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11645871 No.11645871 [Reply] [Original]

In need of serious advice. I own 2 btc, 32 eth and 28k link (the bull run did me very well, got lucky with antshares). I am a college student whose entire net worth is in crypto and I just found out my parents aren't going to help me out financially with my final year in college (i am a senior). In total, I will probably owe around $9500 come May. How would you suggest I divi up my portfolio to pay for my schooling? Thanks.

>> No.11645918

Cash out that amount and pay for college. It sucks but this is what you must do. Obviously keep a huge portion of that as seed money, and also, you should divide part of your portfolio directly into USDC or USD as a just incase emergency fund for college expenses. You're fine.

>> No.11645926


>> No.11645934

Part time job to protect coins.

>> No.11645941

Thank you, really appreciate it.

>> No.11645949

>2 btc
>32 eth
>28k link

lol holy shit you gonna get REKT with that boomer folio. no bch, no xrp/xlm, no xmr you are NEVER GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.11645950

Don't want to touch my link stack, use the eth and keep the btc?

>> No.11645957

this or loans. Not the time to touch crypto

>> No.11645979
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Yeah, you are in a vulnerable position as your degree hasn't been secured, and you are now on the hook for financials which when the reality hits can be devastating. Theres enough at your disposal, if used properly, to last you well beyond your exit from college.

The key risk management tool at your disposal is literally sitting on cash, instead of only crypto. Whatever you think is appropriate should be held in cash. Maybe 10-30% of your portfolio given your situation.

Coinbase pro is the easiest way to do this, you're a college student with no ill will towards the IRS, so you will have no issues withdrawling 2k here and there to pay for college.

It will be a liberating feeling also, as you will learn the value of dollar quickly.

>> No.11646011


This is up to you, I can't tell you that. Looking at links chart however, it has gone up for 3 months straight, it may continue going up but I doubt it sincerely.

>> No.11646943

at least you suggested monero

>> No.11646975

Take a year off of school. Get a job and save that $10k and put the rest into more LINK. Then choose whether or not to finish your degree

>> No.11647806
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Fuck that advice
If you believe in your internet moneys then hold your portfolio.
You can't get qualified for student loan low interest if you graduate.
>implying Op can graduate on time
I say take student loans and hold. It's not $100k a year loan like some womyn's poetry major who goes for 10 years then cries for Bernie to come save her broke add

>> No.11647814


>> No.11647821

This. Also don't tell your parents or anyone else about your crypto worth. This is beyond imperative.