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1166025 No.1166025 [Reply] [Original]

Just want to ask if anyone here spent a lot of money during a relationship with a gf or wife like pic related.

What advice would you give about money when it comes to women ?

>> No.1166027

Don't lend them a single fucking cent. Unless its literally for lifesaving medical procedure, just don't.

>> No.1166032
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>giving your money to women

>> No.1166038
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>> No.1166071


>spending money on women

You'll have less money, AND they'll lose respect for you.

there's literally no point to spend your money on women, even if you're rich. Unless you're a cuck with a findom fetish

>> No.1166074
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Don't give them funds, and don't overspend on them either, if they don't put out, you don't pull out your wallet and entice them to, otherwise they'll want money or food and shit before you even get a blowjob or a fuck.

>> No.1166079

Women would love it if you died and left all your money to them. I bet most women fantasize about this.

>> No.1166097
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My first girlfriend I did. Then never again.

Don't listen to these idiots who are all, "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE 50/50! I'M NOT PAYING FOR HER!"

In any proper relationship, you're always gonna spend a little more than her, and gonna buy her some shit from time to time, It's just human nature. That being said though NEVER enter a sugar daddy situation, or a situation where you pay for almost everything, that is some fucked shit and you are helping create the society where pretty women can just spread their legs and have everything. Even moreover, if a woman just wants to spend your money then she does not respect you at all.

>> No.1166111

I want to get a qt gf like OP pic and spoil her and buy her anything she wants.

>> No.1166149

>In any proper relationship, you're always gonna spend a little more than her, and gonna buy her some shit from time to time, It's just human nature.

lol family do you even frugal?
been with my gf for 3 years and she pays for everything and also loans me money

>> No.1166175

>marry woman that works
>she makes 40-50K
>have kids and she stays at home to watch them
>be in 40s, making $150K a year
>anon, why would I work when you make 3x the money
>cucked until 65
Enjoy your false expectations, faggots.

>> No.1166191

Probably spend around $2,500 a year on my gf between dinners, gas, gifts, and time off work. She just bought us plane tickets to Italy, though, so it's not a one way street.

>> No.1166267

Here is my experience:

The more you give to women, the less they respect you. Women respect you when you set high demands on them and "reward" them by showing that you are grateful as publicly as possible.

The whole time, you should be thinking, "this bitch is so dumb, she did xxx for me for nothing," but make it a compliment like "out of the kindness of her heart" etc etc

>> No.1166279
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>his gf doesnt pay for the majority of their expenses

>> No.1166287

don't listen to whoever telling you don't spend money on girls...

If you truly see a future with a women, don't cheap out and don't seem cheap. No one wants to date a cheap ass, and word spreads man.

If you're just banging the chick, don't spend anything except for the pizza after sex.

>> No.1166293

I make my girl read my finance books when i am finished with them. I'm involving her in my dream to be rich. We are a team. Give up on the "women are evil" meme. Youre just a faggot beta that wants to fuck up. If your girl doesnt want what you want, dump her ass

>> No.1166296

The only solution is to date a girl with a good job. So she won't bug you for money.
She has her own. You got your own.
everyone is happy.

>> No.1166314

>for the pizza after sex.
damn why she still there??

>> No.1166349
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Bitch better have MY money, sheeiit.

>> No.1166366

You'll never lose a woman while chasing money.
You'll always lose money chasing some woman.

>> No.1166372

So how close to that plano west subway do you live op?

>> No.1166393


I'm 30 years old and I've never had a girlfriend, I am also relatively poor, however I am trying to become rich. If I had a girlfriend I would be distracted to unreasonable extents and she would expect me to spend money on her - so I waste both time and capital. Life feels hard, but I feel like it's a reasonable short term sacrifice; you have female relations, she gets pregnant then it really is game over for you.

In summary, ignore women until you've either made it or gave up in your quest to become rich.

>> No.1166410

This is literally the exact situation my dad and stepmom are in. The best part is she now spends the vast majority of his account and bitches at him when they have no money for her to piss away because necessities.

