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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1166832 No.1166832 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW parents are having hard financial times and can't work soon and I have to move out but I haven't found a job yet

Reeee... What the FUCK do I do? No one is hiring!

>> No.1166835
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How do you think they feel? The only financial reason to spend so damn much time/money on having a kid is so they'll take care of you when you're old and sick. Now they're old and sick and their loser heir can't even take care of himself.

>> No.1166837


I don't really have any decent advice for you, but that sucks anon. I hope it works out for you soon.

>> No.1166847

>Children are an investment

Thats a pretty shitty way of looking at things. You'd bring human life into the world just for your own gain?

>> No.1166851

try r9k

>> No.1166855

I'd only ever do anything for my own gain. Even those who help others only do it because it makes them feel pious/proud, they need to absolve themselves of guilt, or they gain satisfaction from the happiness of others. If you pretend otherwise you're simply lying to yourself.

>> No.1166856

desu you'll probably never get the same amount of money and value back directly to you, out of a child as you put in. However, you'll expect some form of recompense if it's within their ability to do so, especially as your body becomes unable to support it all.

This is the growing process, OP. If it didn't hurt, then you would never change.

>> No.1166861

t. 18 year old who watched Wolf of Wallstreet

>> No.1166867

You may also be considered a Sociopath, and your morality is at the lowest level, selfishness.

If you can't do a good deed without the certainty of self-satisfaction, or without needing some form of emotional or physical payment, then you're incredibly immature.

Remember that good deeds are logically sensible as well.

this DESU

>> No.1166869

so are they on disability? Food stamps? more people living together usually ends up cheaper.

how much do you guys need per month?

>> No.1166870

lmao my parents ain't getting shit

they have SS and medicare

fuck em

>> No.1166874

Ive never been in this position but try joining a temp agency or do random shit on craigslist or start mowing lawns/sucking dick.

>> No.1166894

Nope, dad has an injury that causes a lot of pain and prevents him from doing his job but for some reason he doesn't get disability, not sure.

I don't want to give them shit, I just don't want to fucking move out too early. I just need 1-2 years. Then I'll be financially stable enough to say "fuckem" and never help them niggas

>> No.1166904

Children can be anything from an investment, to making sure food can be bought in proper bulk and eaten at a proper pace.

Ideally a couple should produce 3-6 children, so they at the least have some family to bicker with. Or 2-3 if there is very good contact with relatives, in nearby area.

>> No.1166905

Not sure? March out of your room and accost that motherfucker right now!!!
Why the fuck aren't you on disability you've been paying the fee for this insurance for years and now you're not using it. Why are you acting like an idiot? Come with me right now and let's get the paperwork started.

>> No.1166924

He has some arthritis bullshit in his shoulder. I guess I'll try but explaining ANYTHING to him is a huge pain in the ass.

Tbh I just want to live with them for 1-2 years longer so I can save a bit more money and then cut them off. They're just dragging me down at this point

And I know I don't have a job but I do have other income it's just not consistent enough to move out

>> No.1166930

Nah, cunts

>> No.1166942
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Economy fault if there are no jobs.

Chill in this knowledge.

>> No.1166944

Is that filename on purpose?



>> No.1166948

That mug

>> No.1166953

autismo/wannabe sociopath detected

>> No.1166958

this, you're 100% fucking useless and retarded if you can't even find work in retail/grocery/etc

>> No.1166967

>They're just dragging me down at this point
>And I know I don't have a job but I do have other income
>They're dragging me down
>don't have a job
>dragging me
yeah ok cocksucker

>> No.1166974


>> No.1167001

>implying parents can't drag their children down

Are you even from this planet?

>> No.1167006


I don't think that's why people knowingly do things, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the underlying reason for virtuous acts whether or not people are aware of it.

