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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1500x1500, snowblossomflower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11652156 No.11652156 [Reply] [Original]

Hi! Yesterday, Snowblossom briefly hit 40,000 sats, and $100K+ volume. 22x the volume of any other coin on Qtrade. There were massive buys, considering Qtrade's exchange, and piddly sells. Very interesting.

Do we have a new floor now? Look at how much pissing and moaning is going on here, in this thread that lasted 24 hours : >>11631749

I love haters. Always have. It is now clear, I was right yet again. The best part is, this is just the beginning. Until this is shilled by masses, on Coinmarketcap, and a major exchange, one could consider it the early adoption phase. Hell, there still isn't even a GUI wallet! If you aren't at least keeping an eye on this, you need to have your head checked at this point.


>> No.11652163


>> No.11652177

For the inevitable "where do I buy this / read more"


>> No.11652187

green id and i'll buy some more

>> No.11652192


>> No.11652201
File: 120 KB, 399x400, 1538599173635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samefagging your own thread

>> No.11652204

BTW - someone bought 10 BTC worth at 35,000 sats. If you think they will not get their money back ten-fold, well, I don't know what to tell you.

Similar order at 50,000 sats. I wonder when we start to crack it.

>> No.11652208

Wrong. Do you not know how this board works?

>> No.11652214
File: 31 KB, 474x474, ^*().jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have a 32x32 transparent background logo that I can have

looking to include snow's logo on merv.tech

>> No.11652223

it’s had a huge pump but if you want to join the 21 club (max supply is 21 million) it will cost about ~$40 right now. current market cap is roughly 2.2 million, 1.3 million coins in circulation.

>> No.11652239

Thanks got me a few hundred

>> No.11652248

my snow isn't showing up on my balances right now , why is that?

>> No.11652250

See Cryptoquan / VECTOR (?) section of the Github. Lots of images.

>> No.11652257

Qtrade takes some time to update totals of all the things.

>> No.11652315

ah yeah it updated now, do you think I should buy some now or wait for a dip, I could buy 420 right now which would cost me $580 usd

>> No.11652324

i maintain that buying at these prices is foolish.
a dip must come sooner or later

>> No.11652364

I.D. Change.

Up to you. How many do you have now? If it dips, you get more bang for your buck. If it moons further, you gain. Win / Win.

40,000 sats -> 27,000 sats is a solid dip, considering what this is. Considering the buying up to 40K sats, I wouldn't be so sure we're heading too far south of 20,000 sats.


>> No.11652371

Why only 1.3 mil circulating/22 mil max supply?

>> No.11652396

It's following the exact same path as BTC.

>> No.11652401

I bought 150 @ 0.00014 . Might sell those soon and shift btc into the exchange, ready for a dip.

>> No.11652417

I would absolutely not do this. You are in the perfect position to where if it falls below far 20,000 sats, to get a great DCA. I really, really doubt it will, and if it does, it will not be for long. Since it seems you don't have a lot of money, this is what I would do.

>> No.11652479

okay brother. ive been justed by the crypto market since 2016 summer. watched Kayz upon Kayz slip through my fingers like sand. went all in on Origami network at $1.50 hoping to flip back into chainlink as a final maneuvre. rode all my shit into nothing. am slowly starting to build up with my wage cuck funds. even considering military so i can put away 2k everymonth str8 into crypto no expense and still stack 500 to 1k into bank.thats a side note. is this the nail in the coffin for me?(cuz i feel some fomo kicking in). give me some skin over text man i got about 0.065 btc. should i market buy off of 27k sats or try to put order for 22/23k sats. and what do u think i can walk away with in 6 months assuming exchange doesnt fold..?

>> No.11652518

Hi. First of all, why the hell would you all in ORI after it went 13x? You need to learn to stop buying tops and be patient, or just walk away altogether. Did you learn that? Please listen.

That said :

Snow has gone up, but there's a few things to consider. The total lack of chatter outside Biz is still insane to me. However, there was HUGE volume for this exchange all the way up to 40,000 sats.

Since 0.06 is not a lot of money to dick around with, it's your call. Perhaps buy half at market, and set a lower order with the other half. Then, be patient, and make more money if you want to get more.


>> No.11652557

Also, again, OTC was bought up to $3 in May, and I've talked to a few of those people. They aren't concerned, and have bought more.

My 2 flakes.

>> No.11652586

i tried my best op but all i know is buying tops. just market bought about 240 of these at 27.8k sats. im fucked. idk. your rightish about those chunky orders though, those arent for fucking around i bet. especially not on the chincy ass exchange its on. fuck me. im just gonna not look back. try a new strategy, of just picking up little baggies and diversifying. at the very least its still not on cmc, and if even 5% of what is said about snow is true then il break even in amonth . i hoep.

>> No.11652590

it just feels fucked cuz u and a good amount of ppl been scooping these for a minute at 5/6/7k sats

>> No.11652593

What does OTC mean? all time high?

>> No.11652640

Over The Counter.
I believe the tech is something new but how are you so sure about 250mcap? I'm going with my gut and picking up a few hundred for now

>> No.11652662

I am not sure about a 250M market-cap, but if there's a contender, this is it, in my opinion. I don't think people understand the gravity of fresh code, zero chatter, one shit exchange, very little information on what "could be" ground-breaking tech, not even on the radar for CMC, etc.

There's massive, unbridaled potential here.

Yes, Over the Counter. Still difficult to buy significant amounts.

I wouldn't say "a good amount of people", again, there's not that many wallets active, even now.

Just force yourself to stop, dude. You can use coin-tracking sites like CoinGecko to track how far shit has gone up, but that info only goes so far back. If it's not there, you have to go back into exchanges, back into Telegrams and Discords. Scroll back! I have a rule of thump that mostly, if something has gone up 300-400%, I simply move on. There are exceptions, but not many.



