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1166866 No.1166866 [Reply] [Original]

>Apply online to 100 jobs
>A month later, you might get 2 callbacks if you're lucky
>You fuck up 1 phone interview because they ask you gay questions, but thankfully you get a face to face interview from the other phone interview.
>Spend all week preparing for and stressing out about the interview.
>Interview is at 8am. Better you make sure you get there on time because if you're even 1 minute late that's an automatic disqualifier.
>You sit in a conference room with 5 interviewers who take jabs at you, asking ridiculous questions that they know you can't answer, because they want to lower your self-worth so they can offer you less money if you get the job.
>The process for the job requires you go through 7 interviews, and the first 6 go great. But you accidentally fuck up during the 7th interview and say something stupid that disqualifies you from getting the job. Or they just don't want to hire you because they think you're not a cool/goodlooking guy to be around. Or they gave the job to some overachieving shithead. All that month's work for nothing. Go back to step 1.
>After several rounds of agonizing job-hunting and interviews, you finally manage to get a job at a shady company that likes to abuse its employees.
>They can tell you're a desperate job-seeker, so they offer you peanuts for your salary.
>You accept because you're desperate
>You start the job and all your female coworkers instantly hate you because of your looks, and now you have an entirely new battle to fight.


>> No.1166877

Why don't you just get connections?

> be me
> intern says his friend is looking for financial analysts
>send over resume
> Name drop my friend and my resume gets kicked to the next round
>go in for interview, interviewer was also in the military
>share basic training stories and become bros
>get job

>> No.1166883

It's funny I heard a fact earlier today that said that 75% of millennials feel like having graduated college should be all they need to prove they can enter the workforce. So. Fucking. Entitled.

>> No.1166892

Nowhere in that whine did mention connections. Interfacing/Socializing with other people to improve your chances. Not once.

>> No.1166900

It's funny I heard a fact that 75% of you old fucks didn't even need degrees for the same jobs we're doing, could show up drunk and do nothing all day, and still got paid better for the time.

>> No.1166903

What if you're socially awkward/nervous/suspicious?

>> No.1166907

Ya. A piece of me dies when my dad basically brags about that shit without meaning to.

>> No.1166908

Cool way to make shit up on the fly. You're totally and completely wrong but whatever. Keep making excuses. Can't have that internal locus of control get in the way and expose your shortcomings.

>> No.1166909

>just get connections
I'll just go to the connections forest and pluck a few from a connections tree while I'm visiting the magical fairy land of a world where people actually want to talk to other people they don't already know.

>> No.1166910

Their mistake is thinking this country is a meritocracy. A degree is something that you can work to earn. Tall, girl, white, parents' friend(s), etc, conversely, are things that are handed to you. The real entitlement class is people with no skills except a firm handshake expecting to lord over an army of serfs.

>> No.1166918

Then you're screwed. The derp you're replying to will hire a raging alcoholic who rarely shows up and can't do the job if he does and then cry to, then to, the government when his master plan doesn't execute as he believes himself entitled to.

>> No.1166919

I've heard countless tails of how things used to be. Hell, my grandma would pack my grandpas coffee Irish every morning before putting it into his pail. Must've been nice.

>> No.1166922

Relax fag, im in the same position.

My worst case, hit the nuke button jobs you will 100% get hired. Car salesman, truck driver top two to instant middle class.

Other middle class: Police, Fireman, Truant officer

Other than that, go sign up for a good temp agency: Volt ETC.

Need a job now, food industry or warehouse, also RIP.

>> No.1166925

>cry to, then to
Sorry, I meant "cry at, then to." Business world is full of snowflakes who hate, and suckle at the teat of, government because they lack the courage to be honest with themselves and others.

>> No.1166926

I mean it is in a way a meritocracy, the thing is they always forget that it's up to them to PROVE they have the merit. Anyone can muddle through and get a bachelor's degree, but if your dad's friend is willing to put his name in the ring that you're a good a worker as you say you are it adds weight to your argument that you have that merit.

>> No.1166929

My backup plan is to NEET it up until my parents die and then inherit their house and pension

Feels good man!~

>> No.1166933


>food industry

That's all I basically have, myself. This should make OP feel a little better. Try NOT having a degree along with criminal record, rusty social skill, tarnished credit and alcoholism.

Granted half of those are of my making. But at least you're not buried in a hole like mine, OP. You got this.

>> No.1166946


We're more educated than you are. The major shortcoming that we have is we didn't have a 40 year head start in acquiring capital.

>> No.1166951

Cool way to dismiss any attempts at an informative rebuttal. I know you like to keep drinking that Fox News kool-aid of
When you don't even pause to think of how the world has changed, and why you feel completely left out because you haven't haven't bothered to even consider changing over the decades.

Entitled Millenials is a meme just as much as your old bootstraps memes.

>> No.1167005

You must be trolling.

>informative rebuttal
Nothing about that was informed. The only thing in business that has changed massively in the last 30-40 years has been new comers into markets, especially from overseas, and computers to improve workflow. You and your ilk simply love to make excuses about how others are keeping you down. Seriously, grow up.

>> No.1167026


Nigger what do you do for work

>> No.1167029

Millennials are the most educated generation in history because they were sold a dream that you needed a college education to get ahead. Too bad, everybody now has a degree so it became meaningless and you are left with a large amount of school debt. When you went to school, how much did it cost?`

>> No.1167039

Yeah, this is pretty much true about every older guy in a white collar job that I know. They were trashed almost 24/7 and still kept their jobs, raised a family, and could afford all of the trappings of success (car, wife, children, house) with almost no difficulties.

>> No.1167070
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Just work hard anon!

>> No.1167080

>boomers could drop out of highschool, get a job with no education and then buy a house and have a family

>today people study until they're 30 so they can get a shit job to afford their car payments

>"stop being so entitled" XD

>> No.1167092

Tell me about it...doing a shitty job as a FE developer,half of my salary goes to pay my rent, the other half goes on food...didn't imagine the Master's degree in Economics would be worth shit...

>> No.1167102

Join a fraternity. You'll have connections for days. Plus you'll get laid often.

