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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1165869 No.1165869 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a real nigga frugal thread senpaitachi.

I'll start: food for nutrition on a budget.

Brown rice, quinoa, oats
Brocolli, kale, asperagus
Frozen blueberries

Cottage cheese
Greek yogourt
Kidney beans

Vbland olive oil
Flax, olive/grapeseed oil

Later on I'm going to make a spreadsheet of my local prices for this shit vs their nutritional value and calculate the ideal $/nutrition value of each food for maximum Jewness.

>> No.1165880

none of that shit tastes better than a Big Mac tho

>> No.1165888

Enjoy your timely death from the sodium tho.

Plus big macs are expensive.

>> No.1165893

Free cheeseburger with every value meal with student card
Have had a big mac meal for dinner every night for the past 3 months and the cheese burger for breakfast
Body feels fucked

>> No.1165900

Miles are all that matter. I'd drive a 1992 with 60k over a 2007 with 120k.

Go on craigslist a bit; you can get 80-100k mile cars for around a grand, while five grand only gets you 50-60k miles.

Aim for around 100k miles. Less is better, obviously, but don't go over that. 100k is the autumn of the car; with proper maintenance it'll go to 150k without many serious issues. After 150k all hell breaks loose.

Get a car based in or near your country. If American, get something from chrysler, GM, or Ford. If European, get something from a euro brand. This is for replacement parts; domestic cars are much more common than imports and aftermarket manufacturers cater to the common need. I sell auto parts; In America common parts for things like Audis, Volkswagens, Mitsubishis, etc cost a lot more than comparable parts for Chevys or Dodges. For uncommon parts, it is generally not hard to find them for domestics but you have to really look for imports. If your country does a very high volume of import car sales (and I mean VERY high volume) you can get one of those too. If American, Hondas are the only brand that qualifies for this; Honda parts are no more expensive and no harder to find than any domestic brand.

If the car looks nigger-rigged in any way, leave immediately. If the seller is willing to trailer park the stereo, he is willing to trailer park the fuel pump. Redneck "fixes" can easily cost you huge amounts of money when they fail.

Bring an OBDII reader and scan the car for codes. If you don't own one, take it to an autoparts store and they'll let you use theirs. Sellers can and do disable the check engine light.

If the tires are shit, take $150 off the price of the car. If the battery is more than 2-3 years old, take $100 off the price. These are regular-replacement parts that will fail no matter how well you take care of them. It's no cause to walk away from a car, but it is cause to compensate for.

>> No.1165903

Black beans

>> No.1165911

McDouble is still the best value food in America if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.1165913

That's not a bigmac which he said "tastes good", though.

McDoubles are gross as fuck, the sodium will get you if you eat them regularly too.

They're really not all that good. You'd be better off getting an inexpensive pepperoni pizza, that's much higher calories/$ value.

>> No.1165915


>a grand

post examples from where u live or fuck off

>> No.1165917

Depends on model but you obviously have to look around a little bit and maybe haggle.

Point is it's very doable.

>> No.1165944


>> No.1165950

lmfao that isn't even close to frugal

beans, masa, squash, multivitamin

>> No.1165951

>lmfao that isn't even close to frugal

It's frugal if you want to actually make gains.

Being /fit/ is frugal for your healthy and social benefits.

>> No.1165954
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>> No.1165963

>Miles are all that matter.
That's a fool's notion

>I'd drive a 1992 with 60k over a 2007 with 120k.
I'll drive whichever car was maintained better and isn't a rust bucket.

>> No.1166004
File: 187 KB, 275x276, Bean Boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finally got all my groceries for under $50 today

>> No.1166028

>he doesn't know how to use a drill to reset the odometer

>> No.1166065

I live in cheap ass low cost everything flyover land and you can not get a 1k car here unless it's totally fucked. Like, has the car version of terminal cancer fucked.

I'm actually about to sell a crown vic with serious frame rust. The car is a little dinged up, but ok otherwise. But the frame rust is bad. The car has 1 or 2 years before the frame totally fails. I will get 1500 for it easy, without even hiding that the car is basically terminal and not reparable. Unless you wanted to swap the engine and drive train into a clean body but driven to shit police intetceptor, which ain't a bad idea. But anyway, fuck cars

>> No.1166166

>Miles are all that matter. I'd drive a 1992 with 60k over a 2007 with 120k.
Not true at all. A lot of issues with a car are build quality and age related. Drive train build quality has gotten much better over the years and unless you get a car that was poorly engineered and has a known failure (easy enough to research these days). The door and window seals, electrical connections, and rubberized parts are going to be in far better condition than your 60K example. Not to mention the advances in safety, braking and handling the 2007 would have over your 1992.

>> No.1166167

Neither do you. Tell me smart guy, how are you going to run the miles off a digital odometer?

>> No.1166168

Where do you live? I can get decent buckets for 1k each all day everyday.

>> No.1166171

That depends nearly entirely on Model of car.

Some models are HIGHLY reliable and are known to cause few to no problems.

