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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 159 KB, 900x450, altcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1164351 No.1164351 [Reply] [Original]

Everything crypto-currency related

>shill your coins
>discuss your holding
>general discussion

There are too many crypto threads on biz right now, lets use this general to consolidate the discussion.

>> No.1164359

Rare footage of DGB investors


>> No.1164422

What kind of links should be in the OP?

>> No.1164428

Daily reminder that cryptos are shit

If you are new, then you will lose money off of them.

They have no value and no purchasing power.

Don't believe the buzzwords
>muh technology
>muh fiat
>muh decentralization

>> No.1164434


And no, I've never lost money on them because I don't buy them

My money actually makes money for me, unlike shitcoins

>> No.1164437

Buy index funds instead

>> No.1164455

>implying you can't make money on shitcoins

I've made about 1200% since I began trading. I just have to know what the fuck you're doing. There are a lot of idiots out there and it's great.

>> No.1164457


So about $8 total

>> No.1164459
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Actually I'm up about $5600, but I left 1BTC behind to trade with. I'm very new to trading crypto but saw an opportunity. Once I hit 10BTC I am going to start using quatloo to place my orders. I want to learn in stages.

You can make money too. There's more than enough for all of us. I joined some traders in a group and I have learned a lot about the shitcoin market since then. It's a lot of fun because I can trade on my off time when markets are closed.

>> No.1164463

Which group?

>> No.1164467

Will there ever be a recovery from today?

>> No.1164471


>> No.1164553

>group trading
How does this work?

>> No.1164556


Seriously guys this thing is about to explode, only $10k market cap so far.

>> No.1164562 [DELETED] 

It's like 4chan, but people who watch chats and also own bots that pump chatrooms and place orders to pad books. Everyone lies to each other and they also don't.

>> No.1164574
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Anyone buying into the Digix DAO crowd sale this week? I'm on the fence but it should give eth a nice bump anyways.

>> No.1164586
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Ether wooo represent.

>> No.1164589

I might throw some ether at it

>> No.1164592

Gridcoin is the goddamn shit!

Ethereum hasn't got shit on gridcoin - ethereum limits you to smart contracts, where as Gridcoin rewards real computation done on thousands of computers around the world!

>> No.1164596

excellent use of the word consolidate

>> No.1164602

2nd trumpcoin. Already bought a ton and about to get more. Trump is gonna be YUGE.

>> No.1164875

had lil more than half a bitcoin. everything i bought has dipped low. i am now a bag holder.. i never thought id be a lowly bag holder. i have lost my money. its time for me to die

>> No.1164897

Yeah, well. Don't forget to BUY THE DIP!

Remember that one guise? Buy the dip?

>> No.1164932

Syscoin is probably going to tank in the next couple of days, since all sys coins are being converted into sys 2.0 at a right of 299.4 to 1

>> No.1164934

I had 47% total return last month based on BTC algo trading

>> No.1164938


>> No.1164941

Yes thank you this is exactly what BIZ needs.

On topic:
What are you guys bagholding and why?


Made some money on QORA buying it at 17 and then selling @29 and 26

>> No.1164955

Potcoin: 4/20 coming up
Decred: dat airdrop still
ETH: who isn't holding

>> No.1164959


Stay poor

>> No.1165002
File: 45 KB, 624x281, liskdapps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisk dapp development is already gaining momentum. Counting down to the 11th. Strap on your moon boots boys.

>> No.1165040

I missed lisk ico, is 11th April when i can buy ? And what exchange is best ?

>> No.1165104

Just bought .28 bitcoins, but they haven't cleared yet. I intended to buy Monero, but i decided not to after looking at its history.

Anyone care to shill me a new coin?

>> No.1165106

Eth just got a NYT article.

>> No.1165108

Bro best you can do is go on bitcoin talk, read through some of the announcement threads and see which coins have big upcoming changes.

Personally I am gonna put 1 BTC into LISK soon as it comes out. ETH is also a safe bet if you wanna hold longer term.

If you wanna buy something today and sell it in a couple days then get on Poloniex and watch for large increases in volume of the smaller pump and dump coins, riding a train is the easiest way to win/lose money.

>> No.1165110


Got your TRUMP yet?

>> No.1165288

What some coins that are more focused on inferior non english speaking countries.

