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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11703008 No.11703008 [Reply] [Original]

I have bought a ton of them. Why the hell do people not recognise greatness until the masses tell them and its expensive?

Ive had no competition to just keep accumulating huge bags knowing full well this is openly a game changing tech and chain.

Explain this weakness in human logic?

>> No.11703027


I did the same with darkcoin...sia....railblocks...antshares...now quant...holo....nerva...and now snowblossoms...they are so easy to spot

>> No.11703032

you bought twu's bags. sorry for your loss. maybe next time dont buy something that had 10x in a few days

>> No.11703054


Did you look at the tech?
Did you look at who the developers are?
Did you see the tiny micro marketcap?

Do you understand anything more than muh scam?

Whats your major malfunction?

>> No.11703118


few reasons. it’s very tech orientated and too hard to understand for most people. it’s only on one obscure exchange. and the shilling on biz makes people here think it’s pajeet. but it is possible to have a legit project and have it shilled on biz, it just doesn’t happen very often. i don’t blame people for being put off it because so much utter shit is shilled on biz but it does pay to dyor. but who cares just keep accumulating and have normies buy your bags in a few years time.

>> No.11703145

What's so great about it?

>> No.11703148

>have a legit project and have it shilled on biz, it just doesn’t happen very often

>> No.11703191

Why do you think it's so good? Because it's quantum resistant?

>> No.11703197

2 million is not microcap.. enjoy your 90% loss

>> No.11703206
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Just stop. The damage is done.

Ive seen on multiple discords the sheer pajeetery that goes into shilling a whale's bags before he shits on your chest. Ditto with that daft cunt who shilled his unremarkable 'privacy' shitcoin TWICE A DAY SAME PASTA FOR 2 WEEKS. This shit is killing /biz/ if it isnt already dead.

Im so far gone im actually almost full circle into putting some spare change into these projects purely to ride the scam wave....fml

>> No.11703215

90% of the supply is controlled by 1 person.. look at the wallets.. it had an unfair distribution

>> No.11703217
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hes an idiot that actually think cryptocurrencies are infact currencies. only currency is bitcoin and its going to stay that way. not only is this idiot going to be left with useless worthless bags.

this is coming from the real person who shilled btc at 200 dollars. cnd at 300 sats , quant before the moon

>> No.11703218

SNOW = XRB + mining accessibility.

>> No.11703300


Solves the Trilemma problem, scalable, secure, and decentralised.


>> No.11703319

Sweet lord imagine what people gonna do knowing they watched Railblocks 2.0 literally under their nose.....just dont get it. The facts are laid out, no falsehood. Its all true and verifiable.

>> No.11703333


>> No.11703338

>Devs not in the top 5 holders
>Funds have thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars down to get as much as they can OTC and mining
> Top addresses are obviously mining pools look at the txs out

> still thinks it's a scam

>> No.11703345

this shitcoin ain't being bought OTC you fucking kike

>> No.11703348

Compsci anon here. Looked at this shitcoin, and found it wanting.

Here's what it does (from the technical spec)

>Hash normal block header things (prev block hash, transaction merkle root, utxo merkle root, timestamp), call that 'context'
>Repeat 6 times:
>Use the current 'context hash' to pick index into snow field, read that 16 byte chunk
>Combine the data from the snow field and current context to make new context
>Final context hash is block hash (checked against target).

The idea is that the "snow field" is a fucking supermassive high-entropy file that takes a long time to scroll through, hence the "IO-based PoW" claim.

There's also regular difficulty-PoW in there somewhere, so you still need to crack hashes, just that there's some weird file-scrolling in between too.

Technically this is probably (?) fine, although I don't really get why it would matter. You already run PoW. You already need computing hardware. Why do I need hard drives too? Anyway, the file size grows exponentially as function of difficulty and will be hundreds of TB big once this attracts any miner interest.

Would not touch/10

>> No.11703353

Kek all because the website didn't have flashy graphics.

Imagine the regret. "I thought I was smart and able to find the next big moonshot but I was turned off by such a superficial thing"

>> No.11703367
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You do what you want my dear poorhag. But thanks for spending all that text to say you wont be buying it...lol

Me however will be buying hand over fist cause I'm not a fucking idiot..

>> No.11703370

This stops out server farms. Storage space is plentiful this won't be an issue at any point in the future. Snow mining boxes might start popping up once this is in the top 20 but the important part is they won't be giving an advantage. Not being able to mine this on your laptop is a worthy trade off for removing ASIC advantages. This is the closest thing we have to one CPU one vote since everyone is on equal playing fields now.

>> No.11703389

Nice review, thanks Compsci anon.

>> No.11703391

If you really think the dev who created Satoshi Dice with Erik Voorhees isn't connected to several huge players you are deluded. I know for a fact funds are buying OTC and are mining this but I don't have to prove it to you. Heed my warning and pick up a small stack before you want to kys in a year.

>> No.11703395

Not everyone can be rich in crypto. Do you think most bought railblocks when it was a captcha, Dash when it was dark coin sat on a shitcoin exchange, SIA when it is was 3 sats, IOTA when Come from Beyond first posted on Bitcointalk the ANN?.....nope.

They will buy when its a massive MC like Vechain and IOTA when it reaches them on Reddit.

Its called Plebbit for a reason...

