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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 404 KB, 730x608, gewwwg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11640924 No.11640924 [Reply] [Original]

How is new money made?

It's not like the banks just create new money whenever they loan out money right? haha that would be funny, it would mean our entire financial system is on the brink of a dizzying collapse haha

>> No.11640937
File: 887 KB, 816x3608, TRINITY___NEGATIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, I made this $1M in LaTeX

>> No.11641237

Look up 'Open market operations'

>> No.11641255

>muh debt is bad

>> No.11641322
File: 881 KB, 1453x1182, 11294766436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11642008

>haha that would be funny, it would mean our entire financial system is on the brink of a dizzying collapse haha
It is funny though. Crisis is baked into the system, it isn't merely an accident of things that it occurs cyclically

>> No.11642023

jews are criminals absolute fact. jews run the federal reserve and the courts. the banking system and legal system in the usa is absolute irrefutably controlled by criminals. Fight them with all power on earth or be a jew slave

>> No.11642033

I literally have no idea how money is created. I don’t mean printing dollars, I mean how is “one dollar” the value created in the first place. You say you will sell a burger, and someone invents the dollar currency and says I will give you this dollar for that burger. Where did that value come from. This is like music, we all kind of just accept it but no one really fucking knows how music is recorded. We know “hurr durr with a microphone and audio waves” but no one REALLY knows what it means (DUDE SCIENCE XD is not a valid understanding.)

Music is magic, I’m serious. Recorded audio is magic. In the same way, money is magic.

>> No.11642073

The romans used to make statues where you can swap the heads for whoever was the new ruler at the time. Though maybe from a more modern perspective, their entire system is an inferior one to the system we have today. No amount of head swapping would make me fine with living in Rome at 70AD