>> No.1167107

bioengineering degree

i know i know, I fucked up and should have majored in something else.

but fuck man this job search is fucking crazy. I have applied to at least 30-40 positions and not one of them has given me an interview. I just get rejected through email.

>> No.1167109


God you people are insufferable delusional losers.

Get out of your mom's basement and talk to people. Say "hi, how are you today".

"Oh wow the weather sure is nice today"

"What do you do"

I'm so happy you fucking NEETs will be eliminated from the gene pool this generation.

>> No.1167126

I got my job from a career fair. Did they not have those at your university?

>> No.1167132

my university career fair has few full time positions and the ones they have they just tell you to apply online.

>> No.1167138

The manager of where I work thinks i'd be a good assistant manager, but it's not her decision to make.

Therefore, sometime this week, the area manager will be coming in to meet me. How should I go about impressing him/her?

>> No.1167149

ITT: OP makes some shit up, and then never posts again. Everyone offers their opinions and argues about OPs made up story as if it were real.

>> No.1167160

That really sucks. I got pretty lucky to get the job I accepted, but I had a couple of offers from a few companies without even great grades. What school did you go to?

>> No.1167177

A smile and lots of ass-kissing.

>> No.1167192

I lied about having a college education and I have a job making close to six-figures based off of connections.

You're a loser and 90% of the people who go to college and eat the shit that colleges feed you is a loser too. They tell you that's all you need while they take a shitload of money out of your pockets too anon.

>> No.1167221

I'd be totally ok with boomers if only they'd stop breathing.

>> No.1167268

>wahh wahh I'm owed a job for nothing!
Kill yourself.

>> No.1167280
File: 19 KB, 389x450, Spartachern4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply all over the country
>get flown all over the country
>make it to in person interview
>get told to fuck myself every time
>Been unemployed since January
>getting ready to hang myself

>> No.1167290

Both camps in here are right. Boomers had it easier and millennials are entitled. I'm a millennial. College is ridiculous. There are too many of us there.

As a generation, we've devalued degrees by giving them to everybody. A college degree today gets you about as far as a high school degree used to. The government subsidised the idea that everyone can, and should, go to college. Most people don't need to and have no business being there. But in order to keep that money flowing in, colleges make courses easier, advertise amenities vs education, and expand housing. If you've attended school and didn't realize this, you're an idealist. Yes, I'm aware of how fedora that sounds.

Bandying about lines like, "We're more educated" means nothing. It would be like saying you make more than a GM used to because he made $30,000 a year in 1950. The value of that education has changed. School is now a hugbox that doesn't generate good employees. That's why experience is so sought after. It shows that you can handle being an adult in the workforce. The degree is just an idiot filter to make sure you aren't a mouth breather.

That's why you're starting to see some hiring departments look for experience versus training. I'm a college dropout. I have literally gotten job offers from people in the financial services industry because I have a demonstrable ability to sell and adapt.

Harvest college for connections, work in a warehouse for 3 months, then start applying for jobs. Sounds stupid, but give it a shot.

>> No.1167297

This guy is right. I have a master's degree in STEM, with perfect GPA and awesome research etc... But still no fucking job. Couldn't even get an internship.

College is a fucking scam, everyone who ended up with a good internship or job had connections outside of university. Or they were an attractive girl. Either way works.

>> No.1167302
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1457349890154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated with a good GPA with an econ degree, got a job with no internships or relevant experience or connections. Did it hard mode as white male too.

>> No.1167310

I don't have any connections and applied to like one place a week. Got a job lined up as soon as I graduate. I even got the "shitty meme" econ degree.

>> No.1167313

Maybe econ is easier I dunno. I'm in a petroleum related field. Didn't manage to get internship, and now I'm graduated, but no one will hire at this level without an internship first but they won't hire you as an intern unless you're a student, and they won't hire you for a position that doesn't require an internship first because a masters makes you overqualified. Besides ll that the industry is also in the shit, so when it does pick back up they'll either hire experienced people who got laid off, or fresh new students.

tl;dr I'm fucked and will probably never work in this industry despite spending 6 years busting my ass to get a perfect GPA and all that other bullshit.

Yeah I'm fucking bitter. Especially when some asshat boomer is going to call me entitled for wanting a chance at a fucking job I spent tons of money and years of my life preparing for. Not even a guarantee, just a goddamned chance.

>> No.1167320

>work as temp
>sign on the dotted line to become permanent in November
>almost half a year later
>everyone around the office takes off days to call in sick, take vacations, everything
>as a temp nothing but sick leave hours
>boss goes apeshit when I want to take a day off to see the dentist for some serious work that may take awhile
>scheduled appointment 2 months in advance with notice

Life sucks.

Drop out.

>> No.1167323

I'm sorry man that sucks, my only guess is that econ isn't specialized in anything unlike your degree probably. If it makes you feel better I was unemployed a bit and had to take a shit job for about 8 months before I got this one.

Boomers can definitely fuck off outta the workforce now though, most of them that were forced to keep their jobs after losing their retirement funds in 08 have plenty of money to retire now. But now they're just staying in out of greed because they "need" that new speedboat.

>> No.1167339


>Just go talk to random people you don't even know when you have a subhuman, unlikable face. What could go wrong!

Faggots saying shit like this deserve to get acid thrown in their face, so the faggots that you tell that shit to could say the same shit to you.

You pretend as if people are "entitled", while you are that prick that gets your rich daddy or some retarded HR cunt that gets wet over your face to basically hand you out a job when you have no experience and you know jack shit about jack shit, because you look likeable/good.
Being treated like a subhuman your whole life because of your fucking face, while having your retarded boomer parents peddle you that sweet college meme and then going apeshit, once you find out it's bullshit is not entitlement.
Being a plain, boring , faggot with pleb tiers skills that gets shit handed out to him because of your faggy face is fucking entitlement. You deserve to pay every last cent of autismbucks to NEETS and then some. Quit trying to pretend you actually did something to earn anything, when you just got shit handed out.


>> No.1167355

Whoa whoa whoa. No general managers made $30k a year in the USA in the 50's. That was insane money even in the 60's

>> No.1167365

Don't fucking listen to this idiot. Anyone that claims to not make connections as an engineer or not be offered an internship is just lazy.

t. Guy who studies STEM has had three internships and recieved a grant to build a new lab.