>> No.11652732

Also, if you believe the space will grow, even by 50%, that 250M will be quite meaningless around that time. Remember how things were in the last bull-run. I am not saying it will ever be 20% of that insane again, but I think we can all agree but it COULD be 20% that insane again. If that were the case, and Snowblossom even remotely picked up steam (i.e. : a Binance listing "out of merit" like the team wants, Coinmarketcap, some real articles, and growth) I think we could safely say 3-4B market-cap could be reasonable.

Think long term about the implications of what that means, even at a 1.5M cap with inflation.

>> No.11652737

how many snow to make it?

>> No.11652746


>> No.11652750
File: 44 KB, 1196x480, 1541176815706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry snowbros only 21 to make it. / Our coin /

Biz in control of 25% or more of the addresses!

>> No.11652755

I'm listening man. thanks. they say don't put all your eggs in one basket.. but I only have one egg so I've been waiting for 1 or 2 low cap projects to go all in on.

>> No.11652776

I think, given a few months, this is a very low risk at these levels. Chatter will only grow from here, especially with that last thread running for 24 hours. People keep an eye on things. That volume will not be ignored.

I'd say, even for a poorfag, 210 Snow should be good. 21 Snow is like literally $25 at this point. I'd personally just hate myself if that 100x'd, no matter how poor I was.

I highly doubt we control 25% of the addresses, but this is indeed /ourcoin/

>> No.11652786

This was shilled here back in June at least, that's when I started mining it off and on. They compared it to Amoveo which got my attention, although I don't think it's a good comparison tech-wise VEO reached into the $300's and is currently in the mid $100's.

I have over 2300 in about 6 different wallets, so keep that in mind when looking at the richlist - the actual number of holders is likely only a couple hundred.

I ignored BTC in 2009-10 when I had the equipment to mine several dozen per day, not making that mistake again and am going to double my stack of these next week after my fundus clear.

>> No.11652796

how much time left for accumulation?
is it a good idea to start buying 100 snow per week

>> No.11652801

Yep. I know people are spread. We're still talking about well under 1,000 wallets total. That's insane.

Snow's potential ROI is thousand-fold over VEO.

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.11652805

I think it's a great idea to treat this like BTC. I'm still waiting to buy my mid-term flipping stack, but even I am getting itchy at this point.

>> No.11652827

More solid buys creeping toward 30,000 sats again. Nobody is fucking selling. This is amazing to watch. I don't think people are truly grasping the implications of these books, and having this much volume on this literal /who/ exchange.

>> No.11652860

Messaged the Tradeogre dev again. With this much volume on Qtrade, I think he'd be hailed as a champion if he listed this, as well as the monetary gain.

We'll see.

>> No.11652862

Jesus, can someone dump so I get my order filled...

>> No.11652864

Not looking good, huh. Crazy shit.

>> No.11652875

If we ladder step past 30,000 sats now, shit is going to get real if people start getting itchy.

>> No.11652885
File: 81 KB, 720x505, Screenshot_20181105-225409_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got 14 addresses on the list. Since SNOW was first shilled on Biz it has increased by about 25%

I have no doubt that biz holds around 25% of the addresses. We are the only community shilling this. Truly ground floor.

/ Our coin /

"The Obeslisk of Biz" kek

>> No.11652938

anon i failed to figured out how to open my wallet on ubuntu HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11652947

I suspect in short order for that candle to be 60,000 sats. If this hits Ogre and goes Nerva on everybody, shit is going to get real.

>> No.11652951

Join the Discord and post your pain points. People are very helpful.

>> No.11652955
File: 207 KB, 1200x750, snowlambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When lambo, twu? Am I going to make it with 2300?

>> No.11652960

>plebbit spacing
Guess how I can tell you never visited 4chan outside of scamming people here.

Daily reminder, the coin is only the means to scam you with the exchange itself. Your money is not only lost by buying this scam, but its lost by putting anything on the exchange

>> No.11652961


>> No.11652966

this coin hits a lot of check-marks for that to likely happen

>> No.11652983
File: 596 KB, 2786x1240, snowblossom biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2,300 is solid. Keep your fingers off the keys until 2021 with that amount, buy more on the dips, treat it like BTC when you have influx's of cash, and you are golden.

Fake news.

You realize people said the exact same thing at 800 sats, right? Photo attached from 10/23.


>> No.11653004

Not that I don’t like snow but OP is artificially hyping up the project. All recent posts are by him and 75% of comments by him with different accounts. Snow is not ready for that and you are overdoing it. Be patient you will dump your bags eventually.

>> No.11653036

You are wrong about me posting on different accounts. When I have to change my IP due to living in China, I re-tag myself.

Snow is indeed ready for more exposure, and the 22 BTC volume yesterday proves I am right.

Just because I believe in it doesn't mean I am artificially hyping it. Look at the facts / particulars, coupled with yesterday's movement, and if you disagree, well when will simply have to agree to disagree.

The time for absolute silence is over, whether you like it or not.

>> No.11653056

Whats mc now? About 1m or more?

>> No.11653063

1.5 or so.

>> No.11653104

literally just got btfo, this coin is too expensive to buy in, price is increasing too fast, im out.

>> No.11653105

Isn't circulating supply like 1.2m?

>> No.11653113
File: 94 KB, 441x446, 20181025_083630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11653123

I think this is a terrible stance, due to extreme lack of sell orders, and it's my personal opinion that if you really want in, you should consider throw in half and then wait. I say this because of the 10 BTC buy order at 35,000 sats, amongst heavy buying up to 40,000.

I guess time will tell, though, if I'm right.

Current circulating : 1,312,500

>> No.11653133

Sorry, extreme lack of SELLING*

Look at the books. If you're trying to get 5 digits of Snowblossom, I think you're in for a long, nervous road, at this point.

>> No.11653137
File: 5 KB, 250x166, 1541431382845s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say...

>> No.11653148

>Current circulating : 1,312,500
Market cap is more like $2.2m then, at .00027 BTC

>> No.11653149

That's right. Damn, that girl is cute. Getting feels for when we were all searching for the "new NEO"

>> No.11653160

Ah, yes. You are correct.