>> No.1165348

Is there an exact time lisk will be available? Or will the price be roughly the same throughout the 11th

>> No.1165354

What's the best way to accrued pepe or bit coin to get the minimum transaction for the CEX?

>> No.1165408

Has this guy killed himself? I bet he sold at the low point.

>> No.1165700

Why did Dash double overnight?

>> No.1165702

Just getting started with crypto, how do you buy if based in US.

>> No.1165723

i am alive, have not sold. i have hope, no matter how faint it may be

>> No.1165786

NXT and MOIN to go on azure.

>MOIN yes I didn't know it existed either.
their website looks neat
only on C-Cex


>I'd say 0.1 for azure whores and a lil bit more on XVC.

>> No.1165809


Pepecoin and Trumpcoin are going to get big.

Also Berncoin because I'm 100% sure that it'll get to front page of Reddit. Pepecoin may get on the front page as well because Pepe is the new big meme on there and tumblr.

>> No.1165815


Didn't mean to reply to you.

>> No.1165818

stinky pussy coin

>> No.1165820


pepe>trump (short term)

Anyway be careful to get invested in shitcoins when btc is about to move.

>> No.1165884 [DELETED] 

>>MOIN yes I didn't know it existed either.
That dev hasn't logged into the bitcoin talk forum in months that coin is dead.

>> No.1165891

Disregard that I suck dicks. I was thinking of a different project.

>> No.1165899


Well the smaller volume coins like anything on c-cex don't get affected much and my money is all in those. I prefer making 1-2 huge profit trades a month to 20 small profit trades. Less chance of me panic selling or getting impatient cause I won't look at the charts multiple times a day.

>> No.1165910

Why is moin coin 9000 at yobit and like 1250 everywhere else.

>> No.1166066

TRUMP on autopilot to the stratosphere.

BERN victims on suicide watch.

>> No.1166195


I say buy both and whoever wins the election will moon to fuck.

>> No.1166205

which hashing algorithm does it use?

>> No.1166680


http://www.. forbes. com/sites/mitchelltuchman/2013/10/25/you-will-not-beat-the-market-virtually-no-one-does/#3f4b108f6c24

>> No.1166757

TRUMP train is leaving the station lads. Hop on now or you're gonna miss out.

>> No.1166993

I'm just getting into this, what should I look for when looking for smaller coins to throw my money at?

>> No.1167014
File: 98 KB, 250x250, peercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin created proof-of-stake which Ethereum and most other pump n dump coins use. It'll gain serious appreciation in due time.

>> No.1167047


.01 transaction tax for EVERY transaction? You've got to be kidding me. Tbh, I'm quite glad this coin exists only for the sole purpose of giving my useless old bitcoin mining hardware something to do.

>> No.1167403

>trying to buy some moin coins
>people are selling at higher value than it's worth making buying it retardedly hard
Fuck you.

>> No.1167460

>5% annually is a good roi in the market
>can easily make that much in two minutes on a meme coin
It's really about knowing their patterns and jumping on low.

>> No.1167890

Yeah exactly. I do options and most investment "guides" on the internet are aimed at mom and pop investors that are willing to literally take 0 risk.

>mfw expert trading guides recommend buying an option strategy with 6 legs that will make 20$ in 30 days cause its "safe"
>mfw you can make 20$ in 2 min if you just buy a straight call or put.

>> No.1168525


>> No.1168581

Is there a point in buying this if the prices are reflected by gold prices? Might as well just buy gold wouldn't you?

>> No.1168598

So you guys think being mentioned in the times will add some rocket fuel to ether?

>> No.1168604


>> No.1168652

Are we going to ignore the Dash pump & dump?

>> No.1168657


>> No.1168670

Huge update coming to pepecoin
Buy now or be poor


>> No.1168711

Sys up
ETH up
DGB up

and they say bagholding is bad..

>> No.1168714

When it this shit gonna hit polo? I dont trust/like c-cex

>> No.1168771

Yeah as if you can trust poloniex
they force you to put your name and location to withdraw crypto lol

>> No.1168815


It doesn't matter if you don't like c-cex, get them cheap there.

I never understood why people give a shit about exchanges if you get your coin cheaper there.

>> No.1168818


Also they are doing trex first then polo will soon follow.

>> No.1169088

Im still waiting for sys to tank when that update goes through.

