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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11680851 No.11680851 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Threads

Thread 1: https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/S11528030#p11528030
Thread 2: https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/S11534745#p11536544
Thread 3: >>11618393

Hey all, great finds these last few days, especially in this thread last night:

ps. Sorry I called someone a faggot in that other thread. Unkind and untrue.

Also Happy birthday Ass Blaster.

I just have a bunch of semi related kind of scattershot stuff ive been into this week, so here goes.

>> No.11680871


>> No.11680910
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First up is some Cardano stuff.
Potential connection to look into:
IOHK head professor guy Aggelos Kiayiasin in 2012 was on the Organizational Committee with Ari Jules for the Int Assoc for Cryptological research

I also liked this: Cardano website
https://whycardano.com/ (footnote 14)

That footnote links to a Cornell university article about scaling off chain using SGX, heres the article


Check the comments and you can see vitalik is in their talking about SGX and how important its implications will be in the space. Cool.

>> No.11680973
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“Reward Sharing Schemes for Stake Pools”
October of 2018

Looks like hacking distributed is a cornel publication which ari is central to or was or is I guess.

One of its latest articles is about remote attestation to assist in decentralized voting, town crier and decentralized oracles are cited as a relevant approach to achieving this. Ugh I lost the link just look it up its like the last thing they published.
Back in South Africa Though.

Heres Charles Hoskinson in SA talking oracles. Hes such a nerd, but its a good answer. He knows whats up. And he loves enclaves.


If somebody wants to find some connections between Ian Bessarabia(see old threads) and John Oconnor( Cardano Head in SA) thatd be nice.

>> No.11680998
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Something that really got me excited after all than Ian Bessarabia shit in thread 2. Ian is linked with Rory, our Rory of course, on LinkedIn. Thats pretty nice.

I dont have LinkedIn and have just been too inert to actually make a dummy one so yeah if someone wants to look at that go for it.

But I think thats huge.

>> No.11681028



>> No.11681086

Kateposter is currently the most based anon. Discord fags could take a lesson on how to be an actual legend instead of just a pest.

>> No.11681181
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Some more South Africa

I dont want to give away everything here; but you all should look into this guy.

Jonty Bylos

Invictus capital

He's from cape town



Gonna drive home, will post some heavy shit soon.

>> No.11681244


>> No.11681292


>> No.11681335

keep the bombs coming my man

>> No.11681355


>> No.11681482
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>> No.11681533

These threads are the fucking best. Keep bumping ya’ll. Let’s draw those with real skills and knowledge back out into the daylight. DRUNKAUSSIE/KATE BUSH 2020

>> No.11681542

I bought in to the c20 ICO, I think that was invictus

>> No.11681567

Hounds of Love is 10/10

>> No.11681594

what do you think about the parachain being developed for pokadot? pretty significant right?

>> No.11681631

Wow, wow , wow, wow, Unbelievable

>> No.11681649

Come back!!!!!

>> No.11681708
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>> No.11681713

it's literally perfect

>> No.11681768

>Gonna drive home, will post some heavy shit soon.
Thanks based kate-bush-fan-australian-breadcrumbs anon. As always, your posts are solid gold.

Agree that thread >>11670741
yesterday was legendary. A greatest hits of biz, including info on chainlink as well as "I'd-rather-be-making-out-with-dudes-in-Nam-but-that-don't-make-me-a-fag" anon and "Got-pulled-over-with-an-ak47-and-so-wound-up-putting-a-sharpie-in-my-butt-and-here's-proof" anon.

Looking forward to seeing the other gold nuggets that you are going to drop.

>> No.11681898
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Hey im back, same laptop but different internet. Hope my ID stays the same. Lets see.

>> No.11681947

wut up senpai

>> No.11681948


Dump the heavy shit Link brother. <3

>> No.11681956
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Lots of responses in the thread so far, thats pretty nice to see. Usually I gotta samepost like 30 times to get this top of page. So hey that bodes well because this next thing is super heavy, and its super extensive, and we need help with it. Lots and lots of help.

Like to just reiterate here that Im just posting and sharing and talking about publically available info, and I come by everything in a ethical manner, and you all should do the same, of course.

That being said. Here you go. This is the participation portion of the class.


>> No.11681972
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>> No.11681998

Ah well the ID didnt stay the same. Eh.

>>11681713 Hounds of love is the fave by far. But it was the kick inside that got me obsessed. Especially the music video for Them Heavy People. I must have watched that like 100 times in a week.

Honestly havent had time to look into it. Im way behind.

>> No.11681999


You are a legend dude. You deserve to make it. I'll start looking through this and hope the smart Linkies will too!

>> No.11682013

IDK what I'm supposed to do here. I can shill them this shitcoin I made?

>> No.11682020

I didnt make the spreadsheet man. Somebody else made the spreadsheet. Get me?

>> No.11682033
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>> No.11682048

>Get me?

>> No.11682055

Can you tell me who made it?

>> No.11682064

Team list looks like the Bogs' cousins

>> No.11682079

We need a place to talk about this that isn't 4chan. I feel creeped out just looking at this, what in the hell kate.

>> No.11682083
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Just win baby

>> No.11682101

What's creepy about it? It's just a big list of things that claim to be funds. Literally anyone could make one....
Sorry bros I don't get this one. Stale breadcrumbs.

>> No.11682114

so what does this have to do with link? im not trying to shill link to everyone of these investors..