Stop being lazy, you are already pretty smart. My parents had no connections and I had to make them myself.

>> No.1167368

BTW my GPA is a 2.9, GPA isn't everything you dumb faggot.

>> No.1167385


This. Fuck these fucking people who brag about their connections. Even if I had friends, which I don't have the time or money for and don't otherwise want at all, they'd be in the same fucking boat as I am, poor fucks with no nepotism to fall back on. Yeah, let me go make friends with some rich kid I've never met and can't stand, because maybe if I go drinking with them once in a while on money I don't have, their father might maybe one day offer me a job sweeping their floors.

And me, I'm moving across the goddamned fucking country before getting a job. I hate where I was born and this entire shitty region, and fuck me, if there's one thing harder than getting a job it's getting a job from 2500 miles away. Oh sure, let me just drop everything and fly over for an interview that has a one in fifty chance of panning out, I have thousands to piss away on last minute planerides and hotels.

And I'm sure everyone wants a friend who just wants to fucking use them to get a job with someone they know. "Hey man, I hate your guts and wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Here's a fake smile and fake interest in your shitty, vapid life. Can I have a job now pls?"


All my family are dirt fucking poor and can't recommend me for anything more than babysitting for some dirt fucking poor single mother.

>> No.1167399

It's >>1167365 again

In the time you are taking to write these baseless complaints you could have been doing things to improve your network and your resume.

Do you have a linkedin? Have you added every professor you took?

Did you talk to professors after class to establish connections?

Do you apply for scholarships and grants? Did you propose novel research or do projects on your own time?

Did you write some computer programs or learn a coding language?

If no you haven't really worked hard at all. Your GPA means nothing. Your degrees mean nothing. You need to gain skills and learn new ways of thinking.

Jesus fuck!

>> No.1167400

>>get a job
>>apply some time later
>>get a job
I don't uderstand what's your problem. If you know your shit, the work should come to you

>> No.1167402


I think the OP was pretty clear, that he doesn't look good, so no one is going to give him a job. Jobs aren't given on merit, grow up child.


Ejumacate yoself yo

>> No.1167407

Are you autistic? Just because you say hi to me doesn't mean we are networked. I don't even know who is more delusional, the neets or the retards who think networking is just making friends with random people.

I'm starting to think these "professionals" on biz are just neets role playing because the advice I read on here is not only retarded but ignorant as shit.

>> No.1167409

job search sucks, the economy is shit and robots are taking our jobs

what did you expect this to be easy? The economy literally exploded in 2008, and it blew up the whole planet, nobody has recovered from that mess and some countries have it unbelievably worse than others. Take a look at europe, look at that fucking mess.

We all "died" in 2008, we're just going on pretending what happened back then didn't change everything forever, while in fact it was the economic holocaust and apocalypse combined. If you're not convinced look at European politicians selling literal fairy tales to the public. Look at central banks around the world practicing literal cargo cult magic and praying it works. Literally all of them are doing the same thing and nothing is happening, we're in economic loony land. We're all fucked, we're all japan now, and the lost generation is permanent.

Its stagflation baby

>> No.1167410

He's applying for careers, not burger flipping at mcdonalds.

>> No.1167411

Why has no one replied to my comments of actual advice. You are picking on the retard advice and saying it is bad but ignoring good advice!

>> No.1167417

Bro, I don't need advice. I'm 3 years deep in an internship, member of a frat and my grades are on point. I know how to network. I'm just calling out the retard who claims it's as easy as saying hi to strangers.

I didn't even make it far enough in the thread to read your post. Don't trip.

>> No.1167420


>apply, research, learn to code, do linkedin

Jebus fucking christ faggot who gives a fuck if you do that shit? Those HR cunts only ask you about your hobbies, "tell me about yourself", "what are your weaknesses" or other irrelevant gay shit , that everyone is going to lie about anyway, and then just tell you to go fuck yourself, if they don't like your face (or too little job experience or too little education or "we will call you" like it sounds like it HR cuntspeak

>> No.1167428

While you're absolutely right, that's not the whole story either. It's only the middle and lower classes who are struggling despite international trade being freer than ever before, taxes being lower than ever before, businesses being larger than ever before, and banks having more money than ever before. It's not a collapse: we're being robbed.

>> No.1167431

Sorry thought you were OP. My bad man. Also frats are gay. ,':^)

I have no idea what you are even claiming as an excuse. Those things are completely normal questions for a STAR based interview or a character interview. They are literally seeing if you are a normal person before advancing. Sadly this is where many engineers fail. Just takes practice and trying over and over. Just because I did all those things I said I did doesn't mean I got them all instantly. I was rejected by over 70 grants that I applied to. No need to get bitter over it. Just improve after each rejection.

>> No.1167445

>propose novel research

I'm a fucking undergrad. What the fuck am I gonna contribute to the field. Some useless restatement of a bunch of shit I stole elsewhere? Because that's it, buddy, just regurgitation, how the blazing goddamned fuck do you want me to write a paper on entirely new shit if I have to cite where I got my ideas from if I say 4 is greater than 2. How many college students are there? You want us all to write "novel research"? Every single fucking cunt has to "add something to the field" just to get hired as a slave?

>add my professors

They don't check linkedin, they already have jobs, I tried. Also, again, not gonna help me apply across the country to where they don't know anyone.


Completely irrelevant. I may as well learn snake taming.

>GPA means nothing

Not so. If I have a bad gpa, they reject me based on that.

You're spewing a lot of platitude that doesn't apply in the real world. HR cares about diversity quotas, getting their rich friends' kiddos in, and hiring some stooges who worked four summers of internships for free that they can work like slaves to run the actual company while ten HR banshees cackle and stuff their faces with bonbons.

>worked hard

Yeah, four years of voluntary poverty while I pay for the privilege of turning in assignments like a chinese sweatshop worker and essentially teaching myself ten subjects a year isn't hard or anything.

Fuck you.

>> No.1167450

This thread is so scary, because I also have no connections yet, I am a first year in uni how do I not fuck up??