Literally $5k a year for some meme cross fit membership, too many to count $55 tequila shots in the city with her cross fit friends that she foots entirely for no reason, going to Europe for months at a time doing 8 "marathons" and racking up thousands of dollars on the cell bill alone, but she has the gall to yell at my dad when his car breaks down and he needs to spend $4k on a(nother) beater to get to his job.

He makes around $212k, but had to ask me to chip in extra money for March because he didn't have enough for groceries and gas.

She alone is the reason I've never gone looking for a girl.

>> No.1166426

Pretty much this. Surround yourself with like minded people, especially the one you fuck. Not all relationships have to be toxic, be careful to guard yourself from evil sluts and find someone who's decent.

>> No.1167252

No matter what your worth, tell every woman you don't have much money.
I met my current girlfriend just after dropping out of university with zero dollars to my name. She stuck with me through every hard time and now we are moving up in the world.
Never trust anyone to share a bed/house/life with you if they know you have money. There is a high chance that person sees you as an investment and not a relationship, and will cash out as soon as they decide they can leave with enough money.

>> No.1167312

this doesnt just apply to women, men are gold diggers too. im talking about friends. all of a sudden your expected to pick up the tab, because you can... its no big deal for you. then, when you dont... youre a greedy asshole. aquaintances all of a sudden have interest in you. never let anyone know your worth.

>> No.1167343

I pay some stuff, she pays other stuff. Ever since we started dating (over 4 years ago) she insisted on paying for everything herself. Gotta love a woman like that.
Oh and btw, pay no mind to the other guys here. They're virgins.

>> No.1167346

Just taking a read through the comments, their virginity is too obvious and why would anyone take advice from wankers who know absolutely nothing about anything?

>> No.1167405

There's a saying in my country, im pretty sure its worldwide "A las mujeres ni todo el amor, ni todo el dinero"
"With women, not all of your love, not all of your money"

>> No.1167562

That's a good saying. We don't know it here in the US.

>> No.1167605

I am reasonably successful with female. Have had quite some qt's, hell smashed 2 girls last weekend, 1 was an amazing woman, hottest one you will find. Lovely energy vibes, im falling in love almost.

What i learned. They just want emotions man. Money doesn't buy them emotional highs, and most definitely does not increase their respect for you. They might get the idea you are trying to buy them, and will adapt their behavior accordingly.

If they know they coming to you for emotional highs (read soaking pussies and hot sex), they will see you as their provider for this.

>> No.1167608

Spoil her by having her choke on your massive penis. All she really wants anyway. Then maybe after a few months, buy her tons of sex toys and test them on her. She will love you for it.

>> No.1167611

Kek you're such a child.

>> No.1168661

>I'm involving her in my dream
>We are a team

Kek you sound like hispanic multilevel marketers

>> No.1169904

>anyone here spent a lot of money during a relationship with a gf or wife?

>pic related.

yeah mate. 5 dollar footlong subs really put me under too.

>> No.1169973

I'm currently seeing several girls, and I try to spend as little as possible. I treat it like a game, you'd be surprised how well it works.

It means you have to rely on your charm, game, looks and conversation skills. Money is the lazy way to do it, and it's not fun.

I feel bad for guys spending shitloads of money on their girls, usually you can see in their eyes how they suck at being an interesting person.

>> No.1169981
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I would just spend my escort fund on them. But then we have to consider time invested + capital spent vs fuck Dividends received.

When spending time with the gf you have to account for opportunity cost so if you could be earning 50$ an hour instead and spend 20 hours a month with her she is costing you about $1000.

In my country a high end escort costs 4-500 an hour so I better get at least two good fucks(escorts let you put it in the pooper btw) per month to break even..

Buying the woman (read marriage) is silly as their value decreases over time (they age) only a fool would buy into the charade.

>> No.1169988

This is the correct answer. Assuming you have an escort come over every 2 weeks, you can do so for $10,000 a year.

This is much cheaper than a wife. You can easily afford this with ~$150K sitting in a portfolio.

A wife will cost much more than ~$150K over a lifetime.

>> No.1169993

Dude, same here. I didn't know this was a thing until it happened to me.

>> No.1170017

What is this thread? Christ on a fucking bike, you guys are retarded.