>> No.1169311

any coins remain that can not be mined with gpus or asics?

>> No.1169615

Anyone have the link to the pepecoin private chat?

>> No.1169627


>> No.1169630

only if you want to withdraw more than $2000 per day

>> No.1169644

Yeah. Very popular ones too. The physical ones you probably have dozens of stuck in youe couch.

>> No.1169647


Just got rebranded to MEME. A new slack is probably coming soon.

>> No.1169658

TRUMP: TBvJxprhyFqXSwAxHaZsrZd1nyyHyoi8nQ
BTC: 17bu1Mc5UmMVWUEh7W4uMUvnetjTvgY9S5

selling artwork/photoshops at your request.
donations greatly appreciated.

>> No.1169693

Holding 1.5mil DGB I bought at 85sats, really wish I could have got more in below 100, but by the time I cleared the money from my bank and bought BTC with it, the price had already shot to 130, and thought to wait a while.
Retrospect, I should have bought in then, but for now I'm waiting for the dip.
Already made $700 on this in less than a week, and I think a few more announcements from the devs about new games and platforms supported will keep the price climbing.

Also holding about 3BTC worth of ETH/BTS/SC, all up about 15% on the price I bought in at.

What's the next big meme /biz/? Will LISK be overvalued at launch like every other coin?

>> No.1169694

Sorry bud I don't pay for stuff in monopoly money, tell me when you add an ETH option and then we can talk like adults.

>> No.1169699

here you go faggot

>> No.1169702


MEME once it hits bittrex honestly like every coin that hits a bigger exchange.

>> No.1169716

Just saw that MEME is dumping. Sell now and buy back when it lowers.

>> No.1169717



>> No.1169772

Nice. I bought in on DGB late at 160 but meh in the long term its gonna be good, all they need is to get another big game on board like DOTA and well be golden. Also they received 250m in funding today.

Im gonna play LISK expecting a big pump the first couple of days then dump > flatline > moon.

>> No.1169809

>Also they received 250m in funding today.

>> No.1169843


>> No.1170222

I'm just holding onto SC with ~ 84 million. I expect it to blow up within a month and pump hard within june when V 1.0 comes out.

>> No.1170234

yeah i like tradeing cryptos when fx markets are closed

>> No.1170270

Hey anons, where are altcoins discussed before they launch?

>> No.1170308

I'm on poloneix but dont see trump coin. where are you guys trading it at?

>> No.1170363

Pepecoin rebranded to Memetic to comply with bittrex rules


Shit is going to moon.

>> No.1170366

They're on Yobit right now

>> No.1170416


everything global, before pre-launch, will be on wisdomrace.com

>> No.1170454

anyone bitching about losing money on crypto is an idiot.
These markets always move in cycles. case in point the dgb dump to 150sats which is still following the upward trendline almost to a tee. crypto markets are manipulated just like regular markets.
V.cash $XVC

>> No.1170458

I bought 4% of the trump supply at 500sats. and then dumped 80% of that when I realized it was too soon for trump. theyre planning to port the chain to a pos or eth variant.

pepe will fizzle out in a few months don't fomo that shit

>> No.1170467

DNET Darknet is rising past 730 masternodes. currently 3/10 of a cent per coin but supply is a bit much will expect good things. mn reward reducing to 50 from 83 at block 86400 in a few days. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1262920.0


someone sticky this post vvvvvvvv


>> No.1170476

Load of shitcoins

Buy Ethereum you idiot

>> No.1170482

I just bought a small amount of bitcoin to get my feet in the water with coin trading. How do I move it from coinbase to yobit? I want to daytrade TRUMP and hold ETH.

>> No.1170484


you must not understand profit margins. i.e. I have modest amount of capital and short-term am better able to make better profit percentage on lower-cap coins. ETH is 12$ even if I bought all in with .5btc I'd have a harder time making a return as it has risen quite a bit from hype already.

>> No.1170492

at least it won't crash to fucking nothing like all the shitcoins you're talking about.

>> No.1170493

see DNET comparison with DASH network supply vs collateral in node count etc.
You don't think they might be bothered by the fact that you can run MNs on DNET for 1/100th of the price of dash??


>> No.1170495

...eh. wouldnt be too sure about that

>> No.1170505


bro can't even add anything constructive just keep throwing shitcoin around like you actually know what you're talking about. I'm giving you more advice than anyone else here so keep at it

That blog post I shared by Alvin lee @onemanatatime is like a book.