>> No.1167454

everyone's suggestions about what the op should do, and how he should improve his chances are right, and generally good advice if you remove the pedantry

on the other hand the OP's has a serious issue in dealing with this, and should preferably approach a professional/find some kind of strategy to maintain himself because its obvious he's breaking down.

>> No.1167456

follow all the good advice in the thread, do your best to maximize your chances

also heres a nice tip: try to get a summer job/internship/student worker position, and relevant experience while you are in university, dont just do the mandatory classes and go home ffs.

>> No.1167458

Butter up to every professor (for personal refs), take every internship (treat it like a job since those fuckers gossip about you), and go to every job fair (even if you don't get a job in your field, if they like you enough, they might give you something else).

>> No.1167462

Hey it's me again. Man you are making me mad.


You can still do research. You can still network.

I am building a new fucking lab at my school as an undergrad. I am sure you could write at least one paper just by trying!

And computer science knowledge is a must have you fucking idiot. Funny you mention snake charming. Python is a great language to learn.

GPA means something I'll admit I was exaggerating. But no need to have much higher than a 3.0.

>> No.1167463

Clearly Econ is not a meme degree. It is the best degree.

>> No.1167468

>all these people posting in this thread about how ridiculous it's become to be a middle class person in the US
>still all about making conditions worse for yourself in hopes that a less shitty life will just "trickle down"
When will you people wake up and see the bigger picture?

>> No.1167474

Pro-tip: If you've been out of college for a good bit and are still unemployed, then just work on your social skills.

Go out to bars or some shit and just talk to people. You'll be horrible at first, but you'll start to learn more about what works for you and what doesn't in a social setting. Forget about the whole introvert extrovert crap.

Whenever you have your social skills in order, then formulate some lies that you're going to use to look like someone short of being a prodigy. Many of these "overachievers" that get the position are just cunning liars and manipulators.

Just watch Madmen and repeat what Don Draper did and you should be fine.

>> No.1167477


> They are literally seeing if you are a normal person before advancing. Sadly this is where many engineers fail.

Now how the fuck do they even know that, when every each and every fucking last one of the aspiring wagecucks is going to lie about everything and pretend to be more normal than they are in real? By looking at your face.

>I have no idea what you are even claiming as an excuse.

My claim is, it's all about your face and connections (that you conveniently enough, get based on your face, unless your relatives can hook you up). It's no coincidence, that everyone that gets bullied at high school looks like shit and all the prettyboy faggots and handsome jocks are popular. No one gives a fuck about personality. The belief, that personality matters is the biggest fucking scam in the history. And even if it did, then how should the short, fragile nerds develop good personality, when they start getting shit on in the kindergarten and school the minute they start going to them? And that preferential and discriminatory treatment is here to stay forever. I can't name a single person, that has a unpleasant face and is succesful, but everyone that has a pleasant face is. They aren't smart, hard working or any of that, just normal people, but they get jobs by just tossing resumes on the table (or like one of the faggots I know, got a job for just walking around at the school). Yet every fucking faggot tells me to put effort into that shit and every time I do, I get fucked over. And why the fuck should I fail 100 job interviews, to get that 1 semi-decent job, where no one will fucking value or respect me and give me a promotion, no matter what I do? Where I am always the first cunt to get fired and the last one to get promoted? And where every other cunt can just throw he's resume on the table or do ten times as less shit as I have to do, to get that fucking promotion? Fucking huge scam is all what that is.

>> No.1167486

I dug my self in a hole by looking like a hippie and playing video games for close to 3 years after college. Still working my way out after 18 months

>beards and man buns are in socially, but they are a no go for any decent job. I cut my hair and kept my face shaved
>dropped degree from my resume so I could get any job as long as it was full time
>landed a job doing landscaping because I was willing to bust my ass in the heat
>worked as a cook over the winter and went back to landscaping in the spring
>new resume focused on what I accomplished at the jobs with an emphasis on numbers
>talked to a few temp agencies and found something I was interested in doing
>"but you have none of these skills they want"
>told them to send the resume anyways and see if they were interested. I figured they would train
>interview and make a lame stripper joke regarding the tipping policy at the cooking job
>3 women and my future boss loved it

Going on 4 months working with a bunch of perverts. The money is nothing amazing as a temp, but I get a few unsolicited e-mails a week with jobs that use the skills I have learned in the last 4 months.

Get another offer that pays as well if not better. Bring it to your boss and give him a week to make you permanent or you go to the other job.


Over the years I bombed countless 1st round interviews that were all easy behavior questions.

>> No.1167488


If I were going to invest a bunch of my limited time and effort to learn something, it would be better to study my own field than some random fucking computer shit that I guaran-fucking-tee no one at that office has ever heard of, let alone ever needed. The computer language shit is a /g/ tier meme and only applies to fucking COMP SCI MAJORS. Would a doctor be better at medicine if he fucking learned ruby? Would HR give a single blazing fuck? You may as well write a kid's book or learn to juggle.

>But no need to have much higher than a 3.0.

I'm seeing 3.0 minimums, some 3.2 mins. Which is great because I'm looking at a 3.3 or so. So thanks, one good hope in my shit life.

I am doing volunteer work at my uni, but it's not fucking amazing or anything. It'll be equivalent to maybe 20 hours total of experience. Whoop? It's the crowning gemstone of my resume and it's worth pocket change.

I am still calling bullshit on your paper writing garbage. There is nothing to write ON.

>> No.1167500

What's the deal with volunteer places nowadays asking for your work history like it's a job? Shouldn't you be happy people are giving you free labor?

>> No.1167502


I fucked your mother

>> No.1167506

Me again, okay just do whatever you want man. Not going to keep preaching to you.

My advice is got me far. As much as you don't want to believe it.

>> No.1167516

When you walk into an establishment and you see nothing but older women in power you know your ass isn't getting the job.

>> No.1167551


kill yourself faggot

>> No.1167554

>Fuckloads of excuses
Millennials The Post

>> No.1167556

Normies are disgusting.

>"Hi, I'm a genius who can increase your profit 50% within the first six months".
>"Sorry, I'm giving the job to chad because he'll be more fun at office parties."

