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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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116498 No.116498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is a terrible board, moot is only doing the jews a favor by creating a board of got the fat capitalist neckbeards to come and talk about how to further exploit the 99%. The American financial system is broken, how many more crises and recessions will this country have to go through before everyone realizes that a capitalist society is just plain WRONG because all it does is concentrates wealth at the very top. Nothing is trickling down to the poor and this board is shit. shame on moot and shame
on the 1%
How many more scandals? How many more bernard madolfs or jordan belforts, how many more michael milkens before the system collapses and we are forced to revert back to hunter-gathering which is the right way to move this species forward?

>> No.116504
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>> No.116519
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>richest country in the world due to capitalism
>talking about being hunter gatherers

>> No.116521
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whatever will we dooo

oh wait I know, buy dogecoins faggot

>> No.116528
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>further exploit the 99%

>tfw occupy inspired me to become an investment banker

but seriously why are you not rich yet?

>> No.116534
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>how to further exploit the 99%.
Leftist child pls go.

>The American financial system is broken, how many more crises and recessions will this country have to go through before everyone realizes that a capitalist society is just plain WRONG
Capitalism has NOTHING to do with the problems we face.
Learn about central banking you brainwashed bootlicker.
Kill yourself

>> No.116541
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Daily reminder socialists deserve to be suffocated.

>> No.116551

>not realizing /biz/ is /JIDF/

>> No.116552


What does central banking have to do with it? Most of what I posted has to do with financial scandals or crises. The governemnt imposes regulation, all Wall St does is spends their time trying to circumvent the law and in some cases, break it. Financial innovation is way ahead of regulation and these sort of things will continue to happen.

>> No.116553


Leftist statist children blame capitalism because the elitist-run indoctrination camp called public school has taught them that capitalism is bad.

The federal reserve and its corresponding CORPORATism is the root of ever problem you complain about.

Fair free marker allows business to fail.
Bail outs are corporatism.

>> No.116560
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>because all it does is concentrates wealth at the very top.
But that's not true whatsoever.

Why are you a liar?

>> No.116562

>What does central banking have to do with it?
That's how these rich people are getting their money in the first place.
do you even redpill?

>Most of what I posted has to do with financial scandals or crises.
Why do you think they happen in the first place?
"GREED" is not the answer you child

I know this is a troll thread, but apply yourself.

>> No.116570


Sure free markets in the way Adam Smith described would allow that to happen but in today's world an organization that could collapse the whole financial system would NEVER be allowed to fail. There are a few exceptions, like Lehman Brothers but even they were not as fully integrated as say, AIG.

>> No.116571
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Please leave.

>> No.116577
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>Sure free markets in the way Adam Smith described would allow that to happen
Which is what everyone on here agrees with.
Democrats are the ones who support the federal reserve, pro-corporate regulations, and too big to fail.

>> No.116583


You're not doing a very good job of explaining yourself. It sounds to me like you are one of those conspiracy people who gets all the information on youtube. What does our central banking system have to do with the level of corruption and corporate greed? As far as I know the Federal Reserve is only in charge of keeping financial stability, regulation interest rates, inflation, and the required reserves of banks

>> No.116588

The panel of bankers who own the fed reserve also own several other central banks around the world.

Meaning they control the money supply in the the top 75-99% of the world.

These elitists do not care about money. They have it all. What they want is world domination. The method they use to achieve that is monitary control, to eventually crash currencies.

And buying off politicians. They own everyone in the key federal positions. They own the supreme court. They own most of the house and senate.

They are slowly using this power to destroy business for the sake of keeping the average citizen in shambles and reliant on their federal scam system. The only businesses they help are the ones they own like banks and big auto, big pharmacy, big aggro.

So you're asking the wrong question anon. There is no capitalism. We don't live in a capitalist society. We live in a corporatist society. And I hate it just as much as you.

>> No.116590


>> No.116593

stay mad, goy.

>> No.116594

>It sounds to me like you are one of those conspiracy people who gets all the information on youtube.
Uh no.
That's hilarious coming from the BAWWWW WE ARE 99% whiner.
Lol wow.

>What does our central banking system have to do with the level of corruption and corporate greed?
What do you think happens when the government prints trillions of dollars, gives it to bankers and corporations, and they gamble with it?
Are you seriously this stupid?

Kill yourself, your brainwashed authoritarian leftists need to die.

>As far as I know the Federal Reserve is only in charge of keeping financial stability,
You sure are a brainwashed fuck.
You people are corporate banker cocksuckers and you don't even know it.

>> No.116610


Anon. This guy is a lost cause.
He is too far gone. I actually fell out of my chair when I read
>as far as I know the federal reserve is only in charge of keeping financial security

>> No.116618
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>>as far as I know the federal reserve is only in charge of keeping financial security

>> No.116643

So some people agree with me that system is broken?
Yet all you guys do is continue to be pawns in this rigged game.

>> No.116661

Kaczynski pls.

>> No.116666

No. The system isn't "broken". The system is hijacked. Its been hijacked since the 1913 federal reserve act.

Free market isnt broken. Capitalism isn't broken.
I can guarantee that if you are under 90 years old and have lived in the US, you have never experienced capitalism.

It is corporatism purposely labeled capitalism so that you hate the solution instead of the problem.

>> No.116669


>top 1%
>on 4chan

top lels

>> No.116695
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>> No.116708

Quads don't lie

Suck it jews

>> No.116740

Dubs quads
>not bad

>> No.116858


>> No.116922


this is severely outdated

>> No.116929

It makes me look better so who cares.

>> No.116931
File: 141 KB, 786x1319, 1353374303944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keynesians don't care that his math was wrong.

They're true believers who will do anything to defend their corrupt leaders.

>> No.116983


>> No.116988

All hail the Quad 6s

>> No.117060

What about the empirical proof of a fiscal multiplier? How are you going to argue against that?

>> No.117111

>What about the empirical proof of a fiscal multiplier?
Even if some benefits come from government spending, if the fiscal multiplier has been proven wrong mathematically, then it's entirely wrong and the benefits have to have come from elsewhere.