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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11685232 No.11685232 [Reply] [Original]


By Ale Flores, Global Segment Lead for Blockchain at AWS

>> No.11685242

Literally who?

>> No.11685914

This news is mind-blowing, and yet the price tanked.

>> No.11686291

No one knows yet...we're gonna fucking make it

>> No.11686311
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please guys just wait I only need to put 5k jew fiat into link and im at 50k thats my goal so I'm at least somewhat content

>> No.11686351

So after reading through that, Kaleido basically allows businesses to set up customisable ETH side chains that can be anchored to the ETH main-net at customisable points.
Can't you take away from that that 1) Small non-deployed side chain focussed projects like ARK and ARDOR are DOA, 2) ETH will be the industry standard permissionless parent chain. Right?

>> No.11686446

ctrl+f 'chainlink'
0 results
ctrl+f 'smart contract'
0 results
how delusional can you linkies be? you really think amazon gives a fuck about some erc-2677 token?

>> No.11686471

That article is from half a year ago, dumb-dumb.

Here's an article on Kaleido from yesterday:

Now do a ctrl+f on the word "chainlink".

>> No.11686746

lmao dude just because they're using some web service doesn't mean they're partnered with them. its unironically nothing, just another third world shit project with no use case

>> No.11686755

>part of the low-threshold blockchain package offered by AWS
>"no use case"

The cringey part here is not you being stupid, it's the fact that you're obviously a dirt-poor wageslave who lives paycheck to paycheck, and has to "accumulate" for over a year to have any kind of holding worth a damn.

>> No.11687242

Go back please

>> No.11687284


ya stop confusing us with the truth

>> No.11687287
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>> No.11687426
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>is used
>no use case

>> No.11687554

Name one thing chainlink does that can't be done without it. Spare me the 'muh automated payments', it already exists

>> No.11687575

Why are you asking us?

>> No.11687583

ETH is already the standard. "The next ETH" is a joke whales make

>> No.11688316

We're all just retards here so we don't have an answer to this. Maybe a clever guy like you could sit down and have a chat with Ari Juels or the Web3 foundation about how pointless it is. I'm sure you'll get them to see how clever you are.

>> No.11688430

>Poor stupid people trying to keep other poor stupid people poor.
this is a once in a generation opportunity for low information peasants to create fortunes and who tries their hardest to ensure that doesn't happen? other peasants.

>> No.11688481

Wrong. #xrpthestandard

>> No.11688511
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You're right anon. Leave these retards to their chainlink, they're deluded and there's no point trying to convert them. Invest in a coin that actually has a use case, like Ripple

>> No.11688534

>ctrl+f chainlink
guess what

>> No.11688535

stinkies btfo

>> No.11688549

We're both just joking r-right

>> No.11688609
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Bear in mind that chainlink (besides being a scam) is also owned by many right wing homophobic racists, and that chainlink profits actually go towards GOP and trump campaigns, and you can understand why most steer clear.

>> No.11688634


>chainlink has a great potential but I can't/don't want to name one because you might be trolling
On a real note, xmr is the only crypto that matters and that doesn't suck bankers' dicks to work for them

>> No.11688637

Not my fault you have no idea what smart contracts and oracles are

>> No.11688640

You gonna lose all you money

>> No.11688651

why exactly doesn't anyone from the chainlink team acknowledge this or say we're proud to be part of the kaleido marketplace?

>> No.11688662

Dude smart or not they add nothing new and solve no real world problem. You're seriously deluded if you think real companies care about turning their real contracts into code

>> No.11688672

Because they won't be using the chainlink network. They're literally just using the software since it's open source.

>> No.11688704

>this is a once in a generation opportunity for low information peasants to create fortunes and who tries their hardest to ensure that doesn't happen? other peasants.
Yes this is one of the more bizarre aspects of the very bizarre place that is buz. Seems to be a fairly large contingent that sees Chainlink as their secret — a secret that the unworthy “newfags” and “plebbitors” don’t deserve.

Really pisses me off desu. Lots of people unironically saying “fuck those neets. I don’t want them to have an extra 100k” because they see it as coming out of their pockets. Meanwhile these greedy fucks had nothing to do with Chainlink. Didn’t come up with the idea, didn’t develop it or build partnerships. But somehow they think they are the true fans — like they knew about this band before it was cool so fuck everybody else.

