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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 467x700, 7897967867889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11629012 No.11629012 [Reply] [Original]

We're all gonna make it anons. Remember to lift, go to church and study persuasion.

>> No.11629020

How did you get my photo you shitstain. DELET

>> No.11629022

This dude looks like a DYEL faggot.

>> No.11629035

He looks like someone who goes to the gym, but doesn't obsess over that activity.

>> No.11629048

remember that religion is made up bullshit that only low IQ hillbillies believe and if you go to church you're not gonna make it

>> No.11629055

are the average /biz/ poster American? I personally suspect 40% USA, 35% Europe, 10% South/central America and Russia, 5% middle east and East Asia, and 10% Indian. The rest of the world is probably less than 1% combined.

>> No.11629063

>having opinions that basic
Never going to make it

>> No.11629067

>he doesn't comprehend the churches role as a social institution

>> No.11629075

I just as good as this guy, but actually have legs from all the squatting/powerlifting. Benis isn’t as large though.

>> No.11629077
File: 51 KB, 557x711, atheist cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you"
Atheists are not going to make it anon, its like the first edgelord fedora tip of early teens. Did you not mature past that phase yet anon? Thats kind of embarrassing honestly.

>> No.11629095

t. neckbeard

>> No.11629110

hope you get molested by a priest

>> No.11629126

They usually pad the benis in photo shoots like this, fyi

>> No.11629132
File: 64 KB, 480x637, atheistcringe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11629135

You’d know, you little butt cowboy.

What do poppers feel like?

>> No.11629164

Hope you live in a society where there's no mutual agreement on how to do anything collectively

>> No.11629209

Back in the day, Christians just outcast unbelievers harming the group, who would then die because of isolation. They wouldn't debate them.

>> No.11629241

What are you responding to? Certainly not what I wrote
>the absolute state of fedora edgelords

>> No.11629244

church people are the most boring lifeless npc retards in existence why would I want to socialize with them?

>> No.11629292

I'm actually agnostic and there is nothing edgy about it. all it requires is a small amount of rational thought. and honestly I don't mind if you guys spend your life believing in stone age mythology that you were taught (brainwashed) as a child and can't let go of. I just like to rile you simple conservacucks up cuz its so easy and funny.

>> No.11629298

You are debating an athesist. How many times has that changed anyone's mind?

>> No.11629324

>surface level thinking
>still projecting his personality onto the world via ideologies
Never going to make it

>> No.11629334

Sure is r*ddit in this thread

>> No.11629341

what year do you think it is? religion was needed hundreds of years ago when people were savages and there were no laws but its 2018. we have laws.

>> No.11629358


I was raised an atheist by atheists and became religious in my twenties.

Checkmate fedora fag.

>> No.11629368
File: 151 KB, 1192x962, 1537077470209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to debate religion on biz
>expects an equivalent of upboats for opinions congruent with what he thinks is the consensus

>> No.11629394

that's cute. what team did you pick? if you're playing the long game you should go islam since they are set to become the majority in our lifetimes. wouldn't want you to go to hell for picking the wrong religion anon.

>> No.11629415

>remember that religion is made up bullshit that only low IQ hillbillies believe
Seems like you have made up your mind about religion..

>> No.11629423


You don't pick the team, the team picks you. You might get the call one day, or you might just be a soulless droid.

>> No.11629524

I'm not counting out the possibility that there is a god but I am absolutely certain that all organized religions are complete bullshit. have fun dedicating your pathetic life to nonsensical dogma from thousands of years ago. honestly scientology is not much more ridiculous than christianity. it just seems more believable to you because it was shoved down your throat when you were young and impressionable.

>> No.11629547

>my meme is better than your meme
retards, all of you

>> No.11629617

I just find it strange that you are of the believe that it is a possibility that there is a god. But at the same time rule out that any of the major religions which attempts to interpret how god may have communicated to us humans, or what the meaning of his potential communication is. That, that is nonsense and something you can dismiss all together..

This god of yours, which you "can't rule out the existence of", has it or is it in anyway affecting the lives of humans on earth?

>> No.11629648



>> No.11629689

To elaborate on >>11629617
I assume with agnostic you mean; that you can't rule out the existence of a conscious entity, which may be magnitudes more intelligent and powerful than a human.

Do you think it is possible, that this "deity" has at somepoint interacted with humans, or has any sort of interest in humans.

the trick is that if a god exist, you wouldn't really understand his reasoning.. and you can't really rule out the possibility that he did communicate, and he did so in a "plain" manner e.g. wine to water.

That is the whole point of being agnostic, you can't rule these things out.. there is no way to prove or disprove that a divine entity didn't father Jesus, or didn't speak to Mohammed through a vessel.

>> No.11629776

According to alexa, the majority of 4chan's visitors are from the US. Not sure about /biz/ specifically though.

>> No.11629794

how to grow bigger dick?

>> No.11629801

ask /sci/ they're always doing weird shit