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11661972 No.11661972 [Reply] [Original]

Can I still make money just panning for gold? I hate my job and want to be outdoors all the time instead, but at the same time don't want to be around other people. I'm in California and there still seems to be a bunch of gold claims for sale here.


At the bare minimum I can survive on $1000 a month since I live with my parents, if I pan for gold full time for at least 10 hours a day could I realistically still find that amount of gold?

>> No.11661997
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ur better off working at burger king fren

>> No.11662001
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>> No.11662017

I don't want to wageslave ever again, that's the whole point. I fucking HATE being around other people!

>> No.11662025

If a gold claim is for sale it's worthless. See if there are any gold mining crews way up north that are hiring, they give you a 'cut' aswell.

>> No.11662047

frequent >>>/out/ threads about this fren, go there

>> No.11662070

All I know about it is through television shows, but, it seems that all the easily human findable gold was already picked up in the 1800s. Modern gold panning is about maximizing throughput of dirt through giant machines, hundreds of cubic feet of dirt per hour. Dirt that was too shitty too pan by hand but technically does have gold flakes in it, and it's underneath 10 or 20 feet of regular dirt with trees growing in it. So I don't know how much dirt you need to go through now for $1000 a month but it will likely require some up front investment in machinery as well as land rights.

>> No.11662131

>Can I still make money just panning for gold?

No. The gold available from panning was found in the 1800's, the only places where any gold deposits are that could provide more than a couple of bucks for a week's work are locked underground, in private property, or state or federal land. If a gold stake had any real value, it wouldn't be for sale, you're just the next bag holder for land that's vastly overpriced from the last lingering shreds of gold fever.

If you hate people, buy some land in Alaska or Canada, and give subsistence living a try. It's about as much work as gold panning, with way more payout in the form of food and shelter. Go watch the reruns of "Live Below Zero" for people doing it.

And, $1000 a month is fucking easy. You can do that doing all kinds of work from home. You know those "work from home" gigs you see ads for? Some of them are real.

That, or apply for a job as a firewatcher. You'll live in the wilderness for months with little to no human contact. There are all kinds of solitary jobs that pay at least $1000 a month. Go join the Merchant Marine, you'll only deal with the crew on an oil tanker or cargo ship for months at sea. Or work for the railroad - they're hiring, and they pay well. Or work security, and take graveyard gigs, you'll never talk to anyone guarding warehouses and office buildings.

>> No.11662136
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day trading bitcoin is modern day goldpanning

>> No.11662172
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thanks, I forgot about that board

That's where I got this idea actually, from watching Gold Rush reruns on Discovery

I'm just a high school dropout, I can't get any of those high end jobs. And btw I have also panned for gold before going camping with my family near Yosemite so I know what it's like but we never found more than a few flakes. Which is why I'm wondering how much I'd find if I actually did this full time instead.

>> No.11662228

Idk about panning for gold, but I have a good friend who legit is self employed by looking for gold. He does all the research and exploring himself. Spends a lot of time /out/ as well as uses drones for scouting.

He then makes a prospecting claim, buys crown land, and sells the plots to mining companies. He makes good money and it's a pretty cool way to make money. We live in northern Canada where uninhabited land is plentiful though

>> No.11662386

Get your GED online then, stop whining and take control of your fucking life already.

You won't find shit anywhere in public camping is allowed. Get your GED, get a job.