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11672115 No.11672115 [Reply] [Original]

Is welfare good or bad for society?

What would happen if welfare was suddenly cut off?

>> No.11672132

I'm interested in finding out

Note this post and time: I'll create an AI government for a small techno city that will either eliminate all welfare, or introduce universal welfare due to prosperity

>> No.11672148

Do yourself a favor and stop thinking in such binary terms. Welfare has good aspects and bad. It's good that people can eat, it helps prevent crime, and can be a safety net for somebody that had their shit fucked out outside of their control (company they worked for failed, job market doing terrible, etc).

It's bad because you're encouraging people to be lazy and not contribute to society.

>good or bad for society
Really depends how it's implemented, how much you get, how long you can get it, etc

>> No.11672149

Thots might have to go to church.

>> No.11672166
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people would be forced to find work, leave to somewhere else or just starve to death

>> No.11672201

All running expenses taken care off
Have to jump through loop holes for acquiring and spending additional income not paying taxes and not losing welfare

>> No.11672228

This. Transcend the dialectic. The world isn't black and white

>> No.11672245


>> No.11672262

yeah this, but mostly the last one. short term more working people, but only a very small percent increase.
long term starvation from the lack of jobs and lack of qualified workers. you'd see a population decrease that is enough to scare the economy, it will leave us with a slim, lean, 100% working population. but there will probably be war from other nations' economies going as a result of ours, or civil unrest where people take to the streets.

>> No.11672484

there would be a lot less cheap cheese in America and oil would get a lot more expensive.

>> No.11672662

More crime. If you don't get free shit and can't work you will have to take it any other way and when survival is on the line anything goes.

>> No.11672680

Full employment theres still 5% unemployment, so that 5% would starve/get help from charity

>> No.11672682

Look at Socialism (Communism). It was ran under the thought that "Government provided for everyone whatever they needed". Plus the dictator style form of Government and lack of freedoms. Well the only pure communist country left is North Korea. Look how fucked up it is. If you were born after 1990 then you don't really know what it was like. Back when Russia was the Soviet Union. Here in the U.S we got our own style of Welfare. For some cases it's a good thing (Dude gets hurt legit and can't work or gets fired from his job cause his company goes tits up). For the ones who free ride it drags it down for everyone else. (The fucks who get some doctor to do a fake work up that he's "disabled" when in reality he's out doing shit on his roof or working a job)

>> No.11672705

That jews love black cock spammer was getting on my fucking nerves, but seeing this guy getting triggered over it is changing my mind.

>> No.11672711

ussr had a planned economy. This meant some party member with no idea told farmers how to plant the fields and if they didn't follow what he said to the gulag you go. That's what completely crippled their production. The whole "government provides" never existed because there was nothing to provide with due said gov completely butchering the economy.

>> No.11672735
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This with a side note.
I'm a physician and when I was taking my psychiatry rotations ans a student and intern (I'm a family practice doc) we were required to ask our patients a 'mini-mental status exam' as well as other questions. I incorporated these questions into regular exams as well but one question I always ask is 'If I said 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' ...what does that mean?' You would be amazed at the amount of otherwise 'regular' people simply say 'cuz that break the winnowz...'
Point is, not everybody thinks like you and in my experience its oft foolish to change them so because their IQ is much lower than you'd expect. Lotsa stupid people out there..
But youre correct...

>> No.11672947

I'm fucking confused about the glass house part. Like you shouldn't throw stone cuz the fucking glass will come down on you and chop off your nuts?

>> No.11672976
File: 569 KB, 640x636, Singularity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(He)(They) are here Anons. Bow down to your technological superior overlords now or pay the price soon!! Your time was shifted in the recent past and you are on a different time parallel. Those who have read this must repent to VSk3pbyR

>> No.11673032

In small doses for the right people, welfare is good.

In large doses for the wrong people it's bad.

>> No.11673051

no you tard
If you're throwing stones at people from your glass house, you are basically asking for them to throw the stone back and fuck up your whole house.
in other words
make sure your own shit is sorted before you start trying to tell other people to sort theirs

>> No.11673056

The unconditional support of worthless human resource is bad for society, the unchecked proliferation of a military industrial complex is even worse.

Both are fuckin bad anon. Pick your fucking poison.

>> No.11673076

How can a woman choose to give birth to a fucking nigger?
There’s plenty of white Chads still.

>> No.11673092

So.. throwing stones will break the windows.
Are you autistic?

