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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11662555 No.11662555 [Reply] [Original]

how much will you be holding when /singularity/??

>> No.11662565

3 mill

>> No.11662582 [DELETED] 
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4.7 million VET strength x node here

>> No.11662615

Poorfag 1.6m VET Strength-X node holder here.

>> No.11662663

I don't know how you fags can hold bags that heavy and look in the mirror every day I'm holding a 600k X-node and I feel like a complete cuck still holding this chink scam

>> No.11662718

what's the scam??

>> No.11662720

This is why nobody likes you faggots. You hype up everything, and now that you've over saturated the market with partnerships and partnerships. You won't see pumps like it used to. Good luck with those bags faggots.

>> No.11662799

salty walty or stinky linky?

>> No.11662808

potty trained, you street shitting savage.

>> No.11662840

>salty walty or stinky linky?
nah i dont invest in gypsy chink scams. I swing trade, idgaf about any of these coins. but you dolts are the most insufferable and most gullible ive seen in 4 years of investing in crypto

>> No.11662853

What exactly is the scam though?

>> No.11662871

2 million strength x-node holder. These are my heaviest bags and biggest regret but its like 4% of my portfolio so it doesnt sting as bad.

>> No.11662872

Cock Sucker Fag
say Gypsy 1 more time

>> No.11662890

Hold link and vet, but lel at your use of singularity. Faggot

>> No.11662912

>What exactly is the scam though?
are you blind? or do you just not see the full picture? its quite obvious. Answer me this, why would a public blockchain known for business enterprise market to retail investors and sell their token privately to said businesses? If it is sooo great like you vetards say, why are businesses partnering with other cryptos like XLM or AMB or WTC or so on and so forth? It's because they see how full of shit this is.

Sergey is a gypsy scammer, chainlink is a meme. And memes die off rather quickly.

>> No.11662913

VET is literally the surest thing in crypto. They're so far ahead wrt enterprise adoption its not even funny. Biz doesn't deserve the tips.

>> No.11662944

Because you don't look legitimate if no one uses your ecosystem. If you keep enough tokens to sell nodea (at far below market price) to a hand full of well respected enterprises with a 5 year no selling clause (for example) then you can start to build a network of users who get value out of it and its very easy to onboard more users as you now have not only more legitimacy but also more man power in terms of research and development as well as contacts. It's pretty genius actually and this is how crypto will gain mass adoption. I'm surprised no other teams thought of this sooner desu, VET is so far ahead now.

>> No.11662961

>If you keep enough tokens to sell nodea (at far below market price) to a hand full of well respected enterprises with a 5 year no selling clause (for example) then you can start to build a network
So genius, they're giving away tokens

>> No.11663004

come on bruh
it's no nut november

>> No.11663019
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> Not holding Vechains brother and only legitimate alternative.

>> No.11663118
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>> No.11663119

Faggot ass cream brownnosers shilling again?
Today, the seventh of november, their pos exchange opens withdrawals.
Let me explain what this means; everybody that was forces to HODL XD through october and fucking eat that loss finally gets the opportunity to withdraw their tokens from that exchange and dump their bags.
The foundation knows this so they pump the price a little bit to dissuade these bagholders from dumping.

Just look at how the orderbook behaves on binance, this shitcoin is so manipulated it is beyond ridiculous. Much much better off looking for profits elsewhere and pick some of this shit up when they start pumping it, which clearly wont be very soon.

Nothing new will be announced by dnvgl today. Price wont pump, other bagholders will finally see the light: this shit is not pumping anytime soon - and dump.
This + the vet people were forces to hodl on oceanx getting dumped means it is going to 100 sat again, maybe lower.

Vechain has so far overpromised a lot and delivered fuckall. Plebbit jerking themselves around with a tiny uptick in transactions which makes sense because they are demoing shit on the expo. There is a ridiculous oversupply of vthor of months of inactivity which will still have to be burned.
100 authority nodes still not public, vaccine shit not being demonstrated on the expo, mainnet activity low af all points to one thing: they are not ready yet. It will take months at the very least, most likely a few years if they even manage to live up to their promises.
Short to mid term you would have to be retarded to hold this shit. Foundation will block it from mooning before they are done implementing whatever the f it is they re implementing to prevent being accused of insider trading whilst this is exactly what they re doing with fucking sunny lu himself admitting buying tokens from the market earlier this year.