>> No.11703417
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>Compsci anon here

>> No.11703421


Thanks dude

>> No.11703437

Yeah I get it. Frustrating to actually DYOR and realize it's a gem then not being able to save your biz bros. I'm just glad some have joined the snow gang. Clearly not everybody is deluded.

>> No.11703466

Source on snowblossom dev having worked on satoshi dice?

>> No.11703477

Its a fact, go find it. No baby spoon-feeding.

>> No.11703488

Find the Snowblossom ANN on Bitcoin Talk. Go to the posters very first posts. He does an ANN for Satoshi Dice.

>> No.11703490


>> No.11703496


here is the snowblossom ANN thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4422979

now go and google "satoshi dice" and "fireduck"

>> No.11703523

I was already looking into it since I didn't think anybody would be helping, I'm pleasantly surprised, thanks!

>> No.11703526

Ok anon

>> No.11703578

No network effect

>> No.11703598


Try harder please.

>> No.11703601
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KYS faggot

>> No.11703641

Snowbro. Yeah it feels good. Feels good knowing you’re on the bleeding edge of the crypto advancements. Go big or go home.

>> No.11703913
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How much SNOW for these girls?

>> No.11704380
File: 105 KB, 948x555, xinfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another hidden gem

>> No.11704403

This. Pajeets trying to unload their worthless bags

>> No.11704441

Stop shilling this please. Come back when it has a logo/marketing plan.

>> No.11704564

Imagine not wanting to get in on the ground floor of revolutionary tech

>> No.11704637

Yes, and therefore stop shilling until I got a shitload...

>> No.11704685

Looking at the recent trades in Qtrade. Literally no one is market selling, not even miners.
But most bizztards can't interpret the orderbook.

>> No.11704686
File: 110 KB, 720x441, Screenshot_20181111-173801_Slack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to make it snowbros.

>> No.11704687

thanks for confirming the scam. avoid this shitcoin at all costs

>> No.11704698

Confirmed scam coin

>> No.11704699

I believe that's called humour.

Any other human emotions I can help you to understand incel?

>> No.11704705

Confirmed low intelligence poo and shit ramjeet FUD.

>> No.11704747


If you want to buy I would like NOW, There is only 25k left in the whole sell book. Ive been the major buyer in the last few days. The supply has I think almost dried up under .0004 now.

>> No.11705253

How do I buy this shit? I want a snowjob too.

>> No.11705322

Exactly this. Decentralization bitches

>> No.11705408

just another shitcoin with no real world purpose.

pile of garbage software written in java.....no thanks

just look at docs for mining, noone knows how to configure the shitpile

>> No.11705759


>solving all 3 most problematic issues in crypto.


Absolute state of biz.

>> No.11705789

Nice link to describe the problem, shillboy. Would be nice to know how scamblossom (((solves))) it, too.

>> No.11705797

We need more threads about this...

>> No.11705825

This cancerous shit pajeet shitcoin shilling again. We need to ban these trash threads

>> No.11705833

LINK is partnered with Amazon right now.
What does this shitcoin have?

>> No.11705843


devs that know how to code, for starters

>> No.11705880

shutup mongrel, it doesnt solve anything.

> scalable
10 min block time.
two pools find all blocks, one of the pools is private - probably devs mining with a proper working miner waiting to dump on assholes

>> No.11705914

Wrong. 0 conf. Try it.
Wrong. Verifiable.

>> No.11705922

Insiders literally got mad this leaked to biz.

>> No.11706254
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hope they use this as the new website

>> No.11706268

I don't buy it I fell like I already missed early 10x, and another 10x is way more riskier.

>> No.11706317


it is not a company

why would it have either?

>> No.11706346

This is cool.
Trees on the side look like veins though. I hope they find another spot to incorporate them. Best part is the flakes

>> No.11706583

reminder this is being pushed by a discord of pajeets
reminder they will one day stop shilling and dump on your head
reminder this has already happened on /biz/ countless times with coins like DBC, TRTL, BNTY, HOT and so on. The threads for these coins always appear overnight and disappear overnight when the discord finishes dumping.
Do not fall for another scam. Filter "snowblossom" and keep your catalog free of pajeetshit.

>> No.11706783

HOT is a scam....lol you fucked up on that one ranjeet.

>> No.11706854

Comfy week ahead fellow Snowbros.
Let the salty fudsters do their thing

>> No.11706888
File: 168 KB, 887x607, 1530089053651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There can only be two reasons you are shilling this so hard.
1) You sympathize with your fellow autistic losers on 4chan.
2) You want to dump your bags on us.

I wonder which one it might be....

>> No.11706917

People like you who didn't buy sub 10k sats got eternally btfo, which is why you all bitch and moan in every single thread.

>> No.11707088

yes pajeet I'm sure you can sell your shit at a profit with your 1 BTC volume
it couldn't be that you need idiots to buy your bags because your shitcoin has no liquidity. no no

>> No.11707159

Any way to keep track of price besides checking that exchange.

>> No.11707225

It seems the irony of you posting this with the NPC wojak meme is lost on you, unless this is an elaborate trolling of Snowjeets.

>> No.11707238

Blockfolio, currently listed as SnowCoin with the wrong icon but it checks the correct qTrade price

>> No.11707316

dude buy bbn