>> No.11673108

It's a proverb. It means you shouldn't point the finger at others when you've got just as much shit going on that people could point the finger at you for.

>> No.11673122
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Welfare is a way of life here in CA. Makes you feel like a sucker paying cash for beer at 7/11. Bad for society and should be implemented by charity. Too many conflicts of interests between the walking dead, politicians and the 7/11 lobby.

>> No.11673151

And what we have is mass welfare for thirdworlders.
Modern welfare is bad.

>> No.11673189

Welfare is a tool. Just like a hammer, it can be used to build great things, or you can break windows with it. If you have a closed society in which everyone is early on taught the value of working hard (alternative: government indoctrination), welfare can be applied as a social safety net. In this society where everyone wants to contribute, some people will fail and they will lose everything. With nothing else to do, these people would be the only source of criminals in your society (if pushed to the limit. Even a saint would choose to steal over starving to death) so you have to think about how to prevent this. This is where you would put the welfare, giving people that fall in this category some acceptable living standards until they can recover.

If you have an open society where you literally have no control over how the people that are in it were raised and what values they hold, welfare is simply a nefarious incentive for bad people. That is how you get that black guy who got a bunch of scholarships so that he could live like a king, or how you get those black girls that have more and more babies to collect more benefits, etc.

>> No.11673981
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8 day old baby dick cut and suck inbred ethnic cultists would get kicked out of their homes and would have to live purely on infant blood straight from the baby phallus fountain.

>> No.11673991

Some people are just prone towards criminality no matter their economic condition or how they're raise. People being criminals because they're desperate is just a stupid stereotype.

>> No.11674029

>it helps prevent crime
>Giving your wallet away prevents crime

Nah, it just streamlines it and adds a ton of middlemen

>> No.11674054

It's the best predictor at all income levels. Even white-collar crime occurs when some Wall Street fuckboi fucks up his investment so he has to use his stand 「THE NOSE」

People being prone to criminality is retarded. Use an economic interpretation of psychology. People will simply pursue their economic interests. Give someone a 6 figure salary and they will have no reason to commit petty crimes. Maybe then they could turn to corporate crime, but even the most crooked person would not risk that if he had a less risky path towards higher earnings. After all, crime is all good but the risk is always that if you get caught, you lose everything.

>> No.11674068

>people don't commit crime for the sake of committing crime
I have a well paying job but still steal cars and burn them out for shits and giggles

>> No.11674080

>give someone 6 figures and they wont commit crimes

>> No.11674121

I said that they won't commit petty crimes, and covered other crimes in a separate point.

That s o y blinding you or something?

>> No.11674127

Welfare is bad. Don't reward people for not working, because you'll get a lot of people not working. If you got rid of welfare like over night? It'd be a shit show for a while, but eventually things would settle down and the niggers would get jobs.

>> No.11674137

>I said that they won't commit petty crimes

Guess that's why rich bitches steal makeup just for the thrill of it, oh wait according to you that doesn't happen.

>> No.11674140

>anon is onions because he recognizes that testosterone filled men want to break the law simply for fun
what did he mean by this

>> No.11674149

Okay, you got me. In my theory of economic psychology, I am assuming people are logical actors. Women are not logical actors, thus can't be predicted by my theory. I apologize for not stating this before and I understand the confusion.

>> No.11674151

And where would these jobs come from?
Remove welfare system and you remove employment for a lot of people that work in the public service. great logic.

Stealing makeup is a petty crime tho

>> No.11674156

Top lel this anon knows how to shit post

>> No.11674177

Amusing reply at least but there's hardly any rational actors in this world. Most people effectively have an intelligence bordering that of a trisomy 21 victim and are pathos driven tools to boot.

Ya, I know.

>> No.11674211

Drink brake fluid you nigger loving faggot. If I had you in front of me I would split your jaw in half

>> No.11674223

It's bad for society but it would collapse if we cut it off out of the blue.

>> No.11674225

>Amusing reply at least but there's hardly any rational actors in this world. Most people effectively have an intelligence bordering that of a trisomy 21 victim and are pathos driven tools to boot.

That is true but when we are talking about people with significant net worths it has been consistently shown that even if they are not rational actors, they are very good approximations of a rational actor. This is true simply because it is ridiculously easy to lose a million dollars (see lotto winners who have managed to lose fortunes in the tens of millions in just a few years), and relatively hard to reverse that move.

