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11685683 No.11685683 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 BTC. Should I sell one to get 32 ETH or just hold onto the BTC?

>> No.11685690

Get the ETH. Institutions are getting ETH not BEETCOIN

ETH = Thing smart white people are buying
BTC = Sub humans in foreign countries with inflationary currency

>> No.11685696

I'm leaning towards this but have been too pussy to make the move, if ETH were to dump one more time under $200 that would probably seal the deal.

>> No.11685697

This, look what every company and government is building on as well as most of the private developers

>> No.11685712

>Put .33 BTC in ETH
>Put .33 BTC in LINK
>Keep .33 BTC
Unironically can't lose

>> No.11685719

also im considered about ETH having no supply cap, can u explain why that's not a bad thing and won't prevent the price from reaching super high levels?

>> No.11685730

Shhh... just buy what I said wait until the peak of the next bull run, cash out, and make a thread thanking biz that some random anon on a Korean shrimp farming forum gave you decent financial advice.

>> No.11685737

how high are u expecting ETH to hit?

>> No.11685738

Yeah, currently the inflation is lower then BTC's was at its age and once staking starts inflation because irrelevant because it goes to all participating parties so you never lose your % of the supply meaning you move with the marketcap permanently.

Does that make sense? Like if you own 1% of the coins and have them staked you will always have 1% of the coins until you sell some. Rather then your 1% eventually becoming .9% as inflation happens

>> No.11685752

The era of ICOs that fueled the ETH pumps is over.

>> No.11685757

It's still a better functioning currency and will scale into the world computer meme.

Only bitrockers don't get this

>> No.11685760

There's also the Constantinople reduction coming in Q1 2019, reducing inflation below btc levels.

>> No.11685775

I'm not psychic, I just know ETH, BTC and LINK will be used for years to come.

That's why I'm recommending you throw a third in each, forget about your portfolio until you see biz flooded with golden bulls and green wojaks and then cash out.

>> No.11685800

eth is a pure fee token (no store of value)
a price over $500 proved to be too high as it failed catastrophically

>> No.11685913

I would go 1,5 btc and put the rest in linkes. Best performer in my portefolio this year

>> No.11685935

People shilling ETH are probably about as bad as people shilling link right now... ETH is a timebomb in the dapp space because all its going to take is one popular dapp on a coin that scales to completely leave ETH with only sub par gains for a couple years. You can buy Serenity right now in the form of EOS, NEO or TRX.

>> No.11685939

Yes, if you want 320,000 dollars. Sell both for ether.

>> No.11685987

>Serenity right now in the form of EOS, NEO or TRX

>> No.11686020

I would keep 80% in btc and use the rest to speulate on low cap coins with the sole aim of putting profits back into btc.

I did this with rvn last month and bat this month, XTL next week. Good luck.

Personally bearish on eth but i know a few high iq ethlords so dyor.

>> No.11686043

>but i know a few high iq ethlords

I would seriously listen to the DYOR part and make sure that research comes in the form of "Can I do anything with this shit?"

>> No.11686071


Yep. Search for "Solidity developer" on the major job site of your choice, and be amazed. Search for "Bitcoin developer" and despair. Nobody gives a shit about Bitcoin outside of banker shills and chink miners anymore (hash war, the absolute fucking STATE of Bcash too lel). Monero is already the perfect decentralised currency (fungible, private etc), and it's already being used organically more than any other (DNMs). Everything else still worthwhile buying into in the crypto world is about smart contracts ( powered by something super-Stinky of course ) and true dapps (Holochain), with a common platform tying it all together (probably Ethereum unless Skelly continues to drag feet).

>> No.11686079

Also keep in mind, Tech giants like google CEO's are approving and telling everyone that their kids mine ETH. That is bullish AF.

They aren't having their kid mine BTC because it really isn't that valuable. BTC has value because of first mover advantage. If it ever loses #1 mcap its going DOWN hard.

>> No.11686086

Sell one btc
Buy 16 eth

>> No.11686129

Hi OP,
I had 3 Bitcoin and have split it 50/50: BTC and Link.
BTC is the best hedge you can get. Keep at least 1.

>> No.11686147

32 ETH for staking. ETH will be 20k in the next bullrun

>> No.11686157

ETH inflation is supposed to be 1-2% per year

>> No.11686523

Is this actually confirmed though? I think vitalik has only hinted at 32

>> No.11687392

Neither BTC nor ETH is a currency, you raging faggot.

>> No.11687407

>The era of ICOs is over

>t. anon circa 2012

>> No.11687421

1 BTC is about 30 ETH right now...

>> No.11688388

go fity fity

>> No.11688399

oh, oh! even a better idea faggot!
>get the 32 ETH
>buy APOT
>stake it on allbit.com
>get passive income of about 30% per month
>tell other faggots about it
>wait for demand to grow
>sell when it goes 3-4x
thank me later

>> No.11688466


Meanwhile institutions have been buying into XLM all year long in stealth mode.

>> No.11689302


eth is the moonshot

>> No.11689312

imagine hodling eth in 2018

>> No.11689635

>imagine not accumlating bargain eth

two outcomes:
staking comes out end of 2019: eth goes to $2k+
staking is delayed: eth maybe <$100

do the math, it's not hard to see the profit.

>> No.11689650

> sell at the bottom
ETH is going to dethrone BTC when sharding is completed

>> No.11689743

>staking is delayed: eth maybe <$100
>current price >$200

yea im sure staking or whatever wont be delayed, eth has an impecable track record when it comes to development

>> No.11689779

yeah I ain't saying guaranteed, I gave you odds.

staking on time: 10x
staking delayed: 0.5x

if you think theres a <10% chance of no more delays eth is free money