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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1170388 No.1170388 [Reply] [Original]

Would you do unethical things to get rich?

>> No.1170408
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I once had a very strong moral compass, and would have said no off the bat. Nowadays, I think that I would go rather far down that grayscale to just not worry about losing my house or electricity. Pic related.

>> No.1170418

Depends. When ends YOUR ethic limits?

>> No.1170421

>made off
its like pottery

>> No.1170427

Unethical? Absolutely. Illegal? No way.

>> No.1170443


This. I wouldn't consistently do unethical acts but use it like an ace up my sleeve if things get dicey. Read The Prince. You have to know when to turn it on.

>> No.1170494
File: 3.99 MB, 5312x2988, 20151128_134455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first job out of college was as a very well paid engineer for a major manufacturing company. I was by far making more money than anyone else I knew in my age range.

After 6 months or so, they were nudging me to complete some very sketchy environmental reports. Not totally illegal, but very gray area.

I immediately jumped ship, mainly because I was a dumb, idealistic 22 year old, and I thought my brave actions mattered in the big picture. Also because I was worried that the guys upstairs were just using me as puppet for their dirty work, and it would come back to me eventually.

If I knew then what I know now, I probably would've done it. Everyone's hands are dirty at the end of the day, some people just don't like to admit it.

>> No.1170529

you did the right thing faggot

>> No.1170562

>Also because I was worried that the guys upstairs were just using me as puppet for their dirty work, and it would come back to me eventually.

that's exactly what it was anon.

>> No.1170696

you fucking moron, squandering the advantages you had

>> No.1170710

it's only illegal if you get caught

>> No.1170734

How much had you been paid?

>> No.1170736
File: 23 KB, 580x388, Kanye_west_thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone's hands are dirty at the end of the day, some people just don't like to admit it.
I am going to use that on my next mixtape.

>> No.1170737


>> No.1170760

>Also because I was worried that the guys upstairs were just using me as puppet for their dirty work, and it would come back to me eventually.

I run an industrial wastewater treatment plant- this is exactly how it works.

>> No.1172107

Definitely. People can turn their noses up at you, but you can feel ashamed all the way to the bank.

Illegal, on the other hand, no.Simply because jail time and fines are considered losses of capital.

>> No.1172110

> Also because I was worried that the guys upstairs were just using me as puppet for their dirty work, and it would come back to me eventually.

This. You made the right choice anon.

>> No.1172114

Well most people at the top of the food chain have used unethical techniques. Aslong as you don't completely destroy someone its fine. I would even go as far as getting someone fired for my own personal gain.

>> No.1172117

Entirely depends on the specific thing and who considers it to be unethical.

>> No.1172120

Yes, wouldn't you.

>> No.1172127

what do you mean by unethical ?
what is unethical in one country may be a norm in another country.
in italy it's unethical to use decaf coffee in cafes, where in america and other countries it's considered normal, based on the consumer is kang n sheit.

>> No.1172145

Yeah probably, but I would do it in such a way that the responsibility falls on others.

>> No.1172162

Ethical action is an impossibility. That being said, illegal action is where I draw the line in business.

>> No.1172179

Unethical? Yes.
Illegal? Depends if I get caught or not.

>> No.1172190

I'd probably do scams.

>> No.1172191

I would literally kill someone ahead of me for an executive position.

>> No.1172196

For what it's worth, thank you for doing this

>> No.1172203

No, but I think my morals are quite different than the average man.
Most of the time I believe the most logical answer is the most right one too.

>> No.1172221

if it's legal, I'll do it.
Of course, everything is legal with enough money (lobbying).

Ultimately though it boils down to how much short-term profit I can make without damaging my long-term profit.

>> No.1172228

Really depends on how unethical we're talking.
Scamming Rich People and Corporations?
Scamming Poor people
Probably not.

>> No.1172233

I'd kill you to defend my executive position.

>> No.1172235

Poor people scam themselves, that's why they're poor.

>> No.1172256

No, my morals are pretty much the only thing I have that keep me going. The majority of people on this planet are awful and would kill for money if they could get away with it and I don't see the point in contributing to that shit.

Then again I come from wealth so I can afford to be ethical and good.

>> No.1172294

I already have.

I shilled Ethereum here for months and it paid off big time. My only regret is not putting more than $8k into ETH. I could have risked up to ~$25k at the time, although I couldn't afford to lose that much if ETH tanked.

>> No.1172296

Does biz have a big enough community to actually pump anything?