>> No.11674522

Unlike everyone else in this thread I have actual experience with people on welfare. They get $1200 or so in social security "disability" but the kicker is that they are unable to do any type of work even one hours worth otherwise they lose ALL of their welfare. So what do they do? They do petty crimes to make that extra bit of money above the limited welfare check. This usually includes shoplifting, credit card fraud, and selling drugs. All stuff that is outside of the government's eyes, and tax free of course. Also, they will do a lot of white collar "crime" that the only thing anyone can do about is try to sue them (such as insurance fraud). Guess what is judgement proof against lawsuits? Yes welfare checks. The welfare system creates a shitload of people like this and makes sure they stay that way.

>> No.11674544

You won't get an intelligent response buddy, give it up.

>> No.11674601
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Welfare is great. Under no other system can you legally steal from asians and whites for the sole purpose of paying brown people to not work. After funding consumption of junk food, these 300 lb hambeasts squirt out 4 more lovely brown rocket scientists who will further dain the system of $150,000 each just in public schooling alone. Luckily, they will be taught that the white man caused all of their problems, and they are helpless to fix it unless a upperclass jew with political and financial connections does it for them. Remember, if you dont pay your taxes, we are going to take your house and send you to jail, thanks citizen!

>> No.11674616

This has to be an alt right troll.

>> No.11674636

eh, this is the Internet after all. could be a troll. could also be a mentally ill jew. either way it doesn't matter

>> No.11675512

modern day slavery
vote for me and in exchange I give you this check so you can live in the poverty line for generations

>> No.11675723

Ever watch Berserk? It would be kind of like that only better

>> No.11675754
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This. It's like a really HARD subject to talk about, almost magical. Now go back to work wagie.

>> No.11675878

Reality is not anime. Berserk doesn't even remotely explore the concept of welfare.

>> No.11675892

This. The same could be said about a lot of other political topics too.

>> No.11676056
File: 20 KB, 297x445, 1539779369920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ultimate redpill

>> No.11676061

based and redpilled
a system with i) voluntary permanent benefits tied to sterilization, and ii) temporary benefits to deal with unforeseen circumstances would solve 99% of society's problems within a generation

>> No.11676068

unironically genius

>> No.11676162

It wouldn't, because by the time sterilization kicks in as Ultima ratio these people will already have bred. Also there would be huge outcries when many people get sterilized just because of a bad job market in a recession.

>> No.11676199

wrong. Instead of being robbed of poor people, you're robbed by the government.

>> No.11676253

It does, it covers how society is without it

>> No.11676572

Wellfare is a trap. A better idea would be the proportional redistribution of dividents (surplus) in the form of a negative-tax UBI.

What do you mean there is no surplus? Your country is running at a deficit? That's funny, so is everybody else. Who does everyone owe money to then? Fughetaboutit already, here's some wellfare to keep your mouth shut

>> No.11676593

What the fuck anon??? I'm high and a bit scared right now...... What the fuck do you mean, what about the date and time of the post......

>> No.11676643

>is welfare good or bad for society?
Welfare promotes the poor & dumb to breed! Stop welfare & with it you will stop the low class breeding epidemic! The world has enough useless eaters.

>> No.11676690

Welfare for the old and physically disabled is fine
But if you're able to work and collect welfare you should be gassed for societies sake

>> No.11676713

What the fuck is that kike loving cunt going on about in pic, he says that it's wrong for his fellow jew to fuck niggers but its wrong for any other race to not want to fuck niggers because they are niggers. If that's not a troll really shows how Jews think they will control and run the world
Starting to think the same anon

>> No.11676771

You brainlet, what they are saying is crime rate would rise because your normal everyday bread winner of the everyday family lost thier Job and hasn't worked in three weeks, they need to provide and make sure their family eats, how do you think they go about that in a desperate situation?? You think they are now more likely to go steal or do armed robbery then before when they used their job to provide for their family

>> No.11676856

It's dysgenic.

>> No.11676897

good, it levels human capital up and makes capitalism more competitive

>> No.11677363

Altruism causes social decay

>> No.11677559

It can be bad or good. Just depends on how you go about it.

It's actually very simple - you can either have a welfare state or open borders. Choosing both will make your government collapse.

The political left likes to point out the success of welfare in Nordic countries and consider them worthy of emulating. That may be a good idea, but they selectively ignore the fact that their success is largely due to the fact that they've been ethnically, culturally and racially homogenous for the larger parts of their history. Now due to the recent open borders policies, it's all slowly getting overwhelmed and will ultimately crumble.

