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File: 92 KB, 669x403, Bullshit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11705501 No.11705501 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11705514

doing the right thing at the right time >>>> hard work and talent.

>> No.11705516

Its all gotta come to an end right?
I mean how many Modern Warfare streamers are there making actual gains today?

>> No.11705534


> my fellow autistic spergs are making millions

Waa Waa mommy! I want to make millions.

If you spent less time fapping to anime and shitposting on 4chan, maybe you'll make something of yourself as well.

Then again, you're all useless, talentless, charisma less, fat disgusting NEETs.

>> No.11705546

>projecting this hard
Wew, lad

>> No.11705555

It took him over a decade to get to that point

>> No.11705557 [DELETED] 

If it's so easy to earn money on YouTube and Twitch then why the fuck aren't you doing it faggot?

>> No.11705559

Some people win the lottery.

For people that don't, hard work and talent aren't a meme.

>> No.11705614

>play shooters since you were 6
>mostly cs go and other tryhard shit
>get good
>new popular meme game comes by
>realize that you shit on even its best players because you're actually good
>attract an audience by doing this

the career path for this shit starts in pre-k, none of us could've been ninja. this guy gets it >>11705555

>> No.11705629

>Getting upset that wealth isn't always hard earned
Spot the underageb&

>> No.11705647

But this guy does have talent and he does work hard

>> No.11705652 [DELETED] 

You don't even have to be good at the game. You just have to be entertaining.

Most of you losers here on 4chan are just boring faggots that nobody wants to be around or watch at all.

>> No.11705665


>> No.11705671
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This dude worked super hard and had lots of talent, faggot.
Yea, he was way luckier than most, and his talent is in something that 99% of you spergs will never profit from.
But he is
>proactive unlike you
>dedicated unlike you
>able to focus on something until he becomes really good unlike you
>persistent unlike you
>positive, genuinely pleasant to be around, unlike you
So he is in the top 0.01% of gamers in terms of personality, talent and hard work.
For losers like you, who use games as escapism, getting a dead end job is the only option, sorry OP

>> No.11705677

About a half a year ago when I noticed how many people I was interested had lifes where they had to do practically nothing to live through live.
I mean would you believe me when I tell you that a man in his 20s, who was a hoarder, an egoistic asshole, someone with no work experience and who didn't know how to save money, which then became homeless for couple of weeks, would be an internet personality in his 30s where people throw money at him for "having a soothing voice", just because a friend helped him out of his misery of debt, depression, and his broken mentality.
I think that you should go for the "hard work and talent" meme so you can a normal job, since it's easy to understand for everybody.
But seeing that you can live off having insane luck, giving you the chance of doing whatever you want to do showed me that I can very well go for more risky things like stocks and crypto, basically doing nothing for money.
Just a rant from my side.

>> No.11705683

I couldn't act like a retarded kid and overreact on coke to please incel 7yo's and pajeets for 8 hours a day.

>> No.11705690

PS. If you work half as hard with half the talent this dude has on anything that's not vidya, you'd be making more than him.

>> No.11705884

OP got pretty much rekt and your ps is spot on as well.

>> No.11706034

>incel 7yo's
Um, Anon...

>> No.11706053
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i wonder if PewDiePie still makes anywhere near those figures

>> No.11706090

agreed, shout outs to all the bakers who make 500000 a month

>> No.11706476

>If you spent less time fapping
No fap master race

>> No.11706620

this is all verifiably wrong though. just look at his latest Rick & Morty stream. he's a charismaless screaming autist that children latched on to for some reason.
since you're defending him you're either a child or braindead.

>> No.11706835

With his work ethic and talent, you'd have a bakery chain by now.
I've never even watched the dude, had to check wikipedia. And it's obvious at first sight that he's grinded a lot

>> No.11707064

This guy basically just won the lottery, there are tens if not hundred of thousands of kids trying to do the same thing who will never gain a cent.

His skills don't matter that much, generally twitch idiots are popular because of the way they entertain their public which is done in an extremely annoying way for anyone over 16.