>> No.11663153

" If it is sooo great like you vetards say, why are businesses partnering with other cryptos like XLM or AMB or WTC or so on and so forth? It's because they see how full of shit this is."

What the fuck does that even mean? Because other projects also have partnerships that makes VeChain a scam?

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.11663171

This word vomit was so retarded I am only going to respond to one thing.... you think that there was that much VET stuck on OceanEx? I stored .5% of my holdings there so I could trade for OCE when trading opens...

Shouldn't you be sleeping so Mr. Shekelberg doesn't catch you dosing off at work tomorrow?

>> No.11663198

>memes die off rather quickly
going strong for 14 months but ok

>> No.11663222

My point is that when companies are partnering with other cryptos don't u think they look at a bunch of different options. Why are companies making agreements with other cryptos when vechain is so great? It's because it's all fluff. Name one company that was a start up of dnv gl that is a house hold name. I'll wait

>> No.11663226

Oh btw ocean ex isn't allowed for us residents. And it's kyc. Good luck with that

>> No.11663275

I don't care about the partnerships etc. What throws me completely off is the blatant market manipulation. Sunny, CREAM, CCK (If that wasn't CREAM) tweeting about price and using insider knowledge to trade. Completely unacceptable from a listed company, rife from a company who wants to be the lead on professionalism. The price movements are hardly from only whale manipulation. I refuse to touch something with repeated shadiness.

>> No.11663297

Just woke up and saw this bullshit shilling campaign of you faggots. Even went out of my way to phonepost with half my brain still sleeping.
As to the wagie accusation, if you peasants ever get past the stage of throwing around lunch money you might realise there are benefits to waking up before the herd.
We'll see who is right within 7 days Ranjeet, Ill be waiting for your pink wojak.

Also: tell your supervisor that when you are this obvious about manipulation in an orderbook every dick, john & harry will be able to put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.11663311

agreed. whatever happened to that 85% daily volume being on lbank? And one thing vetards never acknowledge is the amount of hodlers. It just means more fuckin bag holders to dump lmfao.

>> No.11663320

Exactly. You are setting yourself up to lose if you trade this shit. You are trading against the foundation/people with insider knowledge.

>> No.11663397

Has too many partnerships // not enough partnerships

Pick one FUD please

>> No.11663436

Even if this were true.... buy while it's down over 90% and hold it for 5 years... you think they're doing all this for the price to go nowhere?

>> No.11663488

More of the same turd talk you vetards always spew. And bitconnecters said the same thing

>> No.11663507

Still haven't posted even a stitch of proof that they're a scam ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.11663573

...still waiting for that start-up from dnv gl thats a house hold name

>> No.11663584

Are you even reading what you write before you post?

>> No.11663596

vitalik advised me

>> No.11663612

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAWOOOOOOOOOO that's the funniest peace of shit i've read all week. Vechain have already delivered 100x more than any other platform lmao.

>stay poor

>> No.11663623

No sense in arguing with these people, at this point anyone trying to talk shit about VeChain is either a troll or a poorfag mongoloid.. or both. If their coin had the news that VET has they'd be in tears posting green wojaks but because it's something they don't hold they just denydenydeny.

6.5 mil Thunder X node been holding since October 2017

>> No.11663679

>6.5 mil Thunder X node been holding since October 2017
and youre so confident in vet, youre here to reassure a fellow hodler. gtfo

>> No.11663774

Then how come tron has triple the marketcap of vechain? Eos close to 9x? Stellar, a competitor in the supplychain meme well over 8x?
Hold for 5 years in crypto are you fucking daft? Somewhere near to 90% of the coins from 2k13 dont even exist anymore and if they do they are worth absolutely fuckall. In this space you want to buy an alt and just hold it for 5 years without looking at the market manipulation conducted by either its foundation and/or insiders, with all signs pointing towards the foundation itself judging on how this is the only coin that is somehow unable to pump on "amazing news"?
Go ahead with your fucking 3 dollar "investment" im not putting 500K in a "project" with red flags on this scale. They might very well be legit but the scope of insider trading conducted here by itself would be grounds to incarceration in any publicly traded company on the globe.