Well fuck them. The whole point of this board is to share info, not fuck each other over. I’m grateful to this board for telling me about Chainlink last year. But fuck these funding fuckers

>> No.11688746

>The whole point of this board is to share info, not fuck each other over
Yeah, biz is nasty. Let's create our own subr*ddit, it will be the best ever!

>> No.11688765

Christ anon. At least try to be convincing here.

>> No.11688781

there are actually anons who because they don't understand legitimately think it doesn't make sense. i'm not saying chainlink wins, but that's literally where there hate for it comes from

>> No.11688792

>they add nothing
That's because they remove something, i.e. middlemen.

>> No.11688801

how one can be so retarded is mind blowing. Smart contracts solve so many real world inefficiencies and truth problems, it’s why big tech is drastically moving towards that sphere with blockchain solutions of their own.

>> No.11688803

This is the saddest part. An ETH genesis wallet pulled a couple mil links off binance the other day and someone starts slideposting the threads talking about beetles and shit.

Talk about crabs in a bucket. The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist - the greatest trick biz pulled was convincing the world links a meme.

>> No.11688898

>Yeah, biz is nasty. Let's create our own subr*ddit, it will be the best ever!
Or you know what else we could do ? We could have Worthless fuckheads like you fuck off and go fuck yourselves and then biz would suck a little bit less.

>> No.11688910

Biz is what it is. This atrocious board shilled chainlink for a year while r*ddit kept silent. Don't even imply that you'd like to make this place like the latter.

>> No.11689278

what chaps my ass is that the gatekeepers are idiots. intelligent anons who value their time and understand the project aren't shitposting this garbage, they're leaving. they left. why participate in any discussions if all the replies are lies?

>> No.11689291

You have to realise that this is the only sense of power and control the fudders have. They are literally miserable neets whose only ability to feel like they have it over anyone is to basically bully strangers out of this opportunity. It's sad as fuck and pointlessly misanthropic, but hey, that's 4chan.

>> No.11689305

you don't realize how much 50k is going to be. It's always way more than you expect

>> No.11689342

>intelligent anons who value their time and understand the project aren't shitposting this garbage
People who understand the project fud the hardest. They know individual r*dditors won't matter to the success of the project. They know their fud wont matter in the end.

>> No.11689417

you guys just made me think about what im actually doing. Thanks

>> No.11689425

It's simply a filter for those new to /biz/. Look at the amount of Chainlink content here - if you can't parse the good from the bad and do your research then yes, you don't deserve it.

Most of /biz/ are just waiting now and know what it is coming. The FUD and bs is just a way to pass the time.

But just look at Reddit, most have no idea about the underlying technology, no appreciation of what smart contracts can achieve when they're fully enabled by secure and reliable off-chain data. They're still waiting for the mass adoption of a coin - an improved Bitcoin. The future is bridging legacy systems with blockchain and not in some quixotic technoliberterian quest.

>> No.11689444

Just spend some time on /b/ ffs

>> No.11689482

it's not 4chan at all. the disinfo is meant to end discussions. they don't want you to discuss chainlink. it's all theater for an imaginary audience that "doesn't deserve to know". so now we talk about shit and they enjoy real discussion in discord/telegram.

>> No.11689505

>the biggest cock on /biz
>tfw biggest LINK stack on /biz
>the highest IQ on /biz
You're like ants to me

>> No.11689517

Yeah I'd agree with that. The rise of Discord has been a huge blow to the discussion on /biz/. A lot of faggots think that DIscord is where "the real discussion happens" so that /biz/ is now just a staging ground for all their retarded shitposting.
Unfortunately you couldn't pay me enough money in the world to take part in discord, where everyone is not only a namefag but has a picture avatar and shit, jesus christ. The irony being that a lot of these discord faggots "fud redditors" when they themselves use a platform that has even more of an ego/identity than reddit does.
The only response is to shift click the waves of retarded discord fud posts, but it's frustrating when you're trying to actually have a good discussion with proper anons and those faggots are in your thread posting inane fud and slide posts.