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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 974x546, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11695536 No.11695536 [Reply] [Original]

was it good invesment to sell 4chan?

>> No.11695546


>> No.11695555

Of course

>> No.11695556


>> No.11695607

Was it a good idea to create it?

>> No.11695676
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11695694

moot was basically a little beta teen who stumbled across a golden website/opportunity

what needed to be done was for him to seek e-business advice. youporn makes ad money and so could 4chan

the way he came up to make money (captcha) is very amateur and anti-consumeristic. for fucks sake you type core captchas here than shopping sites or bank sites

>> No.11695714

He originally claimed the captchas were temporary and only for /b/ to stop some trojan horse spambot. Hiroshim00t is the one who monetized it.

>> No.11695720

People like to pretend that 4chan is a demographic that's not worth advertising to when in fact it would be one of the richest communities on the internet. Porn sites manage to serve video to third worlders and make money.

>> No.11695751

>Porn sites manage to serve video to third worlders and make money.

as usual ego got in the way of business. Moot didnt want 4chan to be a porn website and neither does asian moot

they could have kept porn ads only on 18+ boards... Moot was a wage-cuck. instead of fixing his business he went wage-cucking

>> No.11695830

Problem was that moot actually cared for us. Porn ads are a horrible user experience. He wanted real advertisements and real advertisers don't want to get caught paying money to a site that hosts occasional CP, Holocaust deniers and antisemitism. The social backlash would be incredible a few years back. Now? It could put the advertising company out of business with all the #metoo shit and extended whiteknightery going on

>> No.11695836
File: 9 KB, 250x229, 5df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot actually cared for us. Porn ads are a horrible user experience

wrong on botha ccounts. amazing user-experience typing captchas for every post

>> No.11695896

why is his right eye looking at me and the other somewhere else?

>> No.11695909

Probably wasn’t a good financial decision to sell, but perhaps he was just tired of the job. Look at the growth since he sold. If Hiro wanted to he could milk 4chan for a lot of ad revenue.

>> No.11695982

do yo think he will ever get back?

>> No.11695996

You NEETs wish you were moot. He successfully infiltrated normie land, which is basically what every socially anxious NEET wishes they could do

>> No.11696104

I always thought he looked like my ex. She looked like a boy and he looks like a girl so I’m not sure what that means.

>> No.11696113

It means you’re a faggot.

>> No.11696119

Besides the obvious. I’m on 4chan

>> No.11696138

4chan passes were the first thing I knew of that you could buy with bitcoin. If moot kept even a fraction of what he probably got then it doesn't really matter what the site actually sold for.

>> No.11696339

did he actually buy bitcoin in those early days?

>> No.11696360

> Captchas are a money grab
> Completely forgets the endless bot-spams of that one Finnish guy
> Completely forgets entire boards being spammed to Hell with DESUDESUDESU or CP dumps

m00t sold 4chan because /pol/ caught him being cucked and that pissed him off

>> No.11696373

nyegga wut

>> No.11696415

he should kept it for a few more years and sold it to some linky for billions

>> No.11696440

I miss him.
The answer is no. Gookmoot is a unworthy leader

>> No.11696739

moot may have been a huge faggot, but he did care, at least at first. It took forever for him to implement the captchas because he agreed that they suck and only put them in because the site was becoming unusable due to spam.

>> No.11696749

Found the new fag.

>> No.11696774

Captchas are killing the site. I don't think they realise how bad they are. Sometimes it can take two minutes to make a post. I usually just don't bother.

>> No.11696811

It's infinitely better than the alternative. Literally 9/10 posts were anontalk spam. Not exagexaggerating.

>> No.11696845

I would credit that more to the bear market. I really think they don't know how bad it is. For some reason my phone is fine, but posting from home wifi with those incredibly slow disappearing captchas is just not worth it.

>> No.11697303

>I would credit that more to the bear market.
What? You think spamming 4chan with pedo website ads is in a multi-year bear market?

>> No.11697316

>the way he came up to make money (captcha) is very amateur and anti-consumeristic

Captcha was a necessary evil
There was literally so much spam that the site could barely even function since every thread was "Wow amazing girl I cum hard cat hiss at penis"

>> No.11697624

Not in the slightest