>> No.1167558

>He thinks he's a special genius snowflake
>He thinks Chad can't do the work just as well
/r9k/ers are disgusting. Please kill yourself.

>> No.1167559

>Got phone interview
>Did really well, manager loved me
>Have to go to a face to face interview with a bitch who wouldn't have even been my manager
>Asks me fucking retarded questions like "sell me this pen" "what's a time you provided good customer service" when I have no experience so I had to bullshit some awful story
>Don't get job

>> No.1167564

>an work like slaves to run the actual company while ten HR banshees cackle and stuff their faces with bonbons.

Dude you have an amazing talent as a writer. I laughed my ass of - don't let it go to waste. Get to it.

>> No.1167570
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, jesus christ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like jerking off all day at daddy's company?

>> No.1167572

There's also the Grocery industry. As long as you're not a flake / drug addict / general shithead, they treat you decently enough. You'd have to start at the bottom and prove you're not one of the above, but it's a sort of safety-net career path while you keep your eyes peeled for better opportunities.

>I've heard countless tails of how things used to be. Hell, my grandma would pack my grandpas coffee Irish every morning before putting it into his pail. Must've been nice.>>1166900
>Cool way to make shit up on the fly. You're totally and completely wrong but whatever. Keep making excuses. Can't have that internal locus of control get in the way and expose your shortcomings.Anonymous (ID: I5XVEdkv)
>03/29/16(Tue)11:35:44 No.1166907 Anonymous (ID: I5XVEdkv) 03/29/16(Tue)10:35:44 No.1166907>>1166900
>Ya. A piece of me dies when my dad basically brags about that shit without meaning to.

>75% of millennials feel like having graduated college should be all they need to prove they can enter the workforce.
To be fair, we were force fed that bullshit our entire goddamn lives.
I was kind of lucky in that regard - my dad had to find a new job during my high school years and saw how shitty the job market was, then had to work with people who had degrees but knew next to nothing.

>> No.1167574

If it's that bad just move to Japan/China/Korea. They'll take anyone as English teachers for $15/hr. You have zero prospects but it's better than this bullshit.

>> No.1167576

>and just talk to people
But I talk to you guys. Isn't that enough?

>> No.1167581
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Lmao, good I'm glad you didn't get a job. Please kill yourself so you don't make the same post in a month.

I'm 24 and just jumped industries. Making $75k which is not great but I should hit 6 figures well before 30. Go fucking network. Anyone who applies through the website without a reference is a fucking loser and deserves nothing.

The more the years that pass, the more I realize I am becoming the cream of the crop of my age group. There are so many whiny fucks like you who act this way about everything. Sack the fuck up. It makes it so easy to fuck girls though, since none of them want a whiny little bitch.

>> No.1167584

>role-playing on the internet

>> No.1167585

What's it like knowing your dad is disappointed in you?

>> No.1167587
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How was anything I said outlandish? You seriously think what I just posted is fiction?

Holy shit.

>> No.1167589


>24 and 75k

Either a rich daddy, prettyboy, internet-roleplay or some othe type of leech. Throw acid in your face and then tell others to "JSUT MEN UP BRO".I give you 2 weeks after you commit suicide after that shit happens. Stop deluding yourself, that you actually can do anything.

>> No.1167591

>first year
Dude, BREATHE. You've got time to build connections at your uni. Look for clubs and such. If you find a cool professor you can chat with, do so. "Networking" is really just making friends who you can talk to about professional or academic shit with. People who can vouch for your character AND skills.

Also, these. I flunked out of gradschool, and my BIGGEST regret is not taking small jobs and building up my work experience.
If a job means you have to enroll part time, enroll part time. Nobody these days is graduating in only 4 years, anyway.

>> No.1167593

Dis nigga serious?

>> No.1167596
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El em ayyy ohh. I've had some sort of job since I was 14. Went to a state university, graduated with the lowest tier engineering degree. Didn't even have a 3.0 GPA overall. You are a bitter motherfucker and it's no ones fault but yours. No one owes you shit. I'm about to post my acceptance letter.

>> No.1167599

>I am doing volunteer work at my uni, but it's not fucking amazing or anything. It'll be equivalent to maybe 20 hours total of experience. Whoop? It's the crowning gemstone of my resume and it's worth pocket change.

Work in the cafeteria, do janitorial work, be one of those people who keep tabs on the sign in sheet in the dorms, ect. Do ANYTHING that requires you to show up on time, follow directions, and collect a pay check. None of them will expect previous experience. Few kids will want do those jobs because it eats into party time.

Proven smarts + no job skills = risky hire

Proven smarts + basic job skills = safer hire. Will be able to provide some service from day 1.

IMO washing dishes in the cafeteria was good. I got 4 free meals a week for working 12 hours total. Easy work and I got to socialize a bit when I was out cleaning tables. I used it when they asked for employment verification.

>> No.1167603

get a load of this faggot

>> No.1167606
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I would bet me balls that this bitter NEET is atleast 300lbs, ugly as fuck, dumb as fuck, and probably a virgin.

I hope we show him the light; please kill yourself.

>> No.1167609


>> No.1167614


>I've had some sort of job since I was 14.

Tranlation:My daddy gave me a job.

> Didn't even have a 3.0 GPA overall.

Translation: I'm a lazy retard.

> You are a bitter motherfucker and it's no ones fault but yours. No one owes you shit.

Translation: I get all my shit handed out to me, but you are a faggot, because you don't.

>All dat bravado

Translation: I get shit handed out, even though I'm an autistic retard that posts on chinese cartoonboards, but I'm still morally superior to people, that actually have to work for something and get jack shit for it.

You are basicly a fucking woman: You get all those decent/high paid office jobs, even though you can't do anything and you are a bitchy cunt of a faggot that likes to suck dick.


Did I crush your delusion, that your wagecuckery is based upon merit, not hand outs and therefore, feel sudden flash pain in your anus, which may or may not be related to your homosexual orientation?

>> No.1167617
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Thank you kind anons, I'm gonna struggle to find an internship for this summer, if you have any tips on it? Would going into the companies building for internships and ask them questions about the work there and then ask to apply right there or maybe after that online with mention of my visit in the cover letter be considered as a good approach?