>> No.11653184

No , I am not the OP.

>> No.11653188

Haha. Nice. These assholes, man... unreasonable.

>> No.11653192
File: 293 KB, 719x404, ladysnowbiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11653205

stop talking to yourself loser

man.... i can smell your pajeetness on other threads due to the simple fact that you talk like a fag

>> No.11653207

You didn't see this thread: >>11645653

>> No.11653216



I did.

>> No.11653223

Fuck, Snow's meme-ability is so high. Can't wait.

>> No.11653250

Did you make that thread? Because you made a thread the other day with that shiddy ASCII cipher like in the chink thread, and you're in China, and other anon is right I can smell your street all the way over here in burgerland. Just asking.

>> No.11653265

A lot of people live in China, dear anon.

>> No.11653273
File: 523 KB, 963x578, why-so-deadass-5a3c8ba9f1e1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11653284

This. OP is just an annoying chink pitchman.

>> No.11653321

How much snow to get her

>> No.11653324

You're all such whiners. I love it.

>> No.11653333

Look at this artificial supression snowgang.

Snow insiders know we are taking over

Next step is some more memes

And eventually a biz mining pool and then we can vote on proposals

>> No.11653343

>twu shills for days on end
>strange Chinese SNOW thread appears today
>twu in China
>literal nobody coin and we have multiple threads
I don't believe in coincidences, dear anon.

>> No.11653346

Holy shit I totally forgot about the proposal voting. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.11653353


checked. biz mining pool would be cool

>> No.11653400

>Nobody coin
>$125,000 in volume in one day on a /who/ exchange, 90% buys
>Paltry sells

Keep talking. Enjoying myself.

>> No.11653407

Kek at anons hating on Twu for being in China. There were Koreans in that chat too. Instead of cherry picking. Get your 21 (cherry)blossoms.

/Our coin/

>> No.11653411

1.3 billion people, the vast majority of the Bitcoin miners, and I am the one. Yep. Gotcha.

>> No.11653422

why 21?
thats only like 40 something dollars

if it 100x then you get around $4000ish

>> No.11653457

Poorfags should grip 210, then buy like BTC for a year, IMO.

Normies should aim for 2,100 if they're worried about it.

21,000+ for Chad holding. I'll get there by EOY.

>> No.11653483

1 BTC to crack 30,000 sats again. I wonder if we'll get there this week.

>> No.11653604

Give it 3 days at most Prandeep.
Can't stop a snowball and it's almost winter.

>> No.11653663

What's a realistic EOY prediction on this?

>> No.11653701

I bought in at 10k and sold at around 14k fuck it I'm buying in again

>> No.11653710

People need to stop saying not many sells...ok i get there is buying but the sell wall is thick as fuck and the buy wall paper thing. Why is everyone selling such large chunks?

>> No.11653743

they are dumping, the premine for this is actually very far along.

>> No.11653746

I'd rather buy this when it gets listed TradeOgre. I don't want to give my pesonal information to another chink exchange.

>> No.11653759

*on TradeOgre
kool-aid kills, damn it

>> No.11653760

Why the fuck are they doing kyc on such a shitcoin exchange????

>> No.11653769

It's an American exchange. Without KYC you can withdraw up to $4,000 a day.

>> No.11653785

You still have to give your personal information, though.

>> No.11653800

You don't technically need to give your real name as long as you're not planning to go through the second stage of KYC. But yeah, your call. At this stage I would buy anyway while it's still relatively low.

>> No.11653805

You realize if that happens it will double, at worst, before listing, right?

>> No.11653862


I signed up with a bs name and address and had no issues. you can withdraw a few thousand without kyc

>> No.11653867

Kek the absolute state

Biz has been burned too many times by premined ICOs and dev tax cryptonotes that when they see an absolute ground floor gem with novel tech they call it a scam.

Should pick up a handful now as suicide insurance so you don't kys once this is .1 BTC

>> No.11653976

How much will 100 snowblossom be worth in 1 year? Will I make it?

>> No.11653988

Probably at least 100-200k USDT

>> No.11653994

>Without KYC you can withdraw up to $4,000 a day.
Some people aren't poor anon.

>> No.11653997

LOL I hope so anon. But no

>> No.11654013

Such a prediction for SNOW is at least way more realistic than for LINK.

>> No.11654019

>/biz/cucks rushing to pay the bills of miners who got their snow for less than $0.3

>> No.11654035

Expect 5-8k

>> No.11654039

Yeah, there's a high probability that miners are going to dump the shit out of this. Sooner or later profits have to be taken.

>> No.11654055

This seems realistic (albeit still very optimistic). Thanks, anon.

>> No.11654061

Looks like they’re slowly selling it off from what I’ve watched. Buys way outnumber sells, consistently. Gonna be an interested year.

>> No.11654069

100 being worth $1,000 would be fine by me. Perhaps in 2020.

>> No.11654110

it'll be a safer buy in a month or so when the miners commence and finish their dump

>> No.11654246
File: 863 KB, 853x822, Sergey Nazarov ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Christmas is just around the corner, after all. The real interesting thing to observe here is whether Daddy BTC is goin to continue to go sideways for much longer or even is going to dump further. The Halloween Effect didn't happen and it's questionable whether Bitcoin is going to follow its seasonality pattern. If Bitcoin follows the pattern, mentioned before, we would have a bullrun but that's becoming less and less likely as we approach the end of November.

>> No.11654282


maybe. or maybe it’ll be $5 bucks this time next month? who knows.

more buys rolling in right now.

>> No.11654283

I’ll bet you 5 snow we’re higher in a month. ;)

>> No.11654305

Indeed. Welcome back to 30,000 sats!

>> No.11654306

and where are you going to be in a year? probably in your new mansion laughing about the idiots who bought your bags.

>> No.11654319

Again, I still need a flipping bag. The beginning buys either bring me to a few million or bust. I’m done fucking around. I just wish I had an extra Bitcoin for the beginning.