Do the math yourself, if you want to make profit what is better: swing 5000x for 1-10% or 1 500% moonmission?
Now then these profits would have to be cashed in, but by doing that the price would bleed, this would be clearly visible on the exchanges right? Fortunately it's crypto, nobody has the experience to recognise this shit and if they do they won't give a fuck seeing as that this unregulated wasteland is filled with opportunities to make profit.+brainlets with tribalism=hodl4ever
what have they delivered faggot? Being able to scan a cap and it giving you some generic information? Are you retarded? Where in this process is it necessary to have a blockchain and not a centralized ledger?

They haven't even made their 100 nodes public, the very foundation of the supposed decentralized nature of the project. It would be the same if Zcash never showcased anything regarding their ceremony and just said "trust us".

Just keep hodling your meme nodes, there is no motivation for the foundation to make the model profitable for retail investors.

>> No.11663810

Holy fuck the biggest retarded community in CRYPTO. Being scammed by CREAM and lapping it up. You dumb motherfuckers. I hope yous buy more and make that fat fuck even more rick because you’re all going to get REKT. NEVER has a project had so many RED flags and never has a community ignored or been MANIPULATED to ignore so much in the history of Crypto, Fuckoff with you shitties of shit Noob dumping SCAM

>> No.11663834

Because they can’t. Every shill piece is paid for by cream/vescam. Every journo piece and tv piece is paid - even cnbc says at end paid by vechain, fucking comical. Then theres box and suppo hahaha

>> No.11663841

what's it like having inanimate objects trigger you this much
can you function irl or do you get autism bucks

>> No.11663871

I think you need to look up the definition of inanimate objects then take a good hard look at yourself.

This is the VeTroll way ... see it on here a lot. They don’t have answers so they try useless personal attacks. You’ll see it on blebbit and twatter too. They literally are this retarded.

>> No.11663874
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>$1 by September 1st
>Vechain actually pays this ham to spam Reddit comments
>the absolute state

>> No.11663877

i dont own any vechain

>> No.11663914

By that logic every other crypto is also a scam, as is every fucking business ever.

>> No.11663944

>there is no motivation for the foundation to make the model profitable for retail investors.

And there we have it, you've just proved you have zero knowledge of the token economics and you're talking out your ass.

>> No.11663971

You dont think I see how you put the burden of proof on my side everytime to consume my time in proving your retarded shit wrong? Fuck you, go prove it's profitable. I have done the math I know you stand to gain fuckall as a RETAIL investor. Ball is in your court Rakesh.

>> No.11664008

cant believe people still falling for Vescam.

>> No.11664068
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i just want off this ride frens

>> No.11664109

>By that logic every other crypto is also a scam, as is every fucking business ever.
Why did ezpresso drop plans to do an ico off vechain. I'll let you do the research schmuck

>> No.11664144

And i’m ScummyLu

>> No.11664305

I'm not saying vechain isn't a scam. I'm just saying you logic is faulty as fuck.

>> No.11664310

Absolutely SEETHING

>> No.11664735

What's this coin supposed to do nowadays? Still tracking wine?

>> No.11664747

>This is not a white paper...it just isn't

>> No.11664854


>> No.11664943
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>Being scammed by CREAM

They are scammed quite willingly. Nobody gives a fuck about crypto being honest, adoption, real use etc.

They want to be manipulated and hope they are manipulated into the riches.

t. jackson fu

>> No.11665072

So much more than that lmao check out Bright Code and BYD's Carbon project.

>> No.11665103

8 million VET, 14 million OCE, 11 million SHA. I'm settled, just have to wait.

>> No.11665636


>> No.11666165

Shill gang out in fullforce, its not reddit faggot, nobody wants to see your shitty links to shitty cream alteregos

See how it is bleeding again?

>> No.11666177

jackson fu? more like Fuckson jack

>> No.11666193

Chink scam.

>> No.11666232

It's okay, maybe your WTC gets a little pump so that you can exit your position

>> No.11666512

Not holding any walton faggot. Everyone who calls this shit out for what it is is a saltywalty? get the fuck out.
The very notion that blockchain is needed for supply chain applications is ridiculous. A centralized ledger would work multiple times better.

I think the echo chamber on plebbit suits you much better than this site.
There are very few alts of which I fully agree with their use case (outside of speculative value) and neither ven nor walton or part of this group. Monero for one is

>> No.11666520
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>Monero for one is

>> No.11666724

What does that mean?

