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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11652080 No.11652080 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board who support tariffs

Literally why?

>> No.11652091

Because fuck China

>> No.11652101

Retards who support tariffs think that tariffs on China will bring back all manufacturing to America and save rural flyover shitholes or something

>> No.11652106

It won't, but it will cause China to burn, which we all want to see

>> No.11652125

This 100% some men just want to watch China burn

>> No.11652148

But why does the boy with the long hair want to be stopped himself?
What did he mean by that?

>> No.11652169
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>> No.11652210
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>> No.11652263

Chinks have gotten real uppity the last few years. Their government is built on house of cards.

>> No.11652285

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Taxation is theft
Tariffs are too

>> No.11652306

Id be ok with Tarrifs if we got ride of income tax. Do what the ancient Greeks did. 1% on all imports and no tax except in times of war. Encourage patronage.

>> No.11652307

Cuz fuck liberals and neocons, that’s why

>> No.11652310
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>Your country bans slave labor
>Your country bans child labor
>Your country demands overtime pay
>Your country demands health insurance coverage for over 40 hours
>Your country demands safety regulations
Why in the fuck would you want to compete with countries who don't do that? They have to pay to make up for their advantage.

>> No.11652323

It's already bringing it back, losers. We lost 170k manufacturing jobs for all of Obama's 8 years. In Trump's 2 years we've made over 400k jobs.

>> No.11652346

You will lose tomorrow you retarded trumptard

>> No.11652385

Just to be clear

>more people buy american made goods
>more money goes to american businesses
>more income for americans, more taxes for government
>literally cucked by government not allowing you to pay what a good is worth because the 1%'s interests are every politician's interests

>no tariffs
>more people buy cheap hongchong goods
>more money goes to chingchang businesses
>americans save more money offsetting the loss of potential income
>get to live in the real world where we don't "protect" our citizens from buying goods at their true cost in order to keep the wealthy wealthy

>> No.11652403
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Don't support tariffs. At all.

But it does make Mexico manufacturing competitive versus China. Why does that matter? Because if Mexico has jobs then fewer Mexicans might come into America. I just want TJ to be great again. $40 blowjobs no condom 12 yo age of consent until cartel fuckers made it scary down there. Sad!

>> No.11652463

Big this