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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11624918 No.11624918 [Reply] [Original]

Why are fr*nchs the niggers of Europe? Do they even have an ounce of decency or honor?


>> No.11624933

Mozzarella lmaooooooo

>> No.11624987

I want to kill myself, but the mozarella meme is great desu

>> No.11625017

Sending it to coinbase new fag keep up kid

>> No.11625085

Actually, it looks like it has something to do with Kraken

>> No.11625455

got cucked by French cucks!

>> No.11625519

>kraken is buying millions js buttons

>> No.11625600

Ohhhhh! Fuck!

>> No.11626035

It's right there. I'm not saying there will be a partnership or whatever fucking bullshit a shill would say. It's just a curious fact

>> No.11626088

kraken is fiat ramp for europe, frenchies moved to amsterdam. new office, new furniture, payed accomodation, weed...

>> No.11626163

Oh shit, I hope the team feels comfortable now in their new offices! :D I wouldn't like to hear our beloved team of 5 people is getting bored in their workplaces :DD

>> No.11626254

they not gonna get bored. they'll track shrimps for the rest of the 2019

>> No.11627338

THIS. Anyone with more than 50k req pot held for keks is a spastic.

>> No.11627355

they moved from singapore already?
everybody laughed at their skill and they left, right?

>> No.11627386

Singapore is associated with the mozarella fiasco now

>> No.11627554

can someone tell me what the mozzarella meme is

>> No.11628133

They need the money to rent a new top business area headquarters I think.
Millennials don't do well from just a garage and to far from their Starbucks doublelattemochafrapuchinos

>> No.11628609

at least they're not dumping their dev tokens anymore

>> No.11628684

They spent the ICO money we gave them and flew mods of reddit out to singapore and paid for them to go on an all expenses trip and took them to a fancy mozzarella bar for dinner where they posted pics of themselves having a really good time.

>> No.11628686

Because there's nobody to dump on anymore. The jig is up, the scam is out, and the price is down 99.5% from ATH. No new buyers and they'll be announcing the cancellation of the project very, very soon. They'll claim that the network is "self sustaining" and they'll run off with the investor money, just like they did with Moneyitis.

>> No.11628779

I'm so glad I dumped my bags yesterday. I can predict exactly what is going to happen with this project. Right now they have around 18 million dollar in Ethereum funds. This should give them some room to keep going for a few more years.

They are simply going to sit on their asses in their cosy offices for a few more years, paying themselves a nice wad of cash every month. They are going to fuck around behind their desks, trying lots of new things but not really achieving anything remotely important. There's no VC guys breathing down their neck, there's no incentive for them to hurry up or to achieve important milestones in a reasonable timeframe. The ICO basically gave them free money with no strings attached. All team members pretty much have the cosiest job you could think of.

You can see it in the plans for the V2 protocol. Why are they working on scaling when there's hardly one transaction per day on their stupid network? The answer is they just want something to do until they run out of cash. And when the time comes they will just throw their hands up and say 'Ah well! At least we gave it a try, right guys?' and that will be it.

>> No.11628942

Maybe they anticipate a lot of batch transactions with PwC audit clients? That's why there's a focus on scaling. Did you ever think about that brainlet?

>> No.11629146

>They are simply going to sit on their asses in their cosy offices for a few more years, paying themselves a nice wad of cash every month. They are going to fuck around behind their desks, trying lots of new things but not really achieving anything remotely important. There's no VC guys breathing down their neck, there's no incentive for them to hurry up or to achieve important milestones in a reasonable timeframe. The ICO basically gave them free money with no strings attached. All team members pretty much have the cosiest job you could think of.
this also applies to chainlink

>> No.11629197

Yeah but they're all established men, the REQ team is filled with 27 year old French partiers who want booze and pussy and weed.

>> No.11629206

REQ had the audacity to plan a business dinner with supporters and clients from one of the biggest media outlets in the world. 4Chan investors resented that a portion of the $25.00 they have invested went to something called networking. In short REQ took a group pic and /biz squatted and shit then blamed the fact that their $25.00 investment isnt worth 2 million on a $500 business dinner. .