>> No.11654341
File: 75 KB, 425x449, Screenshot 2018-11-06 at 18.22.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP is talking shit. The sell wall is completely loaded with people trying to sell. If these miners thought it was so great why are they dumping them all?

>> No.11654350

I find snowblossom interesting and all but I'm so glad now that I haven't fomo'd in.

>> No.11654354
File: 356 KB, 612x468, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11654355

I can't but think this is a planned set up to shill to get people to buy these coins.

>> No.11654372


I have no idea what the price will do, I’m hoping it dumps to get more, but there’s nothing unusual about that sell book whatsoever kek.

miners aren’t exactly dumping something to hell when it rises 1000% in 3 weeks..

>> No.11654388

It's going to work well becaus the project seems to have good fundamentals. This is going to be just a shortterm pump & dump. I'm not bothered by the 'go buy my bags, you pieces of shit' strategy.

>> No.11654465

anons, these 3 shills admitted they shilled and dumped ori and 0xbtc shit/scam coins on biz.. they are doing the same thing with snow. be smart and dont fomo in. they dont even have a good website, wallet, community, or decent exchange yet. its only 5 months old. you have plenty of time to accumulate this. wait until the shillers have dumped their bags on the autists and the price correct back to 200k marketcap and/or mine.

>> No.11654491

have fun minning that coin...

>> No.11654539

I admitted they were excellent buys, and I was right.

It is not my problem you do not know when to sell.

Stop shilling this wait to fall to “200k market cap”.

It. Will. Never. Drop. 95%. Screencapped this.

>> No.11654543

Also, the five people I know that bought. Are. Not. Selling.

You cannot get my goat. Try all you’d like. You are wrong.

>> No.11654564

Yes anon, me and a few others have spent $240,000 in an elaborate ruse to get a few hundred percent from you. You got us.

>> No.11654597

>miners aren’t exactly dumping something to hell when it rises 1000% in 3 weeks..
That shit what you've written here is so dumb. How has somebody claimed that miners won't allow to let the price of shitcoin x go below a certain 'bottom'? Often enough, and I'm tired of that bullshit claim being repeated again and again.

Here's my warning: 2019 is going to be a widely bearish year. Whoever is invested, take your profit befor the end of November or else you might get your balls broken.

Well, I have fun mining TRTL. It doesn't even pay scraps nor does it cost much.

>> No.11654598

Anyone else just read a major buy signals from this post? Kek.

>> No.11654613

>go buy our bags, you pieces of shit
Let's see how far this goes.

>> No.11654636

The volume proves this is now, again, bigger than Biz. I point you back to the earlier call at 650 sats where people said “nah”, called me a pajeet, and also whined about buying my bags at 800 sats.


>> No.11654650

Buy no higher than 20k in my opinion, it should come down.

>> No.11654657

You're in for the shortterm pump and going to unload your stack by the end of the year, right before the bears are going to run amok. It's a valid strategy but don't pretend that it's not the case.

>> No.11654660


thanks for your opinion anon. I’m going to disregard it however. although i am hoping they do dump it, i want 10k.

tick tock

>> No.11654708

>tick tock
shot term gains, yes. long term, definitely not.

>> No.11654884

Really? bragging about how this went from 600 sats to 30,000 and yet you want people to buy? lmao. Market cap is already $2,500,000 btw.

>> No.11654937
File: 1 KB, 124x36, 1519807382774s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, this is probably ATH and will dump from here, $2,5m mcap is huge for a project with new tech.

>> No.11654998

Wrong. For the 1,006th time. I don’t have my flipping stack, yet.

You guys are hopeless.

>> No.11655006

I’m done repeating myself to fools. When I get my flipping stack, i’ll simply point to: >>11652983

>> No.11655021

If it dumps to 10k sats i'm going to liquidate my other investments, sell my car, buy 4-5k snow and HOLD .

>> No.11655032

Sudo apt-get install openjdk-18, or some shit like that.
Then download the zip file from github
Then cd ~/Downloads
Then unzip snow...
Then cd snow...
Then open another terminal and cd to same repo, then ./node.sh or bash node.sh then wait a moment
Return to old terminal and do ./client.sh or bash client.sh and it will give you an unused address you can send snow to.
Then ./client.sh export snowtard.json to create your json wallet
Then gpg -c snowtard.json to encrypt it chose a non rerarded password, then rm snowtard.json
Then put snowtard.json.gpg on google drive and other places so you don't lose it.
./client.sh will give you an unused address.
Then if you want to send funds do ./client.sh send 10 addr or smshit like that.
On phone so might get some of them wrong.

>> No.11655042
File: 84 KB, 736x712, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying your asses off, faggots. What you're doing here is pretending that this shortterm pump is longterm growth which it isn't. If you're in for the quick buck that's fine, go for it, but stop shilling this rallye as sustainable beyond the end of the year. It's happened so many times and it's going to happen again: Miners and professional speculators are going to dump the shit out of another cryptocurrency. On top of that, the bear market continues (pic related), so longtermwise you have plenty of time to get in.

>> No.11655087


wow, retarded long term tealeaf reading. have they got any previous predictions to judge their strategy by?

>> No.11655132

Blah blah blah. I don’t need the money. Everything corrects, but if it falls, i’ll buy more. If it becomes a top 100 coin, I get to continue to laugh at you.

I highly doubt I will ever go in the red on my first buy. Why would I sell?


Keep whining, it makes me happy to know you’re expending energy on being wrong.

>> No.11655196

Worst thing about this is all these arguments are making people think there is something special here. Its just a coin. The guy said in discord he was putting his kid to bed so was too busy. He is just one guy in his house who did some past work on shitty coin projects like Satoshi dice which is well known but its just a fucking dice game. Now everyone thinks its fucking Railblocks 2.0 when its actually just a mining tweak on a basic blockchain. Sorry that not enough in 2018...it just isn't.

