreciate your concern, anon.

>> No.11711167

Q the lambos

>> No.11711184
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They sell your information to pajeets. You get scammed. If you don't get scammed, best case scenario you'll be known as that faggot who shilled yet another pyramid scheme on the basis that 'what's the worst that could happen?'

Worst case scenario, you'll end up like Carlos, but on a smaller, more personal scale.

>> No.11711189
File: 31 KB, 655x510, int2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from me, if you got into the first phase airdrop, you've already made it and are part of the new financial elite. but you don't have to believe me, just watch the Q roadmap unfold.

>> No.11711212
File: 35 KB, 630x630, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit absolute normie retards are back. this is it guys, the bullrun is about tho happen.

>> No.11711257

You actually make a good point lmao

>> No.11711285

People also seemingly don't understand what being a gullible fucking idiot who gets suckered does to your self-confidence and social life.

All the faggots who shilled bitconnect here last year left and never came back. They are broken people, and will never recover. It's the same with the arkies, the POWH idiots, the NKN fags, and it'll be the same for you.

Thinking this pyramid scheme's gonna be different is the first sign of an ideal mark. Only low-IQ people fall for obvious scams, and the scammers only want low-IQ people to sign up in the first place.

>> No.11711302

I don't give a shit what happens with Q. I'm a trader.

>> No.11711318


If you're signing up for this shit, you're a low-IQ mark, just like the people who 'ironically' signed up for POWH 'because of the memes.'

>I'm a trader.

So was Carlos. Good luck.

>> No.11711412

yes you are a fucking retard.
now get the fuck out of /biz/ before you lose all your money to the /biz/pajeets. if you fall for this obviousl bullcrap called initivate Q ( lmao ) I bet you bought a shit ton of biz pajeet shills too, falling for initiative Q is even worse than falling for a fucking biz pajeet. and that's already bad, any non retard can filter out the biz pajeets.

>> No.11711550

I spent $0 and got 2k Q, stay mad no-Qer

>> No.11711592

>I spent $0 and got 2k Q, stay mad no-Qer
I'm a retard the post

>> No.11712026


I'm actually seeing people shilling this on Facebook and LinkedIn. Da fuck?

>> No.11712050


Low-IQ gullible anons with downs. Stay far away. It'll blow up like every other pyramid you've seen in crypto.

>> No.11712298

A name and email address become quite valueable if you know there is a gullible dumbfuck behind it.

>> No.11712325

I wonder what the overlap is between Chainlink and IniQ holders. I imagine it is pretty high

>> No.11712400


Dude, I'm seeing software developers sharing that on LinkedIn and on Facebook... They're not your regular low IQ people I guess (but might by gullible).

>> No.11712446

stopped reading there

>> No.11712456

they are incredibly gullible and have disposable income from their 6-figure paying jobs

>> No.11712457


>> No.11712463

Maybe it's not even scam? I mean they aren't even asking for money are they? Maybe it's just a prank bro to see how many people fall for it.

>> No.11712474


>> No.11712481


I'm actually in southern yurop and these are people in southern yurop. Not exactly swimming in disposable income...

>> No.11712545

fair enough. i'm from seattle so there's that.

>> No.11712556

>not signing up for Q and dumping your bags on normies at 10c

>> No.11712564

Let’s say I go all in on Q, day one.

How does my ROI look by end of year?

>> No.11712572

I'm actually impressed this thing has been spreading. That's some impressive marketing right there

>> No.11712613


As I've mentioned, I'm seeing this crap being shared by southern europeans on LinkedIn and Facebook.

>> No.11712704


I'm going full retard too, send some invitation Anon.

>> No.11712865
File: 74 KB, 1116x548, Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 8.26.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you only have 2k????
Confirmed gonna make it now, this shit is already massively deflationary apparently

>> No.11712875

1:1 according to OP.

>> No.11712945

damn dude, when fiat collapses you have 47k q, no-qers on suicide watch

>> No.11712975

bumping this since retards on /biz/ still don't see the light. Q is the future.

>> No.11713007

This thing is so fucking stupid.
>Doesn't do anything
>Literally nothing listed about it other than the future price prediction
>Will be worth X dollars one day because the founders say so

At least with scams like bitconnect and POWH you can point out why they're scams. With this, there's just nothing to rebut. It literally doesn't exist even in concept form. It's nothing more than a referral program. The founders haven't even decided if it'll be a cryptocurrency.

I have a friend who I was considering talking to about chainlink, but then he shared this thing on Facebook. Anybody who's dumb enough to fall for this shit doesn't deserve to be rich.

>> No.11713052

Get your buddy to trade crypto, it's not like he spent any money on the meme

>> No.11713290

Even these completely centralized non-crypto shitcoins are riding on bitcoin FOMO. Everyone knows this shit isn't going anywhere but they saw what happened with bitcoin and the FOMO is just too strong lol.

>> No.11714356

>Magically create 2 trillion dollars out of thin fucking air.
>falling for this kike scam

>> No.11714988