>> No.1167618

Read The 48 Laws of Power and excerpts of The Art of War and then go out and manipulate people.

After a while you'll start treating it like you do anime and CS:GO.

>> No.1167625

You sound like fucking Elliot. Like holy shit go get in your beamer and run over some hot chicks. You have literally the worst case of having an external locus of control I've EVER seen. You are LITERALLY incapable of taking any blame for your actions or predicament.

>> No.1167628

>group interviews

I don't waste my time with them.

>> No.1167631

why go through all the trouble of trying to find a job when you can put the same effort and energy into learning poker?

>i dont have money

Steal a 20 from someone and put it on the site. (as long as you have a debit card) play the small tables while watching videos and reading articles and learning everything poker.

>just network

I live in the largest city in the country. I only know either those in poverty (everyone my age) or those who are rich. (the people I play poker with)

Though, you could just get a job waiting tables. it's not the easiest job in the world, but if you're personable, the job is easy for the pay

>> No.1167634


>I would bet me balls that this bitter NEET is atleast 300lbs, ugly as fuck, dumb as fuck, and probably a virgin.

Says a faggot that posts on chinese cartoon board. Like seriously dude. But by all means, keep on wagecucking and feeling good about yourself for being a wagecuck.

Earn money, so some cunt that married you for your money could fuck you behind your back so she could divorce you after you have tasted the handsome NEET chads semen out of her pussy and steal atleast half of that money you
got from from wagecucking all of your youth.

Life is such a fucking scam bro.

And of all the things you listed, I might be considered ugly as fuck (it's more of a criminal and junkie looking face), but atleast all the bitches I fucked were one night stands. You might end up marrying one of those sluts and they might steal all your money (since you call me a virgin and therefore, put pussy on pedestal). I don't even have to work, I can leech off my parents, but you work. Think about that faggot.

>> No.1167636

you know the average age people get their first job is now 22 years old?

>> No.1167652

Unfortunately, mostly with men.

>> No.1167656


Wait, for real? I got my first one at 19. Hoo shit, above average for something at last.


Is it too late or not to get an internship for this summer? Should I accept an unpaid? Keeping in mind I have to eat and pay rent.

>> No.1167663


>has no time for friends
>but he can spend hours bitching and shitposting on 4chan

What a Plebasaurus Rex

>> No.1167697

I think about 33% of people get a job at 19

>> No.1167699

>makes a ten second post on 4chan
>this equates to hours of bitching and shitposting

I can see you learned a lot at Yale.

>> No.1167700

I went to shit tier college(for profit school ), have shit tier major, and no experience, no connections, and the worst interview skills on this planet...I still manage to find job.

You just have to be proactive.

>You start the job and all your female coworkers instantly hate you
They didn't hate me, they just wonder why the fuck I was so moody, and depressed.

>> No.1167706


I can tell you it's not your face it's your personality bro.

The sooner you realize that you're the problem and not a victim you'll be able to connect with others you faggot piece of shit

>> No.1167708


>I can tell you it's not your face it's your personality bro.

If I act friendly with people, they are going to assume they can just shit on me a and be cunts. You can't fucking win with a shitty face bro.

>> No.1167713
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look at this sexy man... I bet he got by on his looks.

>> No.1167718


Sure, I'll just invent something, that everyone is going to need in a few years.

>> No.1167727

What kind of job? Genuinely interested. Did you just lie about having a really good type of degree/university?

>> No.1167788

It might bite you in the ass later like that guy from Yahoo.

>> No.1167793

>The only thing in business that has changed massively in the last 30-40 years has been new comers into markets, especially from overseas, and computers to improve workflow.

You're an idiot

the price of a house and car has massively outpaced wages

30 years ago a house cost 2 years of the median income. Now it's 10-15 years

>> No.1167801


I've tried the whole friends thing, and 4chan is honestly better. I could do anything with posting in the background. I could be jacking it right now.

But no really, posting gets alternated with doing actual shit like applying for jobs or studying. Going out with friends is like a whole day and a half killed. Get ready at 6, out until whenever, hungover or simply tired next day, sleep in. Fucks you up. Can fuck up a whole weekend. Honestly, chan is more fun anyway. Normies have terrible senses of humor.

>> No.1167809

I've gone back to uni at 27 to network.
Not learn.
Not get pussy.

>> No.1167819


This. It's been proven that everything other than consumer goods and certain utilities has massively inflated, especially housing, food, and education (wow, all the necessities). Meanwhile, wages have, when adjusted for inflation, stagnated or even recessed. Add to that the slashed hours or excess hour load to salaried people (aka slavery), increased responsibilities, increased job requirements, increased job insecurity, "rise of the temp-work", unpaid internships becoming the norm, etc. You're blind if you think we the workers aren't being fleeced. We're being robbed from every direction at once.

Only good thing is watching the retards at the bottom burn and rot. I love watching people's mcmansion go into foreclosure and mommy and daddy screaming at each other while their brats cry over having to move to a shitty area. I'll be fine because I'm used to poverty and deprivation and flourish in it. But normies are all getting rekt.

Shame we have to live like indian peasants now, but welcome to post-2008! Did you get your dose of "globalism is great (tm)" and "you're just entitled, back in my day we could buy a house off a paper route...oh wait..." today yet?

But hey, a pair of jeans is relatively cheaper than it ever was. You can wear clothes when you go to live behind a dumpster.

>> No.1167834

>I went to shit tier college(for profit school ), have shit tier major, and no experience, no connections, and the worst interview skills on this planet...I still manage to find job.

I went to a second rate college, got a third rate degree, had shit experience, useless connections, and [initially] mediocre interview skills. On top of that I had a 9 month employment gap right after graduation, since I decided to travel the world.

I still got gainful employment.

I'll admit I wasn't proactive, just slightly above passive. I would send an online application, and then follow on the phone two days later. This isn't proactive, just slightly above passive.

Looking back, I'm not exactly sure how that happened, but I consider myself fortunate.

>> No.1167839

It's been pretty gay, I do it for the money and the future gold diggers.