Some are quite literally built like tanks, with cheap replacement parts, minimal problems and can be had for ~$1k.

>> No.1166173

I'm worried that in about five years no car manufacturer will be making a car simple enough to be easily serviceable. they're turning into replaceable items and I'm not surprised with the way people buy and sell them.

>> No.1166193
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Are you 10 years old or a pleb, or both?

>> No.1166210


Everyone knows what is healthy. You need simple, somewhat-edible meal ideas to keep at it. Like extreme poorfag - brown rice, black beans, some salt, some oil. Eventually you'll want to kill yourself eating that all the time, though.

Burrito bowl for the lazy/cheap:

Brown rice ( ~ 1 cup cooked)
1/4 - 1/2 cup Salsa (diced tomatoes, jalapeno, onion if you're really poor)
Queso ("nacho cheese"), about a tablespoon
your choice of canned beans (1/2 cup) - I prefer frijoles negros
Optional - some black olives, 1/2 an avocado

The trick is, you cook enough rice for 2 days worth. Anything left after day 2 is thrown out.

This is decent enough to keep me away from Taco Bell, so it works for me. If you do the minute rice thing, it's a 2-3 minute dinner. Also way healthier than eating 800-1,000 calories of burritos.

>> No.1166765


>> No.1166769

go on expatistan.com
find somewhere cheap.
live there.

>> No.1166797

Reprogram the chip that lives on the same PCB as the odometer.

>> No.1167008

Cheapest most prolific food that has ever existed using the $per calorie metric and total purchased per year.

however for personal gains nutrient density, not caloric density is a better measure of value.

You must evaluate the whole diet in any real efficiency comparison.
In doing so the prolific waste of the big mac becomes clear.

>> No.1167277


>> No.1167897

Fucking faggots

>Post two things
>Literally no one else posts constructively, only nitpicking

This board really is shit.

>> No.1168149


>> No.1168159

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.1168163

How about I kill you faggot

I don't see you contributing to this shit board

>> No.1168176

yes, but how do you kill both of yourselves, frugally?

>> No.1168181

With one bullet for both?

>> No.1168314

Live close to where you work. People waste so much time and money commuting. Time wasted driving to work is time you don't get back. Burning gas, building up miles on your car, risking your health and sanity in traffic. If your house is fantastic and your job is fantastic but they are 70 miles apart, you should give one of them up.

>> No.1168340

>This board really is shit.


>dozens of crypto coin pump and dump threads >day trader threads sharing their awesome winning strategies in $300 portfolios
>how do i make a living playing poker 'professionally'
>bottom feeders bumping a discussion about risking a felony for $30 in scrap copper.

i disagree senpai. this board is a place for knawledge with fantastic moderation and a very informative sticky.

>> No.1168996
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>I'll start: food for nutrition on a budget.

>Proceeds to list every kind of non-processed food

>> No.1169001

ignore the /fit/ tards

>> No.1169003


early retirement extreme (ERE)
Mr Money Mustache
(some random minimalism shit)

I currently live on less than 10k a year. In a few months I am selling my car and (moving and) living car-free for however long. Plan is to get all furniture and household items for free or extremely cheap (craigslist, freecycle, habitat for humanity restore, flea markets).

Looking at the options, in a city with average rent of 1400, I am certain I can get a room in a shared place for about 500-600 in a good location (close enough to walk/bike/bus/line).

"Avg starting salary" for my job is in the 50k range. Might take a year to get that, but the bottom barrel scrub job I might temp at is 30k. Having calculated my expenses, I will be able to live on 230 a week or less. (That's 12k a year after tax.)


Is that an accomplishment? I spend 25 a week, which includes no processed food and plenty of fresh meat, dairy, and produce. Stop being fat.

>> No.1169004

But it's frugal bro

>> No.1169081

just live on a boat

>> No.1169135

Get /fit/.
Saves on time, healthcare bills, better health makes you happier and more productive, but, best of all:
Literally any clothing will look good on you. You can buy a cheap-ass plain color shirt and jeans, and look good.

>> No.1169466

ur health is ur first million

>> No.1169477

What if you can work from home 50% of the time?

>> No.1169500

and the best part, you can do entirely free, bodyweight+running...alright you won't get big at all, but at least you will be toned and not a fat piece of shit

I looked into that a few years ago, iirc it wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be

>> No.1169522


"Learn to ignore" is actually a really terrible trait. People who are paid 250k/year+ can afford to ignore work matters, people under that who ignore things are doomed to never get a promotion.

Better advice: respond to everything but prioritize accordingly

>> No.1169598


Not actually that cheap to houseboat, and that city doesn't have a body of water that could support it. Also fuck boats. Also RVs are also not cheap. I really put research and consideration into it, and it would cost more than a cheap college type room rental. Also a huge hassle.

>> No.1169645

Bioavailability of compounds found in a multivitamin is dismal at best.

>> No.1169674

I disagree little caesers $5 pizza is the best. 8 slices. And on a budget you can make 1 pizza be 4 meals.

>> No.1169888

>being poor

>> No.1170849
