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File: 180 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11629995 No.11629995 [Reply] [Original]

I've shilled 3 total Normies on chainlink who bought in basically knowing nothing like this guy.

It is a million times easier to shill SMART contracts to normans than bitcoin. Because the Norman sees everything going digital, so it's clearly the way of legal agreements too, which in turn saves businesses billions.

It is SO easy to not know shit from a technical standpoint but see where shit is going from a macro level.

I didn't even know how to set up my 2FA authentication on binance and lost thousands of dollars driving to LA to get my tech friend to do it for me, yet I understood chainlink easily.

>> No.11630004

>investing in middlemen when they were made obsolete in 2009
never gonna make it

>> No.11630006

That's pasta, norman.

>> No.11630011

I don't really know anything about it either. I know that crypto makes people rich sometimes and this seems to be the thing I have seen posted the most since like March when I started visiting here so I figured it was a good buy,

>> No.11630018
File: 113 KB, 900x506, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life. The sooner you start saving the sooner you can get ahead in life. Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan (an infamous trolling board) to lead people to financial ruin. This is NOT A JOKE. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x100 or x1000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said himself those days are over. Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the December/January bloodbath. Smart money already exited the crypto world. Crypto is basically a highly specialized database, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains. There is no need for crypto chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes. Think XRP when you think chainlink. The company ripple (smartcontracts) is doing well but the coin XRP(chainlink) isn't even needed for the companies technology. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of making x100 or x1000 returns are over." Chainlink needs a 399900% increase in price over the next couple of months to reach $1000 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over. Consider this for chainlink at current price to reach $1 you need an increase of 700% or a 233% increase every month until EOY. This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.

>> No.11630022

no nigger it isnt. there was a thread about saying chainlink is easy for normies to understand, and some newfags were in there begging for info about chainlink.

>> No.11630025

go back

>> No.11630028

Businesses want to save billions. Normies understand that.

SMARTcontract is a term that sounds well.... smart... like my smartphone. So this shit must be coming? Normies understand that.

Normies whether they agree with it or not understand decentralization which is another buzzword they understand.

Normies have heard of Blockchain but don't know what it is and understand businesses are trying to use its .

So you tell them the problem with crypto is that you can't get real life info on and off the Blockchain on a trustless DecentraliZed manner.... and chainlink solves that.

Then you show them how you needed 50k worth of ETH to get in and a bunch of faggots in 4chan pooled their money together to get a bunch.... and it makes sense to them

>> No.11630049

Is it really? Lol. Well it's true, regardless.

I mean I'm a fucking tech retard. And Link made total sense to me.

Also with how universal basic income is starting to become a thing and you hear more about.... so obviously what Link is trying to do coincides with why universal basic income is becoming a thing

>> No.11630096

But I have link coins - I'm a rightful member of the community here. You can't make me... uh, go back to somewhere?

>> No.11630101


It's not pasta.

t. writer of the post in OP's pic.

>> No.11630111
File: 9 KB, 256x256, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know smart contracts? Chainlink is smart contract infrastructure, giving it connectivity and security.

>> No.11630132


yes it is

t. used same pasta months ago

>> No.11630396

>I didn't even know how to set up my 2FA authentication on binance and lost thousands of dollars driving to LA to get my tech friend to do it for me,

are you fucking real mate

>> No.11630410


It's not pasta lol. I was the OP of that thread. I had a typo where I said APO instead of API.

>> No.11631242

Remember seeing that, was thinking APO isn't a thing :)

>> No.11631279

-knows nothing about investment
-takes finqncial advice from people on the internet
-buys chainlink

Wow. Just....wow.

>> No.11631282

TOtally honest.... I made out good end of 2017...... and once it went up big over Christmas when visiting my senpai in Chicago I had to leave early cuz I tired to cash out but it wouldn't let me. I live in Arizona and drive cross county to LA to have my friend do it for me and lost thousands in profit off cardano and tron

>> No.11631290

i used to be a trucker too bro.

>> No.11632185

ayo nigga i aint tryna to fud but I got beef n shiet wit Chainlink. bruh Chainlink been on dat Ropsten for months n erryone finna expectin deez potential partners 2 test on dat test net. Sergey and his niggas even told yall to keep an eye on dat Ropsten to see dem customerz usin the network. Nigga it finna been 3 welfare payments n the only transactions on Ropsten been deadass average peeps takin the hunnit Ropsten link from tha faucet shiet. They aint no requests fo data. shiet, as a matter of fact homie some nigga aksed Thomas why and then Thomas got scurred n made a fake ass run to show it works. Homeslice, I see Tommy's request nigga but it be da only muthafuckin one.

Why aint no niggas testing on Ropsten? Where all these niggas at dat post to be creaming they underwear at the potenshul of Chainlink huh? Deadass tha lack of sergey n his niggas talkin, no updates and no fukkin worldstar presence, increasing competition from mobius niggas all red flags up in this bitch.

>> No.11632298

fuck off boomer

>> No.11632453

This large-lipped gentleman makes a reasonable point.
Just sold 100k.

>> No.11632484

>I didn't even know how to set up my 2FA authentication on binance and lost thousands of dollars driving to LA to get my tech friend to do it for me, yet I understood chainlink easily.


>> No.11632619

This is FUD. APOs are the new API. Shadowlink runs on APOs. 500k EOY.

>> No.11632682

>500k EOY.

Shit FUD.

ShadowLink is going to 1MM EOY. Get your funds on ShadowBinance right now and start accumulating. Based Sergey had tethered it to 1 sat until mainnet launches. The other Link is just a distraction for the plebs in the meantime.

>> No.11632685 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 451x588, It is a travesty - a blundering mountain of hatred and rage..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now chainlink *sip* that is a coin