>> No.11655209

Dump snow, get into PNY @ $30k cap and ride it 100x

>> No.11655219

shill me on it?

one more thing on the claims of Snowblossom that made me forget about it was the fact bitcointalk has literally 50 threads with wins saying exactly the same thing. The marketing pump here was the only innovation, ASIC resistant, quantum resistant lol....thats being done a million times already.

>> No.11655244

People have real lives : the comment. (Also, are you simply talking about Clueless? The main dev’s are not in the Discord. Kek)

You say it’s not special, but others disagree. I can wait to find out.

>> No.11655264


>just a mining tweak

kek. that’s some understatement, and there’s more to snow than just a brand new POW mechanism.

>> No.11655271

the order book just got bought

>> No.11655322

name them...I will post links to bitcointalk shitcoins that claim exactly the same 'innovations'

>> No.11655333
File: 304 KB, 770x775, bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey everyone, buy my shitcoin that has more than 75% of it's supply controlled by /biz/ pump and dump experts.
>the coin? yeah, it has super advanced tech and was released about 30 days ago. currently it's already gone 4x, so it has to keep going up... right?

>> No.11655355

>shill me on it?

desu it's a fairly normal staking/MN coin, currently at $30k cap and bumping to 1688% rewards on November 15th (for one year, roughly). Team are doing big burns to control inflation.


The market cap alone is going to make this pull a 10-bagger in the next week.

>> No.11655373


it released 6 months ago, anon. it’s a shame you missed it.

>> No.11655401
File: 38 KB, 1220x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt you tell us at 16 sats. this shit went to the moon already.

>> No.11655427

this. dont buy their bags. be patient. wait until they sold their bags on retards and price correct back to 200k marketcap.. they did this pnd with other shitcoins

>> No.11655435

Waiting for the drop when these fake buys are pulled lmao, it's so obvious

>> No.11655442

because they only shill on here when they are trying to sell their bags. when you hear about it on biz its too late....... im different thouh. i look out for fellow anons. buy Own(CHX).. its the eth of sto's and low marketcap.. it could 10,000x

>> No.11655447

>why didnt you tell us at 16 sats.

Well, I actually did.

Market cap is only $30k still so it's going 10x from here EASILY. Twitter got hold of it just last night.

>> No.11655455

Ok, i'll bite,
Whats the purpose of this coin, i read the wiki and its just bullshit talk about new Pow algo. No mention of what this coin is going to offer or solve a real world problem?

>> No.11655459


>> No.11655466

>solving a problem
guess you picked the wrong usage case

>> No.11655470

surely will drop at some point after the current pump. will consider once the new reasonable floor has been set.

>> No.11655473

Just picked up .02 at 90 sats to test waters anon, thank you for sharing this info

>> No.11655501

Past few hours pretty much confirms this for PnD. Look at all those fake buy orders out of nowhere.

>> No.11655502


Sure, up to you. Might settle around 70 from here, who knows. Might pump to 200 in a flash. Either way, at $30k cap and with some twitter shills onboard, it's going North.

Been shilling it since sub-20 sats tbf. Full disclosure - my average buy was 46 sats. Taking it 10x minimum.

>> No.11655521

Reminder to get your 210 stack. Ignore FUD

>> No.11655536
File: 46 KB, 920x1300, 1540184509956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake buyorders

>> No.11655542

Why 210?

>> No.11655553

>circ supply
>total supply
>max supply
u wot m80

>> No.11655569

They were literally all put in at the same time, I watched it earlier, stop being a filthy Pajeet for your own sake buddy.

>> No.11655576

Max supply is 21 million. 21 snow is too easy to get RN, 210 is more of a challenge considering how high this shits getting if you don't plan on buying the tip of green candles. Main goal is 21I.

>> No.11655673
File: 242 KB, 682x900, 1541422616078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so? how are they "fake"?

>> No.11655702

Keep rolling rolling rolling.

No matter what the pajeets in this thread say. SNOW will just keep getting bigger and bigger. / Our coin /.

Keep buying your premine ico scams and miss XRB2.0.

>> No.11655727

The absolute state of perma bears.

> Doesn't see a revolution (SNOW) when it's right in front of them.

> Thinks we are going into a multi year bear market when coins are down 95 - 99% and there hasn't been a systemic failure like MT Gox which we almost matched in terms of length.

This wasn't the big poop anon. That will come after we are touching 120k USD on ETF launch.

>> No.11655733

Holy fuck this shit is about to go parabolic

I'm glad I fomoed last night and got myself 230snow.

I have 2 500gb SSD drives how hard is it to start minig this? I will check out discord tonight. Just want to know how hard.

>> No.11655739
File: 16 KB, 90x78, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't buy a pajeet shitcoin, you're a pajeet
newfags are evolving

>> No.11655758


The problem is your drives won't be big enough soon.

>> No.11655761

there is a buy at 12k sats 3 btc and the order at 50k sats for 10 btc, they are trying to pump it to the 10 btc then when that is done they will take away their fake buy wall then dropping it to 12k sats to take advantage of morons like you

>> No.11655772

It's still 125gb right now?
How long I got?

>> No.11655776

sounds like a good time to put in our buy orders at 12k sats then

>> No.11655783

I'm a mining brainlet. Can you mine with SSDs? If you get that working discord anons would be interested

>> No.11655797
File: 42 KB, 500x500, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11655805

Happens everytime in these pump and dumps, don't be foolish. buy lower than 34k sats is all I am saying.

>> No.11655813

I'm a complete brainlet when it comes to mining as well anon. But we all gotta start somewhere

>> No.11655826

Correct to 200k market cap correct to .20 cents kek.

Should have bought the last dip non-snowanons. Now look at your regrets. You can buy my bags at 50 bucks I MIGHT take profit then.

>> No.11655835

Oh, we hit another new ATH just now? Please tell me again how we will fall to a $200k market-cap.

2019 is going to be real fun.

>> No.11655861

I personally witnessed people saying the same thing at 16k sats. Did you ever stop and consider that you might be doing just as much harm to an indecisive anon as a so-called alleged pump and dumper?