>> No.11629214

Abstract, doesn't the constant shilling for your joke of a project get old? Actually, it's not even your project, you're just a reddit mod. LMAO

>> No.11629320

Sergey himself said they are in contact with around one hundred other crypto projects, they are also in contact with many large companies and industry leaders. There's no time for them to fuck around, just check their public Pivotal tracker. Their team also consists of experienced blockchain specialists and academics, especially since the Towncrier merger.

The REQ team is just a bunch of typical numale startup boys, it's not even comparable. They don't have any major partnerships. YCombinator? They fund hundreds of companies every year, they just give them 10k and some online 'coaching'. This year they even let in everyone that applied. ING? They kindly asked to be removed from their website lol.

>> No.11629349

>ING? They kindly asked to be removed from their website lol.
isnt that fraud? the team raised 30 million mainly because they were "partnered" with ING when in actuality they were just part of some intern program for a summer

>> No.11629370

This doesnt deserve the (you)s it's getting

>> No.11629377

Wow, you replied in under 10 seconds, including captcha and two sentences. That's what we call sketchy folks, all the FUD really is manipulated together by some group. Did anyone see the post the other day where REQ got like a dozen sick digits? I'm holding out, this token is still going above and beyond ath in my opinion...all the super salty bagholders certainly dont help sentiment tho

>> No.11629381

I held since 30% below ICO to $1 and back again to 5 cents. Fuck me.

>> No.11629387

That's cuz its an overgeneralized assumption that could be said for 100% of startups. Thats not a fact, its a possibility. If thats what you think will happen, sell and stop caring about REQ. I know I know, you dont care, but ya you do since all you ever do is post in these threads and work yourselves into a rage.

>> No.11629396

So did I. We'll have our chance yet. Not worth the taxable event

>> No.11629454
File: 23 KB, 480x270, 1535334650011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely a group trying to fud. They consist mainly of people that bought high and decided to sell bellow 600 sats. There's also a few that think keeping req price low is beneficial.
I'm not going to lie I was involved in the group for a time, thinking that lower prices would benefit Req in the long run, now I don't believe that.
I'm also comfy as fuck buying some big bags at 470sats after selling at 70c in dec.

>> No.11629786

Took him 4 minutes, check the time stamps retard

>> No.11630118

The thing is fudding itself at this point, think about how much usage it would actually need to get a return on value for investors:

Currently Ethereum can do about 200 million transactions per year. At $0.10 per request, and if theoretically request accounted for 1% of that volume (2 million requests a year, ~5000 per day) then the network would be buying only $200,000 REQ per year. Studies show that market buying usually equates to a 25x return on value, so this would add $5,000,000 to the marketcap of REQ per year, while also taking those $200,000 now worth $5,000,000 of tokens out of circulation, meaning $10,000,000 value added for hodlers each year. If it got significant adoption and had 10% of Ethereum (~50,000 requests/day) this would add about $100,000,000 per year. These are best case scenarios currently just looking at the usage of the protocol.

In the V2 spec they've outlined no tokenomics have changed, staking/discounts on fees for hodlers are not on the roadmap and so this is really the only value we can estimate coming in the near term. It seems for the time being a moon shot due to fundamentals is unfortunately out of the question.

>> No.11630125

Also I should add currently the protocol is doing less than 1 request per day.

>> No.11630219

I am in that group. We get together and suck each others cocks on Thursday.

>> No.11630318

It’s even worse, because multiple Requests on a given application can be bundled on the same IPFS hash (the thing that costs ten cents) so your estimated are an upper bound. The reality is it will likely be much less. It’s just sad at this point.

>> No.11630325

See you next Thursday m8

>> No.11630703

>then blamed the fact that their $25.00 investment isnt worth 2 million
If you bought $500K at ATH, you know how much would it be worth now? I ask you.

>> No.11630716

>Wow, you replied in under 10 seconds, including captcha and two sentences
???? It was 4 minutes.
>the absolute state of AbstractTornado