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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11670671 No.11670671 [Reply] [Original]

the cryptoshit on /biz/ is so unbearable
why doesn't cryptocurrency have it's own board? it's clearly about time

>> No.11670681

you are a fucking retard

>> No.11670698
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Agree OP.

>> No.11670699

It does. You're in it.

>> No.11670700
File: 217 KB, 1296x1458, 1541533141594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ was created to get all the crypto posts off of /g/

>> No.11670701

t. nocoiner that knew about BTC in 2013 but didn't invest.

>> No.11670714

A shame really since if you look at an old archive of /biz/ there used to be much less crypto.

>> No.11670716

If you bought crypto when /biz/ first started talking about it, you'd be rich by now

>> No.11670718

dropshipping threads weren't much better

>> No.11670721

Salty no-coin faggot. We are /biz/ now, get on the crypto train or leave.

>> No.11670733

only because it was a bear market
i hope we never return to those times

>> No.11670739

What do you dislike about crypto?

>> No.11670746

how about a wagee board instead?

>> No.11670790

1. there are 5gagillion cryptocurrencies now
2. all those 5 gagillion are spammed and shilled on /biz/, killing thread after thread of potential other information about stocks, business opportunities and career improvement/career strategies
I get that people are into crypto and I don't hate them for it, I just feel like 90% of threads are crypto, each dedicated to this or that obscure, or not so obscure, cryptocoin

>> No.11670922

mongoloid moot, plz gib us /cry/

>> No.11670945

won't the cryptoafricanamericans enjoy having a board of their own too?
we also need a wizardboard if /r9k/ is just going to be a freeforall cumdumpster

>> No.11670963

get a life

>> No.11670973

Agreed, give them their fucking crypto board, biz is fucking 95% crypto

>> No.11670984

I tried and failed
that's why I'm here

>> No.11671000
File: 501 KB, 933x1036, link threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the linkshit needs to just stop. the spammers suck.

>> No.11671001

I really miss the old /biz/ where we discussed real businesses, stocks, property and scams. Crypto ruined this board. And now after the dumpening, the board is filled with gay bloggers and nigger lovers. I fucking hate what this place have become!

The oldfags are sadly long gone

>> No.11671016

at least there aren't any chainlink threads at /biz/ at all

>> No.11671053

I agree. Its so cringey seeing all these idiots thinking they'll "make it" off some internet money.

>> No.11671125
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/cryptoafricanamericans/ sounds racist

>> No.11671187

t. newfag

this is a crypto board. this board was made as a containtment board for retards shitting up /g/ with crypto garbage

>> No.11671218

>this board was made as a containtment board for retards shitting up /g/ with crypto garbage

>> No.11671230

Fake news

>> No.11671246

yes it's true, however I wouldnt be against linky spammers getting the rope. It gets annoying

>> No.11671285


>> No.11671305

I give this thread a five......

....out of five.

>> No.11671352

old /biz was retarded dude. Every single thread was someone saying "WAA HOW DO I MAKE MONEYYY" followed by 10 anons saying "Suck 100,000 dicks for a dollar a suck"

No one actually knew anything about stocks or any hard, real information of value. If a serious question got asked about options or forex or real business matters it would 404 faster than an ignored /b/ post.

>> No.11671408

This man is our new attorney general? Outrageous!

>> No.11671721

don't take your personal failings out on this board.

>> No.11672309

/biz/ was created to get cryptoshit off of /g/ though