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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11687008 No.11687008 [Reply] [Original]

Wondering why you are still 99-50% down on your initial investment?

- No one is buying more crypto than others are selling. Prices remain either stable or go down.
- Normies already got in during the December bubble
- All that is left in crypto now is bagholding normies, pajeets and chinks
- The early adopter nerds are gone enjoying their millions
- Bakkt priced in

There will NOT be another bullrun UNLESS we get a NEW GENERATION of NORMIES to dump upon. This can take years, a decade even.

Either hold that long or gtfo pajeets.

>> No.11687132

Dont hurt me
No more

>> No.11687155

One word: tether

>> No.11687165

Bitcoin will hit a million dollars. It's inevitable when you look at a logarithmic chart.

>> No.11687205

As if anyone will buy it at 7K+

Stop coping and just realize you fell for a pyramid scheme.

NORMIES AND PAJEETS ALREADY GOT IN. it's that simple. it cant go past this point.

>> No.11687228

Bitcoin was 10% of the price it is now 2 years ago. Bitcoin is doing just fine. If you bought in at the top of the last rally I can understand why you would spread FUD.

>> No.11687258

2 years ago, crypto had 0 normal folk. 0, just nerds and early adopters. No butchers, no taxi drivers, no shoeshiners.

Today, we have stay at home moms, paid groups, TRX/XRP/XVG normies, Twitter celebs, mainstream media all on crypto.

If you have single digit IQ I can understand why you think the two times are the same.

>> No.11687273

Normies don't cause the bull run, whales do. Normies come later when they see the hype in the media caused by the price increases.

>> No.11687281

2 years ago there were around 10 million wallet users. Now there's roughly 30 million wallet users.
>Today, we have stay at home moms, paid groups, TRX/XRP/XVG normies, Twitter celebs, mainstream media all on crypto.
You would think all of those people you bunched together would amass more than a 20 million increase in wallet users. Try doing some research before talking about things.

>> No.11687290

Your adoption cycle is missing the trough of disillusionment. You know, where we are right now.

>> No.11687291

OP you underestimate the retardation of normalfags/goyim. They forgot about a Muslim who shot up a gay bar killing 50 people, an old WHITE MALE who took automatic weapons to a hotel room and fired upon a crowd of country music fans and most of all about a fat Jew who “raped” half of Hollywood (might I mention celebrities are extremely important to normalfag NPC’s) so do you really think when the whales who haven’t dumped all their bags decide to pump crypto again and the price goes back to 15-20k normies won’t FOMO back in? The last run gave it the media awareness it needs for one more giant bull run.

>> No.11687301

Korea fueled the last bullrun. Normies didn't even get much time to jump in before the downturn. Fuck off

>> No.11687329

The next bullrun (if there is any) will be triggered by adoption, you absolute human scum! Even if there won’t be a bull run, there will still be projects pulling a x100 and x1000 because of adoption. Your TRX bags will probably never moon again though, I’m sorry OP.

>> No.11687334

You do have a point there.

>> No.11687401
File: 29 KB, 560x420, statistical_bell_curve_gap_powerpoint_slides_and_editable_ppt_templates_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really the only point that matters. The blockchain is public, there are 25-30m wallets. Even if we only count the population of the US that's only roughly 10% adoption rate and are unironically in the Early Adopters phase. We are in the chasm right now, and any decent adoption bell curve shows it.

>> No.11687509

bitcoin rises in price without normies what are you even saying? The only difference is that we get a bubble when normies try to join in.

>> No.11687546

normies keep their coins on an exchange. Those wallets aren't on a ledger

>> No.11687590

Good thing that Data is public. As of September 2018 there were 25 million users on Coinbase and roughly 3.4 unique wallet addresses per user.

>> No.11687693

Thing is, 2017 brought a lot of projects into the space. A better metric to use would be overall wallets created between then and now across all chains

All those TRX/XRP/XVG normies aren't necessarily holding BTC, but just a lot of random coins. Your metric tells us at minimum the # of BTC wallets increased by 3 times.