>> No.1167022

fucking nazis

>> No.1167030

>tfw parents had hard financial time
>tfw me and cousin (they adopted him) worked ass off to help them
>tfw they have zero debt and tons saved up now
>tfw I could be a complete Neet and they would let me because they are proud to have a son who goes out of his way to help them

It's nice being a good person op.

>> No.1167044
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pull yourself up by your bootstraps!

>> No.1167094

well, actually he is right at some point... you help others, because of the benefits, it might bring, even it is only the feel of being usefull, but it doesn' has to be bad, if you act selffish, only if you hurt someone with your acts

>> No.1167111


typical millennial

>> No.1167123

Fuck off boomer, we're not taking care of your kind

>> No.1167279

he's 18 years old with no job and not enough savings to support himself, but then calling his most likely gracious, loving and so far forgiving parents a burden. he's the poster child for spoiled retard american kids the world over

>> No.1167294

Fuck off boomer parent

>> No.1167526


>> No.1167541
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, sad rich pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW my parents are boomers, worth €2.6 million, am their only child, but both diagnosed with cancer in the last year.

>> No.1167565

Ill start you off OP, if no one is hiring in your area find a new area

>> No.1167630

>Need money to move to area with jobs but need area with jobs for money

>> No.1167721
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What is your background OP?
High school grad, college grad?
(If the latter, what did you study).

Walk us through a typical day in your life. What do you spend your time on, what does your resume look like, what are you doing on a day to day basis that is improving your current situation?

These are all important details OP; if you just game here to complain, than no one can help you

>> No.1167734

>What is your background OP?
I am a slavshit
>High school grad, college grad?
Highschool, I want to study Finance/Accounting/Econ tho
>Walk us through a typical day in your life. What do you spend your time on
Mostly meaningless things. Reading about Finance, 4chan, chess, different stuff like poker, movies, music, programming etc
>what does your resume look like
Very lacking in length
>what are you doing on a day to day basis that is improving your current situation?
I make (limited) money, read books and go to the gym.

>> No.1167764


>> No.1167841

Go to community college, it's cheap as hell and you'll gain knowlege and skills. If nothing else it'll hey you some pocket dollars. If your parents are as poor as you say, you should get some financial aid (I'm assuming your in the US, if not it should be even easier to go to school unless you live in some third world country). Either learn a trade or plan to go to a state university for your bachelors once you graduate.

>> No.1167848


>> No.1167867


>I want to study Finance/Accounting/Econ
Than study to become a Certified Public Accountant. Here's a torrent to a free Ebook..


>Mostly meaningless things
If you're so fucking depressed, than stop doing meaningless shit. Gambling is a waste of life, and movies/video games can wait.

>Resume is lacking in length
There are usually Resume threads here OP, if you need advice just ask.
Also, pursue internships in your desired field of study

>> No.1167871

>almost summer

just do construction

>> No.1167885

+1 to this guy OP, have the government pay for your education.

>> No.1167895

I was thinking studying Finance or Econ and then going for CFA desu or something.

What kind of things should I learned to do? What are some actually meaningful hobbies?

I do not live in Slavshitland, I just wasn't sure what he meant by background.

>> No.1167919

If you want a career in Finance/Economics/Accounting, than make Finance/Economics/Accounting your hobby OP.

You're flat-out NOT getting a career if you don't enjoy what you study. Once you find a way to have fun while you study, you'll learn a hell of a lot faster. If you have to, you can get high on stimulants while you read or use MS Excel.

>> No.1167920


I'm slav and live in chicago.

My chicks father is a serb and works in a trade owned by a serb and pulled 116k last year.

Half the roofing crew out here are pollacks

>> No.1167924

I understand this in theory but I'm just not sure what to do with it.

Like with programming i can work on projects or contribute to projects which is tangible.

But with Economics or Finance... How do I apply my knowledge? How do I put it to work?

I downloaded Economics textbooks, YouTube videos on undergrad Econ and Yale opencourseware videos. But I just don't know what to do with it. It just feels pointless and that I'll forget everything I learned after because I have no way of applying it.

