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11633865 No.11633865 [Reply] [Original]

Anons; i give you this promise. If LINK is below 2$ eoy, im killing myself.

I got a 10k stack. I just got kicked out by my parents. Living in my car currently. Im 20 and studying IT. First Semester; havent failed tests yet.

My parents are your classic boomers. Im just done. I can manage until eoy, but after that im just jumping down somewhere.

Kicked out because i didnt clean my room (it really wasnt THAT bad)

>> No.11633869

what part of 1k eoy don't you understand

>> No.11633876

Have you figured out how to run a node?

>> No.11633884

Killing yourself over 10-20k?
Pump the brakes chief

>> No.11633888

And clean your room

>> No.11633901

ure just emotional because they just kicked you out. just chill. link will prolly wont moon until mainnet

>> No.11633979

If you do kys you'll be a dead millionaire

>> No.11633990

just apologize to your parents and wait till the next golden bull run. it won't happen this eoy fren

>> No.11634015


Sigh..when will you people understand?$2 EOY is FUD.

>> No.11634031

you're dead, this was the top, no joke

>> No.11634049

What city anon?

>> No.11634067
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checked. good advice
should have listened, OP
t. your dad

>> No.11634074

can i have your link

>> No.11634098

I hope you do just this. The more Link out of circulation, the better.

>> No.11634110
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...You didn't do what?

>> No.11634115

Please give me your link if you are serious about suicide. I only have 1100 and I'm disabled.

>> No.11634118

PM me your address anon and I'll send you some more link.

>> No.11634126

AHAHAHA stupid linkie btfo

Maybe if you weren’t such a faggot incel and had a real portfolio (gold), you wouldn’t be homeless and have to kys

Die poor faggot

>> No.11634137

You can come stay with me as a fellow LINKMARINE... but you have to jack me off 3 times a week and let me give you a facial

>> No.11634147 [DELETED] 

I only have 1100 fren.

>> No.11634152

So if your disabled wtf you going to do when Link moons? You might as well give it to me and I'll send you videos of me fucking whores with your link money so you can jerk off in your wheelchair

>> No.11634154


Nigga you may as well buy treasury bonds with the returns on gold.

>> No.11634161

I have THALASSEMIA, I'm not in a wheelchair. I just need blood transfusions every two weeks.

>> No.11634176

Gold isn't supposed to give you returns you idiot. You gain HUGELY in gold when fiat collapses and you have a deflationary collapse.

I own a good amount of gold and I WANT gold to go back down to 300$. Because that means the govt isn't out of fucking control anymore. And you wouldn't lose in real terms either because if gold goes down to 300$:oz again that means gas will be at 1$/gallon and bread would be 1$.

You fucking morons don't even understand that you don't want the gold price to go up like you want Amazon stock to go up

>> No.11634179

You're scared of water? What a baby

>> No.11634182
File: 696 KB, 634x847, linkbagsmel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick around out of REVENGE anon.
They will be grovelling right up your ass in when you'll be able to afford to buy them out of their own house soon.

>> No.11634188

Just buy burdock root extract and dandelion root extract and mix it in your water bottles and your blood will be fine in a month

>> No.11634212


>> No.11635299

>mfw LINK doesn't moon and /biz/ becomes a suicide cult

>> No.11635314

Calm down.

Chainlink $1000 EOY 2025

>> No.11635326

fuck off with your magical thinking bullshit.