>> No.1170516


Lol its literally a meme

Like not figuratively

It's actually a meme

>> No.1170530

i looked, what is?

>> No.1170549 [DELETED] 

Why haven't you bought vcash yet

>> No.1170551
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>> No.1170568

I'm the one that dumped trump support through 500sats a few days ago. Any more and I'd be selling at minimum valuation.
trumpcoin has legit effort behind it and its not about who wins the election.


>> No.1170717

Go to your wallets on Yobit , and choose the "deposit" option for bitcoin. It will give you the deposit address. Send your BTC to the deposit address through coinbase. Wa la, nigga. Protip, choose the "send" option on Coinbase.

>> No.1170817

It will surely become one of the top cryptos if its feature that permits to timestamp and secure memes on the blockchain becomes widespread

>> No.1170839
File: 79 KB, 624x452, 577730543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1btc. Which crypto should I invest in? I don't mind being invested long term.

>> No.1170844

Man you don't know shit about trading if you want to daytrade a low volume coin like TRUMP. Learn something about markets before risking your money

>> No.1170846

btc or eth anything else is just gambling that the whales will swim your way

>> No.1170898

I recently opened a coin base account and am buying a couple hundred syrup bucks worth of BTC. I'm pretty new to crypto shit.

Am I right in thinking that you buy BTC then exchange for whichever alt coin you're interested in? Or is there some way to buy alt coins directly?

>> No.1170939


The presale was over faster than I cum in my daughter's tender anus. Is there any market/exchange offering DGD or am I cucked?

>> No.1170950

Don't worry about it it'll dump.

Xvc 0.4.5 pushed to github

>> No.1170952

I want to develop my own cryptocurrency. Where can I find developers?

>> No.1171015

Can someone give me a guide on setting up a solo CPU miner for MEME?

>> No.1171210

When is that update for SYS coming out? It's increased a little bit right now...

>> No.1171749


>> No.1171756

When we know each other ? NoW.

>> No.1171761
File: 180 KB, 539x959, IMG-20150408-WA0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we know each other ?NOW

>> No.1171871

If I'm using electrum as my wallet, does it matter if my internet connection is third world tier slow (like, around 400bt/s)? Will the client still be able to check the blockchain in a reasonable amount of time?

>> No.1171875

Where should I go to buy ethereum?

>> No.1172071


>> No.1172075

Memetic (MEME) on bittrex, as expected

>> No.1172424

Damn I was looking at buying PIGGY a few days ago at 20 sats lol. (It went up to 320 sats today).

What do you guys think is gonna be the next pump? Im looking into BCN right now

>> No.1172428


TRUMP all the way. It's gonna be YUGE.

Only $15,000 mktcp at the moment.

>> No.1172433

Kek. All this shilling and still only $15k marketcap?

>> No.1172453

Whoops, got that wrong. It's already up to $23k mktcp actually.

>> No.1172460

I just jumped on the EXE train and made 15% in like 5 min and got out of that time bomb asap lol.

>> No.1172485
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1457717343201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought DBG after it exploded for 148
>set sell order at 185
>get home and see that it reached 185 and fell back down
>get excited
>check orders, sale didn't go through
>currently bagholding at 125

>> No.1172487


FUcking cut your loses and go into MEME.

Do you faggots learn nothing from DOGE? Memes run the market for some reason.

>> No.1172496

We did the PEPE / MEME pump. No need to take our word for it, just join in and see if we continue to make bank.


>> No.1172536

Relax mang, I bought in at 160. DGB isnt complete shit tier like PEPE or TRUMP. Theya re trying to get Minecraft and DOTA onboard and then it will easily break 200.

>> No.1172570


What do you look into to figure out what you're buying?

>> No.1172607

Low price (easy to pump), volume, buy and sell orders, bitcointalk thread, the coins website and twitter.

>> No.1172752
File: 266 KB, 840x980, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1172760

This is good Bitcoin cloud mining.

