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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 1040x585, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11638928 No.11638928 [Reply] [Original]

>see anon talking about ZIL and arbitrage
>well lets search it
>like 36 cents on binance
>29 on OTCBTC
>well its a nice idea to buy from otc and send to binance, easy gains!
>create an account on OTCBTC
>sended my last coins there
>after some half hour try to create some orders
>can't do orders even with btc on account
>wtf is happening
>try to reach support
>yellow fever anywhere just XING DON DOING CHINATOWN
>just that fucking chinese letters cant read anything
>fuck fuck fuck
>saw the orders on the market
>the 29 cents is a buy order
>all sell orders with correct market price
>aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh shitttttttttttttttttttttttttt
>now my coins are locked in that fucked exchange that dont send SMS to Brazil, so no way to activate 2FA message
>what a great adventure I had today!

Thanks, anon, that talked about arbitrage, I deserved to get fucked for being dumb.

>> No.11638970
File: 156 KB, 1370x730, easygains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets send the coins fast before someone spot it
>sent the coins faster than sonic
>now cant do nothing
>xing doing shaolin ayoooo

>> No.11638991
File: 260 KB, 1370x768, easygains2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is why it shows as 29 cents on coinmarketcap
>a really dead exchange, took 10 minutes to exchange btc to eth
>I'm laughing for no reason

>> No.11639244


hope you sort it out my guy

>> No.11639304
File: 267 KB, 1314x724, easigains3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren.

See what I did now, Idk how but I managed to fix the 2fa.

>bought all on eosdaq because another exchange had a lot of buy offers, would be like 15% gains
>realize I cant deposit to that exchange (Idk why)
>now I have a sell wall and a buy wall at the same time because I dont know what to do

>> No.11639323

in on weekly favelanon thread <3

>> No.11639337

Que vergonha anao, just buy holochain and wait

>> No.11639355

>"lost more money,please gimme gimme!"

literally againts the rules


>> No.11639366

are you going to lose money every day?

>> No.11639378
File: 53 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.25.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon I'll have money, I'll probably get a job this week.

Are you stupid? I'm not asking anything, I already told I managed to fix the 2FA thing, bought all on EOSDAC but now I need to find a new market.

No, the guy I paid 1.5k replied me, so he doesnt scammed and will teach me.

I just thought arbitrage could get me some gains and got pee pee in my poo poo.

>> No.11639398

i just programmed an arbitrage bot today, i'm the Belgian. There are no gains on it. Not internal markets 'ETH vs BTC', not 2 markets together, i lose too much trades and do literally millisecond trades. And internal trades, the fees are making it imposible.

>> No.11639426

not the best time to try something like this, but if your bot really works you could try during a more volatile time, and take a look at doing with 3 cryptos, btc <> eth <> ltc or something like that, the math is harder (i'm not autistic, maybe you are and this is going to be easy) but you only have it to do it once

>> No.11639431

I thought I found an "glitch" when I saw ZIL for 29 cents in a market when it was like 36 on Binance.
Did the account in a rush, deposited some BTC and after I set all the account info and 2FA to see that 29 cents was the buy order, all the sell orders were like 35-36 cents.

I think the only way to really profit from arbitrage would be on these new airdrop coins on forkdelta.

>> No.11639445

OP quit posting so much. you used to be cool, now you just disappoint me more and more. im starting to resent you and your posts. attention whore.

>> No.11639477

I'll be gone for some weeks anon. I've done like 2-3 posts this last week.

If you saw someone else wasn't me, I was banned on my 4chan pass.

>> No.11639488

De qual que eh voce ficar postando aqui? ja vi suas threads mas nunca entendi o pq de voce ficar usando o biz, voce usa o 55? e mora onde?

>> No.11639502

Arbitrage is bs with exchanges today, very hard to accomplish because of time loss and chink practices

>> No.11639517

Alguns anons me ajudaram, basicamente é isso. Não uso o 55 nem o 27, SP- capital.

I confess I were greedy, atleast learned the lesson.

>> No.11639575

Also, I dont know why the rage.
It's been some time I dont ask money, I dont even job beg anymore. The only reason I cant take photos its because my cellphone had water damage and I'm waiting the new one arrive, also I already said that some retards tried to fuck me over too with the photos.

There are dozens of shilling posts too, I dont even shill no more.

I'll be gone soon, I "found" a job that I'll invest a lot of time and the few time left I'll be using on my projects.

It's almost a goodbye, I'm not the same guy I used to be.

>> No.11639600

whats the job? I'm fucking serious, trust another anao, buy fucking holochain and just wait

>> No.11639616

I'll be managing the customer service of 2 new business of a guy, like facebook/instagram.
2 hours twice a day, I think he will pay me like 200-400/week.

I dont have enough money to long term investment, but probably after mid november I'll be making solid cash atleast.

>> No.11639667

Ever tough about learning web dev? I spent all 2017 learning python/js and in fev I began working in the field, now i'm wagecucking in some place being paid 2600 reais / 700 dollars per month, it's horrible because it's 8 to 6 but at least I can have my own house and good internet, in SP you're probably gonna be paid way more, it's really not that hard, the hard part is english and you seem to be ok in that field

>> No.11639704

Being sincere with you, I'm doing 2 engineerings by now and I dont plan to wagecuck, Brazilian payment is a complete disrespect with someone that abdicated a lot of things to study like me.

If I stay in the path I'm now until december I'll probably be earning atleast $500-$700 passive solid income, that is more than 2k reais and is enough to pay rent and other expenses.

SP is pretty shit right now unless you are from a rich family or upper medium class with network/QI, something I dont have. Unemployement is pretty crazy here, favelas growing more and more, I dont know how to explain.

If all my projects works out I'll be retired before my 25.

If they dont I can try a normal life.

Have you tried freelancer jobs?

>> No.11639733

Have you thought about just going to grad school (and working) in a different country? E.g. the US.

>> No.11639734

I'm sure the zil community will be grateful that you burned some of the supply

>> No.11639749

>Have you tried freelancer jobs?
Fucking indians man, they will work for 5 dollars a site, it's unbelievable. But i'm thinking about offering sites to medium size places and see how it goes, i'm just so fucking tired of working for some asshole who pays me shit and I still have to smile and thank him for the opportunity to make money for him.

Good luck anao, if we ever cross paths again I wish to see you rich

>> No.11639756

stay out of my country pedro

>> No.11639764

Yes, I did. But I have a younger brother, older mom and people that "depend" on me. I could leave after aply to some internship or even be illegal and start from the bottom, but my brother would stay on this shithole without anyone to stay their ground.

So I can't move because of them and because I dont have nothing, atleast here I'm already doing 2 unies (one state -free, one paid I won scholarship - free).. so life was worst in the past, now it's like a Heaven.
I can teach you some niches, I was not talking about fiverr or anything like that.

>> No.11639787

I would like that but i'm going to watch a movie right now, telegram meia dois nove oito dois tres dois sete um dois tres

>> No.11639793

Salva o meu email: princeofcrypto@protonmail.com

>> No.11639890

Anyone know if is better I assume the loss and sell the Eosdaw for 10k even if I paid 11k, or I wait to try to send to another exchange?

>> No.11640461

I'll check tomorrow, if stay on same price I'll just assume loss and move on.

Thanks for everything guys, prolly my last week posting on biz