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11694756 No.11694756 [Reply] [Original]

After doing the numbers
i think anything under 10 should be safe
can anyone here red pill me?

>> No.11694868


>> No.11694890

>the biggest cock on /biz
>tfw biggest LINK stack on /biz
>the highest IQ on /biz
You're like ants to me

>> No.11694920

I guess I'll buy some next week if it stays under 9 eth

>> No.11694936

>no liquidity
>no interest
no one.

>> No.11694981

ok, thanks
I can't tell if that's good or bad

>> No.11694992

it means 185 people in the world bought this shit and literally only one of them is selling at the moment

I'm a linkpoolet and I'd probably let my shares go for 900 ETH and later end up regretting the fuck out of it.

>> No.11695009

I got some last night
what's your link:LP ratio?
and there's 213 owners now

>> No.11695067

10eth per share?

anything more than 7eth is dangerously overvalued unless you're willing to pay huge premium for convenience. Assuming all nodes are receiving the same annual staking rewards, a share will give you 47links. If you use the money spent on lp shares to buy link at current prices, and stake it yourself, you'll be getting 160links instead (not accounting for operational and labor costs though).

Basically you're cutting your potential profits by 70% (expenses not included)

>> No.11695089

care to explain your valuation model?
not all nodes are going to receive the same annual staking rewards, you need nodes with good reputation and ones that provide valuable data feeds

>> No.11695092

Where are you pulling that 47 links figure from? We have no idea how lucrative it will be. One third of the total supply will be used to kick-start the nodes.

>> No.11695120

lets assume nodes get 5% returns on average (actual figures dont matter, we're just trying to figure out the efficiency between staking on your own and with LP)

LP has 15m links already pledged. 5% in staking rewards = 750k links. LP fees at 25% = 187500 Links for LP. Share holders get .25 of the cut =
46875 links (there are 4000 shares in total and only 1000 are public). Divide that by 1000 you get ~47links per share per year.

If one were to use the money he spent to buy links instead he'll get ~3200 links, assuming the cost of LP shares are 7 ETH each (current asking price)


>> No.11695136

Pretty sure that you have multiplied the reward by 0.25 there twice. Linkpool is 25% of the total i.e 1000 shares out of 4000. Not 25% of total and then also 1000 out of 4000

>> No.11695145

Fuck, no I fucked up. Like that time yesterday I bought BAT at 4950 sats

>> No.11695148

You seem smart. Do you think there will be other staking pools that come on the market?

>> No.11695150

the kick-starting dont matter because it applies to every node; we're just trying to compare the efficiency

So if one were to stake 3200 links at 5% returns he'll get 160 links (again, running costs and labor not included). The revenue of staking on your own is 3.4x of the profits from staking with LP.

at 47links per year for 3200 links you're looking at ~1.46% returns which is a joke. Even if the staking rewards doubled from 5% to 10%, considering LP is ready to go upon mainnet launch and has first mover advantage, the returns will still be at about 3%. Moreover, the high returns will likely fade away as more pools come online over time. If we consider 5-6% returns to be an acceptable annual yield, this means the amount staked will need to go up to 60m links (4x).

>> No.11695164


You cant know that. Selling shares now might be like selling btc when it was single digits, way too risky. I wont sell my shares i dont want to regret it. Sure it might not become that valuable but better to wait and see.

>> No.11695171

47 links a year.
47,000 USD a year.
Not too shabby lads

>> No.11695174

That is effectively 6% of total link supply. Assuming that's possible, we still have future linkpool products and services that may further increase the profits and subsequently the yield, but no one can tell by how much.

Basically at 7eth per share the maximum yield you can get would probably be around 8% in a VERY optimistic scenario (more than 6% of total link supply staked, products raking in huge profits) and ~5% for the average scenario.

Don't buy any higher. I did the math after fomoing and am regretting it now.

>> No.11695189

No, if your average buy-in is less than 1.4k USD then it's very much worth it. If it's 700USD per share, just take my numbers and double it - that's the yield you'll probably get

yeah and if you run the node yourself you'll be earning 160k instead

>> No.11695236

Reputation of nodes is held by its uptime. So we can essentially have high quality nodes running as LP, so why use LP?

>> No.11695257

it’s not just uptime
amount of links staked are counted as well

>> No.11695265

People forget the compounding of link + LP. Counting just with LP I can understand the skepticism but if you add your own link on top of that, you’ll be making much more restaking the earned link. It’s going to be a huge snowball once it keeps rolling. Don’t sleep on it.