>> No.1172771

You will make your money back, just hold for a week m8

>> No.1172781

First for CryptoShekel (SHKL)

>> No.1172789

i'm seriously thinking about making an electronic currency based on 1oz fine silver coins.

it would be tied to the silver price in value but it would be greatly divisible.

basically when you pay someone you sign a digital iou and upload it on a server once he receives the iou he can be sure your transaction is logged and he can also determine if up to that point you actually have the silver behind the iou or you wrote a bad check.

this would result in transaction times way faster than bitcoin or any other distributed competitive (mining) and it almost works offline. if the seller trusts you he can upload the iou himself. but only then he will realize if you fucked him. so there is that.

the company itself would legally store your silver and give you a digital iou (the basis of your iou-s you pay with) what you do with it is up to you so it's not like the company is doing illegal money printing or monetary activity...

at least i hope this is a loophole.

when you want your silver you can only collect the integer part of your account in silver coins because otherwise the balance between the numbers and physical silver could break.

you can get the rest in any currency under standard exchange rate or buy more electronic silver to have wholes.

you could create an account offline it's just a private public key pair really. so it's totally anonymous and the transactions are fat and free.

what do you guys think of this?

>> No.1172802

one more thing i consider.

you could start a transaction on a transaction server you trust it would contain a unique id the amount for the purchase a comment (optional) a timestamp, etc.

the buyer can use his hf smartphone to get the transaction (signed by the server and thus immutable) and add his signed iou (again by nf doesn't even need a mobile net)

then the seller uploads the iou to the transaction server and can check if the iou bounces or the transaction is complete.

so basically it works totally different than a paypass type shit where you give your credit card info and they can charge you anything they want. you actually sign transactions. none of your communicated data can be used for an other transaction.

credit cards are shit. mobile payment is the future. but it must be implemented correctly.

>> No.1172829

Do you guys think it would be profitable to put 0.1 BTC into a fair few altcoins and just leave them for months with a sell order of 1000% ?

If someone wants to make P&D then they would have to buy into your orders and you make 1 BTC.

>> No.1172830

RDD taking off, get on

>> No.1173012

What exactly drives the interest rate on Poloniex? I few weeks ago I could instantly have my offer accepted at .16%, now the going rate is .0685%.

>> No.1173314

Do you file taxes if you make a decent amount of money from selling crypto currency? By decent, I mean enough that the IRS could get involved.

>> No.1173394

How long does a deposit into safecex take to be verified? It was instant for poloniex.

>> No.1173412

just put it all in MEME my man.
you'll make bank as soon as it gets on polo soon.

>> No.1173436

Ok, i just wasted all my money in redcoin and it's dropped value. Do i just wait and hold for the next pump?

>> No.1173445


Yeah I read that post as well. I'd just do 100% instead of 1000% for quicker profits.

>> No.1173447

new to crypto and i want to buy some btc to start trading. Do you have to confirm your id with your passport on all of these websites? i feel uneasy doing it

>> No.1173450


use localbitcoin.com

Will be above market but you do get privacy out of it.

>> No.1173453

I've been wondering about that.

>> No.1173455

am i likely to get frauded if i verify my identity with coinbase?

>> No.1173485

also, is localbitcoin legal? I saw some stuff that said it counts as "money transmission" which is illegal without a license

>> No.1173542


Localbitcoin is legal everywhere besides NY.

Probably not.


Upvote this

>> No.1173577

do you yourself use a website which requires id verification for bitcoins?

>> No.1173623


No. I use localbitcoins. Keep my privacy but I do pay above market value but I make that back in like 2 hours most times.

>> No.1173664

how do you make it back so fast? all the prices i'm seeing are literally double the market value atm. Considering buying some SLL with paypal then buying btc with that, good plan or no?

>> No.1173692


I usually buy via bank deposit or moneygram which I've found only to be 10-40$ above market. I make it back easy with trading with altcoins for a few hours.

>> No.1173719

Does anyone know of any crypto-related chats? And why we havent we made a /biz/ crypto chat/irc to pump and dump shit?

>> No.1173722

for memetic

>> No.1173792


should get mods to put up a sticky with basic info

I'm sure if someone wrote something up and emailed the mods they'd throw it up there

>> No.1173794


a sticky with links to an IRC, I mean

>> No.1173799

trollboxes on the exchanges nigga

is this really going to be pumped? I threw a buy order down @ 4 but I'm really itching just to buy @5

>> No.1173802


I think the pump was from 2-3 to 4-5 anon, I wouldn't go big

>> No.1173804

damn, talk about splitting hairs

>> No.1173827

Well if we keep making crypto generals we can sort of make our own sticky to paste on every general.