Now, if all forms government-sponsored welfare was suddenly cutoff, a few interesting things will happen:

1. You will see huge reductions in taxes

2. Community-based, forms of welfare will arise. Especially in high-trust, low (violent) crime communities. If you suddenly find yourself in a sticky situation through no fault of your own, you get old, get sick, etc, you may get tons of help from family, neighbors, and so on. More so than you would if you had the government as a safety net. Inversely, if you're known to be a shitbag, you won't get shit. This form of welfare is self-regulating and self-policing.

3. Anyone who fixes the roads will probably stamp their company's logo on the asphalt.

>> No.11677661

Lmao'd desu

>> No.11677769

Are we going back to late 2014 /biz? I see less and less retards and more decent posts, what's happening to the board!?

>> No.11677779

Thats what I thought too. Jews dont waste time on this bullshit

>> No.11677878

Making them go through 28 phone calls and a few interviews every few months to get your wallet while preventing them from taking your wallet at knife/gun point is better.

>> No.11678006

It’s the honkey tax for terrorizing minorities

>> No.11678181

Immediate consequences are riots in areas dependant on it. Maybe some people move to another place with gibs.

All that welfare money goes to wherever the government says, but taxes stay the same.

Then a party vouching for welfare to come back gets super popular, kicks everyone else out, and welfare comes back.

>> No.11678544

It's not a literal glass house

>> No.11678564

Why is there no law which simply prohibits people from knowingly having children if they make under a certain amount of money? If a family is below poverty level then it is virtually guaranteed that they will either be on welfare or not able to adequately provide for the child, in which case it would be better for that child to not have been born. Force abortions on 2 partner households who get pregnant while making less than 20k per year. They can't support a child

>> No.11678600

perfect genetics destroyed, I can't fucking bare to watch this happen

>> No.11678665

You miss the important point where it's not your wallet. The whole trick to welfare is making others pay for the people that would otherwise rob you while avoiding to pay yourself.

Secondary demand would be lower if there was no welfare since it makes the peons pay for your goods not just for themselves but for others who couldn't afford it otherwise too.

>> No.11678691

don't hate diversity while I am here!
we need everyone to interbreed until everyone looks the same wihtout special fatures so we are as diverse as possible!
black eyes, black curly ugly hair, skintone that looks like dirt and an ugly face.


>> No.11678745

Nope. Use of the dole always leads to abuse of the dole by politicians looking for power. You need a small and extremely homogenous society for it to break this rule. Read some history instead of spouting sophistry

>> No.11678875

Low IQ, literally.

>> No.11678902

brainwashed by media
or somehow "forced / pressured"

>> No.11678934


>> No.11679270

>how can a woman fuck whoever she wants and have a kid!
>how can her individual preference supersede /pol/ talking points about w-w-well blacks commit more crime!

>> No.11679343

Most people would be neets if they didnt need to work to survive, nobody wants to wageslave

>> No.11679481

>Use an economic interpretation of psychology

This fails to explain the crimes committed by third worlders when they move into the most generous welfare states. You are so obsessed with money you assume everyone else is the same

>> No.11679504

> propaganda doesnt influence people

You're pretty dumb

>> No.11679579

You're the only one talking about propoganda. It's retarded, you think blacks in movies means there's an agenda for white genocide.
It's amazing how you utter morons claim to be so intelligent yet unironically believe this garbage

>> No.11679752

as soon as the target is white peope:
every single advertisement is interracial
TV media is interracial, celebrity interaction interracial

It will be harder to prove that this is not ongoing.
The EU itself was created to whipe out a homogeneous society and countries.
Kalergi Plan and Frankfurt school, it is your turn to prove that these are not full blown ongoing right now.

but please point out a false statement in my post.

>> No.11679772

My strat in life depends on LINK. If my 10k stack doesn't become at least 1 million dollars, I will vote and shill for libertarian shit and if I am not getting rich through LINK, I'm shilling socialist utopia, how can you be so cruel? PEOPLE ARE STARVING LET THEM IN

>> No.11680118

I work in grading student doctors, and I rate "glass windows" as an "unclear mental status exam question". You'd ask a concussed person that?
If you can't figure out which of the hundreds of mental status exam questions are better than that one, you should check your IQ too.