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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11676506 No.11676506 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about our lives other than crypto, /biz/. How's your business, work, personal life, physical and mental health. Me, I'm pretty good. Wish I had some people in real life I could confide in though.

>> No.11676521
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Fuck off

>> No.11676581

I'm not doing good op.

I am in a job I hate I have a worthless BA and I am an infantry Marine combat veteran which means I have literally 0 skills from my education and my experience. I am getting close to an hero.

>> No.11676615
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Honestly OP, this is not a good time for the bottom feeders. Jobs are harder to come by. I've been unemployed for 6 weeks now. Been giving out resumes and going to local businesses.
Gonna spend the next year low key studying and getting some employable skills.
Enjoy your life OP, finding people to party with is easy, getting money is hard.

>> No.11676636
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19 year old zoomer here.
Business & work: Thinking of starting a lawn mowing business, just working with my dad and his boss right now.
Personal life: stopped talking to my friends after highschool.
physical : I'm eating good but generally lazing around,
Mental Health: Is fine since I am eating well.

>> No.11676692

Economics student, honestly my life feels even more pointless now than when I was in a part-time warehouse job. Trying to live a redpill life at university is kinda hard when you're surrounded by NPC:s who only care about partying. I have real friends but they are all in the city I left.

>> No.11676725

>I am getting close to an hero
As a veteran you at least you know how to operate a gun. So this you could actually suceed at

>> No.11676847
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>no gf, dont drink, no car, no pets
>make $300 per day doing nothing at my office job
>$300k in equities

comfy as fuck

>> No.11676874

I wagecucked for a month to dig myself out of a financial hole - then I quit. Alpha move?

>> No.11676902

Working at a bar, 27 years old - Pretty dead end, but it pays well and I don't hate it. I houseshare with a few friends, have a gf and drive

I'm finding it hard to know what I really want to do in life. So I just waste my days surfing the web and doing nothing of value. I have a good friend group and am always out doing something interesting with them, so that keeps the an hero demon away.

If crypto really takes off, I might be okay, but this year has fucked me over hard. Why the fuck did I invest in alts

>> No.11676964

Unemployed and living of severance. Helping my wife with her thesis. Just technical stuff not the actual paper. Lending money to her leech of a father.

Yesterday a friend offered me a job on a beauty salon. I should have taken it.

Crypto might be my last chance before having to turn to my parentes for money.

>> No.11677154 [DELETED] 

I just got broken up with for the second time this year. You might think this is memeing but it’s definitely because of Chainlink, at least in part. As soon as we get close enough to start discussing finances and future plans/aspirations a little bit I of course tell them about my LINK bags and try to explain to them about smart contracts, they just get frustrated with me (because they don’t understand what I’m talking about), they think I’m arrogant (because I’m so confident about it) and they think I’m money hungry (because duh). But the truth is I only want to make it so I can look after a family. So yeah my strategy going forward is to just not talk about it, which is difficult considering I spend so much time thinking/reading about it.