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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11664935 No.11664935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Crypto immediately starts pumping.

Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?

>> No.11664974

>Split congress

You have to be pretty stupid to not realize that Trump caused the 2017 bullrun

>> No.11664988

what does this mean for the stock market? bull?

>> No.11664995

Roadblocks installed regarding Trump trade policies = short term bullish. Long term remains to be seen.

>> No.11665000

Sneaky /pol here. How about you fuck back to your monkey delusional world.


>> No.11665018

I don't post on /pol/. I just realize that governmental policy, and the identities and affiliations of the people who make said policy, affects financial markets. You'd realize that too if you weren't such a dumb fucking ape.

>> No.11665065

Omfg enlighten me more master. How didnt i know that politics affect finance. Holy fucking shit i think i was just reborn.

Still though please refrain back to the basement of /pol. If y want to talk finances then leave politics out of it. We already know the bullshit of elections and blabla. We just dont care.

>> No.11665093

Ah, I get it. You’re butthurt over the results and can’t objectively discuss the issue.

>> No.11665102

And here kids is how the /pol people try to bait you into a discussion about politics. I have to give it to you guys there, you are getting more manipulative with your ways of talking.

Anyways i want this thread to die. Bye!

>> No.11665113

Trump has 80 IQ at best, I don't see why you elected him.

>> No.11665129

go back to your shit board

>> No.11665194

Midterms always see the other team make some ground. It has been that way since the early 80's. This was probably the weakest 'flip' on an incumbent party which has happened for decades, which makes blue team celebrations over it way funnier than they will ever realize. 'Destroyed' - rofl.

>> No.11665205

im not an american but was hoping for republican right side win. can you explain why exactly they didn't win? is the voting counting differently than presidential election?

>> No.11665237

reddit is that way mr s oymale

>> No.11665249
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1539402027466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit based

>> No.11665265
File: 205 KB, 1080x1477, midterms 2018 perspective history obama house senate congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dems DESTROY Reps in midterms
t. delusional incel frogposter

>> No.11665284



didn’t they do worse than history suggests they should have? even with all their rage and the “blue wave”?

>> No.11665293

house votes are a bunch of tiny more local votes whereas senate votes are statewide. trump won in the statewide elections which gives him an edge for confirming justices and cabinet members. the democrats spent ungodly amounts of money and used propaganda to drum up NPCs in the local districts necessary for them to pick up those seats needed to retake the house. unfortunately this means that they can technically start "impeachment" now, although the senate has to confirm it which they never will (and didnt on bill clinton). But the difference between Trump and Bill is that people on the democrats side knew Bill had done some things and he was on his way out anyway. When democrats get done failing at impeachment and there's still two years to go it's gonna be a bloodbath. we have several government shutdown spending bills on the horizon as well in the next 2 years so those should be a real blast

as for the more psychological "why", the demographics are fading and with there being just enough retarded centrist boomers who do dumb things like vote one party for governor and the other for congress

on the bright side everybody in the accelerationist camp is going to see this as an acceptable victory terms that leaves us essentially unexposed legislatively but creating a lot of acceleration in the environment

also that leftist muslim bitch is anti-israel as fuck and the communist spic bitch is joining in so by the time they get full power again if they do, a shoah will probably be part of their party platform

>> No.11665313

I guess the right became somewhat complacent. In their minds they had already won since the '16 election. The voting methods have the same kind of idea behind them - going by counties and representatives. I wouldn't consider it a loss though. What I was trying to say was the midterms ended up being a really fucking weak attempt at a blue wave where traditionally it should have been much stronger. It doesn't bode well for dems if this is the best they can muster and the red team takes 20 as seriously as they took 16

>> No.11665316

the problem is (and i hate to be blackpill about it BUT) go look at the numbers, this election had crazy turnout and they were able to match republicans with republicans being mostly whites left at this point. Trump made the best overtures to civic nationalism anyone will ever make again and it barely moved the needle, not enough to provide a truly killer substantive victory from it. The reality is that the democrats are realizing "FUCK WHITEY" is soon going to be a winning platform here in america because there's so many low IQ brown NPCs. Even the nonwhites who claim their approve of Trump and perhaps even loathe the democrats or admit they fail their own people will still vote for them because it's some civic duty of theirs to attempt to do away with white people.

not really sure how this affects the markets yet because that's more long term shit, in the short term there's gonna be stalemate and if certain trade shit occurs possibly a decent bull run but make no mistake america is going to implode soon because of the debt and our internal struggles. even if there's a comeback it's going to be messy as fuck unless there's some black swan event deus ex machina that just saves everything

>> No.11665318

>you browse /biz/ with polfags who uninorinically spend their time thinking and posting about U.S. politics and think trump is good


>> No.11665321

>Trump made the best overtures to civic nationalism anyone will ever make again and it barely moved the needle

>> No.11665334

Nah man the voter numbers were huge and a lot of the right voted, the reality is that in 2016 a lot of people on the left particularly in the minority and women groups were asleep at the wheel due to dislike of hillary but a belief trump was never going to win

the unmarried women are ULTRA triggered by trump because he reminds them of the fathers they are desperate to get back at, and the minorities are just good goy slaves as usual, so these two groups are now back in force and the only thing they can save it is time and a change in zeitgeist

on the bright side this is going to accelerate white identity concepts hopefully and maybe buy them some time to incubate in a good environment

>> No.11665335

finance dictates politics brainlets

>> No.11665341

the election had the result everyone expected so when the fuck is this bubble going to burst?

how long can this bull run of lies can keep up?

>> No.11665343

bro when this country becomes completely nonwhite everything is going to go shit and chang from china is probably going to turn half of these people into literal slaves

trump is hardly perfect but the alternative is pretty much just jumping into the woodchipper instead of hanging on by fingertips

>> No.11665357

Do you think any democrat from here on out is ever going to offer anything else to a white male? lol, it's gonna be 100% fuck white people from here on out from them I don't see how civic nationalism is gonna be a part of that equation

>> No.11665369

Hopefully long enough for the masses to forget that we're in a bubble.

>> No.11665375

markets don't need trump for the bull run if anything the guaranteed stagnancy in the US and the potential for a few trade regulatory things to break in the markets favor means there could be gains for awhile for all we know. trump winning everything is no guarantee the markets would take off either, it might have accelerated the trade dispute situation which could have actually led to a market crash. not to mention now its harder for tptb to start a market crash and blame it entirely on trump

democrats don't have enough control to strangle the market to death yet

>> No.11665388

>3 year 24/7 hate campaign
>only gain 30 seats in election that historically always shifts sides and lose seats in the more important half of congress

okay you stupid nigger.