Ehh Polos box is good, but I meant somewhere to chat with other guys from /biz/.

Anyways whats everyone holding now?
I got out of qora and rdd at the right time, and now Im holding SC and BCN.

>> No.1173831


We should make an op on how to get started

poloniex is a lot of fun

>> No.1173857


that's our trumpcoin chat.

>> No.1173859

Eh I cant make images for shit, but if someone with photoshop skills can make an image like that "How to buy ETH" one that gets posted all the time, but instead of ETH instruct people how to buy bitcoin, how to create a wallet, how to transfer to an exchange, etc..

>> No.1173860


We just need a good OP and someone to post it

>> No.1173863

Eh, we need a channel for crypto general, not each coin.
Otherwise enjoy fragmentation and constant channel hopping.

>> No.1173871

True, #Cryptogeneral? We can add it to the OP.

Alright well lets all work on it together since no one is stepping up to the plate lol

>> No.1174083

I created the #cryptogeneral channel btw

Did anyone ride the AMP launch? I am keking at the sorry bagholders on polo whoa re still holding it. I bought in at 4700 and sold at around 6700, its at 2500 now lol.

>> No.1174089

why not just make a discord channel? it's bretty ez

>> No.1174093

I would prefer that a lot better, I hate IRC. Go ahead and make it for us bro.

>> No.1174100

Double figure mini BTC whale here.
Are you guys going to hop on TRUMP or is it going to die before going Poloniex?
And did any of you become rich from the ridiculous EXE pump? Who the fuck did this this time? Fontas back at it?

>> No.1174106

i dont think i should be the admin, i'm kinda new at this and frankly i suck at crypto

i bought redcoin and now my money is in stasis untill it gets swept by the next P&D, however long it takes.

>> No.1174110

is ethereum still worth buying?

>> No.1174118

You dont have to be the admin, just make the channel and well post it around for people to join, there doesnt really need to be any moderation, its just for us to discuss buy and sell opportunities and learn together.

ETH is worth putting money into, its more of a long term stable coin than a quick pump and dump.

I jumped on the EXE train but didnt risk much cause I knew it was a shitbomb lol, put in 15$ came out with 20$. Im not jumping in on trump, the PEPE failure didnt really give me any confidence in these /biz/meme coins lol.

What are you gonna buy next mister whale? (Make it BCN lol)

>> No.1174128

Im not fond of buying absolute shitcoins, I usually deal with more or less decent alts like MAID, ETH, XMR..

Im still waiting for XMR to reach the last ATH, ith as been 1+ years for god's sakes.

I was considering LISK but you never know. Once a coin hits Poloniex it may die hours later and you aren't able to sell them.

>> No.1174129

Then there's the volume problem. You have a shitton of coins you bought cheap, but then during the pump there's not enough buying pressure so you aren't able to sell it all.

I miss a good pump and dump like Blackcoin, that shit was fun.

>> No.1174139

Im gonna put 1 BTC on Lisk. Im thinking its chart is gonna look similar to ETH's.

What do you consider SC and DGB then? Shit tier? Im holding those two cause I think theyre actually interesting.

>> No.1174141

OK, I am here to tell you about two important coins you will be hearing a lot about in the future.


Counterparty recently saw a 150% rise in price after a LEAKED convo of the devs that show tehy are working on ETHEREUM CONRTACTS ON THE BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN.

That's right, Counterparty will be able to do all Ethereum does but ON THE BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN without suing a new gay ass ETH.

This is major if you truly understand this, your investment will quadruple in 2-3 months when they release this


This PoS/PoW hybrid with in-built Dev funding and VOTING system COULD POTENTIALLY replace Bitcoin because Bitcoin has an inherent issue that leads it to be centralized even worse than the banking systems that we already have in place. Again, go and study what is it that Decred does differently, I'm not gonna do your homework, but I will tell you I already made $3000 on this coin from a very small investment, and I am PoS mining and getting new coins daily WITHOUT EVEN BUYING MINING EQUIPMENT.

>> No.1174143

Also, Decred - while being truly innovative in its decentralizing infrastructure - hasn't even hit Poloniex yet and doesn't have a GUI wallet. These two things will make it jump considerably.