Did you ever stop to consider that biz actually makes good calls? XRB, ANS, HOT, QNT, XNV?

Did you ever stop and drink coffee on a snowy evening and realize you made it because a Nepalese blanket sewing image board recommended you to buy 21 of an obscure alt-coin? Oh wait it's not 2022 yet. 21 to make it. Get some snow anon. It's /our coin/

>> No.11655887

They said the same thing at 8,000 sats, too. Pretty comfy knowing I will never lose money on not only my first buy, but my second, too.

>> No.11655893


Yeah it's still 128gb but considering the coin has been out for like 6 months(?) and it's already at 128gb it doesn't look good imo.

>> No.11655896


join the discord or slack anons, they will get you up and running. the links are on the website

>> No.11655919

>literally 14BTC worth of buy orders
one whale could crash this thing to zero in an hour if they had a bot and the will to do so

>> No.11655939

Kek. Please read more about it. Solves centralization. Solves scaling. This is unironically the closest thing we have to Satoshi's original vision. Oh and what do you know. The Dev worked on other projects in the early Bitcoin years. Remember how Satoshi said he would leave to work on other projects?

>> No.11655953

I mean I have free electricity and I have a 500gb SSD sata so might as well get some free coins. How much hashrate you think I could get with that?

>> No.11656043

Not sure if electricity really matters much with SNOW. Yes it solves that too. Truly / our coin /. Should have a XRB style run once normies fomo in

>> No.11656055

>multiple ID's with 10+ comments
the pajeet shills are out in full force today boys

>> No.11656063

"It's not going back dow---" Should've listened and put your orders lower, people never understand

>> No.11656311

Dude. Its a shitcoin. Enjoy a pump. But lets not be delusional.

>> No.11656350

Only read speed matters basically

>> No.11656509

Kek it's called biz has 25% of the addresses. Good discussion happens here.

/ Our coin /

>> No.11656699

I love making Snow thread. So many people triggered.

Buy walls thicker than they've ever been.

>> No.11656734
File: 374 KB, 2608x880, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 12.01.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. "Buying this right now is a big no."


>> No.11656809

We need to put together a mining guide

>> No.11656968

you need to stop peddling shitcoins to naive bustards is what you fucking need to do faggot.

>> No.11656978

ahem...Biztards, damn spellcheck.

>> No.11657001

>being wrong.
I'm not.

>> No.11657086

Wish I had put more than $100 at 15k sats... But this bear market got me fucked up. I got trust issues now.

>> No.11657094

Also, you guys really need to make a guide to set up a wallet. A good one.

>> No.11657251

>Coin was $3 months ago
>Hundreds of thousands of $$$ in new volume
>Unsustainable past EOY
>2M market-cap

Imagine being this salty.

>> No.11657296

>22 BTC volume again
>About to crack another ATH

>> No.11657641

So uh...how's that fall to a $200K market-cap going again?

>> No.11657767

i neeed this, didnt buy at 17k sats, pls drop again

>> No.11657812

I think when or if it hits and breaks the 50,000 sat but wall it should dip quite a bit. Someone will be taking their profits at that point. I wouldn't buy in now if I were you, just looking to get burnt

>> No.11657815

It fell to 24,000 yesterday. You could have bought then. I guess a 40% correction wasn't good enough for you.

>> No.11657839

I agree all things correct, but people were saying the same thing at 8,000 sats. 10,000 sats. 15,000 sats.


It's not even a 3M market-cap. It's not on any "regular" exchanges. It's not being talked about a lot. It's not on Coinmarketcap. Etc, etc etc.

If it corrected to 23,000 yesterday, only to get 22 more BTC in volume, perhaps, well....

Time will tell, I guess.

>> No.11658678


what is so good about this coin? isn't it just more of the same?

>> No.11658725
File: 70 KB, 316x683, SNOWjeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's a thread with over 200 replies when the rest have less than 25, and multiple ID's with more than 30+ posts in the thread all of which are shills, anyone with an IQ above 50 should be able to realize it's a coordinated pajeet shill for an absolute meme-tier SHITcoin. avoid at all costs.

>> No.11658828

Its being pumped to shit by whales and then its going to dump to sub 1000 sats

>> No.11658829

Notice how twu and his pnd/shill group is almost radio silent around this time? It's because the group is operating out of China. This is a classic example of a chinkscam. Don't fall for the fomo

>> No.11658856

correct. literally the EXACT same this as 0xBTC. It went to like $3.50 after being shilled in this exact same style for about a week, then violently crashed for like -90% losses in a day.

>> No.11658944

Pretty sure he's an English teacher living in China.
"muh chink scam" lol that's a new one buddy
I didn't buy 0xbtc. But I can tell you that I have ten times the confidence in this project over that one.

>> No.11659069

congratulations egomaniac pajeet. nobody gives a fuck if you're confident in the project, it's comedic that you state your confidence as if it's a sign other people should sink to your level based on your emotional attachment to your purchase.

>> No.11659144

>Unironically shilling a pnd coin
I hope whales dump on your ass

>> No.11659208
File: 118 KB, 1478x1454, 1540493270706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I can tell you that I have ten times the confidence in this project

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11659853

Can I make a paper wallet for this?

Pls explain how for a newfag like me

>> No.11659862

See website for info

>> No.11659932
File: 59 KB, 515x821, 1537394038377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHA stay poor retards

>> No.11659999

how salty are these fudders getting? I can feel their assholes twitching from here. don’t self sabotage yourselves here, guys.


I’ll put one together later

>> No.11660217


Can you put together a wallet guide too?

>> No.11660946

I am building miner for this Shit

SSD minig .. SSD is piss cheap right now

>> No.11660999

waiting for info

>> No.11661011


>> No.11661020

daaam thoes quads green ID ... i gonna play lottery today too fuck this shit

>> No.11661078

Good morning SNOW gang

Look at all these fudders

They will be destroyed by the snowball

Keep rolling rolling keep rolling rolling.