>> No.11682121

Also, it looks like whoever made the list shared this list on reddit.

I'm probably (definitely) missing something here but from what I can see this is a quasi-public spreadsheet and nothing untoward in looking at it.

>> No.11682156
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You dont have to contact anyone.

Let me be more clear. Please dont contact real non autistic people, guys.

Blockfront capital is an interesting one, for example.

Dont get frustrated guys.

>> No.11682205

so they invested in chainlink....interdasting

>> No.11682249


Coin fund invests in Altcoin shocker

>> No.11682255

Lol their portfolio is 100% biz shitcoins. Why am I not surprised some romanian pageet is behind those fantom threads.

>> No.11682265


Oh Lord based Link crumb poster. Please spill all the beans and delete that message before we have autists descend on these elites.

>> No.11682382

Focus on South Africa and Australia. The other threads come in useful.

I gotta do some stuff. Be back later.

>> No.11682400
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omg i just realized this shit song was a cover after all this time;
just listened to the original. it's good

>> No.11682560

Fuck that thread was great. Imagine explaining to your grand kids how you made it by hanging out in a business forum where dudes try to justify being gay as aids and stick shit up their ass

>> No.11682719

>Fuck that thread was great. Imagine explaining to your grand kids how you made it by hanging out in a business forum where dudes try to justify being gay as aids and stick shit up their ass
Yeah, in 500 years an anthropology grad student at Elon Musk University on Mars is going to be writing their PhD Dissertation on that thread. In fact, people are going to be writing books (or whatever they write then, maybe mind scrolls or something) debating each line of that thread, just like academics debate hieroglyphics.

Biz: no one would believe it if you told them, so don't even try.

>> No.11682889
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only thing south africa in this

>> No.11682905
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all the aussie

>> No.11682962

>Biz: no one would believe it if you told them, so don't even try.
this is the frustrating part of my life currently.
>bubbles are bad, bubbled popped, you lost
the most rational thing to do in a bubble is to participate. sigh

>> No.11683428
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If only her face didn't look like a walrus, these pictures would be actually good

>> No.11683746

Alexander Chepurnoy - Input Output - IOHK
Previously he was a core developer of Nxt cryptocurrency and a founding member of smartcontract.com

>> No.11683956

Bump for autism

>> No.11684113

I assume he knows the answer and this is a question to see what others come up with?

>> No.11684156

Isn’t there a blood fued between Cherpunoy and Sergey?

>> No.11684301

im not letting this thread of gold die

>> No.11684383


>I assume he knows the answer and this is a question to see what others come up with?

As I said in my post above,
If you check one of the tabs in the google sheet it has links with, what appears to be, info about who made the google doc. Also a link to this reddit post about it. https://www.reddit.com/user/dennydo/comments/91r6yt/icoblockchain_funds_database_443_funds_in_this/

>> No.11684557

Would someone just spit out how it’s related to chainlink. This thread is a sad handjob.

>> No.11684580
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>> No.11684609

>copper commandos

>> No.11684707

investment firm: /biz/ bagholder edition

>> No.11684739

Great stuff, thank you for sharing.
These threads always give me a slimmer of hope.

>> No.11685062

God almighty, they have some bags of shitcoins. Not to mention they’re literal gypsies.

>> No.11685178

Fucking keks, this firm is the very definition of bagholding.
only 2 out of all those coins survived the bear market.

>> No.11685181


At least I can take comfort in knowing large investment groups lost as much money as I did.

>> No.11685213


Hounds of Love as the link themesong? We need an anthem like ‘shadilay’ for when the singularity happens

>> No.11685309
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Babushka babushka ay ay

>> No.11685374

El bumpo

>> No.11685748

based and redpilled

>> No.11685911
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.11686106

I don't come here too often. Can somebody explain why Link is getting meme'd so hard? Are normies really going to accept it?

>> No.11686114

It's literally a year-old /biz/ meme. A bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11686117

Normies don't need to. That's the beauty of it.

>> No.11686138

Sounds like a complete meme if true. Do you have sources?
>currency doesn't need widespread acceptance to hold value
wut? I want to believe the hype but I ain't spending money based off something I heard on the internet without any backing.

>> No.11686181

You're right it's a scam, pls ignore.

>> No.11686214

I was not sure about Link, but people who like Kate Bush can't be wrong. I'm in!

>> No.11686257

Dude, I bought link once, I thought it was cheap at $1 because this 4 Chan guy with a premium account that seemed to get a lot of respect told me it was going to be $3 by may. Now look at me.

>> No.11686278

Kek actually having to write this unironically in fear of weaponized autism

>> No.11686647

>link is a currency

alright look buddy you didn't have to tell us you're new here because it's very obvious with your posts that you are.
Now, with that said, today is your lucky day because I'm deciding to sit here, and take the time to spoon feed you just a bit. But not too much.
LINK is a network dedicated to decentralized Oracles for smart contracts. I know you don't know what any of that means, so here's the part where you DYOR. It would take alot of time to explain to you what a smart contract is, explain the oracle problem, how LINK looks to solve the oracle problem so on and so forth.
You really have to understand those concepts before you really even try asking questions in these threads.

I suggest starting with really understanding smart contracts then reading chainlink's whitepaper. Phoneposting soooo google it I'm sure you'll find it.

>> No.11686682

I hope faggots like this don't buy link

>> No.11686711

Civic didn’t even get off the ground. (Which is a ConsenSys red flag btw)

The money did get returned to investors