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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 524x270, Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 9.20.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11647955 No.11647955 [Reply] [Original]

How come there are 60k member in their telegram when the price is shitting the bed?

>> No.11647957

its all bots and soibois from plebbit

>> No.11647963
File: 143 KB, 245x446, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 2.25.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual screenshot from AION telegram

>> No.11647978

fucking christ FUCK FUCK AAAAA i actually fell for it. I fell for a fucking pajeet scam

>> No.11648016

I love watching AIONfags get justed it never gets old

>> No.11648044

Coinomi's doing a giveaway, and the channel has been flooded with bots for months. Admins literally can't delete them fast enough.

>> No.11648053

These AION shills are really terrible at shilling aren’t they?

>> No.11648065

hello aion sirs
when this great coin go up

>> No.11648135

>These AION shills
All I see on /biz/ about Aion are FUD threads. What shills?

>> No.11648156

why the fuck are AION hate threads popping up recently. Nobody used to care about this shitcoin.

>> No.11648178

aion only goes down
it fuds itself
the telegram and reddi community are literally all bot witha few pajeets sprinkled in

>> No.11648187

their community is not active enough to justify 60k on a sub. you'd have seen more people talking to each other.

Maybe it's a bot attack from a rival coin,
You know all of these review websites look at nr. of active wallets, nr of telegram followers. if you shit up the numbers, these statistics start to look very shady.

>> No.11648207 [DELETED] 

people are shilling qnt but aion is objectively better. QNT shills are upset and create hate threads.

>> No.11648310


"Social media is full of bots" - Caused by someone either thinking this would get Aion more positive attention or a weak attempt to sabotage the project's credibility.

"I lost all my money / I trusted Teeka / Aion down 95%" - If true, these morons bought an obvious unsustainable pump (low circulating supply, peak of bull run, PBC hype) and deserved to get rekt. ATH is a retarded metric to use to gauge future potential. Aion's price has gone down, but so have the vast majority of other cryptos.

Get outta here with that weak ass shit.

I have yet to see a single thread that credibly attacks Aion's fundamentals. Why? Because they're solid