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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 797x960, 45217024_687530341629218_1342426001556111360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11647784 No.11647784 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so incredibly JUSTed on this I can barely breathe. Almost five years of savings, eradicated in less than a year thanks to this maple leaf ponzi scam. Every day I wake up, hoping things will maybe turn around, that my holdings will pump, but they never do--they merely continue to tank. Down and down, further and further, sinking into the abyss. I'm now down 96% from my initial, barely scraping by in my real life, with no money left to put in or double down. I'm convinced that I will never break even, yet I'm too afraid to sell and cut my losses. I'm not looking for consolation--I recognize I'm screaming into the void. I'm not at the point where I want to an hero, but I'm drawing close. I've even begun to pray, praying to some unknown entity to save me from my self-inflicted immiseration and turn my luck around, but I know that's pointless. I know I've brought this upon myself. That is all.

>> No.11647789

Sell everything and swap it for XRP. Case closed.

>> No.11647805

whats the gimmick with Aion again?

>> No.11647842
File: 50 KB, 799x489, Q85Iglr[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless there is some scam going on I think this one will pump sooner or later.. some months long bullish divergence.

>> No.11647848

You should have DIVERSIFIED and you would have been fine

>> No.11647890

this piece of shit is the worst performer in my portfolio. thank god i had some LINK, BAT, and ZRX to offset the incredible buttfucking i received from this one. to think that some poor soul was all in... my condolences anon

>> No.11647895

Gooking the dumb white man.

>> No.11647908
File: 476 KB, 1096x690, Team - AionAion 11-5-2018 8-38-04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, meant to say BLACKING.

>> No.11647970
File: 116 KB, 260x300, DSC_0205-260x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, evening sir, this be Kenroy from the Aion Barbados team. Ye, so, basically, shit dumped like mad, yo. Sorry bout that. Jus wanted to reach out nd let you know homeboy.

>> No.11647975

TA guys are the greatest trolls

>> No.11648012

Holy shit my sides i love 4chan so much

>> No.11648033
File: 34 KB, 348x513, 1537062701362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Circulating Supply
242,806,287 AION
>Total Supply
465,934,587 AION
Holy kek.

>> No.11648042

It basically allows Ethereum to communicate with wanchain and NEO. Very important stuff. All those great NEO dapps that I couldn't use before cuz I only use Ethereum dapps HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA my sides

>> No.11648064

I’m 95% down thanks this shitcoin

>> No.11648090


>> No.11648107

dude you’re fucked
sooo manny more coins are going to be released
take the 4k and buy something else

>> No.11648142


>> No.11648209
File: 42 KB, 721x492, laughing bogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this board who gave money to a bunch of niggers.

>> No.11648220

Post binance orders

>> No.11648336

My sidessssssssss

>> No.11648351


>> No.11648358

>literally buying $100k of a chink scam coin

>> No.11648377

Just sell at a loss and buy a actual good project like REQ

>> No.11648398
File: 66 KB, 500x533, mmmm-grayons-31350775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell one scam at a loss to get into another scam which will also go down

>> No.11648929

You're a fucking moron because you FOMO'd in to an obvious pump (low circulating supply, peak of bull run, PBC shill, testnet not even released). Tired of your crying about it, faggot.
>implying you're not LARPing

Ah yes, Aion's shit because racism. Stay classy, anons
The head office is in Toronto, any they have offices in Barbados (which is all in on blockchain) and Shanghai.

>implying there won't be more dApps
Why invest in this space at all?

you clearly don't understand the mechanics of this, and I'm not going to DYOR for you

You're a brainlet like OP.

>> No.11649163

fuck off interstellar

>> No.11649188

Nice comeback

>> No.11649214
File: 1.34 MB, 392x400, 1456006753221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aion hol up

>> No.11649305

"""diversifying""" in crypto just means you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.11649447

the mechanics of 200 million more founder and foundation coins being released by 2020?
kys you retarded pajeet

>> No.11649768

/biz/ is it bad karma to feel super comfy reading shit like this?

>> No.11650234


>> No.11650282

Yes, you will burn in hell.

>> No.11650316

i cant believe im gonna have to take time out of my life to manually swap the last trs payment for this worthless shitcoin

>> No.11650487

Oh good, you did some research.

Now let's bring your understanding of economics above a third-grade level: more circulating supply does not equal more market supply. Market supply is what impacts price.

To date, the not-for-profit Aion Foundation has spent less than 2% of their total token allotment, with most (if not all) of the amount spent going to reinvestment in the ecosystem via bounties and grants. They're working to make their distribution last a long, long time.