>> No.1172377

Find a com0any with lower than a 300,000 market cap that wont defualt immediatly to use some sort of self creditor scheme and walk away with the bank.

So no.

>> No.1172394

>implying the hours and hours you put into shilling did jack shit
/biz/ is a tiny ass board dumbshit. Even if some people did bought you didnt even scratch the surface of the $40mil/day marketcap. Kill yourself.

A blow up doll?

>> No.1172407


What do you define as unethical OP?

Stealing, raping, killing, lying and cheating pretty much covers everything and are clearly wrong.

>> No.1172410


What a terrible way to go through life thinking that.

I'm sure there are plenty of teachers, cops, doctors, priests, accountants, housewives, farmers, etc that don't have to say that at the end of the day.

>> No.1172411

are you being serious? Ethics aren't the same thing as culture or laws dumbass.

>> No.1172413
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exactly this. What purpose do we even have that holds value; other than helping people and making sure the human race evolves.

>> No.1172414

EPA would have fined the company which would get you fired anyway.

>> No.1172435
File: 179 KB, 1200x858, Laughing business whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>management was just testing your ethical response
>3:2 odds you would refuse to do it
>holy shit he quit? ofuck ok

>> No.1172436

>What purpose do we even have that holds value; other than helping people and making sure the human race evolves?
Making sure only the right humans evolve.

>> No.1172449
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And what qualifies as right? Everyone deserves a chance to be a good person and live.

>> No.1172472


>> No.1172473

>ultimately though it boils down to how much short-term profit I can make without damaging long-term profit.
Fucking this

>> No.1172480

I would drown kittens for an extra 10k off the books per year.

>> No.1172763


I don't want to be rich, just free.

>> No.1172782


>says gay shit
>posts reactions from that gay kids show

I do agree with you though. If they're not hurting anyone, then it's not your business to mess with them. Some people can't deal with that.

>> No.1172792

Yes, and I don't know a single person who wouldn't.

>> No.1172812

Yes, I have considered a lot. Thinking about maybe hiring some young hungry money retards that will prepare and sell drugs for me but I know I don't have the balls to do it, even though it wouldn't be hard and would earn a lot.

>> No.1173023

Depends on your definition of "unethical things."

>> No.1173032

Kek. Brutal desu

>> No.1173033

just invested in oil so i can profit from wars and other forms of exploiting the goyim that will be started to get the price up again

there might be a habbening in the caspian with azerbaijan vs. armenia war, russia&iran backing armenia, west backing azers

>> No.1173049
File: 13 KB, 409x386, ss+(2015-07-19+at+03.04.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'd blackhat all the way to the top if I could and not get caught. I've been burned enough times in life to no longer care. It's like when people scream about how the wealthy pay lower tax rates than the 39.6% bracket the government puts them in. "WAHH THEY USED TAX LOOP HOLES!!! WAHH" I honestly applaud that kind of thing. Once you make more than $40k per year, you realize just how much the IRS tries to fuck everyone over. Sure, it's not good "for the country", but what has the country done for you lately? Hell, for the majority of us on this board that are White, the government overtly tries to fuck us over.

If I can make money for myself and my family by taking a blackhat route, so be it.
If I can cut my taxes at the expense of the state, so be it.
If I can live a better life by exploiting someone else's labor, so be it.

I don't give one f*ck anymore. The hardest part is giving the outward impression that you're still a gullible dope like half the others.

>> No.1173054
File: 16 KB, 320x320, pepe114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, at least for the western world.
>be me, middle class.
>buy the cheapest food that wont give you instant cancer.
>shop around for about a month for anything over $20.
but everyone i know that has issues with money buy the most expensive food and too much of it, and impulse buy everything the own.

>> No.1173058

In this world you can only be free if you're rich tho

>> No.1173226

I'd do anything to get rich.

And by anything, I literally mean ANYTHING, not just your "anything, but I won't really strangle puppies or anything like that"

>> No.1173247

It's true that white people got it so tough today. Some days I cry 'If only I was born black, or pakistani, or mexican!'

>> No.1173249


>he would do anything
>wouldnt start sucking cock for $20 a pop

easiest money you'll ever make and you won't do it. dont fucking come on here and lie.

>> No.1173315


You will never be rich if you stick with ethics

>> No.1173368
File: 66 KB, 500x338, tumblr_inline_na6hkitf2M1rf82se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I agree

>> No.1173373

I'll give you $15 bucks to eat out my asshole.

I mean you'll do anything, right?

I mean you're not a phony, right?