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File: 159 KB, 970x650, guide-to-apocalypse-gear-patrol-lead-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11703251 No.11703251 [Reply] [Original]

how will the global financial crisis play out?
ideas on how to profit?

>> No.11703382

it will literally never happen within the next 5 years.

>> No.11703519

If retards like you are predicting it then it isn't going to happen.

>> No.11703533
File: 117 KB, 671x447, thefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nuclear war which renders the majority of the planet in a state of anarchy and unsustainable for agriculture. Militias and gangs will battle over control of food stockpiles, most of the planet starves to death with those left resorting to cannibalism.

>> No.11703539

Rich people will stay rich
Poor people will be as poor as before
Normies will pay for it

>> No.11703544
File: 23 KB, 258x386, The_Great_Illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'll never happen

>> No.11703560
File: 2.69 MB, 952x8657, Thermodynamic oil hypercollapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this, once the finance system seizes up and energy companies can no longer get funding there will be rapid collapse in energy supplies which then collapses the agriculture industry and global supply chains

>> No.11704039

The sovereign bond market is where it will crash next. I believe this man is spot on.


>> No.11704055

Stockpile gold guns ammo and tobacco.
Sell during instability

>> No.11704069

Gold crashes in price during the financial crisis. Now don't get me wrong. It does very well after it crashes compared to equities. But, it would be better in that to hold dollar and then buy gold after it collapses.

>> No.11704075
File: 348 KB, 743x865, 1525326143184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of us or anyone we know will survive

>> No.11704912
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, sensible chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw a farmer
tfw sitting on 50 tons of various foodstuffs
tfw they come begging

>> No.11704978


>The next crisis is not likely to be another Lehman, but another Japan, a widespread zombification of global economies to avoid the pain of a large re-pricing of sovereign bonds, that leads to massive tax hikes to pay the rising interests, economic recession and unemployment.

Increased taxes? There goes your 401k.

I'm so happy I didn't put money aside for that piece of shit jew scam. "Free money" That's how they advertise it.

>We're just gonna lock your money for 30 years and you'll pay taxes later and can invest in stock markets and stuff!
>dow, sp500, most stocks going down
>taxes will FOR SURE be higher than what it is right now in 30 years
>massive penalties when you want to withdraw

There was a great speech by George Carlin somewhere talking about how they'll one day come for your social security, retirement savings etc.

Man was ahead of his time. Good read.

oh yeah, and I think the whole world is going to suffer smth like Venezuela has been going through. Can't find shit at markets, hyperinflation, black market for almost anything, bread, cleaning stuff, even diapers

And after seeing black friday video clips, if people are that ready to go through each other for a fucking shitty ass tv wonder what these fat fucks will do for that last piece of meat on the shelves.

Add to the fact that there are literally millions of illiterate people with guns ...

We're fucked.

>> No.11705038

>There was a great speech by George Carlin somewhere talking about how they'll one day come for your social security, retirement savings etc.


>> No.11705057

>Normies will pay for it


>> No.11705073


brings a tear to my eye how carlin must feel when hes spitting truth into the crowd and they just laugh over it like haha you funny old man.

man was a genius, i truly loved his ability to see the cracks in the fabrics of reality. may god rest his soul

>> No.11705072


>> No.11705651

you cannot profit unless you're part of the (((1%)))

>> No.11706699
File: 919 KB, 1076x980, your_future_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how will the global financial crisis play out?
Lights out
All digital forms of currency vaporize
Cash and precious metals rule
New Notes roll out
Life goes on

>> No.11706725

wow ty for this

>> No.11706798

Wouldn't governments try to prevent that from happening/?

>> No.11706831

Americans thinking if their economy collapses the entire worlds has to as well....Bearing in mind major economies like Russia and China for decades have collapsed and America did just fine.

Absolute state of Amerifats.

>> No.11706897

When did China collapse in the latest decades?
So far they've experiencing non-stop growth.
Also, you can't compare Russia's economic impact on the world the the USA.
>t. Eurofag

>> No.11707851

401ks are there to take away any extra profits the middle and upper class have and throw them into some retirement pipe dream. Meanwhile Wall Street guys can use that money to earn massive profits. You’re not allowed to touch it until your a heart beat away from death. Taxes are going to rise over the next 30 years. National healthcare. Entitlement programs. Increased military spending. Internet on the debt. It’s an apocalypse. That 3-4 percent your employer is kicking in is going to vaporize in an instant. Average people need to pay off debts now, live within your means, and prepare.

>> No.11708343

i've got guns, buddy. and so do a couple of my friends.
if it comes to that, it doesn't matter anyway. bury my substantial silver stack, wait it out, hand out some of the food voluntarily (to whatever is left of the governemnt preferably) to keep good relations with everyone, keep enough for my family, then when things are stable again use silver for a quick landgrab.

there you have it, an apocalypse - proof strategy

>> No.11708359
File: 143 KB, 625x773, 1519634127908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>China's going to be just fine after it's biggest customer and debtor goes down.

>> No.11708362


Dat economic illiteracy.

>> No.11708604

401k is a banker scam. The fucking boomers fell for it because like all boomers, they lack critical thinking. As soon as the idea of free money came to their heads they sold out the sovereignty of the future generations. Guess whos paying for the boomer cuck retirements now.