>> No.11695273

actual figures do matter -_-. you should be talking in USD. Because that's what the customers will be paying in

>> No.11695295

i think it’s a bit stupid to assume that
1. only 15M will ever be staked
2. the 5% figure
3. link staked on your own having the same return on link staked elsewhere

>> No.11695424

the same can be said for staking on your own. Compare the scenario of (1) owning 1 LP share + 3200 LINKS vs (2) owning 6200 LINKS (current prices value shares at 3200 links each):

(1) Assuming there's 15m links staked on launch (already confirmed) and nodes get 5% in net annual yield, you get 47 links per share. Staking your 3.2k links in LP gives you 120 links after fees. Total = 167 links for the cost equivalent of 6200 links. Net YIELD = ~2.7%.

(2) At 5% yield, running your own nodes give you 320 links as REVENUE. That's a 80% difference. If anons can run nodes with minimal cost they'll be able to almost double the net-yield of staking with LP.

However, it's a totally different story if we assume the optimistic scenario for LP. If LP nodes exclusively gets 10% in staking rewards instead of 5%, the returns will be 94 Links + 240 Links = 334 Links. That's a net-yield of 5.38%.

But nobody can guarantee the high returns will remain forever at 10%. How long will it take for competitions to spring up and destroy the high staking returns enjoyed by early stakers? Probably in a year, and then staking reward goes down.

>> No.11695429

linkpool is a scam. devs created the dex to unload their tokens because no exchange will list them.

>> No.11695437

constant variables dont matter

>> No.11695449

This is all speculation. How can you know how much will you earn with your own node? People need to use it first. You have to invest a lot of time and money to make it work. At this point, you're just shooting random numbers that seem sensible but again, total speculation. Doesn't really do anything for anyone. LP continues to be the best option at this point if you want early access to staking and chainlink network. If it proves to not be worth it, we'll cross that bridge then. I highly doubt it though and to conclude, you can have LP and still stake in your own node so...moot point.

>> No.11695490

The amount of link held in linkpool has less of an effect to investment yield than you think. Take (1). If amount staked triples from 15m to 45m, that's just (47 x 3) + 120 = 261 Links. 4.2% yield. It becomes a very good deal if LP nodes get higher returns than regular ones but no one can guarantee high returns will remain for long

>> No.11695491


>> No.11695501

I think I'm done here
you fudding so hard makes me want to buy more

I just realized that 80% of node requests will most likely go to 20% of the nodes
lp will have constant amount of requests unlike running ones own
the additional links staked (aside from the 15M) are just a bonus
I'm buying some next week (I hope it stays low)

>> No.11695599

How will LP have more node request? It’s an open market driven by free competition

>> No.11695647

You were going to buy them anyway, the fact that you're shilling paying an absurd 10x markup makes me think you're probably trying to sell some anyway.

>> No.11695655

wats this node talk

>> No.11695662


t. ameriburger with no knowledge of VPN


>> No.11695666

by being better providers
I'm confident most can't compete
I guess that's true
this might result in a loss
(not selling some btw)

>> No.11695667

>People forget the compounding of link + LP. Counting just with LP I can understand the skepticism but if you add your own link on top of that, you’ll be making much more restaking the earned link. It’s going to be a huge snowball once it keeps rolling. Don’t sleep on it.
This. Ill be staking my 15k on linkpool from day one. My 2.8 shares are just a cherry

>> No.11695711

This. Has no one bothered to question why exactly there is no smart contract running the ""dex"". It's just the devs running a centralized cloud based exchange. God the level of brainlets holding link since 2017 has really skyrocketed.

>> No.11695735

1. There are no tokens
2. Looks at the volume brainlets, are the devs selling their 3000 shares one at a time
3. Literally retarded if you think this is a scam. Pay some attention or stay poor

>> No.11695829

Just buying link will yield better returns than buying link pool shares.

>> No.11695894

it's literally running on the ethereum network tho
wdym centralized cloud based exchange?

>> No.11695960


you connect using metamask you fucking retard

god this board is so fucking retarded sometimes

really just kill yourself if you've yet to understand linkpool or DEXs

fucking brainlet

>> No.11696018

Based and scampilled

>> No.11696202
File: 1.25 MB, 1377x5000, Linkpool infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy a share?
>You get 0.00625% of the Linkpool's revenue per share you hold. That includes DEX fees, NaaS subscription payments, 25% stakers fee and any other form of revenue for future Linkpool's products that are paid in LINK. Furthermore you will obtain staking priority when LinkPool goes live (the amount to stake per share is unknown yet).

>> No.11696206

weak fud

>> No.11696227


Thomas confirmed there will be a 0.x multiplier in your reputation score depending on how much Link are you staking and have as penalty stack.

