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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 210x160, vargsniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11706658 No.11706658 [Reply] [Original]

STOP shilling link like this. It never helps.

>> No.11706684

This. If you must tweet, do it when you actually have something noteworthy to share, not to try and convince anyone.

>> No.11706691

imagine actually being someone who has a crypto twitter

>> No.11706695

Cringe. Fuck these pajeet LINK tweeters.

>> No.11706703

We're watching you too, faggot.

>> No.11706708

It' good for news. It gets posted here and twatter first. I don't like plebbit or cryptopanic.

>> No.11706715
File: 32 KB, 413x448, 26661F5E-BC60-4F4B-87DC-46D08BEBAE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pajeets shilling my bags.

Only Swinglinker morons and linklets are upset.

>> No.11706743

It is totes adorable you street shitting mutants think you can stop me from tweeting. LOL, bring it. I am a LINK MARINE!

>> No.11706746

This. It's pathetic desu.

>> No.11706748

I didn't notice these ones. https://twitter.com/TheLinkMarine1/with_replies

You want maximalists and popular twatter cunts to take an interest in your coin? Don't do this.

>> No.11706763

Good god. How can people be this thick?

>> No.11706785

They're just excited about link and want to contribute by promoting but this isn't the way to do it.

>> No.11706799

It literally makes no difference. Moonboys and "when main net" plebs and price prediction plebs and all the other varieties of ignorant dipshit will buy into link at one point or another, then sell again when it dips or when they read some retarded fud or when they think "the next bitcoin" has come along.
Their money doesn't matter, it's just fodder for swing trading gamblers and chart watchers. Their contribution to market cap doesn't matter, it's all fake.
It doesn't matter how many of these moonboy retards get on board now, or in a year, or in five years. It's all fake money. Pocket money. They'll all sell. All that matters is the value created by the network plus the value created by knowledgeable investors, long term holders, node operators and anyone else that actually gets it. The rest is just nonsense, fake money like the money that just got pumped in to BAT and which leaves as quickly as it arrives. Just ignore it.

>> No.11706800

I get it, but its mind boggling that someone can be so lucky to know about cl, but so dumb to think that this style could ever be beneficial.

>> No.11706956

Chainlink shills are fucking annoying. Go build something

>> No.11707089

Thelinkmarine1 is a faggot. This is how small stack under 5k faggots act. Your punishment is that you have to sell all your LINK and split it between VeChain and XRP for one month. Then you buy back into LINK at whatever price it is. Then maybe we'll let you back in. It will be automatically programmed into your LINK tokens what you did though and stored on the blockchain forever. This is the price you must pay.

>> No.11707447

Seems beneficial

>> No.11707637

only if you buy some lp kek