>> No.11661101

biz got gooked again reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11661166

biggest scamcoin on /biz/ right now

>> No.11661256

someone just bought 10k, wow

>> No.11661336

How the hell do you get the nods and miners working in Java? Nothing but error messages.

>> No.11661482

Ask in discord. Everybody gets that error. It will be fixed in next release. You will feel like an absolute brainlet when you see it was totally your fault.

>> No.11661621

I'm just trying to open the .bat files provided in the release in Java...not much to mess up on my end

>> No.11661713

Your Java version is wrong or you are missing the logging.properties file.

>> No.11661738

Have the latest version of Java. Running the .bat files in the cmd and getting errors. I do not see a logging.properties file or folder in 1.4.1

>> No.11661904

Ok, why is it groundbreaking. It's zecash fork with masternodes and some kind of lottery?

Not trying to fud but I don't hear anyone say what specifically ia technically unique about this project. I see a LOT of Masternodes nowadays and am very jaded.

>> No.11661993


kek. not a fork and no masternodes (fuck those scams). it’s a new chain built from scratch. take a look https://wiki.snowblossom.org/index.php/Main_Page

>> No.11662008


32 or 64 java?

>> No.11662078

ok sorry I dont have time for a detailed mining guide but generally speaking:

- download java (32 or 64 bit, get it right for your setup)
- reboot
- run node.bat
- run client.bat
- run miner.bat

the miner will begin downloading the snowfield. if you want to speed things up you can download it first and put it in the snow directory.

this is the quick run down version, if you have any issues you are much better off joining slack or discord and visiting the mining channel for help

>> No.11662169

64 bit

Here is how I mine with the field in RAM on my VMware 6.5 hosts. Would be a bit faster in Linux but I am lazy and am using what I have ready to go.

To create wallet in Windows:
>install Java 64
>get / extract latest build
>edit configs/node.conf
>change db_type to lobstack
>run node.bat
>let it sync
>run client.bat - it will give you a new address
>copy address

To mine:
>specs: 4 year old 2x Xeon 4-core 2.25Ghz, 512GB RAM
>create VM with 256GB, 512GB HDD, 40 CPU's
>install Windows 2016 Server
>install Java 64-bit
>put snowblossom in C:\
>put field 7 into snow dir
>edit configs/pool-miner.conf
>set pool_host (I use findsnow.org)
>comment out mine to wallet
>uncomment / set mine_to_address=(your address)
>set threads=40 (for my specs, ymmv)
>uncomment memfield=true
>edit pool-miner.bat
>put -Xmx256G right after java and before -jar (sets heap size)
>run pool-miner.bat
>takes about 25 minutes to start mining
>you don't need to run the node to pool-mine

I get 2-2.25 Mh/s with this setup.

>> No.11662304

>512gb ram

>> No.11662338

Also, I wouldn't bother mining with SSD until the RAM miners drop off with the higher snowfields. I have 4 machines like this running and get just less than 1 SNOW per hour, around .75 right now during the week because my customers are active on the other VM's.

>> No.11662364

They're VM hosts, not gaymer toyboxes. You can get a refurb Dell 4x Xeon with 1TB RAM and no HDD on Newegg right now for $3K. That should do over 3 Mh/s easy and possibly 4. For the HDD just use a junk SATA, you could mine through field 9 with that.

>> No.11662624


old enterprise servers with 1TB RAM are getting cheap currently


>> No.11662639


at 16 memory channels across those 4 sockets it'll not go near 4MH/s, but above 3MH/s is plausible

>> No.11662647

what are the tx/s currently? was it stresstested?

>> No.11662651


that question will never be relevant in a blockchain solution

>> No.11662674

The developer said similar to NANO which is about 20tps lol!!!! shitcoin!

>> No.11662717


is there actually something which can do transaction volume?

>> No.11662763

you fucking nigger 1.8 million tps were succesfully tested on testnet

>> No.11663016

So what the fuck does this shitcoin do?

How many blossoms would $150 usd get me?

>> No.11663025

Good morning, anons.

Nice to see this thread still going.

Will we hit a new ATH today? Let's see!


>> No.11663078

I see we're about to crack $200,000 in volume.

Please remind me how I'm buying the coin from myself to pump the price.

>> No.11663195

Messaged the Tradogre dev again yesterday.

He has not responded. The first time he responded in 20 minutes. Silence is bullish on this, IMO. We will see.

>> No.11663319

Why would silence be bullish? But yeah a new exchange is desperately needed

>> No.11663390

Guys this isn't the next Railblocks. Its a small scale project by a few guys out in Asia. Its a good project but I don't think even they claim its an incredible innovative NANO killer or something. Its a nice little project I will keep an eye on, but its clearly a lot of hopes and dreams with some idealistic guys pet project. I wish them well. It deserves a 5-10m market cap if they roll things out well. BUT this is not the project people are thinking it is..

>> No.11663400

Might mean he's doing a deep dive. Tough to say.

False information. Sorry buddy, the time of silence has clearly ended. 28 BTC volume confirms.

>> No.11663410

Holy fuck it is not an Asian project. Why do people keep saying this?

>> No.11663411

>"Guys out in Asia"
> He doesn't realize Raiblocks was literally made in a basement
> He doesn't know who Fireduck is.

The absolute state

>> No.11663489

Then what the fuck does this project do? They’re evasive as fuck to explain it to brainlets

>> No.11663631

why tf is it dumping?

>> No.11663699

I know who the developers are dickface.

The actual developer created Satoshi dice back in the day. But sorry for not swallowing the kooaid but a simple bitcoin dice site does not make you the next Satoshi. lmao.

>> No.11663709

Things go up and down : The comment.

>> No.11663718

Also : Do keep an eye on the sell order side.

>> No.11663720

reeks of delphi

>> No.11663730

it really wasn't a PND it wont be Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt that brings the price back down...It will be common sense..

