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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11635992 No.11635992 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11635999

Get off my board

>> No.11636539

Nice trips. Daily reminder to get in or stay poor

>> No.11636548
File: 64 KB, 618x597, Not this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe on a whole new level man

>> No.11636578
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1513526857912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare culturally appropriate the digimarines meme. You don't know what it means to be in the trenches of justing.

>> No.11636621

why the fuck do you care about exchange listings? Have you fucking retards not learned that it has no effect in the long term yet? Look at ETC, 0X, and BAT. Even getting listed on normiebase is only good for a one time PND. Even if by some miracle they get Binance, it'll still only be good for a quick puimp and then it'll crash back to where it's been for the last 6 months.

What you need is for them to roll out actual products that people can use-- like Jcash, coupled with a huge marketing push so that people buy that and pump the price of the solvency token. Having JNT listed anywhere doesn't benefit you at all.

I suppose it's a moot point though, as Chainlink+Market protocol is going to do everything that Jibrel is trying to do without having to relying on the cumbersome meme of tokenization. Seriously, look at up. Jibrel had a shot to care out a niche but they fucking blew by trying to do everything. Our only hope of ever getting back to our initial is by shilling this shit hard to fucking retards who are dumber than us.

>> No.11636878

Get in or stay poor. #blockchain2020

>> No.11636945

I was gonna say, they ripped off digibyte original designs. I know the guy who did much of the dgb art. Fuck outta here with your ripped off shit, OP. That tells me all I need to know about your shitcoin

>> No.11637091

woah compelling argument my dude wow

Seriously how is this fuckshit going to work? We have 0 details on how actual tokenization is going to take place for anything beyond FIAT and even Yazan has said that the era of non-official stablecoins is probably going to be very shortlived.

>> No.11637571

I don't think it's getting listed anywhere decent this year despite what that says.

>> No.11637597

even then what difference would it make? Exchange listings only give short term pumps these days

we get nothing until they release a product which will be 2035 at the rate they're going

>> No.11637704

It would make a big difference actually. Exposure is important. Nobody is really aware of it. This isn't a well known thing which already has a lot of liquidity going on to another well known exchange.

JNT has a 15M market cap right now and is pretty much on just two shitty exchanges. A listing on an exchange like Binance would make it 3X at least before it dumped some. The liquidity would also stop it from dropping 30% every time someone sold 10K JNT.

You aren't wrong though on the whole "Develop your fucking products Talal" thing. Exchanges are less meaningful but with the market cap and liquidity it has it will stabilize the price.

I still don't it is getting listed or anything will happen this year though.