>> No.11707093

CS:GO and Fortnite don’t have similar skill sets. I can say this considering I was a premier CS player that travelled to LANs. Most twitch streamers just get lucky. There are plenty of people out there much better. Even in the pro cs scene, a lot of it is who you know and having an online following helps with getting your name out there.

>> No.11707106

Well, its late stage capitalism, quasi-criminals get 500k by starting a gofundme so they don't have to pay legal fees out of pocket, the world is pretty fucking gay right now. A baker won't get paid 15 million a year because such things aren't valued like entertainment.

>> No.11707114
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>> No.11707117

That's not hard work, that's opportunism. Success in capitalism requires you to climb a mountain of bodies.

>> No.11707142
File: 204 KB, 640x453, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I lost my health I learnt that money are a meme too

>> No.11707252

Yes it will, but by then he'll have made more than enough to retire.

>> No.11707384

Here's a (you) you baiter, that was excellent quality bait until you overdid it at the end. Still 7/10

>> No.11707400


Facebook was like the 5th social networking site and it was at the right time to pop, so it did. Timing and execution is the only thing that matters. I’m glad retards are chasing live stream riches instead of focusing on apps now. Kek.

>> No.11707406

Ninja streamed for years without an audience. He was streaming Halo before Twitch was even a thing. Dude never gave up, stay salty fags.

>> No.11707428

practically speaking there is no difference between skill and luck, and timing and luck.

>> No.11707430

In the last 3 years.

But I knew it as a kid too, then I was brainwashed.

>> No.11707446

it proves that he would have found a way to get rich one way or the other, just because of that mindset.

>> No.11707450

>WW3 happens
>Drafted to US Army
>later, in the trenches, you look next to you and see this faggot
>he's trying to quick-build a tower while constantly jumping around
>gets shot

>> No.11707460

imagine watching a streamer for your whole life

>> No.11707510


Yeah, health is the highest good, but to be honest, if you lose your health where you end handicapped and forgotten while being young in this day and age you are insanely unlucky, like the luck of ninja but in negative digits

>> No.11707512

during bull runs

>> No.11707549
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1534034595942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting so mad about getting piss on your leg that you go swimming in a lake of piss.

>> No.11707658

I think it's mostly luck. I was early on with online shopping in my backwards country, but never made it. I personally know people who are nothing but dumb cheaters and they managed to pull it off, without doing something extraordinary...

>> No.11707680

it's not hard work and it's not luck it's consitancy. Opertunities only come to people who go looking for them and the harder you look the more likely you are to get yours.

>> No.11707700

probably not, but he's already set. Except for that bitch of his, she gives me the jeebes for some reason.

>> No.11707735

literally so deluded he's trying to contradict reality itself.

Reality is that it's right.

>> No.11707801

total brainlet post lol

>> No.11707920 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11707929 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11707943


He works 7 days a week, is entertaining, and he's one of the best BR players in the world - are you the best burger flipper in the world?

>> No.11708047

just google the youtube voice and you'll understand why people like him are popular to children

>> No.11708072

>He works 7 days a week
>playing games
I bet you think working in an office is work too

>> No.11708111

Anything that isn’t sleeping, eating or shitty is work to me, man.

>> No.11708168


my early 20's

>> No.11708299

And this is part of the reason that Chainlink will make us rich. Timing is everything

>> No.11708360

>implying he wouldn't be piloting a giant killbot mech and making it floss dance on the rubble of a school

>> No.11708680

When I was 5. My dad told me.

>> No.11709124


Fucker plays his cards right and knows when to fold and leave

>he's been playing competitive since the popular peak HALO days

>jumped to Fortnite (a growing trendy game)

>Says he isn't wasting his money because he knows it will stop at a certain point

I'll say he'll be safe enough to retire by the time the game loses it's peak popularity

the only thing that concerns me is he is married.

he could get divorce raped.

>> No.11709212

When I was like 15. I noticed my dad had worked super hard but he had no savings, no assets. You don't get ahead my working hard it seems.

>> No.11709276

>I'll say he'll be safe enough to retire by the time the game loses it's peak popularity
money doesn't seem to be his primary drive. he'll move onto something else when that game peaks. besides, he's already a multimillionaire bruh