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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11699828 No.11699828 [Reply] [Original]

Dumped my ICX bags. You may have seen me around here talking shit on this gook scam. Bought in at $7.20 for a total of 5000 ICX. Total JUST happened, and throughout the year I've been following closely looking for any signs that this shitcoin wasn't exactly what it is: a scam meant to fund TheLoop's private blockchain ventures. All the news you see about Icon demoing government projects? That's true. What they don't tell you is that those are on private chains. ICX isn't going to be used for that. ICX has no use case other than to demo what's possible. Their ID system, ICONick, for example, exists to demo the tech for institutions/government who want something similar for in-house, private blockchains.

I admit, I sold at probably the absolute bottom, and I'm okay with that. I've bought in elsewhere where I feel my money has a better chance of actually recovering. I don't care anymore. Even if ICX somehow recovers and moons, Min and the team have demonstrated at best complete disrespect for the people who funded their private ventures, and at worst incompetence that will spell doom for the project. It's not something I wish to support anymore.

Got Gooked?

>> No.11699832
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>he sodl? pamp eet. never change biz buy high sell low.

>> No.11699905

Like I said, I recognize that I sold at the bottom and don't care. I have no delusions about this.

>> No.11699926

i think this coin will never pump

>> No.11699942

I think im going all in. I like it xhen there is blood on the streets.

>> No.11700107
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I'm in full agreement. It doesn't matter to ICON if the ICX token is never used they never build the layer of interoperability they promised, some other protocol can do that instead eventually. All that matters to ICON is that they keep growing their private blockchain business with TheLoop. They secured $44 million during the 2017 ICO mania making big promises they never intended to keep. Job done as far as they're concerned.

>> No.11700212

buy XLM and sell when coinbase lists it on their consumer platform for at least 25% profit. make that money back son.

>> No.11700241

Sound decision OP. Only too bad you didn't make it earlier. Can pretty much never trust any of these SK or Chinese projects after seeing what happened to them during the bear market.

>> No.11700258

Bought 1K icx at 9200 sats yesterday because of the rampant FUD on here lately.
Already fucking GOOKED

>> No.11700626

>Even if ICX somehow recovers and moons, Min and the team have demonstrated at best complete disrespect for the people who funded their private ventures, and at worst incompetence that will spell doom for the project.
This is what hurts the most about this project

>> No.11700664

have you seen what happened to bat

>> No.11700665
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this nigga sold the absolute bottom of that shitty chink con. You could of waited for some sort of pump

>> No.11700737

Good luck.
>All that matters to ICON is that they keep growing their private blockchain business with TheLoop.
Absolutely, I agree, which is why I sold. I don't think the team is entirely incompetent, they have some great ideas but when people ask why ICX hasn't had huge technical updates or why the 3rd part of their "Yellow Paper" (kek) hasn't been released yet, I've come to the conclusion that the reason is that they're working on developing their private business/private blockchain. They have little actual use or need for ICX now that they've secured their funding.
I already hold a large amount of XLM, fortunately ICX was only one part of my portfolio.
I wish I made it earlier as well.
I acknowledge this, and the reason I didn't wait for a pump is due to opportunity cost. At this point, I just don't believe there will be a significant pump for ICX for quite a while, and by investing in other cryptos I have a better chance to make some money back for the time being.

>> No.11700750

holy kek. you had to cope mentally on biz? you did good bro, dont worry.

its a premined inflationard nocapped scam

>> No.11700799

Shit I just realized I missed the gook swap, how gooked am I?

>> No.11700822

Just wanting to keep fellow anons in (out) of TheLoop.
That's the thing about ICX. You've been 100% gooked since buying it.

>> No.11700846

Thank you for buying my bags OP, sorry it didn't work out for you.
t. sold during basing just before the mainnet release.

>> No.11700855


>> No.11700865


For the past month I've seen so much ICX FUD that I'm certain that it will moon soon. Biz always sells the bottom and this faggot Reddit blogger proves it.

ICX will be used on the public chain to interact with the private chains TheLoop is selling to businesses and the Korean government. You're just not getting it. This is the future Internet.

>> No.11701039

Nice OP I respect that. Been holding this since December and I want to sell. I just gotta grab my balls and do it. Honestly, I’d rather my invstment go to 0 and SEC fines the fuck out of them and they are forced to close their SF office, and Min gets fired.

Lying gook pieces of shit just raised money for their private company.

>> No.11701435

Good point, it's very likely that ICX will be deemed a security.

>> No.11701550
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You think the ICON team has any intention of building an interoperabilty layer? They can't even figure out how staking ICX will work, 6 months after staking was originally due to be implemented. They never had any intention of fulfilling their roadmap.

Min Kim said there would be no interoperability until 2021-23 at the earliest. When you kick the can that far down the road you clearly don't intend to develop anything. They've probably looked at what AION and Quant and other interoperability protocols have achieved already and thought what's the point when we can just use their's?

They sold you a dream. They lied. Wake up.

>> No.11701607

>It's not something I wish to support anymore.
Anon. Shitcoins do not need your support. If you were, never participate in shitcoin communities or discussions. The coin might have good FA but in the end its just to make you richer and nothing else matters.

Good for you for selling tho. Don't let it happen again.

>> No.11701925

They have figured out how staking will work, but it's actually pretty complicated (it was already pre-defined in the whitepaper). They just haven't implemented it. Does't suprise me at all considering how complex their staking distribution is going to be

>> No.11701975

get a load of this goy

>> No.11702057

Also keep in mind that their staking system is designed to reward users who are active in transactions on the chain. People have this idea of NEO level staking where there are going to be great returns for holding/freezing your ICX for staking, but this isn't true. Even if you have huge amounts of ICX, your staking reward will be minimal, if not non-existent, if you are staking yet not "active" on the chain.

Speculative investing, of course.

>> No.11702260

THis is what is stupid. They want you to use the dApps that nobody cares about. How am I gonna use my ICX with Bluewhale to get more ICX? what the fuck this project is bullshit

>> No.11702469

I sold all my ICX at 9750 sats before to dumped to 9200. I gave up. I am the same as you.

There will be better opportunities next bull run. Chances are if BTC dips down to 4.5k this shit is going straight in the fucking gutter. Id rather sit in comfy big daddy BTC and learn how to trade, than do this stupid shit.

Also I came to the same conclusion with staking details as well. Remember how EVERY time ICON released killer news, it either had a measly 5-10% pump and then it fucking dumped? Yeah dont expect anything different. Also, staking will probably be 2-3% a year. IF that. ICON doesnt give a fuck about its supporters, they care about its users, and by users, they means private businesses that dont need ICX tokens at all.

The only thing holding ICON in the top 50 is the idea that MAYBE itll get back to what it was, but the truth is, thats all that is left of ICON. Is hopium.

>> No.11702523
