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11650975 No.11650975 [Reply] [Original]

Finally going to lose my virginity (24, KHV) how do I not embarrass myself? Please bizbros help me I’m desperate here.

>> No.11650999

Just be honest that you're a virgin. The other person will be understandably surprised, given your age, but they will probably take over and make it way more enjoyable for the both of you.
Treat it as a learning experience.
/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.11651004

Viagra or load up on some elite otc pp enhancers from CVS so you can make sure your Dick gets hard. After that you just have to put it inside vagoo. Have one or two drinks but no more than that. and let nature take its course. Be in the moment and smile and have fun.

>> No.11651013


That sounds super awkward and humiliating to admit I’m a Virgin. Can’t I just pretend I haven’t had sex in 6-7 years?

>> No.11651029

It'll be a little embarrassing, but all the anxiety you're feeling right now ill go away. You've seen this scene a thousand times in movies and on TV, and so have they -- it's a thing that happens.
It will be more fun for both of you. Nut up and don't be a bitch boi.

>> No.11651180

listen to the trips, OP. admitting is the best option. You won't be able to fake experience
also rolling for dubs since this is an offtop thread

>> No.11651198

how is this unfolding bro? give us the backstory

>> No.11651220

Just relax and let your penis do what it's designed to do.

>> No.11651241

Assuming no bait, and no troll, just focus on being with the other person and being in the moment and having fun. That’s it. Seriously. Hey, it’s the first time I’m going to watch a movie with someone? How do I not embarrass myself? you just watch the movie. Anything happens, you say to yourself “no big deal.”

You are too nervous to get a hard on? Ok, oh well, no big deal. It happens. You come in about 3 seconds, ok, no big deal. It happens. You move and then she moves at the same time and your heads bump into each other and it really fucking hurts? Ok, yeah, that happens too. It’s ok.

>> No.11651247

NO do not fucking say that. Just do it. Jesus christ you are going to fuck this up

>> No.11651257
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Almost 28 here

>> No.11651283

I'm 32 and I don't give a shit anymore. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I do want a family and kids.

>> No.11651358

Work on yourself. Our time will come

>> No.11651381

i lost mine earlier this year (also at 24), i have no way of explaining the moment but your biological instincts will kick and help u. my first time was a lil underwhelming in that i didnt nut and pretty much treated the encounter as cardio because i skipped the gym for that date. fast forward a couple of months and ive been with 3 other girls and the one i lost my virginity has remained my fwb since

>> No.11651401

Hey, im going to give you the best advice:

It will not be like porn. Work up to your horniness levels and take your time.

If you feel severe performance anxiety coming on before getting naked...slow down to try and relax some more. Be in the moment.

If you have performance anxiet during, do NOT apologize...ever. Take a deep breath and just say you have a stomach ache all day, and the irritation takes your mind out of it.

In the end, so your self esteem isnt blown away ..having nerves and performance anxiety is 100% normal. Dont give up if shit happens.

I wish someone told me all this shit before it happened to me. My BIGGEST mistake was rushing and thinking i needed to perform immediately.

Best of luck.

>> No.11651420

Leave a good Tip.

>> No.11651453

can't fake experience, be honest, don't be awkward and stoic about it, force some giggles often to make her more relaxed

>> No.11652068

Thank you guys, still extremely nervous but in the moment I think i’ll be less nervous.

>> No.11652609

Ah, dummy. Shoulda told her you compulsively secretive weirdos are monsters in the making

>> No.11653464

your first time will be very underwhelming. don't put too much thought into it.