I'll just learn econ concepts then with time forget them because I never got to use it.

I have no friends or relatives

>> No.1167935

Go to uni and you'll meet people who can recruit you for a job in your major or get you in contact with people who can. You kind of need that piece of paper and the networking that college provides for something like economics. Even if you learned everything you need to from online courses you can't really prove it, some company isn't going some random guy with no degree instead of someone who has an econ degree and internships in the field.

>> No.1167938

Isn't going to hire*

>> No.1167943

Make a simulated stock market account on UpDown, build a mock investment portfolio, read quarterly reports from companies via sec.gov and see if you can understand their reports, pursue an internship at a financial firm, google practice questions related to finance exams, etc.

If this is such a hassle for you, than why did you want to study finance in the first place?


>> No.1167945

>You'd bring human life into the world just for your own gain?

thats the biological purpose of reproduction..

Why are fags on here so emotional and not rational

>> No.1167948

Yeah I know, I'm planning on going to University soon. I just meant I wasn't sure how to "make economics my life" as the other poster said.

What kind of meaningful work can I do to apply my skills?

Should I start some sort of blog? - I'm probably nowhere near smart enough to make it even mildly useful to anyone.

I'm not so interested in Finance though, that's more secondary.

I mean Accounting/Econ more, which seems pretty much impossible to "do" unless you have a job doing it.

You know what I mean? I can't really *do* "economics" for fun.

>> No.1167961

Yeah OP no ones hiring, literally no one every HR director got together and said fuck it were done. Don't blame yourself you're obviously a bright individual it's the governments fault I'm sure every company would love to hire your stupid fucking face

>> No.1167964

how much money have you made

>> No.1167968
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>tfw I only submit a picture of my white male aesthetically pleasing face on my resume
>tfw I've never worked in my life
>tfw other fags have gone to college and done jobs
>tfw durring the interview I just smile and make small talk
>tfw offers from wall street, silicon valley.... all CEO positions
> why don't you fags just work harder and more luck would come your way...

>> No.1167982

>my white male aesthetically pleasing face on my resume

they probably can relate as they were once young and ugly too, nothing to do with your aesthetically pleasing face m8

>> No.1167993

I work at a hedge fund and almost everyone besides the salesmen are nerdy autists.

Seriously, I became bros with our accountant after he heard me listing to neutral milk hotel.

>> No.1168000

>Seriously, I became bros with our accountant after he heard me listing to neutral milk hotel.

This is one of the cringiest statements i've read on this website. You should really stop posting.

>> No.1168001

I became bros with my company's CEO(it's an F500 company) after he noticed my new fedora and I showed him a photo of my fedora collection.

>> No.1168467

>lived with grandma whole life
>she's slowly succumbing to alzheimers
>get to sell $200,000 property when she dies
>bittersweet feelings

>> No.1168929


fuck off

>> No.1169073

hope they get will soon, anon
I'm with ya bro

>> No.1169689

Bump, help pls

>> No.1169715

Bump, please help.

>> No.1169725


>> No.1169952
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>putting a picture on your resume

>> No.1170118
File: 32 KB, 530x349, 1458522320432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad got into debt and had midlife crisis at 49
>mom and dad come up short at the end of the mouth on for food
>mom used credit to pay for food
WTF are you doing!1!1!!!!!!1111
>they both in debt now
>dad not paying his taxes in his business, still has to pay at the end of the year anyway.
My father is fucking idiot and now I have to get my shit together to get his shit together to pull them out of the hole,bright side of this Im the only one not in debt.

>> No.1170124

>He didn't abandon his parents


>> No.1170132

is this a statistic?

>> No.1170133

I've seen people do that; it's really creepy.

HR usually trashes them on sight, so we can't be accused of racial bias.

>> No.1170136

Not sure why they didn't just go on foodstamps or ask for food from the church if they're that poor. Anyway, see if your mom might be able to get a lower interest card. Some waive the 1st month's interest. As for your dad, he is making a lot of bad decisions which I'm sure you already know. One thing though, don't let him drag your credit down with you.