Treat your girlfriend like you would any other person you live with for an extended time. Buy birthday, christmas, valentines gifts, etc.

If you offer dinner and a movie, pay for it.
If she offers, counter offer with 50% of the bill.

You'd be amazed at how women react to being treated like normal people instead of being spoiled. If she expects that shit, she's only in it for the money, not your shitty personality.

My current girlfriend of 5 years met me when I was a broke ass bum and needed a place to stay, now I make the majority of the money.

If I see a candle or a lotion or what the fuck ever that she would like, I pick it up for her. There's no need to spend hundreds on a shitty pair of earrings or shoes or have a "girlfriend budget".

>> No.1170025

I've never done it myself, but most of my beta friends have lost their girlfriends soon after a $100+ dollar gift was given. Actually one started riding my dick after he bought her a phone.

>> No.1170039


Sadly I don't have autism and am unable to see human interactions as things on a balance sheet. I will have a life companion, a lover, and a mother of my children while you plunge the same fuckhole who doesn't even know your last name for 5 years. No I'm not American either so my women aren't red haired problem spectacled genderfluid demiqueers who've slept with 14 cis men and 914 non-binary donutkins.

If your women make you consider a lifetime prostitution arrangement you need to move.

>> No.1170041
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You're a fucking cuck. You can't even claim to be the head of the household, how on earth can you show pride in the fact you rely on a woman for money?

>> No.1170045

From an investing point of view, having this kind of mind must be awful.

>> No.1170061

>loans me money
guess you gotta do something to keep her around

>> No.1170075


If thats what u wanna do play on playa.

Its not my style having my girl go out and kill dinner.

>> No.1170154

>plunge the same fuck hole
>Implying I don't get to choose diffrent fuck hole every time
>Implying I can't have mutiple girlfriends

>> No.1170213

You spend less money hiring a high-end prostitute than giving money to women.
It's basically the same thing. The prostitute will eve stay pretty for clients, if the woman is grounded she'll get complacent, fat, and ugly.

>> No.1170273

>lemme spend lots of money on this girl so when we are together she expects it always
This is how people end up broke m8
Don't be cheap like you said but still try to be frugal so you attract a frugal woman.

>> No.1170714

Pussy must be really tight if she's doing crossfit and marathons though

>> No.1170721
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10 star post

>> No.1170724

>implying I have my own place
lol , stay poor

>> No.1170746

If you're good with money you won't have problems. If you're bad with money it doesn't matter if you blame your gf or the economy or the gubment, you'll fail and be in shit all the time.

I never spend on myself but my wife is the kind of person who lives better when I buy her things or go out with her. Her appreciation of that spending drives me and from the very beginning I was living better as well. If you don't have that dynamic then you are an idiot. Money isn't worth anything on its own. If you're barely scraping by then get your shit together or find a woman who can play the role of a man, just don't call it "truth" when you discover that relationships might not be worth it. That's just your failure.

When I was in college I would spend all my money on trips and gifts and good food. What would I have been doing if not smiling and having great sex and creating great memories? I would have played video games and held onto the money and been miserable. Some people are miserable either way or expect the woman to be just as pathetic about life and never spend anything. That's fine but it's your life and most likely you've been fed a fuckload of myths about how "hard" it is to do something completely natural and a priority to nearly every human for 10k years.

>> No.1170824

>not fucking this hotty with a naughty body

>> No.1170838

>calls somone a cuck
>bitches about being head of household
>oh yes swedebro, you're sure the head of your household
>jamal, your wifes son and svetlana all """""respect you""""
>being head of a cuckshed doesnt count

>> No.1171017
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>> No.1171053


The 2 biggest moneysinks in the world:


captcha was boats kek

>> No.1171057

I once spent €10'000 in a day just for top notch hookers (...and cocaine) for me and my friends

>> No.1171059

>3. BTC
eggs for captcha, eggs for breakfast lunch and dinner if you put your savings into that senpai desu lamo kek topcuck

>> No.1171086

how were the hookers?

>> No.1171094

>dating your mother

>> No.1172195

flash the cash, don't spend the cash.
Use the money to show power and give power.