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11647535 No.11647535 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just because it's cool not to care about FIAT or is there more to it?

>> No.11647561

Muuuuh Dollar values. Faggots like you deserve to stay poor. You still didn't get it and yet you are still here

>> No.11647577

It’s a more honest way to test your success as a trader.

Last year, people could say “I turned $1 into $2 trading crypto! I’m the next Warren Buffet!”

In reality, if they were measuring in Satoshis, you would realize they actually turned 100 Million Satoshis into 20 million Satoshis, because BTC rose 10x while their shitcoins went 2x

>> No.11647581

Because if bizlets admitted to themselves that fiat value is all that truly matters they would have killed thrmselves long ago.

>> No.11647585
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>> No.11647591

Don’t be a dick, people come here with honest questions about crypto don’t bully them and try to act cool for your internet friends

>> No.11647592

I'm far from poor but thanks for your contribution nonetheless!

>> No.11647604

> falling for the disregard fiat acquire sats meme in Q4 2018. Sad

>> No.11647624

Ah I see, it's a side effect of bitcoin being the big dog for so long.
Just out of curiosity, did people used to consider ethereum a shitcoin for long time in the same way a lot of coins are nowadays?

>> No.11647625

fiat is all that matters
us money supply
check max when you are there

How long do you think this party will continue? Another 10 years? Another 20? Tick fucking tock. Only crypto and commodities will survive the shitstorm

>> No.11647629

go back to fucking reddit faggot

>> No.11647743

Because the game of 2017 was beating the profits you could make by just holding Bitcoin instead of trading shitcoins, making more dollars was way too easy and not a good benchmark.

>> No.11647778

Except that bitcoin's market share was at its lowest in January.

>> No.11648007

I live here

>> No.11648020

He doesn't know why but he is lashing out to feign intelligence.

>> No.11648024

just for convenience
most shitcoins are only traded against BTC
so you have to convert its value for 2 times if you use USD

>> No.11648069

It corrects for bitcoins volatility, If BTC is going up and your coin goes up with it, your coin hasn't really improved. IF your coin appreciates relative to BTC, it means it's actually doing well relative to btc. When your coin is going up in price relative to USD, it's probably because btc is going up.

>> No.11649082

>being nice is for redditfags
>I am cool and edgy
>le 4chan army

>> No.11649116

stop spoon-feeding retards

you're going to ruin crypto

>> No.11649117

It makes more sense from the standpoint of accumulating. As long as your stacks are growing from trades it doesnt matter what the dollar value is short term, assuming golden bull is coming.

>> No.11649153

if you aren't trading it against USD, why the fuck would you measure it in USD? coin price is in sats cause that's what it costs.

>> No.11649184

Thanks anons, I finally get it. I actually learned something today

>> No.11649199

And what if sats are going down in value for 8 months? You can literally hold USD and gain sats that way. I guess everyone is a master trader this year.

>> No.11649210

FIAT matters when you buy in/cash out
everything in between should be in SATS tho

>> No.11649238

holy shit all this worthless discussion. Its very simple, if you think btc is going up you measure in sats, if you dont you measure in fiat.

>> No.11649316
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>> No.11649450

The only reason to measure things in Sats is to know if you would have been better off holding bitcoin or the altcoin.

>> No.11649459

because it is traded against bitcoin or eth and typically not the dollar..

>> No.11650179 [DELETED] 

it's because most people here are bullish long term on bitcoin and expect it to rise in value over time which is not necessarily true for any alt. By measuring your worth in btc it is implied that your fiat value is going up as well. Not only just that but if you are accumulating more of something that is going up in value compared to fiat then you are making money on top of making money and it is the smarter play to make.

>> No.11650252

You trade in sats because btc price changes and you won't know if you're getting justed by btc dumping or by your shitcoin dumping.

You track your trades in sats and your portfolio in both byc and dollar values.

>> No.11650280

got any rebuttal you brainless twat?

>> No.11650286

Hi rebbit.

>> No.11650547

Only Bitcoin matters, fiat is doomed to fail. It's a when, not an if.

>> No.11650586


If the coin doesn't outperform Bitcoin then you're better off just buying Bitcoin. If the satoshi price stays the same or declines when Bitcoin moons then you're losing out.

>> No.11650796

Man op its simple.

If you think btc going up forever trade and hoard in sats

If you think btc not going up forever use fiat

I trade in fiat and dont give shit about sats FOR 2.5 years now...

Thing is its fucking handy when you want to know do you acually outperforming btc and is your bag only pumping tnx to btc or not so u get used to sats count anyway :(

Oh and obligatory:


>> No.11650908

This. I only care about USD value when cashing the shit out to my fucking bank account. Everything else is about accumulating as much BTC as possible.

>> No.11650945

>used to

>> No.11650993

you want to be rich in btc not usd nigga

>> No.11651012

Because the only reason to trade shitcoins is to get more Bitcoin.