Since the funds are controlled by the Foundation, the team members can't just divvy it up and cash out. Even if they could, they'd be cashing out at ATL, which would be stupid in and of itself, but downright moronic when you consider that 2/3 of their distributions are still locked up to be distributed over the next 2 years. If they wanted to dump, why wouldn't they do it closer to ATH? What you're suggesting simply doesn't make any goddamn sense.

Finally, you're also assuming demand will remain steady, but a quick look at the active address metrics on Aion's main net shows that the number of Aion wallets is already growing exponentially. Add the fact that some 20 projects are launching on Aion in the next 2-3 months (WinMiner token sale, ClanPlay, Velocia, etc), bidirectional bridging with Ethereum and bridge staking is around the corner, new developer tools and Aion's Java-based VM are being rolled out around year-end, and Aion is being integrated with WandX and CryptoCurve (connecting it to Wanchain and NEO), and you're going to see the transaction numbers start soaring.

So, please: panic sell, get rekt, and fuck you very much

>> No.11650579

this is the outcome of falling in love to a coin
i remember before the trs payments were set to be released anybody that said the increased supply would bring down the price was marked fud (dont even blame muh bear market)
what happens when the team needs money? they havent done any marketing, their graphic design looks like it is done by a 2 year old, the dapps their launching are money grab trash, they are not bringing in money, they have a team with dead weight on it
it is gonna continue to plummet because it is overpriced centralized trash
go back to your reddit/tele echohug chamber

>> No.11651017

Cool story bro. I am going to buy some now just because of your story

>> No.11651079

>what happens when the team needs money?
They raised $23 million worth of ETH at presale. Then the price of ETH skyrocketed from $300 to over $1000. You can bet your ass a team of former Deloitte accountants converted that to cash. Voluntary financial reports are coming, so you can see for yourself how they managed those funds soon enough.

>they havent done any marketing
They've been on a developer push, not buying banner ads and paying off YouTubers like other money grab projects.

>the dapps their launching are money grab trash
The fuck are you even talking about? ClanPlay isn't doing a token sale at all, WinMiner is offering the biggest bonuses for mining (not purchasers), and Velocia is distributing more tokens through airdrop than they're selling.

>they are not bringing in money
They're a not-for-profit, dipshit

>it is gonna continue to plummet because it is overpriced centralized trash
They're a POW mining chain with thousands of nodes

That the best you got?

>> No.11651244

non profits need income to survive you fucking brainlet

>> No.11651416

Not an issue short-term because of their money from the presales. Long-term they're looking at a model like Linux

>> No.11651533

Fuck off back to r*ddit you gay ass nigger cunt if you want """"class""""

>> No.11651566

Yeah right their looking at the what can make them the most money model

>> No.11651663
File: 915 KB, 245x285, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are not bringing in money

>their looking at the what can make them the most money model

Also, learn to english, I only barely speak retard.

>> No.11651700

>Ah yes, Aion's shit because racism. Stay classy, anons
This is the height of crypto decadence, employing an office of niggers in Barbados

>> No.11651714

damn sick burn reddit
are you atoadyouso or mr yukonc?

>> No.11651808

No point in debating with 4 Chan autists.we know that this is a triple digit coin. Just keep accumulating

>> No.11652055

dont even know what aion is nor do i care, but is this what nu-biz is about?

some autists at least provide some arguments in a coherent way. then you've got this crowd of pajeets who can't even express themselves better than a 10 y.o.

kys you retards. this board used to be something better until you brainlets infested it

jesus fucking christ

>> No.11652121


Buy LINK you can still make it

>> No.11652142

What the fuck are you big sagging lips flapping about?

>> No.11652205

Lol at that guy pretending not to be a aion bagholder
Another day down another 5%

>> No.11652231
File: 7 KB, 253x199, 1467080859597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is up with the middle row's bottom dude's head? Or is that just his hairstyle?

>> No.11652266



You're a fucking idiot. Aion is trash tier garbage shit. Why the fuck you invested in that garbage I don't fucking know?

But fuck it..I feel like helping you out.. because guess what? Helping you cost me fucking nothing.

ChainLink is not a motherfucking meme. Autistic retards want to be rich too. Now get the fuck over your pride sell that garbage Aion and put everything left into ChainLink.

What the fuck else do you have to fucking lose?

>> No.11652275

Look at middle top ffs

>> No.11652301


I don’t understand anon, you started this thread explaining how you’d been megaJUSTd by aion, then make a bunch of posts defending them?

Is this what being a sore loser looks like? Wouldn’t it be easier to just internalise you made a bad call and move on to other, potentially better, investments?

>> No.11652670

did you read some of the comments above? they're retarded more than your usual pajeet-level faggotry

look at this

i have zero interest in random shitcoins. sitting on a comfy stack of monero + btc from eoy 2015 anon. nice try tho, you sure showed me XDDDDDD