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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11680286 No.11680286 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs where you don't have to work with any women?

>> No.11680346

only 1% of HVAC workers are women

>> No.11680367

being a gay prostitute would also work for ya

>> No.11680569


Fuck you

>> No.11680574


>> No.11680600

Sound's like you're interested in the job.

>> No.11680615

something with kitchen

>> No.11680654

Absolutely rekt

>> No.11680677

construction worker

>> No.11680710


>> No.11680785

gay porn op

>> No.11680833


>> No.11680852

4chan moderator

>> No.11681633

Any trade skill; bitches wouldn't know what hardwork is, even if it was a big black cock slapping them in the face daily.

>> No.11681778

sorry i don't pay for strange

>> No.11681785

Yeah but 99% are faggots jajaja

>> No.11681802

Gay pornstar

>> No.11681807

sounds perfect for OP.
>HVAC worker by daylight
>Gay prostitute by moonlight

>> No.11681823

any job where there's no year-long maternity leave. Alaskan fishing boat

>> No.11681869

cashier here
fun fact: every single fucking fishing company I've ever had buy groceries has had nothing but women administration

mostly because every single fisherman is a fucking retard
> uh, what do you mean call our credit card company before we spend four thousand dollars on food? WHY CARD NO WORK
> uhhhhh, what do you mean you don't have ten thousand dollars worth of cartons of an obscure cigarette brand only jim on our boat smokes? what is 'order a week in advance' FISHERMAN SMASH

fact is, only women are competent enough to handle supply chains and logistics

>> No.11682296


>> No.11682308

any job that requires actual hard work should do

>> No.11682314

>only women are competent enough to handle supply chains and logistics
lol good joke, now show tits
Anything where muscles are needed and takes place in a gross environment

>> No.11682369
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anything physical

>> No.11682424
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Those examples you gave sound like cashiers giving shitty customer experiences.

It's okay. You don't care about the company sales or bottom line. Why would you? you're a lowly peon serving men doing dangerous work (poorly) As long as there's state mandated free stuff men provide for you and you can whine about sexism. Don't get raped lol

>> No.11682625

Machining. No women or blacks

>> No.11683359


4chan moderator