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11637451 No.11637451 [Reply] [Original]

>the US Dollar isn't backed by anyth-

>> No.11637476

Soldiers don't work for free

>> No.11637482

Yeah the US military will bomb everyone in the world who doesn't accept dollars

>> No.11637524

Any country who challenges the sovereignty of the US fiat gets invaded. How does the US prevent the rise of cryptocurrencies this way however?

>> No.11637535

After they've been paid.

>> No.11637536

Most powerful militaries in the world


>> No.11637541

Then why the fuck is everything getting so fuckin expesive you cunt? Guns don't prevent devaluation

>> No.11637577

>US military
cute way of saying Israel Foreign Legion

>> No.11637596

*submarines blows up carrier*


>> No.11637601

>boats full of niggers and women

>> No.11637610

except for China

>> No.11637633

*submarine blows up your submarine first*


>> No.11637637

Where do I go to redeem my dollars for an aircraft carrier? If I don't have enough for a whole one can I get shares?

>> No.11637642

theyll just print new ones ? like they do everyday

>> No.11637649


You realize there's this thing called "sonar" right? Cutting edge invention from the very recent WWII, kinda made it so anyone on a German U Boat got btfo'd any time they tried to blow up a ship.

And why the hell would you have a sub blow up a carrier when you could have a sub nuke a city, if you're going that route and you're all about subs?

>> No.11637652

you think the military is gonna invade the internet or what

>> No.11637660

Print new soldiers? No one works for free, let alone die for "muh merican dream"

>> No.11637664

they don't need to
the internet is owned by the US government
which is the reason why China built a firewall against it

>> No.11637680

Carrier's don't operate alone, thats why theres Carrier battle groups to supplement the weak points of having a capital ship. Ships have been designed to see submarines if they decide to go hot and countermeasures have been put in place in the event that they are able to actually launch an attack.

>> No.11637748


>> No.11637869

Your iq is sub 0

>> No.11637888
File: 326 KB, 736x579, baleblind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aint no faggot developed underwater nuclear mines literally just put one somewhere in the ball park facilty of one of these carrier groups, job done

>> No.11638686

Those are already a thing but won't be used for fear of starting a nuclear war.

>> No.11638720

actually yes, AI

>> No.11638734

You got that backwards anon. The US dollar backs those vehicles depicted in your photo.

>> No.11638736

*kills your bitcoins*

>> No.11638744

AIPAC controls US foreign affairs.

>> No.11638755

Dollar is backed by government which is backed by labour.

>> No.11638756
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>> No.11638766

Sad but true

>> No.11638781
File: 99 KB, 1200x650, Untitled-design-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck blowing up a nigh-unsinkable flying fortress, assuming you somehow get past the screens somehow.

>> No.11638786
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>> No.11638848

Kek, the US pays over $500bn in interest on national debt. Soon you'll spend more money on interest than you do on the fucking military. You're in a debt spiral.

>> No.11638862

In other words all you have to do is wait for the collapse or WW3.