>Hey, son. Can you put this on your card?

No, just no.

>> No.1170137

Well, if it makes you feel any better Im in my second to last semester double majoring in Finance and Economics and I too am having a fuckshitstorm trying to figure out what to do after. There are a lot of options, MBA, JD, MS/PhD in Econ/Finance. I used to be a STEMfag but scheduling at uni forced me to choose otherwise. Not sure where you are located, but out here in California, if you're on your own and not making a terribly great amount of $, community college is practically free and a great place to start. I work full time and take a full course load of 15-20 credits and still have a 3.9 GPA, you can do it to, you just have to be smarter than the other fuckwits and know how to learn/study. You seem to be on the right track watching and learning already. Take that passion and turn into something tangible. Take advantage of your opportunities and fuck socializing, you're there to wreck faggots, take no prisoners.

>> No.1170139

>I work full time and take a full course load of 15-20 credits and still have a 3.9 GPA

Goddamn, when do you find the time to study?

>> No.1170141

Thanks senpai

I am in Canada tho.

>> No.1170144

By the way do you have any tips for optimizing studying and learning?

I kind of always struggled with retaining information and studying effectively. Not really sure how to learn to that desu.

>> No.1170149
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Mom's work all her life since her bussniess highschool days in the late 80s, no way in hell she go on food stamp out of pure principle.She looked into credit card interest rates though but shes no business major or /biz/....

No don't know the half of it,my dad shouldn't be trusted with money my mom does of that and they've never been in a hole with her managing things believe it or not.Tell me is it a good idea to move debt to a credit union with a lower interest to to to pay off your old debt more slowly? cause That's what he is thinking.

>> No.1170161

Well I have a strong background in mathematics from when i was an indecisive prick. In business and economics, having a foundation of math through calc 1-3 will make most of the programs trivial. Not saying its neccessary, but i can bs my way through a lot of stuff by deriving equations.

Canada has some good secondary education opportunities, look into it!

Imho, the true trick to studying is to not waste time studying shit you don't know. Second is to do examples until you are comfortable with what will be on the test. read before lecture, take good notes. Be honest with yourself and see what you need to improve on.

>> No.1170165

That's what I mean tho.

Is there some sort of guide on taking optimal notes and such? Because I kind of skipped over that in highschool and now I'm pretty much lost because I have no clue how to organize myself.

>> No.1170168
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>tfw parents are fairly well off and bought a house for me to live in since I was 14

Sorry man I don't know your feel, though it makes me appreciate mine.

>> No.1170172

I'd say the real danger sign is when the teacher is talking and you have no idea wtf he just said, especially after examples and having read before hand if you need to. There are a lot of resources out there, from on campus stuff, to study groups (lel as if we talk to actual ppl) to honestly- youtube videos. If all of that doesn't help or you're stuck on a step, go to office hours. Learning how to learn is the real challenge of college, after you have that down, absorbing and applying knowledge isn't so bad. I was always a slacker when i was younger, graduated high school with C grades but great test scores cuz lazy. I immediately struggled in college, even in classes I had previously taken as AP. After fucking around for a few years i gave up and worked and lucked out finding a decent paying job as a warehouse supervisor. Went back to school over the last few years, slowly at first but confidence and hard work pay off. It was hard to put aside games and dalliances, but i still have a few beers every night and get my shit done.

>> No.1170192

Yes, go for a credit union. Don't let your dad pay just the minimum though or the debt is going to be there forever.

>> No.1170262

Sounds like mum shoulda swallowed

>> No.1171132

nope, 24yo ya dumb faggot. kids these days

>> No.1171262

Is this a meme? This must be a meme.

>> No.1171268

>dad gets 250k in inheritance
>he's got debt that needs paying off
>"well, that was a nice donation to charity"