>> No.1167843
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>implying it's a bad thing there are no jobs available in yuoroop

people are happier than ever

>> No.1167850
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technology has already advanced to the level in western world people dont need to work that hard. everybody is provided with shelter, electiricty, running clean water and food

>> No.1167855

So after you applied, 2 days later you call them to see the progress of the application to show your interest and stuff, or did they call you?

>> No.1167856

Oh no, I certainly wouldn't lie about having a degree, I'm just curious as to what the guy fast-talked his way into. There's a level of negotiation and luck that can get you into jobs you have no business being in.

>> No.1167865

>did they call you?

Did you need to ask that? He obv called them. Recruiters don't give enough fucks, the overpaid bucket eaters they are.

So alright, the call and harass them about it mode works?

>> No.1167879

It's like cold calling right? Seems it worked for him

>> No.1167881

That's right, I'd call them to check on my application and, depending on their attitude, I would push for an interview.

Some people would consider this to be proactive, but it's not. This is a minimal level of action, which many other applicants are doing. I may be pulling numbers out of my ass, but consider this:
>online job posting gets 100 applicants
>40 applications will be tossed for various disqualifying factors (not following directions, not qualified enough, no degree, etc.)
>40 applicants are passively throwing around resumes, the "shotgun approach", with passing interest
>some of these applicants will get a call and have an interview scheduled
>20 applicants, that fulfill basic requirements, will follow up after sending their resume
>these candidates will most likely get their resume reviewed and will land an interview

>> No.1167905

This is guy from before. One of my friends from HS was really pumped about frats so he went to a school with tons of them. Then he realized they just cheated on assignments and partied and he was learning Jack shit. But after he quit his frat he lost almost all his friends.

Sucks I guess, but whatever that's what he gets for chasing partying over investing in his education.

>> No.1167909

>call and harass them about it mode
I prefer the word "inquiry". This is what I'd more or less do:

>Google-fu "[organization name] Human Resources department"
>Find contact info, both e-mail and phone
>Call them
>"Hello, I am Buttmunch McSperg and I'm calling about the Turd Burgling position in this company. Is it still open?"
>If they say yes. . .
>"That's great! I sent in [a recent time], because I believe I'd make a great fit for that position and this company. I reviewed the job description, and determined that I meet all of the***preferred*** requirements. I'd love to schedule an interview with [HR recruiting department/Talent Acquisition Team]."

At this point they may give the some BS about how they review each resume carefully before scheduling interviews. HR plays the role of a brick wall well..

But more often that not, I've had a "pre-interview" with the HR employee over the phone. We went over basic details (education, experience. job description), after which I've had my application sent over to an interviewer. Interview landed.

>> No.1167915
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>> No.1167918


No. He applied, then called them later to nag, he says. Cold calling is just dialing someone and asking if they got jobs. I cold emailed a bunch of firms and didn't get a single response despite personalized cover letters and resumes for each firm and research into them. Only firms polite enough to give me the time of day to explain why I got turned down were the big firms, actually. Funny, that.

>> No.1167930

You literally blamed your whole life on everyone else.

Please, wake the fuck up.
Google 'victim complex'.
Thank me later.

>> No.1167990

>It's funny I heard a fact earlier today that said that 75% of millennials feel like having graduated college should be all they need to prove they can enter the workforce. So. Fucking. Entitled.
It's funny I heard a fact earlier today that said 75% of boomers feel like having a firm handshake and speaking to the manager should be all they need to get a good job. So. Fucking. Entitled.

>> No.1167994

Generation X in one post.

>> No.1168104



>> No.1168129


not even people on 4chan like you dude, and your in the depths of hell

maybe you need to reevaluate yourself a sec

>> No.1168140


Wait no, guys, seriously

Hear me out on this shit

Just fuck with me on this

So you have no references, right?

Well what if

Hey no, guys, listen

What if you go to place where you wanna get hired, before even applying

You just go there

And you don't ask for a job right there

But you just, like, ask questions and shoot the shit with whoever is working at the desk or whatever

And if you build up some good chemistry, before you leave, maybe ask them if they can be a referral on your application

Boom, instant foot in the door


>> No.1168449

Well search for a better one while you work in your shitty company, and don't be a dumbass invest in something

>> No.1168452

speaking of which, anyone know any good resume builders? If i can get something to start me off and simplify it I could probably get going from there.
I got lucky on my first job, saw an ad, was the first to contact them, and got in because i had dat charisma.
Now I'm stuck trying to work out the basics I didn't have to learn before hand.

>> No.1168454

Look at other people's and model yours after them. Just make sure you don't get all your examples from the same place.
Also the "How to Grow the Fuck Up" tumblr has a page on resume writing that's pretty good. Worked for me, at least.

>> No.1168460

> when every each and every fucking last one of the aspiring wagecucks is going to lie about everything and pretend to be more normal than they are in real?
You can't even fucking do that anymore. They don't was normal or personal experience, they want average.
I was recently informed by a petsmart employee how to properly fill out their online application
Generally you give medium to high responses to things
I did fish breeding for a while so generally I know a lot about fish care and the sales. Of course there was no questions about the sales.
Now what he told me was that I was giving them too much information by saying I am very fluent in fish care and very good with dogs and cats.
This being an online application with scales of 1-5 he in essence said to put 4s on everything involving fish and 2-3 on everything else or else I'll look too well educated.
What the fuck petsmart. Wouldn't you want to hire people with high knowledge in your areas you're hiring?
He later was fired for bitching out the manager about the treatment of the fish and ended up going to a local aquarium shop with actual standards.

>> No.1168502

Southeast Asia's economy is skyrocketing, though.

>> No.1168506

That's surprising. I got my first job two weeks after I immigrated. I was eighteen.

>> No.1168516


>> No.1168523

I just started a thread about a shitty candidate at my company. She hung up on me mid sentence and is already making demands when I agreed to one measly interview.

>> No.1168660

Real shitty or wont-move-cross-country-for-temp-job-with-unpaid-overtime shitty?

>> No.1168673

You only _need_ a college degree for things that legally require it, like education, medicine or law.

Even if those cases, you need to work your way up. Sounds like OP either has very little work experience or their resume sucks ass. I've never applied to more than 10 places on a search, and an interview almost always resulted in an offer. I was turned down once, but I wasn't that interested in it anyway.