>> No.11666780

6 mil here getting about $200 free Thor a month.......Not bad if you ask me
should've sold during the hype but i was just getting started
its the bag the least i worry about....any node will make u a millionaire in the future, ignore the FUD

>> No.11666828
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You are saying that a completely private currency is not a valid use case of blockchain?

Welcome to todays episode of /biz safari, in the post outlined above you can see a delusional bagholder that has ventured far outside of his usual domain: the plebbit echochamber.

Also: you think people dont notice how you bagholders all seem to have one thing in common in replying to adverse news? You pick 1 specific object in a reply and try to make it "funny" without adding any explanation whatsoever because quite simply you cant. You can't explain your reasoning because it is not based on logical thought.

Meanwhile vet is singing bleed it out exactly like I predicted almost 10 hours ago now.

>> No.11666852


Monero is never going to used by a noticable amount of people in the future. VeChain will be. See you in 2019, poorfag.

>> No.11666865

lolololol stay poor and salty you fag. Also reddit is love and way cooler than this garbage board

>> No.11666901


>> No.11666942

ahahhaha faggot you are going to be so fucking salty when VET is number one in marketcap in 6 months. Literally no other crypto is even CLOSE to being on Vechain's level-- rock solid tech, huge dev team, and the strongest institutional partners in the fucking business. Imagine knowing about this shit and sitting here and fudding it, but then again you're probably just trying to accumulate more.

>> No.11666963

Shutt he fuck up, been bagholding this piece of chink shit. Also invested in that scamlink sh1t /biz/ has been memeing

>> No.11667010

Outed yourself as a retard. Supply chain is one of the few real use cases for blockchain. It's still early days but IBM is already making a killing in this space. That said, it's not that complex its all about cost cutting. If vechain can provide a similar service to IBM for less companies will use it if not they won't. Simple as that.

>> No.11667033

Can you throw me a number. How many vethor will it take to track a single wine bottle from factory to customer?

How much will it cost in $$$?

>> No.11667137

Listen here you little nigger. Look at Tesla, Musk shilled and actually broke law and now Tesla is pumping where everything dumping, thats how shit rolls, you have shill it to make it.

>> No.11667207

Ah is it another retard or the same one with a different ID? Quite difficult to tell nowadays, too many ranjeets and manvinders have been around.
How exactly does supply chain mandate blockchain use? I know it sounds great and you want to believe it does but quite simply it doesn't.
Let me make this simple so even you mongoloids can understand it.

If I(A) sign over ownership of item (Q) to buyer (B) after which B can verify his ownership by a simple scan of Q thats great right? However this does not need blockchain. A centralized ledger would work just fine as long as it is implemented right and would be much cheaper due to having no need for decentralisation.
Again put the burden of proof on my side because you fucking retards cant do anything else but regurgle shit you have seen someone else say
vechain above bitcoin in marketcap AND WITHIN 6 MONTHS?
Tesla is pumping because it is not losing out on fucking quadrillions of dollars for the first time proving it might actually be profitable. has fuckall to do with musks shilling which accomplished nothing more than a mcafee pump n dump 11 months ago.

>> No.11667250

>TSLA going from $20 to where it is now has nothing to do with Musk shilling his bags
/biz/ has the best insights

>> No.11667259

Imagine being so salty that you spend all day trying to fud one of the most legit crypto projects

>> No.11667458
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>most legit crypto projects

>> No.11667714

Vefags don't do math anon. I've been challenging them to since Feb. when it was so obviously overvalued. You can't get a decent argument from these guys, their logic isn't clear. They just want to believe....it's like some bad jesus cult or something. it doesn't make sense... but they don't care.

>> No.11667751

you faggots have been saying this since the beginning of the year....and you've been wrong! I thought we were supposed to be near $100 by now?

>> No.11667787

I means you never saw/read the original 'paper'...That statement was on the cover page! How the fuck morons 'invested' in something that cavalier is beyond me....

>> No.11668263

I wonder if the Jonestown-esque mass suicide of non VeChain holders will be televised when we cross $1 trillion market cap in 2025

>> No.11668486

Yeah its just hardcore tribalism as a coping mechanic. Unfortunately for them cream knows exactly how to play their fomo feelings into buying more/holding all kinds of other garbage aswell. Not 1 ico "severely vetted by the foundation" launched on this platform has done anything but delay and put out radio silence.
Someone got that $4.- buying opportunity screenshot?