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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11665140 No.11665140 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11665154
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actually it is a good buy, bull flags are all over this, however the project is shady as fuck

>> No.11665155


>> No.11665177

Our future overlord

Have you heard about ai is stalking people, they start calling your phone and you pick up and Noones there, because it’s gathering data on your behaviour

It’s on the video with that ai which is made from Hanson’s robotics called Sophia

>> No.11665204


I bought BTC on Jul the 19th 2013, for 89 usd. The only crypto i ever bought since then is SKY... bought it at 2.20 usd a few months ago.

Take it for what you will. This thing gives me the same vibes as did btc back in '13.

>> No.11665215

because this scam dropped from 35$ to under 3$ and left many bagholders that need to unload on biz newfags

>> No.11665217

No it doesn’t.

>> No.11665222


Make of it what you will. Peace.

>> No.11665283

What I make of it is you are either a lying bagholder or a Skycoin team member.

Answer this:
Why would you invest in a project that sells hardware before the software which the hardware requires is ready? Would you trust Microsoft if they tried to sell you a laptop before Windows was finished?

>> No.11665364

Skycoin is only ever fudded on here. Threads made only for the purpose of attacking Skycoin.
So op starts our with a fucking lie in their title in a thread trying to attack Skycoin and thinks 4chan's smartest board will believe your bullshit.
There's your answer you fucking callcenter pajeet seo technician.

>> No.11665378


KEK has spoken.
You are based poster and I absolutely agree with you

>> No.11665386


Well, if he is new, you can't blame him. It seems like a dead coin.

>> No.11665392

Oh stop it with that shit Jesus

>> No.11665399

>seems like a dead coin
is why i see multiple threads every day trying to make it dead in a bear market with projects dying left and right without even doing shit.

>> No.11665400

> they start calling your phone and you pick up and Noones there
those are indian scam call centers, they make tons of automatic calls all the time and if someone actually answers the call, they will be called back days later at the same time for a scam attempt

(comically heavy indian accent)

>> No.11665405

proof it faggot

>> No.11665503

>4chans smartest board

Absolute keks

>> No.11665511

>ignores the blatant, unapologetic sky shill threads that appear ALL THE TIME

>> No.11665518

>thinks 4chan's smartest board will believe your bullshit
Suck it deeper ... harder ... HARDER ... i'm cumming ...

>> No.11665593
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>/biz/ is actually stupid and gullible

>> No.11665658


Dig deeper, Synth is actually delivering. He is gangster tested CEO now. I am bullish af.

>> No.11665898
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>Why would you invest in a project that sells hardware before the software which the hardware requires is ready?
Some chronology:
1st was Skywire alpha (the "software for the hardware", relatively operational)
2nd was the first official miners to be purchased (OPTIONALLY, if you have an old raspi you are also good to go)
3rd Skywire beta and testnet running => official or DIY miners getting rewards for few months already
4th In the upcoming weeks, Skywire main net will be out
5th-A In few months, first antennas (officials, but there will also be instructions for DIY as always)
5th-B Consensus in place, main net for Skycoin (not Skywire, these are 2 different projects in same ecosystem)
5h-C Coinhours bank (more details soon)
6th First DEX on SKY ecosystem, BNB compatible as per official announcement

I agree on the annoyance of not having a main net with consensus yet for the coin, I would have change that to higher prio to avoid fudders, but the team is always trying to chew too much. And yes, I am a bagholder, and I think Synth public interactions hurt more than help. I would prefer a faceless project to be honest

>> No.11665913

No consensus algo.

>> No.11665955

>Synth is actually delivering
Procrastination-tier narcissism-fuel (pointless but flashy) features.