This wasn't manipulated. People ran too quickly into something and foamed themselves. So blame yourself.

>> No.11663731

You idiots said the same thing at 6,000 sats. Stay poor.

>> No.11663744

>2.3M market-cap
>No GUI wallet
>Shit exchange
>Nobody talking about it
>$200,000 volume
>Still half the price than in May
>FOMO'd themselves

>> No.11663788

are you going to come back tomorrow to shill this? lay low and let people accumulate
shill chunk by chunk or the reader will get annoyed and will never buy

>> No.11663808

Why is this not on any coin tracker apps? Delta, crypto pro? Must be a superior shitcoin

>> No.11663893

We'll see.

You really don't know what this means?

>> No.11663969


Welcome back to 40,000 sats.

>> No.11663993

that was me pumping it back to 40 sats, sorry

>> No.11664010

No apology necessary. This volume will not be ignored. 30x the volume of any other coin on Q-Trade.

>> No.11664013

Dont worry anon
I'll be dumping some stacks throughout the night
Sweet dreams snowbros

>> No.11664022

How are they evasive? You can literally ask lead dev Fireduck anything on their Slack.

Look, I don't know what OP is up to and I'm suspicious of the pnd. The devs have nothing to do with this afaik. They hate 4chan and are liberals from Seattle, I know that much. Just be careful guys and don't blow your BestBuy paychecks on this.

>> No.11664026

You don't know shit, he's not in Asia unless Seattle is in Asia now.

>> No.11664058
File: 88 KB, 1333x1579, 1539058321286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon why?

>> No.11664071


>> No.11664099

He can feed the whales all he like. I'm not touching this for a year.

>> No.11664114

What does it do? What’s so groundbreaking. Don’t get it.

>> No.11664150

Retarded. Why don't you just set a wall up at 40,000 sats? It'll get eaten in 12 hours, tops.

>> No.11664176

He's LARP'ing, but even if he isn't, let him sell early.

>> No.11664252

People on the sidelines biting their nails right now.

>> No.11664303

Could 40,000 sats be our new floor? Fuck this is good.

>> No.11664327

Wow...looks like someone just bought up to .000407...starting to take off already, it was like .0002 just a couple days ago when i looked at it.

>> No.11664355

Yep. So. Many. Buys. This is insane.

>> No.11664616

Steady as she goes.

>> No.11664724

damn i just bought 1'000 SNOW at 10000 sats. WHY i dont bought more there damn shit

>> No.11664765
File: 263 KB, 1199x789, 1541578718439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First they came as premines, and we did not buy — because we did not want to be scammed

Then they came as ICOs and we did not buy — because we did not want to be dumped on by a "foundation"

Then they came as security tokens, and we did not buy —because we did not want to partipate in the corrupt accredited investor system

Then they came for the cypherpunks — and we bought, because we are the Phoenix Reborn.

>> No.11664767

Uh, it's 4PM in China, doofus.



>> No.11664960

Haha. This rules.

>> No.11665122

Kek at this pasta going around :

"Hey Snow Bros I have an important message. Please spread the word.

SNOW is being accumulated OTC.

Early Bitcoin adopters and huge funds have been aware of this coin since launch. Erik Voorhees, the Winklevoss twins, several other high networth players are aware of this coin and it's breakthroughs. Biz unironically stumbled on this coin due to Twu shitcoin hunting. This is a pure gem. It is absolutely imperative that Biz maintains a sizeable stake of the holders and miners in order for our future mining pool to hold a large percentage of hash rate.

There is less than 500 holders of this coin worldwide. At most we risk falling to high 20k sats. The upside could possibly be a 500x.

Get a stack. Join the ranks anons.

This is truly / our coin /"

>> No.11665143

Selling you bags anon?



>> No.11665156

Nope. I do want more though, but i'm getting itchy it won't fall tonight. Already went back down to 28,000 and immediately rose back.

>> No.11665163

Also, daily reminder I will probably never, ever lose money on this since I told you all multiple times to buy at 6,500 sats.

Stay salty. :)

>> No.11665295

>because my customers are active on the other VM's.
What's the side/main gig?

>> No.11665324

The absolute state.

>Funds buying OTC.
> People working on MimbleWimble speaking with the dev
> People with BTC core commits speaking with the dev
> Erik Voorhees CONFIRMED
> Dev created several BTC projects in the early days
> Early adopters of BTC mining because they know this solved scaling and is ASIC resistant.
> Only about 500 holders worldwide

"Ahhhh it's a shitcoin pump and dump PRANDEEP"

>> No.11665413

>Funds buying OTC.

> People working on MimbleWimble speaking with the dev

> People with BTC core commits speaking with the dev

> Erik Voorhees CONFIRMED

> Dev created several BTC projects in the early days
big whoop...and Proof?

> Early adopters of BTC mining because they know this solved scaling and is ASIC resistant.
everything is ASIC resistant until its not, i know guys working on bitstreams already

> Only about 500 holders worldwide

>> No.11665485

> Needing every single thing handed to you on a silver platter by people on a Malaysian rice-trading forum.

>> No.11665492

I'd say proof is in the volume and books. Who the fuck goes on Q-Trade?

>> No.11665496

Holy shit the buy orders, 40k is the new floor wowza

>> No.11665504

Solid volume at 40,000. Let's not call it over yet.

>> No.11665510


there's no need to build an asic as there is no way to get the data quick enough to be crunched for the crunching speed to matter much at all

this is fine to mine on a 35W passively cooled CPU

>> No.11665585

Why are you asking for proof?
DYOR. Anons trying to hand out a gem and you deny them and instead want to work harder. I can confirm all this is true are at least appears to be from publicly available resources.

Look deeper into the Slack, Discord, and Dev's history. Everything is there.

>> No.11665603

Don't bother, man. Anon's have consistently spread FUD on every single Snow thread. One guy in the first few threads at 700 said "Buying not is a big NO, wait for 200K market-cap" Kek.

>> No.11665615

7,000 (sats)* now*

>> No.11666196