>> No.1168728
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>apply for a job, either by answering an offer on a website or by a connection
>do well on my tests if the company has some, interview goes great
>still get denied because I don't have enough experience and everybody has some sort of connection in the company anyway

>> No.1168752

>trade being freer than ever before
> taxes being lower than ever before
> businesses being larger than ever before
Are you stupid?

> It's not a collapse: we're being robbed.
Oh no, even worse, a socialist.

>> No.1168787
File: 67 KB, 764x452, tmp_15639-US_Effective_Corporate_Tax_Rate_1947-2011_v2-786833900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you stupid?
No, but apparently you are.

>> No.1168839

>they want average
IT is strange too. Every posting reads like "10+ years super expert architect with C#." Then you get on site and nobody has any skills at all. They strike out 80% of the language features. Next is anything that takes longer than an hour to do, unless it's a search for a 3rd party tool that kinda sorta maybe but not really works and the fruitless struggle to kludge it into the workflow. Then they're butthurt that everything is late, non-functional, or both. It's a madhouse.

>> No.1168846


mfw conservative shills fear monger high taxes against obama, and now bernie, when the reality is the highest corportate and income tax rates were during regan era

it's as if they don't have access to facts!

>> No.1168908

I turn 23 saturday, goddammit, I'm 3 days from being below average, thanks for making my day better.

>> No.1168921
File: 119 KB, 300x250, Untitled (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ew get away from me CREEP!

>> No.1168931

>didn't get vac work
>didn't get pre-grad internship
>applying for post grad work with zero luck
>all my friends that have jobs got offers from places that interred at
just kill me, it's been one year since i graduated, if i miss out on this round of offers i could seriously be fucked for life

>> No.1168956


Where are you based? USA/UK/?

>> No.1168957

I got turned down for a promotion to a job that requires 3-5 years experience (I'm 26) for an outside hire with TWENTY YEARS experience.

Like, I didn't even know shit like that actually happened. Sure anecdotally you read about it in articles about miennials and the work force and shit, but THIS actually happening to ME? I'm a real person and for no good reason I thought that exempted me from shit like this but here I am, complaining on an image board

>> No.1168961

Has anyone done networking through meetup.com? There are business groups for the area, but I've never used the site before.

>> No.1168977

Let's be honest. We do nothing in college today. Our degrees just say that we managed to pay attention to at least 5 hours worth of lessons every quarter.

And it's perfectly simple to go get a job without experience or a competitive edge. Most people just feel entitled to better than they can get and/or have shit social skills and can't negotiate.

My undergrad was 4 years of straight partying and I got a job right away that had almost nothing to do with my classes except a general biology theme. I volunteered in a lab for like 6 hours (for a "year") and that was enough for the employer. It gets even easier if you actually learn skills in college or meet smart people. None of my friends are making less than 50k and most make 150k because they went on to work hard for startups or did programming or dentistry or whatever.

The fact that anyone believes their bachelors degree is worth something is an insult to them, not a commentary on economics. If your dad went to college in the 60s/70s he was probably getting assfucked by his classes and he didn't really notice because the world was actually shit in general.

>> No.1169011

You know you're not forced to buy a more expensive home, right? Like if you make 50K a year you could buy a 100-150k home.

>> No.1169016

Yeah, crazy. How dare they not give you, the almighty genius with four years of experience, that promotion over someone with five times as much experience?

Literally what are you complaining about? It has literally always been this way, only millennials bitch about it.

>> No.1169038

>I arrive
>Say I to qt 3.14 receptionist
>Could I talk to any manager please?
>Who are you sir?
>Just looking up to have a chat, I mean.. Nice company
>thanks, but I'm sorry, they can't talk with every fucking anon just because they want to chat
>okey, thanks a lot, have a good day
>btw I think I made it
>now let's go back home to sent an email to info@company.com

Noice, job must be mine

>> No.1169058

Try to find a sub $150K in many parts of the country. And I don't mean San Francisco or NYC, try bumfuck nowhere Pennsyltucky. The floor on anything without a caved in roof is higher than that.

>> No.1169071

>bragging on 4chan

I'm laughing so hard, I can taste your insecurity

>> No.1169170

Car no.
And house maybe but people (20-35) are buying houses that are bigger than the ones they grew up in. This is only offset slightly by people moving closer into city centers which is a preference that the market accepts. If it was a problem home prices would go down at least at a steady rate if not overnight.

People are far dumber with their money today but life is a lot easier across the board. the culture is what outpaced everything, including innovation. If you don't want to be competitive you can't be in a first world country.

>> No.1169188


You could always try learning magic. They used to teach that in college.

>> No.1169194

>Just go talk to random people you don't even know when you have a subhuman, unlikable face. What could go wrong!
Jesus christ you have a horrible opinion of yourself. This is projection. Everything you said was just projecting your own opinions on yourself and everyone else. Learn to love yourself. Learn to love your pimply face and your obese fat rolls. Seriously, it's yours so just love it for how it is.

You're more insecure than an anorexic teenage girl.

>> No.1169196


>nothing to write on
>no imagination or concept that all science is wrong

wew lad you're in for a surprise, the science of the new age is bearing down like an express train.

>> No.1169220



what if

just like
checked the time of day

and went in when the place was dead

and alll the errybody was bored as shit

and were interested in talking with a rando weirdo

what if

>> No.1169451

They're literally everywhere... Stop trying to live in the CEO's neighborhood when you're a secretary.

>> No.1169474

So you are saying looks do actually matter?

>> No.1169532

So stop trying to live in the US when you work in the US? Yeah, that'll work out.

>> No.1169565

>It has literally always been this way, only millennials bitch about it.

>being a boomer at 4chan
>not a loser

Pick one

>> No.1169586



Ironically it is shit you have point out to people, and they still won't believe it.

>> No.1169607

Yeah the other two are just side benefits

>> No.1169610


Just give up dude, you are basicly paying 25k a year (or whatever the fuck it is for you americans) for an off chance you MIGHT befriend someone useful. If you haven't found anyone by now, I doubt this time will be any different.