>> No.1174184

I'm thinking Trumpcoin is the next Coinye so I wouldn't bother with it.

>> No.1174203

So anyone gonna make the OP or a discord server?

>> No.1174230


hop on in, link is available for 24 hours. if it runs out just msg me or place one in thread if theres a new one

>> No.1174273

Hit me up if you want a good designer and communications manager for your project.

swingfirst airmail.cc

>> No.1174408

if the guy who pumped carpe diem coin is in here, pls pump again to get it up another 100% tomorrow

>> No.1174420

anyone else have a raging boner for EXE right now?

>> No.1174450

Where is TRUMP sold?

>> No.1174463

>if the guy who pumped carpe diem coin is in here, pls pump again to get it up another 100% tomorrow

The pump is done.

>> No.1174465
File: 105 KB, 305x305, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crack the code and get paid
Double encryption
Undervalued at 300k

>> No.1174976

oh really cause i just made 0.5 BTC off of it since that post

>> No.1175143


I bet you held and made nothing during the dump.

>> No.1175198

Uhhhh why has the volume for Eth collapsed on poloniex? (And pretty much everything else for that matter)

>> No.1175319

apparently volume means trade volume in the past 24 hours. it has nothing to with the amount of coins in circulation

>> No.1175332

Probably since its a sunday night. It just means the amount of coins moved in the last 24 hours, nothing to do with total coins.

>> No.1175524

Is renting mining contacts viable for etherium? I'm getting conflicted results on the viability of mining but at the MH/s rates, assuming ether doesn't die, it seems to guaranteed returns.

>> No.1175957

What happened to all the ETH shills?

>> No.1176193

post new link?

>> No.1176209


there you go pal

>> No.1176211

BUY SYSCOIN! 10 X profits within months, market cap is only 3.5 million, should easily go to 35 million! better than AMP Synerio!!

>> No.1176405
File: 16 KB, 225x245, 1443135243147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddcoin, baby.

>> No.1176431

bought during a pump, now im stuck

4mill of redd though

>> No.1176459

If you guys haven't seen my thread already regarding DIEMs, then you're missing out.

DIEM is getting revived by its team and used as a sort of "Bailout" coin for failing cryptos that only lack funding from breaking out.


Check out the new site. Why would you invest your money into a single crypto whenever you can easily diversify your crypto portfolio by purchasing DIEM? The price will need to increase for them to support this proposition.

Get in while the getting is good, I told people to buy the dip at 1 - 2 satoshi and now it's trading at 6 satoshi.

Give DIEM a chance.
You heard it here first.

>> No.1176573

how long is amp going to climb for?

>> No.1176716

I guess if you just bought in it might look like that, but its actually just flatlining after the initial launch pump and dump.

>> No.1176782
File: 10 KB, 437x60, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anons


>> No.1176983
File: 121 KB, 404x421, shitwhales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think whales have been pushing the eth price down in anticipation of the slockit token sale. That and open bazaar releasing gave btc a slight bump which added some downward pressure.

>> No.1177139

those messages are literally from the last month, thats how slow this board is.

>> No.1177151

fucking hell, i'm not used to such a slow board.
what other forums would you suggest for such this sort of stuff?

>> No.1177155



>> No.1177301 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 1264x510, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know what to do when you get error
OCL 0 : using work with lower difficulity than device supports

It seems to be rejecting every block

>> No.1177314

The discord group brah

>> No.1177487

Invite link?

>> No.1177504


read the thread

>> No.1177517

i-invite me !!

>> No.1177528
File: 398 KB, 512x512, memetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you guys holding Memetic?

PoS/PoW hybrid. Meaning you'll get free coins just by holding (staking) MEME in your wallet.
Just got on Bittrex, so a bigger motivator for bigger exchanges to put it on their exchange.
Active devs updating websites and the coin tech constantly.
There's also going to be a partnership with PeerBet, one of the oldest gambling sites to accept MEME.

It's a decent opportunity, don't say I didn't tell you so.

>> No.1177537

the link isnt active?

>> No.1177575

discord links die after 24 hours

>> No.1177633
File: 27 KB, 199x229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis mining

>> No.1177636
File: 111 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here, just monitoring. Back in june. Just waiting for LN and halving to flop

>> No.1177650
File: 438 KB, 1782x1049, New Bitmap Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a single buyer, positioned where he literally can't lose money, except that no one else would be around to buy

Memes are fucking incredible. Even in the cybercurrency world, SJW's are completely failing.