>> No.11696248

one link pool is a central point of failure. i am building a network of decentralized LINK stakng pools. we will have our own native token - Chainlink Link

>> No.11696277
File: 111 KB, 1056x696, 1540605202477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11696294 [DELETED] 

I said it yesterday and I'll repeat it again today.

You are not talking about NaaS payments in order to fud. The payment for the subscription to the NaaS will be a fixed amount of LINK per month, and the distribution will be different.

While shareholders only get 6.25% of the 25% staking fee, shareholders will get 25% of NaaS payments.

>> No.11696319

I said it yesterday and I'll repeat it again today.

You are not talking about NaaS payments in order to fud. The payment for the subscription to the NaaS will be a fixed amount of LINK per month, and the distribution will be different.

While shareholders only get 6.25% of the 25% staking fee, shareholders will get 25% of NaaS payments.

Figure with 100 LINK as revenue in the staking dApp:
>75 Link is distributed among every staker.
>6.25 Link is distributed among share holders.
>18.75 Link is distributed among Jonny & Mat.

Figure with 100 LINK as revenue in the NaaS payment and DEx fees:
>75 go to Jonny & Mat
>25 go to share holders

>> No.11696601

the proportions are still the same. Shareholders get 25% of the cut in NaaS, just as how they're also getting 25% of the cut in staking fees.

NaaS is has been accounted for in the sketchy math. If linkpool has 60m links staked, returns will be at 5.8% at current prices. Any further up will depend on other products like NaaS. Therefore to make it to 8% territory NaaS and other products will need to be collectively pulling in as much profits as fees collected from 30m staked links

>> No.11696850 [DELETED] 

75% of staking dApp revenue go to stakers
6.25% of staking dApp revenue go to shareholders
18.75% of staking dApp revenue go to Mat & Jonny

>> No.11696860

75% of staking dApp revenue go to stakers
6.25% of staking dApp revenue go to shareholders
18.75% of staking dApp revenue go to Mat & Jonny

>> No.11696873

Enjoy your $100 a year, what a waste of money. Seriously you're better off buying link.

>> No.11696915
File: 965 KB, 2040x1888, eisberg real value cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Chainlink network is adopted and gets enough traffic, Linkpool will earn high revenues. Let me ask you a question, how much money do you think will move through the Chainlink network? Jonny aspires to control 10% in the long term. Suppose he only manages to control 1% of the traffic.
>pic related

>> No.11697036

... 6.25+18.75 = 25. 6.25/25= 0.25
you're still getting 25% of the profits

>> No.11697113

In the case of NaaS, operators are paying flat fees so you dont know how much they're earning in revenue. An entire step is missing

If the flat fee is less than 25% of a NaaS subscriber's total revenue, then the cut per share will be less than 6.25%. If the subscriber is a brainlet and the fees are 100% of his revenue (meaning he makes no money) then the cut per share is 25%

>> No.11697118


fud harder lol

>> No.11697849
File: 132 KB, 750x580, 1540493750743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't explaining how linkpool is a better investment than chainlink. Link pool is valued higher than chainlink based on the percentage of the total network revenue of chainlink that we can expect will belong to linkpool. Linkpool is overvalued and completely relies on chainlink mooning before we even consider linkpool company technicals.

>> No.11697914

What the total supply and market cap of linkpool?

>> No.11697992

There are 4000 LP shares in total.
If we meassure market cap as total supply times last trade price, then its 4000*(7*215) = $6 million

>> No.11698061

Linkpools market cap is 3.3% of the link network. It seems to be priced to perfection already versus holding chainlink.

>> No.11698087

>completely relies on chainlink mooning before we even consider linkpool company technicals
That's not correct though. If you buy LINK you will only have profit if the token increases its price. If you buy LinkPool shares even if the price of Link does not radically increase, you would be receiving passive income simply from network traffic.

>> No.11698096

3,000 shares are the revenue from Mat & Jonny, so these ones are not in circulation.

>> No.11698189
File: 10 KB, 151x233, 1523219628420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkpool red pill: Your best possible outcome is a 10% return on investment. If you're satisfied selling away your LINK that you could make 1000% return or greater, for the marvelous opportunity to make Linkpool founders rich and get an 8% ROI, go ahead and invest..

>> No.11698277

Read the thread, no ones still convinced me and it seems like johhny and whoever are gunna be insanely rich from this, not trying to fud, im really interested in buying shares but have yet to be combinced its worth it, still running my own node now. Just gutta wait for all this to playout i guess

>> No.11698436

except I bought shares and am staking