>> No.1177710

except all the buy orders suggests that people did buy in.

>> No.1178025

is burst about to go up or is it levelling out

>> No.1178069


>> No.1178092


>> No.1178140

The discord server for the niggas asking about it

>> No.1178207

MEME is fucking cheap as fuck right now.

Weak hands getting out.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.1178298


Therefore trumpcoin BTFO

>> No.1178321



>> No.1178332

Because altcoin season is over, it's bitcoin time.

>> No.1178344

If I hold meme on a exchange do I still get staking?

>> No.1178353

Sooo is Diem a thing now?? It was at 3 volume just a couple of days ago and now it's at 72 volume.

>> No.1178373
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1439895815796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1178467


Bitcoin strong, needs another day and shitcoins will be back up


Ridiculously cheap, best buy right now


TRUMP is another really good buy for the long term right now


>> No.1178816

sadly no. it has to be in your wallet and you have to leave your wallet open.

>> No.1178874

Made 20 free ETH with an ethereum game :


>> No.1179852

forreal or shill? Screenshot for proof

>> No.1179949

So how profitable is this shit really? Seems like everyone who does this are getting rich but that is not possible...

>> No.1179955

someone's gotta be the sucker
some people get rich and some people hold the bag

>> No.1179956

meant to reply to

>> No.1179965

Yeah but who is the sucker? And is trumpcoin going to the moon?

>> No.1179966

Discord link?

>> No.1179972

Why would I buy CounterParty if Decred is going to replace Bitcoin anyway?

Why would I buy Decred if it is a PoS piece of shit?

>> No.1179976

the people that buy the peak of the price.
trump is probably going to rise as it gets closer to election day.
meme will moon as well.
dgb can moon if it gets the dota partnership.

>> No.1180135

You are thinking very static

More and more money will be jumping into cryptos, better, faster safer, the more money get's into it, the more you win by getting early.

Diversify, don't all in fomo, and you will do fine, don't expect to buy a lambo, but I'm pretty autistic, 0 knowledge in economics or stuff in general, and I'm wining money consistently.

Don't expect miracles, but it is quite easy money if you have a brain.

>> No.1180145

i've missed crypto general threads.

anyone watching SYS? at like 1.9k atm, i'm expecting 3k soon. cbf to explain why, too tired.

>> No.1180149

>intended to buy Monero, but i decided not to after looking at its history.
how come? xmr is my biggest holding after btc. given all the hype and the sheer amount of community interest, plus the fact that at some point a gui will be released, makes me fairly confident that it'll be worth fucktonnes more than it is atm

>> No.1180152

Do you have any advice for a new person getting into this? ie what to look for, etc.

>> No.1180178

I got you sempai


>> No.1180187

This is great, thanks!

>> No.1180277

As a very basic guideline,:
-Set yourself some limits and follow them.
-No matter how many times you tell yourself that you will do this or that, you will end up going yolo, learn from it.
-Keep a plan for some weeks and if it fails think why and change it, I'm on the discord group, the last calls I made there gave me profit besides FCT but I will hold it that fucker.
BIGUP and TRUMP both were much more than 2x, so no worries.

Just today I shared one that I think is worth investing a lil in now. (WhiteZer0)

>> No.1180685

ayy senpai can a crypty get that discord linky

>> No.1180703
File: 193 KB, 1024x692, 1447218203554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this thread just...fuck.

Either this entire thread is satire or just....wow.


>> No.1180709

every stupid trend is satire until there are people, who take it seriously

>> No.1180714
File: 256 KB, 1152x1152, panoramicphotosareawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so come on faggots tell me which shitcoin is going to get a pump in the next few days.

>> No.1180771


It's all a big joke until you make a ton of money and wish you put 10 BTC into trump instead of .8

t. me

>> No.1180785 [DELETED] 

Ether is down below $10 for the first time in a few days/weeks? (?). Might wanna stack your chips in there.

>> No.1181400


any crypt kiddies free to join

>> No.1181415

Bought 30 dollars worth of LISK at Yobit for 0.0045 yesterday, sold it all for 0.015 today, that's 110 dollars or so. I'm satisfied.